Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Oh Please, if we are not friends yet, PLEASE send me a friend request. I was caught unawares when the site changed and tried to contact members of the thread when I found out. THought I had friended most of you. But I was wrong! So please friend me so I can stay in better touch with you in the future. Check you list. THANKS!
  • saggyandbaggy
    saggyandbaggy Posts: 138 Member
    edited October 2014
    Hi everyone! Found you! I am always happy to be added, especially if like me you have a long way to go. I am on daily and look forward to having a chat.31864654.png
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    Hi and happy Saturday. It's a drizzly overcast day here in WNY today. 49 degrees F. outside right now and heading lower.

    October Challenge: 12/17 ... and the last 6-days running have been at or below goal. Today looks like it's on track to be another good one ... so I'll be a bit premature and call it my Saturday Success. Hope I carry it through.

    @FeraFilla - my daughter-in-law, her mother, and my granddaughter are all three night people while my son and I are morning people ... so when I visit, we made it a house rule that whoever is up in the morning first starts the coffee and everyone takes care of their own needs for the morning ... and just keep the noise down so the late risers could get their much needed sleep. Fortunately the house had a lovely covered and deep back porch where it was real comfy to sit with my coffee, read, and watch the birds.

    Have a good day everyone.

  • wrenna21
    wrenna21 Posts: 15 Member
    Ok I think this is the group for me. I need to lose 100 lbs as well. I recently had surgery on both legs so Ive not been able to exercise the past 6 weeks so that put a major damper on my goals, Im still healing but dr said I could go ahead and start doing some walking on the treadmill as long as I kept it on 0 incline and the speed wasn't to fast. I still have several open wounds that are healing so I cant do any damage to myself. Since I couldn't exercise Ive not been logging on but today decided to start logging back in and keeping track once again.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Happy Saturday hope you had a great day.

    Well it was an interesting day. I saw the guy I wanted to go out with today @ breakfast after swim practice. He was called out of out town yesterday and this happens regularly for him. So I have basically decided that if he wants to go out with me he can contact me with plans. It sounds like he doesn't have time to go out for fun, he works more hours that I can count and a day only has 24 hours in it, I think he spends about 12-15 hours of it at work. Maybe some day but I not holding my breath waiting for him to wake up.

    Tomorrow, I am heading to a birthday party so I think it will be a rest day. I might try to walk in the morning if it is not to cold.

  • Dezzie1180
    Dezzie1180 Posts: 46 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm fairly new here. I'm aiming to lose 120 pounds. I previously lost 80 pounds while juice fasting, but gained about 40 back. I'm following a low carb eating plan currently. I need motivation to keep it up. I'm already missing rice. I was doing zumba, but got bored. So im looking for a new workout plan. Anyways, feel free to add me.
  • Hi well since its midnight, its officially Sunday so I guess I will introudce myself. I've been trying to lose weight now for five years and counting. Started out at 283lbs, lost 25lbs my senior year of high school, gained some over the summer before my freshman year in college, lost over 60lbs my sophomore year in college bringing me down to 219, gained a few months after that and by the end of my senior year of college ballooned back up to 272lbs.

    So now that I have no more distractions (school wise) i think I'm more ready than ever to fight this long never ending battle of weight and my goal now is to lose 122lbs which will bring me to 150lbs and I am hoping to lose it within two years or at least before my 25th birthday which is in two and a half years from now. *fingers crossed*

    SW: 272lbs~July 2014
    CW: 246lbs~Oct 2014
    GW: 150lbs~Hopefully around January 2016

  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Saturday success: 14/19 under calories. 126.9 miles walked this month.
    There are quite a few new people so I will do a little intro, as I haven't done one for awhile. I seem to be the oldest person on this thread, 70 years old. I have been married for 49 years, have 7 children plus spouses, 14 grandchildren, some steps and fosters. We live in Western Idaho. My family is a big part of my life. My daughters and DH walk with me most of the time. We have lots of family dinners. We tend our youngest daughters 2 children during the week.
    I started MFP 2 years ago. I've followed a very simple calories in/calories out plan staying at 1200 calories + about half of my exercise calories. I lost really well for the first 18 months, but have been stuck since then. I was 95# down for about 2 days, but have settled in at 90# gone. I went from size 24/26 to 12/14. I now wear size large shirts instead of 2x, and went from a size 42D bra to a 36C. I still really want to lose 20# but I am not willing to make drastic changes that I may not be able to sustain long-term.
    This thread is a really important part of my success. I love the people here. They give me encouragement and accountability.
    Have a great weekend.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys! I'm back from my overnight in Lake Geneva. Didn't log food yesterday b/c I had no wifi, but pretty sure I went over a bit. However, my friend and I went hiking around her very hilly neighborhood--probably about 5 miles total--so at least I got some exercise. Today, I'm headed out to walk gunner and then going tothe gym for a good cardio session. Still not ready to lift due to my shoulder injury which is better than it was a week ago, but still not 10% healed. Will check back later to do personals and Sunday Share.
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    edited October 2014
    Hello Sunday everyone! It’s sunset time here in Western NY and pretty cold outside. My pets went out, and hurried back in pretty quickly. It’s been chilly in the air the past few days because we’ve been cloudy and raining off and on for several days. Time to start thinking of the long cold season that’s starting to settle in and prepare to make the home feel bright and warm, and snuggly.

    Welcome to all the newbies. Hope you stop back and let us know how you are doing. I found this group early this month and already feel like a solid member. Hope it’s like that for you too. @saggyandbaggy @wrenna21 @Dazzle1180 @city_southernbelle

    @Lauriek70 - Good birthday party? Unfortunate that the guy turned out to be workaholic. That kind of schedule is hard on a person’s social life.

    @grandmakaye44 - My goal is to get down to a size 12-14 as well. I haven’t worn that size since 1985. But, I won't be sad with a solid size 16.

    AFM -
    October Challenge - 12/18
    Sunday Share ... Well, I'm disappointed in myself from yesterday because I posted that Saturday looked like it was on track to be at goal ... but then I ate an extra meal. So ...

    I was interested in reading some of the intro's on here so I thought I'd share a bit more about myself today. I'm single (well, truthfully, I was divorced in 1980) I have one child and his family lives in the Midwest. I'm blessed with a beautiful granddaughter who is crazy for horses and does Dressage horse riding/training.

    My weight challenge parallels many that I have read on here. It's gratifying to realize that I am not alone in how my challenge has developed and progressed; because if I am typical that way, then perhaps I will also be typical with the growing numbers of people who have succeeded in reaching their goal.

    Have a wonderful rest of Sunday everyone
  • Camilleathome
    Camilleathome Posts: 99 Member
    Hi guys At my heaviest I weighted 365 pounds. I had managed to lose 50 but with losing my job and being without work for over a year(My husband also) I started stress eating again. I just started working part time and was feeling really sick from the junk and decided enough was enough. So I did groceries and trashed the junk and am starting anew. Sadly having gained all of the weight I had lost minus five pounds.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    edited October 2014
    Welcome to all the newbies - so happy to see so many of you...
    @wrenna21 - we share a common problem right now - I also have an open wound and have gained back a lot of weight being grounded by my doctor, so am basically learning to walk again - so am in the same boat as you! (SISTERS!)

    @EVERYONE - check out the Page 1 opening paragraph - a staff member named @MICHELLE helped fix it for me - it looks so much more welcoming, doesn't it? and she deleted the part referring to an august challenge so its not bogged down in the past anymore. Been working on that today.

    As I mentioned to wrenna - I weighed myself today and have put on a lot of un-wanted weight - sigh - :'( and will have to address that as I up my walking. Tomorrow's plan is to walk to my car with my cane and drive it around the lot and parking areas and walk back to my condo unit. This is a big deal as I haven't walked that distance nor have I driven since the fall I had 9/9/14. Another goal after that is to make it to the grocery store and get a small amount of groceries so that I can take this responsibility back from my sister. I figure I can just do lots of small trips a week, I have the time. More time shopping = less time munching and sitting.
  • I'm in.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Hi- I started this process about 3.5-4 years ago when I weighed around 268 lbs. The first exercise I attempted was walking around the gym track after 6 months, I found it enjoyable and have been hooked ever since. Six months into the process I started working with a personal trainer for motivation and to learn the proper techniques for using the equipment. I have been through 3 trainers and my current one has been the best fit. Exercise wise I have been walking, weight training, biking, rock climbing, swimming, running, and kayaking. The past three years have involved gradually increasing my exercises and adding new ones to keep it interesting and fun. My favorite exercises are climbing, biking and swimming.

    Had a great birthday party today and the painting was fun. I am attaching a picture of what I painted today. The colors are great and surprisingly looks good. dinner was good and it was healthy except for dessert but still not to bad c calorie wise. We went to Seasons 52, the upscale version of the Olive Garden, same company owns both. r3jdhckb197j.jpg
  • soosun
    soosun Posts: 129 Member
    Sunday muchies! over calories by 297 but everything tasted so good! Little justification going on here!!!
    Husband recovering very nicely from surgery so I am pretty happy.
    Looking forward to weigh and measure on Tuesday.
    Have a good one!
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    edited October 2014
    October Challenge - 12/19
    Monday Check-in - (how are you doing? Had any successes or struggles this week-end)

    I was all set to self-criticize myself this morning and yell at myself internally because I did not do as well this week as the week before. My calories were over goal for both Saturday and Sunday, and only half of the checkmarks were there on my 'attendance sheet' of mini goals. It looks like I've only half-trying and this weight loss issue takes more commitment than that to be successful at.

    Then I stopped myself. I wanted to find the positives in today's check-in and I wanted to feel better about myself. So I did a bit of looking back over my food diary and attendance sheet. (I call it my attendance sheet because I used a template of one to create my daily mini-goals chart.)

    I saw that the average daily calories for the week were within goal. Then I also reminded myself that I had a weight this week that I haven't seen since August 2008. That I had actually done what I had wanted to do ... I'd lost 15 pounds over the past 3 months. Hurrah!

    I was still unhappy with the missing checkmarks on my mini-goals so I looked back at what had been happening this week that stopped me in my tracks. I realized that I had let myself be side-tracked by my efforts to organize the Diabetes Management Support Group at the Senior Center that 7 of us had expressed an interest in starting. I was so busy working up a form and talking to the ladies that I didn't leave time for myself.

    Now I feel so much better about myself than when I first started this check-in.

    Have a great day everyone.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Sunday Share: I’ve been gone for a bit and am back. My name is Tracy and I’m 41 years old. I live in Bismarck ND with my husband (19 years) and two kids (Jacob – 13 and Emma – 8). I work in my home doing life insurance quality improvement. I’ve been with the company for almost 17 years and while it’s been great to keep my pay, vacation, benefits – I HATE working from home!! I do think it would be different if I hadn’t moved to a new state at the same time as switching from the office to home. I have a history of doing pretty well with my weight loss and then blowing it. I had lost up to 30 pounds and now I’ve gained 16 of those back (and it’s not the first time). While I’ve been going to the gym pretty faithfully for almost a full year, it is not something I love to do. I’m just waiting for this to click for me.

    Monday check-in: I’ve actually done pretty good with my calories and I haven’t seen anything on the scale yet. I’m hoping it is that I’ve started heavy lifting this past week and that my muscles are retaining water to try to repair themselves. Getting frustrated! I know that I need to be patient, but…

    Lots of talk about homework for kids. My kids are pretty lucky as Emma (3rd grade) has some reading assignments and every so often a math worksheet or two. Jacob (8th) probably gets between 30-60 minutes of homework a night. I’ve been thinking about the 2 hours average per week that Karen stated…now multiply that by 7 classes that Jacob is taking and you’ve got an average of 2 hours per night. Jacob is normally home by 4:00 from school and in bed by 10:00. 90 minutes of sports practice…30 minutes of music practice (ideally)…2 hours of homework…By HS age, most kids have a job that has a shift or two during the week (maybe more)…games two nights a week. Plus supper and chores, it’s no wonder kids are lacking in sleep as they need church/family/social/down time as well. I agree with Karen that some kids are procrastinators (*cough *cough my kid! ) so it causes even more strain. This is why I think it’s important that kids aren’t over scheduled. I’m a firm believer in one sport at a time (two max per year if they are full seasons).

    @Alison…my kitchen is always a mess I swear. Now that I’ve started baking cakes, I just can’t stay ahead of it all.
    @L2T…love the washroom and super jealous!
    @GrammyWhammy…great job on a loss during travel and visits and deep fried food!
    @MrsMorgori…maybe a dumb question, but what is UNR? Would love to see Zach Brown Band – awesome music and I hear they put on a great show.
    @Laurie…love the picture. I want to do something like that – I just need to convince my girlfriends we need a night out. 

    AFM…my abs and my glutes hurt big time! My “trainer” workouts this week really worked my abs and then the heavy lifting added to it. OY!! Today is the first day that I don’t cringe as I sit down or stand up. HA  Over the weekend, I had two cakes that I did and I now have business cards, so hopefully those that see/eat my cake can contact me for more business.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    edited October 2014
    So I couldn't get a picture to post the new way (which was so easy) so I'm reverting to the old way. Can't seem to size it either. SIGH!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning all.

    Skinnyjeanzbound- Amy gets a vote but she likes the beard. I will not be shaving :)

    Acknowledged each year on the third Monday in October, National Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day nudges everyone to think back to when their computer was new and the desktop was clean and organized, then to take time to clean it out and straighten it up.

    “There are only two options regarding commitment; you’re either in or you’re out. There’s no such thing as life in-between.” ~Pat Riley

  • MrsMorgori
    MrsMorgori Posts: 51 Member
    tlh~ University of Northern Reno = UNR.
    And Boy was it a good show....except when they played a Metallica song :s
    I lost my Fitbit there! So, I went all they way back to the security area and asked one of them if they have seen it and she said "THIS"! YES! I was so glad, and it wasn't even broke or stepped on :)
    Getting off early from work today (don't forget Morgori :)) for a Doc appointment, WhooHoo!
    Have a GREAT Day and a Healthy week y'all :D