The 17 Day Diet



  • Hi All,

    I got the book today and am starting tom!! I am really excited to hear all the great results everyone is getting. I have 3 questions please help.

    1. i am not a big egg fan, but I do eat eggbeaters, is that ok?

    2. what kinds/brands of yogurt is everyone eating?

    3. can i put a sugar free flavor packet in my water.......i have an aversion to plain water.

    Thanks for the help. I will undate with my progress.


    1. Yes, I do believe you can have eggbeaters. Check out for tons of recipes. I believe somewhere on another thread is one specifically for people who don't like eggs and what they do for breakfast.
    2. I really love the Carbmaster yogurts. I get them at Kroger and every one I have tried I love! I also eat 0% Fage greek yogurt and add sugar free jam or a packet of truvia and some fruit.
    3. I also have an aversion to plain water ( unless I just got finished exercising) and I use the packets so I can get in all my required water.
  • Hey im going shopping this weekend so i can start this diet on monday, anyone prefer andy certain brands of the specific food we have to eat on there or any recipes besides the ones in the book? Im not really an egg person so im trying to think what else i can eat besides eggs?

    Check out the website I mentioned in my previous post to get some recipes. Lots of good stuff on there!
  • Sweetlost
    Sweetlost Posts: 29 Member
    Will have to try this diet..
  • A great snack that is low cal, low carb and fills the void is Pillars turkey pepperoni sticks, only 50 calories. They are also low fat, as I am doing the low carb thing but don't want to load up on saturated fat, I find these perfect :) Good luck all!
  • raksha
    raksha Posts: 30
    Thanks Brandy!!!
  • bellisima6
    bellisima6 Posts: 76 Member
    Hello all,
    happy to report that I met my goal of 5 pounds this week and I'm sure I could do another 2 by Sunday.
  • bail01
    bail01 Posts: 15 Member
    I started this last monday and had a great week, lost around 4 lbs. Then Easter happened. I'm only up 1.5 lbs, but I'm finding it hard to stay on track :( I'm determined to do it, and I decided I'm going to stay with cycle one a few extra days to make up for Easter. I need to do this!
  • stephr2014
    stephr2014 Posts: 311 Member
    Hello everyone,
    I've been following this thread and I love it. I finally got my book yesterday and I hope to start this on monday
  • Hello all,
    happy to report that I met my goal of 5 pounds this week and I'm sure I could do another 2 by Sunday.

    Great job! It's fantastic isn't it? And I have to say I am just loving this way of eating. I'm sitting here enjoying a small bowl of strawberries & blueberries with a little Truvia sprinkled on them and they are delicious! I already had a mushroom/onion omelet (and I splurged and had a wedge of Laughing Cow with it) and now I am so satisfied! Very yummy breakfast!
    I started this last monday and had a great week, lost around 4 lbs. Then Easter happened. I'm only up 1.5 lbs, but I'm finding it hard to stay on track :( I'm determined to do it, and I decided I'm going to stay with cycle one a few extra days to make up for Easter. I need to do this!

    Awesome! You can do it! I got off track for Easter too and gained like 3 lbs I think. I finally got back on track and have dropped those 3 plus a little extra. I think I am going to stay on cycle 1 for an extra couple of days as well since I cheated like 3 days. :embarassed:
  • bluespring
    bluespring Posts: 201 Member
    Hello everyone,
    I've been following this thread and I love it. I finally got my book yesterday and I hope to start this on monday

    That's awesome!
    We're happy to see you!
    Please keep us updated on your results!
    Good luck!
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    Hi All,

    I got the book today and am starting tom!! I am really excited to hear all the great results everyone is getting. I have 3 questions please help.

    1. i am not a big egg fan, but I do eat eggbeaters, is that ok?

    2. what kinds/brands of yogurt is everyone eating?

    3. can i put a sugar free flavor packet in my water.......i have an aversion to plain water.

    Thanks for the help. I will undate with my progress.


    1. I would think so. Just make sure nothing has been added that you don't want in your system!

    2. I eat Mountain High, Low-Fat (b/c I hate the sweeteners that tend to be used in Non-fat), and Vanilla instead of plain. I don't like the taste of plain and I don't think I would eat it, especially not daily, so that's one of my "cheats" for making this diet work!

    3. Again, I would think so, just make sure you're only putting things in your body that you want to be there! Other options that I've heard for water include adding a squeeze of lemon or frozen berries - just be sure to keep up with how much fruit you're having!
  • amandalc980
    amandalc980 Posts: 383 Member
    Question. I bought this book because I am in a plateu and having trouble kicking these last 13 pounds. I am excited to try this, but not sure if today is the day I should start. I am training for the Tough Mudder and therefore do a lot of running and exercise. My calorie burn for a day can be anywhere from 400 to 1000ish. Any advice? Should I hold off until I can slow down my exercise?
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    Question. I bought this book because I am in a plateu and having trouble kicking these last 13 pounds. I am excited to try this, but not sure if today is the day I should start. I am training for the Tough Mudder and therefore do a lot of running and exercise. My calorie burn for a day can be anywhere from 400 to 1000ish. Any advice? Should I hold off until I can slow down my exercise?

    IMO yes!! I run and it has been tough. Just ran a 10 miler @ the beginning of the month and even set a PR. But running 4 miles is tough and VERY slow!! Wait until you have a break in your training, or start at Cycle 2. I have to start serious training for my first sprint tri in a couple of weeks, but I should be a bit more adapted by then and will be onto Cycle 2.

    And as for everyone that got off track over Easter, I also am just adding on a few extra days. We did 8 before Easter, basically took the weekend "off" but will be on Cycle 1 until next Friday. So we will have actually completed 20 days. I am finally seeing the Easter "bump" in my weight go and can get back down to the business @ hand of losing a bit more weight. Hubby's is gone.
  • stephr2014
    stephr2014 Posts: 311 Member
    Hello everyone,
    I've been following this thread and I love it. I finally got my book yesterday and I hope to start this on monday

    That's awesome!
    We're happy to see you!
    Please keep us updated on your results!
    Good luck!

    I will try and post my results. thanks
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Question. I bought this book because I am in a plateu and having trouble kicking these last 13 pounds. I am excited to try this, but not sure if today is the day I should start. I am training for the Tough Mudder and therefore do a lot of running and exercise. My calorie burn for a day can be anywhere from 400 to 1000ish. Any advice? Should I hold off until I can slow down my exercise?

    I just started the 17dd. I am a runner as well. I've actually not ran since I started. I will probably get in a few runs this weekend and I'm nervous. I will definitely have to try to up my calories (which is very hard eating like this! imo) or I will feel like poo.
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Question: is low carb protein powder allowed on the plan, cycle 1?
  • Tamelaine
    Tamelaine Posts: 37
    Okay, I started Tuesday April 25 on this diet (I was going to start Monday but finally gave in and got into all teh chocolate from Easter, so held it back one day!). As of weigh in this morning I've lost 3.5 pounds! Woo hoo! Finally something that works because counting my calories religiously and exercising like crazy was not. I have still been working out, but cut back a bit.
  • raksha
    raksha Posts: 30

    1. I would think so. Just make sure nothing has been added that you don't want in your system!

    2. I eat Mountain High, Low-Fat (b/c I hate the sweeteners that tend to be used in Non-fat), and Vanilla instead of plain. I don't like the taste of plain and I don't think I would eat it, especially not daily, so that's one of my "cheats" for making this diet work!

    3. Again, I would think so, just make sure you're only putting things in your body that you want to be there! Other options that I've heard for water include adding a squeeze of lemon or frozen berries - just be sure to keep up with how much fruit you're having!

    Thanks Pixie!!
  • MagsRad
    MagsRad Posts: 26
    Hi Everyone,

    I am on day 5 of cycle 1 and I have kind of an odd question....I noticed today that my gums are very sore. Has anyone else had this happen? I am thinking it may be all the vinegar?

    Also, has anyone else cheated? Today is a birthday in the office and I was the one to bring in the treat. The request was for brownies. So far I have not had even a bite. But I am really considering having just a small portion of one. Anyone else do this?
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    The weather here has been COOOLLLLLD, yesterday it was rainy and a high of 45, didn't ride my bike outside, needless to say!!!
    Today is suppose to be 62, so I will ride, after I play bridge from 12 to 4 with my group.
    ay, as 2 couldn't play, but Mel would have subbed if they had 7 and could not find an 8th, he has done that before, doesn't mind.
    I spent the entire day on Wednesday shopping for food... I am on day 15 of the 17 day diet, lost 7 lbs so far, long way to go...slow process...but I am bound and determined this year to lose the weight I need to so that I can go off some of these pills for diabetes.

    I am now on day 15, as I said before, of c1, and did not weigh myself, will do so next Thursday... I start C2 on Sunday night, as we are going out for dinner with friedns and I WILL HAVe MEAT!!! SKirt steak.. yum, anyway, no potato, will have veggies for dinner.
    I made a TURKEY BURGER last night, did put a piece of cheese on it, but it was yummy, cut up some raw onion, and a few pickle slices, had brocooli and a salad.. yummy dinner.

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