Just for today -- anyone want to join me on a 10 week "Just for today"



  • dinosaurtrain
    dinosaurtrain Posts: 12 Member
    This is a clever idea, I'm joining!

    JFT I will run 3 miles.... maybe definitely

    Success, even got another 3 miles in this morning!

    Today's JFT, I will not have second supper (9:00pm bowl of swedish fish and starburst minis)
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,241 Member

    1. I will concentrate on drinking my water.
    2. I will log ALL my food -- DONE!!!
    3. I will not snack tonite. -- WELL, Almost. Made my popcorn bowl much smaller.
    4. After my meeting tonite, try and do minimum 10 minutes on the ellipitical. --DONE!!

    I wasn't able to do all my things from yesterday - still have trouble with snacking at nite. Hubby always wants popcorn, and when I make and smell it, I end up eating some. But, I made my bowl smaller, so that was one step in the right direction

    And - I did 20 minutes on the ellipitical instead of 10! And, wrote down all my food

    SO -- JFT
    1. work harder at drinking water
    2. log every bite that goes in my mouth
    3. MINIMUM of 10 minutes on the ellipitical
    4. Very tired today, so when I want to eat, know that it is because I am tired and not hungry. CHEW GUM!

  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,599 Member
    JFT I will remember making LITTLE goals WILL turn into BIGGER goals
    JFT No eating after 7

    Done Done :):)

    JFT I will NOT snack after dinner
    JFT I will GET my protein in!

    I just bought some Isagenix protein powder. My plan is to start using it tomorrow after my run every morning!

  • mseslee
    mseslee Posts: 101 Member
    edited November 2014
    Just for today i'm going to reach my calorie goals
    Just for today i'm going to work out for a hour a day

    i'm trying to lose 20 pounds by Christmas and I really need the motivation. I've been snacking way to much lately.
  • monami1234
    monami1234 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you so much for starting this thread Joan. Feels good to know you are not alone. I am a nighttime binge eater so once again...Just for today I will night binge eat.
  • Karina_isela
    Karina_isela Posts: 15 Member
    Just for today:
    1. I will walk 8 miles to burn off the pizza I had for lunch.
    2. Just for today I will drink 8 cups of water.
    3. I will stay positive. : )
  • Deps
    Deps Posts: 31 Member
    Just for today I:

    1. Won't beat myself up for maintaining, not losing.
    2. Won't feel too guilty to enjoy my small pizza at a once-a-year overnight event that I couldn't even attend last year.
    3. Will walk my dog for at least half an hour even though I'm busy.
  • bakingforlife
    bakingforlife Posts: 132 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    I am a binge eater, and sugar is my biggest downfall. I can do OK if I stay away from sugar, but once I start back eating a little sugar, it is so hard to get back on track. One of my dear MFP made the comment of staying on track, exercising, etc., "just for a day", and I loved that idea. If I can do this just one day, well, maybe that one day will lead to another day, etc etc., and it will become better habits.

    So, starting today, I am starting again, and going to try and do the minimum each day:
    1. I am going to get up and do at least 10 minutes of exercise - running into place, anything to get my day started.
    2. "Just for today", I am NOT going to have my nighttime snack of popcorn - but drink water instead. This will be hard for me, but I can do this, Just for today.
    4. Just for today, I will write down Everything I eat, and measure.

    There are 10 weeks left to Christmas. I have 15 lbs I would like to lose before the end of the year, and hoping to be able to start New Years closer to my ultimate goal weight. But more importantly, to develop better, lifelong habits.

  • bakingforlife
    bakingforlife Posts: 132 Member
    im in love that idea i dont like how myfitness pal has changed ,this is going to take a min to figure out ,but i would love the group
  • bakingforlife
    bakingforlife Posts: 132 Member
    im in love that idea i dont like how myfitness pal has changed ,this is going to take a min to figure out ,but i would love the group
    im in love that idea i dont like how myfitness pal has changed ,this is going to take a min to figure out ,but i would love the group

  • bakingforlife
    bakingforlife Posts: 132 Member
    im in love that idea i dont like how myfitness pal has changed ,this is going to take a min to figure out ,but i would love the group
    im in love that idea i dont like how myfitness pal has changed ,this is going to take a min to figure out ,but i would love the group

    whoops diidnt make since ,but i would like to join you in this chalenge
  • bakingforlife
    bakingforlife Posts: 132 Member
    starting today ,just for today i will not eat a gooding as in sugar cookie or something like that ,just for today i will exercise alittle .3 just for today i wont stress eat .
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,599 Member

    JFT I will NOT snack after dinner Yes :):)
    JFT I will GET my protein in! No :'(:'(

    I wasn't able to get my protein in but after my run tomorrow I want to start having my protein again!


    JFT After my morning run have my protein shake!
    JFT Smart food choices, even if we eat out make healthy choices!
    JFT Get a couple more rooms arranged, bathrooms! (Going from a 3 bedroom house to a RV makes you be MORE organized for sure!!!!)
  • losingrae
    losingrae Posts: 260 Member
    Rough day yesterday :( I really need to get back to it, otherwise I'm going to find the 6 pounds I've lost so far, and probably more. Gotta get out of this up/down phase.

    JFT - I will drink 8 glasses of water
    JFT - I will get my 11K steps in
    JFT - I will log all of my food

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,241 Member
    I'm had a really bad nite last nite - snacking on chips, popcorn, etc. Mostly stress eating, which I have GOT to stop.

    so even though it is now 4:30 pm, I can still finish the day off on a good note
    1. I will drink water instead of stress eating
    2. Even though it is cold outside, I will either do 20 minutes on the ellipitical, OR I will go for a brisk, but cold walk'
    3. I will plan my meals for the week before heading to the groc store!

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,241 Member
    Grocery list made!
    You know, its funny. Even just the simple act of getting on here, writing down my goals for just one day, has helped me. So hopefully I can salavage the rest of this day, and not look back at my day yesterday!
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,599 Member

    JFT After my morning run have my protein shake! (1/2 It wasn't a morning run but was able to get it done around noon! I did take my protein shake, yay for me!) ;)

    JFT Smart food choices, even if we eat out make healthy choices! Yes

    JFT Get a couple more rooms arranged, bathrooms! (Going from a 3 bedroom house to a RV makes you be MORE organized for sure!!!!) No didn't have time went out to lunch with friends! :'(

    1. JFT - Morning run
    2. JFT - Get my bathrooms done that I didn't do today!
    3. JFT - I will bake for the week healthy!

    Everyone seems to have the same problem, stress eating! When I was working I would just pig out sometimes when I got home at night! Still I've learned NOT to have trigger foods in the house, ice cream is a no no! Take day by day, YOU GUYS CAN do this!!! I know it's extremely hard!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,241 Member
    Todays JFT list (Sat 11/15)
    1. I will drink water instead of stress eating -- DONE :smile: :smile:
    2. Even though it is cold outside, I will either do 20 minutes on the ellipitical, OR I will go for a brisk, but cold walk' --DONE :smile: :smile:
    3. I will plan my meals for the week before heading to the groc store -- DONE :smile: :smile:

    I made it through the nite with no POPCORN!!

    SO JFT (Sunday, 11/16)

    1. No matter how cold, I am going to go on a walk - minumum of 30 minutes
    2. Prepare the meals I had planned for tomorrow, and stick with my plan
    3. If I decide to have popcorn, limit it to ONE cup
    4. Chew gum

    Good luck all you guys! And hopefully everyone can stay warm. We are suppose to get more snow, and below average temps again! So I will have to really bundle up for my walk, but, I am going to do it!
  • salomeswish
    salomeswish Posts: 9 Member
    Love this tread:

    JFT: I will FINALLY clean my closet

    JFT: I won't be so critical of my body and over scrutinize it when I look in the mirror

    JFT: I won't go into a self-loathing mode if I go over my daily recommended caloric intake
  • Leanbean65
    Leanbean65 Posts: 176 Member
    Just for today:

    1. I will eat breakfast
    2. I will pack a lunch instead of buying one
    3. I won't mindlessly "cruise" the fridge and cupboards after dinner