30 Day Shred



  • AKNMHunt
    AKNMHunt Posts: 168 Member
    edited November 2014
    Aine8046 wrote: »
    Trishism wrote: »
    I just did day 1 of Level 1 today and I think I'm going to do the same one tomorrow before I move on to day 2. Lol!

    What do you guys do when it comes to inputting it into your exercise log?
    I created an exercise myself. How much you burn depends on your weight:
    "30 day shred calorie burn - 3.267 calories burnt per pound every hour. Multiply by weight to get how many calories per hour you would burn and divide by 3 to get each 20 minute work out"
    So for me ( about 150 lbs) it's about 167 cal in 20 min.

    I use a heart rate monitor. Tonight it said 265 calories in 27 minutes. I weigh 167
  • AniLandSmiles
    AniLandSmiles Posts: 89 Member
    brimingus wrote: »
    Aine8046 wrote: »
    brimingus wrote: »

    I love 30 Day Shred! It was a great starting point and it whipped my butt into shape! I'm on Ripped in 30 now but I think I might go back to 30 Day Shred when I'm done with Ri30.

    Is Ri30 harder? I was planning to do it after the Shred...

    It is definitely a step up from 30 Day. I'm on day three of week three right now and I want to die...and I still have week 4 to go! You do Ri30 for 6 days, then a break, and on to the next level, which means you don't get used to the workouts. I think this makes it a little more difficult as well. But it's worth it!

    I will be starting RI30 after I finish 30DS too... As of now, I'm scheduled to start RI30 on Nov. 30th. I'm excited.
  • AniLandSmiles
    AniLandSmiles Posts: 89 Member
    Did you all do your 30DS yet today? :smiley: I get up at 4:00AM every day to do my workout. I have 2 small kids (ages 3 and 1.5), so that's the only time I have to myself. It's hard, but worth it.
  • AniHam wrote: »
    Did you all do your 30DS yet today? :smiley: I get up at 4:00AM every day to do my workout. I have 2 small kids (ages 3 and 1.5), so that's the only time I have to myself. It's hard, but worth it.

    I did, so today was day 4 for me. I had to do mine when the bigger kids went to school. My 2 year old did half of it with me be he wanted to hexercise lol.
  • Yesterday was day 10. Today is a rest day... tomorrow level 2! I'm excited for a new video but not excited for new soreness.. :smiley:
  • AniLandSmiles
    AniLandSmiles Posts: 89 Member
    ziplipz wrote: »
    Yesterday was day 10. Today is a rest day... tomorrow level 2! I'm excited for a new video but not excited for new soreness.. :smiley:

    I did day 6 today. Excited to start the next level next week!
  • LeelooX2014
    LeelooX2014 Posts: 157 Member
    Yesterday was day five of level two. I mix in with cardio on some days so this is taking a while. I may look into Ripped in 30 or just start this one over again after I do all 30 workouts. I really like it. Although while I'm doing it, I question my sanity. How is the fun? Then when it's over in just a mere 20 minutes and I'm covered in sweat, I am very proud that I made it to level two.
  • So today was day 11! Level two wasn't so bad. I definitely worked harder than I did in level 1. Some of the cardio moves I had a hard time keeping up, not because I was tired just because I couldn't get the rhythm or move right (Oblique twist!?! I can't rub my belly and pat my head at the same time either). I think I looked like toddler dancing for the first time :neutral_face:
  • AniLandSmiles
    AniLandSmiles Posts: 89 Member
    I completed day 7 this morning. I think it was slightly easier than it has been, so that's good. I'm going to finish out the 10 days, then rest on Tuesday, and start level 2 on Wednesday. Keep it up, guys! :)
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    edited November 2014
    I'm slacking! Went to bed late last night and just couldn't (ok, wouldn't) get up at 5:00am to do Day 7. Back to the grindstone tomorrow!!
  • arkowalyshyn
    arkowalyshyn Posts: 132 Member
    Did level 2 day 3. Easier today, but think my form is not great. Keep at it everyone !
  • Did level 2 day 3. Easier today, but think my form is not great. Keep at it everyone !

    Without even seeing it I can almost guarantee your form is better than my form :smile: . Keep up the good work!
  • JeriAnne84
    JeriAnne84 Posts: 543 Member
    I did 30 Day Shred back a few months ago and lost about 6 inches around my waist. It's a great workout. I remember around day 5 I would start really being able to do everything in the workout and not rest. Then right after I finished 30DS, I started Ripped in 30. Level one was a breeze after level 3 of 30DS. But then I got to level two. You think level 2 in 30DS has planks? 2 minutes of cardio in plank STRAIGHT. Your @$$ doesn't get out of plank. Yeah and level 3 and 4 suck worse than 2. But I got results!!! Its well worth it if you keep going with it.
  • AniLandSmiles
    AniLandSmiles Posts: 89 Member
    JeriAnne84 wrote: »
    I did 30 Day Shred back a few months ago and lost about 6 inches around my waist. It's a great workout. I remember around day 5 I would start really being able to do everything in the workout and not rest. Then right after I finished 30DS, I started Ripped in 30. Level one was a breeze after level 3 of 30DS. But then I got to level two. You think level 2 in 30DS has planks? 2 minutes of cardio in plank STRAIGHT. Your @$$ doesn't get out of plank. Yeah and level 3 and 4 suck worse than 2. But I got results!!! Its well worth it if you keep going with it.

    This is good to know. I want to do RI30 after I'm done with 30DS (in early December). I'm always looking for people like you who have done both. So, thanks for the info! Have you started something else now that you're done with both of those?
  • BrandyStinnett
    BrandyStinnett Posts: 10 Member
    Yesterday was a rest day. So this afternoon I'll do my next workout. I've been debating on adding in some Turbo Jam as well. I've heard really good things about it and found it on YouTube.

    Since 30 Day has been working so well for me, I've put a lot of thought in what I want to do next to keep things moving forward. Thanks to the posts here and on another thread I came across I've pretty much decided Ri30 will be next.
  • JeriAnne84
    JeriAnne84 Posts: 543 Member
    JeriAnne84 wrote: »
    I did 30 Day Shred back a few months ago and lost about 6 inches around my waist. It's a great workout. I remember around day 5 I would start really being able to do everything in the workout and not rest. Then right after I finished 30DS, I started Ripped in 30. Level one was a breeze after level 3 of 30DS. But then I got to level two. You think level 2 in 30DS has planks? 2 minutes of cardio in plank STRAIGHT. Your @$$ doesn't get out of plank. Yeah and level 3 and 4 suck worse than 2. But I got results!!! Its well worth it if you keep going with it.

    This is good to know. I want to do RI30 after I'm done with 30DS (in early December). I'm always looking for people like you who have done both. So, thanks for the info! Have you started something else now that you're done with both of those?

    Yes right after I finshed RI30, I started doing No More Trouble Zones 3 times a week and then Banish Fat Boost Metabolism 3 times a week, alternating days for each DVD with one rest day. That kind of got messed up me keeping up with that because I moved in the middle of it and couldn't do it for a week with boxes being friggen everywhere. When I was doing it, I was starting to see really good results. I just bought Body Revolution and right now I'm on the 2nd to last day of week 2 on Phase 1. So far its pretty easy after doing all of her other DVDs, but I know its just going to get brutal from here. I also try to do BFBM once a week after one of the BR DVDs just to give myself a little extra calorie burn in case I go over my calories. We have left over Halloween candy and I have been making it my b*tch lately. lol I've already lost an inch around my rib cage, 1/2 an inch around my stomach, and 1 inch around my hips. I can also tell I am in way better shape because I can actually do the cardio 1 DVD in BR and not feel like death afterwards. After I did BFBM the other day, I only felt like dying a little bit, so it's getting better!!!
  • brimingus
    brimingus Posts: 66 Member
    JeriAnne84 wrote: »
    I did 30 Day Shred back a few months ago and lost about 6 inches around my waist. It's a great workout. I remember around day 5 I would start really being able to do everything in the workout and not rest. Then right after I finished 30DS, I started Ripped in 30. Level one was a breeze after level 3 of 30DS. But then I got to level two. You think level 2 in 30DS has planks? 2 minutes of cardio in plank STRAIGHT. Your @$$ doesn't get out of plank. Yeah and level 3 and 4 suck worse than 2. But I got results!!! Its well worth it if you keep going with it.

    I'm gosh! This! Yes. Week 2 with the cardio in plank KILLED! And the first strength circuit in week 3? I barely keep myself from collapsing. Oh and the warm-up in week 3..just wow.
  • JeriAnne84
    JeriAnne84 Posts: 543 Member
    And the rock star crunches or whatever those things were where you are in a standing position, sit down, rock back into a reverse crunch and then get back up, WTF WAS WITH THAT? I never got those. When I watched that I was like, "wow, didn't know Satan produced exercise videos".
  • LeelooX2014
    LeelooX2014 Posts: 157 Member
    Jillian Michaels is the devil.
  • NoMoreTwizzlers
    NoMoreTwizzlers Posts: 72 Member
    Jillian is the real deal. You will torch calories if you do half of what she does. I've tried to do the 30 Day Shred, but flamed out. I just don't like conforming on that level. I still do either level whenever I want to do a prescribed workout for a sure fire torching of mega calories, but I mostly make my own HIIT Workouts. I always just log it in myfitnesspal as a cardio workout under a created title like HIIT Workout #5. You could create one like "30 Day Shred: Level 1" That will work. Just input your minutes and calories. Blessings to you whatever your choice.