Scared because dieting and gaining weight. Is it a tumour?



  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    edited November 2014
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    it is not a tumor it is trollitius….

    OP - stop posting and you will be cured of this syndrome….

    This board has such an odd use of the word troll.

    so in your expert opinion, it is a serious thread then…?

    Is this binary? Serious or troll? Wow. Then the entire board is full of trolls.

    fwiw, yes, I think she posted this sincerely, out of vanity and fear.

    well I disagree …but who knows..

    I mean if you really thought you had a tumor would you really post on MFP??????

    Are you new to the internet? :p I've seen weirder.

    If you were a troll would you create an account, log for weeks, then ask a question that in NO WAY riles up the boards, just gets a few folks being nice, and a lot of folks mocking you? Pretty bad trolling.

    Again, I may be using "internet troll" in a way that's old school, and not how MFP uses it. Mods have said that all the gifs and unhelpful mocking are "trolling", so perhaps I am.


    Agreed FWIW.
    Thanks. Granted if this was a functional msg board, we could look at her posting history... which, alas, we can't. WORST change they ever made, imho.

    But thanks.

    There is a way to do it through the search function if you really want to check. Go to search. At the end of the search box is an arrow that will expand your search options. You can put their user name into the Author box and leave the other fields blank. That will pull up all posts by that particular user.

    Edit: I see that I type waaaay too slowly.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    deleted because it doesn't make any sense now that the spam has been removed.
    Spambots. Every day.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    it is not a tumor it is trollitius….

    OP - stop posting and you will be cured of this syndrome….

    This board has such an odd use of the word troll.

    so in your expert opinion, it is a serious thread then…?

    Is this binary? Serious or troll? Wow. Then the entire board is full of trolls.

    fwiw, yes, I think she posted this sincerely, out of vanity and fear.

    well I disagree …but who knows..

    I mean if you really thought you had a tumor would you really post on MFP??????

    Are you new to the internet? :p I've seen weirder.

    If you were a troll would you create an account, log for weeks, then ask a question that in NO WAY riles up the boards, just gets a few folks being nice, and a lot of folks mocking you? Pretty bad trolling.

    Again, I may be using "internet troll" in a way that's old school, and not how MFP uses it. Mods have said that all the gifs and unhelpful mocking are "trolling", so perhaps I am.


    Agreed FWIW.
    Thanks. Granted if this was a functional msg board, we could look at her posting history... which, alas, we can't. WORST change they ever made, imho.

    But thanks.

    There is a way to do it through the search function if you really want to check. Go to search. At the end of the search box is an arrow that will expand your search options. You can put their user name into the Author box and leave the other fields blank. That will pull up all posts by that particular user.

    Edit: I see that I type waaaay too slowly.

    Thanks, I had forgotten about that. in the old days you could just click on their profile photo and see their posting history.
  • bumblebee
    bumblebee Posts: 53 Member
    I'm still here, I was out for a walk! I'm just sorry I started this post and now I can't delete it!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    bumblebee wrote: »
    I'm still here, I was out for a walk! I'm just sorry I started this post and now I can't delete it!

    If you stop replying, it will fade away. You've been trying to lose (AND KEEP OFF) the same weight for quite a while now. Perhaps your body knows where it wants to be? It's at a very healthy weight.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    bumblebee wrote: »
    I'm still here, I was out for a walk! I'm just sorry I started this post and now I can't delete it!

    At the bottom of your original post you can choose the flag option and then choose report. There's an option there for "This is my thread and I want it deleted."
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    bumblebee wrote: »
    I'm still here, I was out for a walk! I'm just sorry I started this post and now I can't delete it!

    At the bottom of your original post you can choose the flag option and then choose report. There's an option there for "This is my thread and I want it deleted."

    Yup. That often takes quite a while, however, just ignore your thread in the meantime.
  • Cam0120
    Cam0120 Posts: 1 Member
    I don't have time to read all the other posts to see whether this has been addressed or not, or to look at your food diary to analyze it.

    I do agree with the folks who say to see your doctor since you feel your symptoms may indicate a tumor.

    If you get the all clear with the doc, then have you considered that you have perhaps become leptin resistant? Leptin regulates the amount of fat stored in the body. From the bit of reading I've done (sorry, don't have time to re-research this) women's body's handle leptin differently than men. Men can stay on a reduced calorie diet and they continue losing weight. Women's bodies, because they're designed for childbearing, need to come off a restricted calorie diet every few days and, for one or two days, eat at maintenance level calorie-wise for their height to keep from becoming leptin resistant.

    Maybe do a bit of research on the web about leptin to see if this could be the problem and research how to do a leptin reset.
  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    Perhaps your body knows where it wants to be? It's at a very healthy weight.

    In all seriousness, this sssooo much. At 40, you should be happy where you're at. You're healthy, stop stressing so much. Go live life.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    it is not a tumor it is trollitius….

    OP - stop posting and you will be cured of this syndrome….

    This board has such an odd use of the word troll.

    so in your expert opinion, it is a serious thread then…?

    Is this binary? Serious or troll? Wow. Then the entire board is full of trolls.

    fwiw, yes, I think she posted this sincerely, out of vanity and fear.

    well I disagree …but who knows..

    I mean if you really thought you had a tumor would you really post on MFP??????

    Are you new to the internet? :p I've seen weirder.

    If you were a troll would you create an account, log for weeks, then ask a question that in NO WAY riles up the boards, just gets a few folks being nice, and a lot of folks mocking you? Pretty bad trolling.

    Again, I may be using "internet troll" in a way that's old school, and not how MFP uses it. Mods have said that all the gifs and unhelpful mocking are "trolling", so perhaps I am.


    Ha! Oh, I am no newbie to the internet…my only problem is applying common sense in an internet forum ..

    If I really thought I had a tumor I would be at the dr.'s office first thing and get tests done…..starting an MFP thread would never even enter my mind….
  • hastingsmassage
    hastingsmassage Posts: 162 Member
    7lb? You had a large Turkey !
  • c_aw
    c_aw Posts: 128 Member
    edited November 2014
    tumors don't grow so fast. you would have actually have with a tumor :

    for the basics/ other symptoms depending where it is located.
    just go to your doctor.

    medical student.

    edit: some tumors do grow super fast, but you would really have other symptoms.
  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    You do have a lot of extra salt in your diet. But I doubt that would account for such a gain.
    Have to ask though; do you worry excessively about your a hypochondriac?
    I have a sister who will get a new freckle and then obsess for days believing she has skin cancer.
    There is a very simple solution to your worry...go see your doctor.
  • c_aw
    c_aw Posts: 128 Member
    oldmomma wrote: »
    You do have a lot of extra salt in your diet. But I doubt that would account for such a gain.
    Have to ask though; do you worry excessively about your a hypochondriac?
    I have a sister who will get a new freckle and then obsess for days believing she has skin cancer.
    There is a very simple solution to your worry...go see your doctor.

    i love this.
  • 1 - See a doctor if you're concerned about a tumour.

    2 - Get a food scale if you don't have one already and weigh all your foods, condiments, butter - everything. You'd be surprised at how they all add up very quickly. (If you forget to log the butter on your toast you could be 100 calories over and not even know it!)

    3 - Don't eat back all your calories burned from exercise since they are often overestimated. Aim for about 50%.

    4 - Weigh yourself at the same time each day you weigh in - preferably in the morning after using the bathroom.

    5 - Are you close to your period? Many women on here find that they gain weight just before/during their monthly cycles. If this is the case, the weight will drop off after the cycle is complete.

    6 - Stress can cause weight gain. Go see your doctor and make sure that everything is fine tumour-wise (and while you're there maybe get some tests done to see if you have any other issues that may inhibit weight loss) then take up some calming exercises like yoga and practice being calm and stress-free.

    7 - Evaluate if you've just started a new workout program. Oftentimes we hold onto water weight when we begin a new routine. This will go away with time.
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    edited November 2014
    There have been some mean spirited comments here. People need to be taught about nutrition and fitness and how the body works. Kindness and patience go a long way, folks.

    Plainly put, as others have mentioned, on the surface your food intake may appear not particularly noteworthy or fatty, but the following are areas where you could make a difference for the good:

    1. Log every bite and taste.
    2. Drink more water, less wine and pop.
    3. Eat fewer processed foods which, no matter how healthy they claim to be, are full of sodium. (By the way, some of those healthy meals you listed show zero sodium and you know they have it. They can't be labeled correctly.) That means reduce intake of canned anything, such as soups, veggies, meats or fish, as well as frozen meals or sides, commercial breads, crackers, chips, packaged breakfast cereals, bars, cookies and so on. Don't get so much take out or restaurant food. I didn't say cut it out entirely, just significantly reduce it.
    4. Replace the above (#3) with fresh fruit, veggies, chops, fish, dairy, eggs, healthy fats and simple whole grains. Prunes are okay, but try some variety.
    5. Stay below 2300 mcg sodium. Put away the salt shaker. Most modern diets give you more than enough sodium. No need to supplement here. Use more herbs.
    6. Be aware that fluctuation in weight is normal especially for adult females.
    7. Track your exercise and steps accurately. Invest in a tracker such as a fitbit and strive for a minimum of 10,000 steps a day. Be sure to include daily cardio of at least 20 minutes and weight training 2 or 3 days each week. Muscle confusion is a good thing so try different activities. Just get moving.
    8. Remember, the closer you are to your healthy goal weight, the longer it takes to lose, but it will happen. Be patient.

    Good luck, Bumblebee. And if you truly suspect you have a serious health issue, talk to someone you trust with lots of common sense, and then phone your physician for a check-up. That's something you should do before embarking on a weight loss program anyway.

  • erinbear33
    erinbear33 Posts: 91 Member
    ^^ I second her post. I didn't read all the comments. I do understand why you posted here. Sometimes I use my status update to ask questions as I try to be better informed about something before taking the next step. I want to rule out other reasons that are most likely the situation before jumping to see the doctor. With my doctors, I can get in within the week, so asking for advice on here for other possible explanations is something I could see myself doing.

    With all the advice given (good and not so good), you have enough to go on that I will not add. Just wanted to say I hope you find what is going on and do what needs to be done. *hugs*
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited November 2014
    I'm going to add ONE more variable to the discussion: peri-menopause. 38-40ish is not too early for that to be a consideration. If you're having any night sweats, even just before your period. If you bloat more than you used to. If you're noticing any insomnia... you could be entering the wonderful world of perimenopause. If that's the case: listen to everything grammy says above. Hell, it's all good advice regardless. But even more so as you wander toward middle age.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    bumblebee wrote: »
    Please could you have a look at my past couple of weeks food and exercise diary. I started on 139lbs and have gone up to 146lbs. I'm sure I'm eating the right amount and I'm running regularly. I know that fluid retention, muscle gain etc make a difference on the scales, but I have never, ever weighed 146lbs before and I'm a daily weigher! I'm actually scared that it may be a tumour that is causing the extra weight. I have ruled out pregnancy. Can you help? Xx
    A tumor? Please tell me you're joking. If you think this is true, you need to get to the doctor.

    Setting all medical conditions aside, if you are gaining weight you are eating enough to support that.

    Do you weigh all your food and log everything you eat? Are you choosing correct entries from the database?

    Are you eating your exercise calories back? How do you calculate those burns? MFP and gym machines way overestimate.

  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Okay TLDR responses. I did however look at your diary and the first 3 days I checked, you were over. You're eating too much, therefore you're gaining weight.