

  • sweetnsassyfied
    sweetnsassyfied Posts: 110 Member
    Good Morning Everyone! Thank you for all the congrats on my little weight loss. This IS the support I was looking for and needed. :D I'm just starting on my second cuppa so who knows what's going to come out of my brain right now. lol In fact being the smart woman I am... I will come back later to post post. ;) So here are my catch-ups with all of you & I will be back later.

    Lesley... "I am NOT a normal everyday person so my training and eating does NOT suit everyone. lol" Love it!! I look forward to being an ab-normal person just like you! lol

    Heather... I really enjoyed reading about your weight loss journey. Very inspiring, thank you for sharing it.

    Sylvia... Great news on the puppy front! I'm your so stressed and not feeling well Sylvia. I am looking forward to hearing how your show goes. :) Your hubby is going with you, yes??

    Diane...What a funny NSV. lol I hope you feel better soon.

    Pip... I cant get enough of your stats. Of every-ones really. I am so looking forward to being mobile again. Keep posting I am living vicarious through you! lol

    Joyce... Your Christmas concert sounds fabulous. I loved hearing about the interpretive dance it would of brought tears to my eyes to watch.

    Toni..."At 4:30 on Thursdays I have a small study group. We choose courses from the Great Courses. Today we finish a study on Stress and the Human Body. It's been so informative. After the first of the year we will be doing one on Nutrition Myths. My group members are ladies over 50 so you all would fit right in!"

    ^^ I would love Love LOVE to do something like this!

    Stephani... Confessions??!!?? Arent those suppose to happen AFTER the holidays??!!?? My lip is zipped until Santa is on his merry way Back to the north pole...lol

    Katlas... Consider it yours and take my name off the end. I love quotes some hit the mark so succinctly sometimes. Your dog is so cute. Similar to my Bosko only darker. lol I'm glad you hubby is doing so well. I think thats the hardest part after being in physio for a bit. You start to feel like your old self again Before your body is ready for you to be your old self again. At least thats where I'm at right now. Ready to kick these crutches to the curb and get on with gettin on. lol But alas my ortho's say no. Whats the perfect quote for this; "Slow and steady Wins this race." ;)

    Steff... Everyone together at a cabin in the woods, how perfect! As for strength training and such, wouldnt a cross fit activity do?? Unless i have the meaning wrong but isnt it a combo of cardio and strength training?

    Jeannie... Welcome back! I am a self taught painter too of abstract. I cant draw worth a lick, so I color a lot. Adorable lil fur baby!

    DrKatie... Good on you for keeping up on your goals. I think 64oz is fabulous!

    Meg... So good to hear your SIL is doing better!

    Rori... KITTY ON A LEASH.... CUTE!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,782 Member
    morning ladies~
    got about 7 1/2 hrs sleep, but very restless.. gee I wonder why...
    I am running on empty, I really need this vacation,but having to worry about my DFIL ..
    well I will try and take everything one day at a time, thats all I can do...
    I just LOVE all the pictures of your puppies,I have mine on either side of me as I type....
    I am hoping that my DFIL holds out until we get back from Florida...as we are driving and it will be 2 days down and 2 days back..
    I am just trying to go day by day, and eat somewhat healthy,until everything settles down I will be kind to myself and not stress on weight.. will keep on keepin on
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,324 Member
    edited December 2014
    Good morning wonderful ladies! :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia, Alison and others - please take care of YOU at this stressful time. We care about you so much. :love:

    Meg - trying to fit everyone in is a nightmare! DH'S daughters are the last to fit into the jigsaw and he is a bit put out that they are having to fit in or be squeezed out, but it is a case of, First come First served, I'm afraid. :ohwell: Our painter, who has become a friend, suggested this morning that we get together with his wife for a Sunday lunch before Christmas. Well, it's the 14th or nothing and we will go to the local pub so we can walk there. :bigsmile: I have just emailed her, otherwise it will have to be January! ! ! ! !

    OK, these are my stats for the rowing machine this morning:
    I rowed 4.85 kms. 956 strokes at 33/34 strokes per minute. It took me 30.65 mins and I burnt 266 calories. I'm sure the machine overestimates calories. :bigsmile:
    Altogether I burnt 613 cals this morning.
    When I row I am looking at a photo of Whitstable beach and the Thames Estuary with the Isle of Sheppey in the distance. Wild flowers are growing on the beach. We took the photo when we were living there. I love looking at the water while I am rowing.

    The painting is finished and the wallpaper looks amazing! :love: We can't move back in until the carpet is down on Monday. We are going to paint the bedside tables with some vinyl silk that wasn't used, just as a temporary measure until we can get new ones. They are a horrible orange pine colour and the bedroom is grey and white. I don't want to put the old rubbish back in, but no doubt it will all get silted up again before long. :cry:

    Love to all. Got to email my DSIL to firm up visiting dates after Christmas. :sad:

    Heather in sunny Hampshire UK.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    edited December 2014
    Woke up at 4:30. Couldn't get back to sleep, so here I sit with Spot on my lap, getting ready for my day. It's only a 30 minute drive to where the show will be set up. Hubby is going to the studio with me this morning before work to load my tables and boxes of pots. Once I get there I will have about 15 good friends who will help me unload and set up. I'm taking a small cooler with water bottles, boiled eggs, turkey sausage, Swiss cheese and baby carrots, which will keep me going. At some point will go to SAMs to get fruit for the reception table, so I can eat fruit tonight and stay away from the other stuff.

    Hubby usually comes over in early evening and we go to dinner before the reception. The good thing about this show is that we have so many people working it that we don't all have to stay there all the time. I plan to go for a couple of walks too, if the weather cooperates. We are supposed to get rain and temps in the 50's.

    I am just thrilled with all these dog pictures. Love the cat on a leash, too. I think you can see into a persons personality by seeing their pets. It's fun to see them!

    Heather, your bedroom sounds so nice. Serene and restful, but classy. I don't blame you for not wanting to put the pine side tables back in, and I bet you can paint them quite easily.

    Katla, I hated mince meat pie too as a child and have not tried it since. Not going to either. I seem to remember gagging on it. It was nasty stuff, or maybe just my grandmother's recipe.

    Rori, how on earth did you train that cat to walk on a leash? No cat I ever had would dream of it.

    Meg, so glad you had a nice day at work. It seems you don't have enough of those. I'm looking forward to seeing your pets, too. I used to hate the Christmas season too, but love it now with grandchildren. I hope you get to that point.

    Barb, how funny about the pajamas!

    Well, I have a news flash for you. Blood thinners and bleeding hemorrhoids are NOT a good combination. During the night I seem to have ruined my favorite pajamas. Not to mention the underwear. Hope I can get it all out. Reminds me of the many years I had heavy bleeding from fibroids. Not quite as bad as that, but close.

    Well, I need to get started. Have a great day!

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,775 Member
    Sylvia ... hydrogen peroxide alone will probably take out the blood stains ... sometimes I add dawn soap to the stain as well. Please take it easy today!

    Today the scale FINALLY moved in the right direction!! Since April my weight loss not only stalled, but some crept back on ... about 10-12 pounds worth. Today MFP will record .5 pound loss, but in actuality, I lost 3.5 pounds this week! Now I have to keep the momentum going.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,324 Member
    Yeah Beth! ! ! ! ! :drinker: Fantastic!
    Sylvia - best wishes and good luck!

    Heather UK
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited December 2014
    Good morning, all. Another coolish (40's) gray start with rain coming. Knee still aching, now my back is back to hurtng too.....will see if yoga instructor will work her magic on Sat. am again. Mood still "off-kilter".

    Loving all the amazing and adorable pets posted, they make me want another dog sooooooo much, then I remember exactly how they become my total responsibility alone and I think: "maybe not".

    "Tradition is not to preserve the ashes but to pass on the flame" Sassy, please count me an absolute fan of your quote..........it's so true and somehow comforting.

    Looked over the holiday sched. with DD last night for events and shows; a few do look promising, includng an international ballet company doing Nutcracker (which I have seen more than enough already but it's DD's main pick). My big choice will be a jazzy Christmas concert. Then we always go do the Messiah right before Christmas. A few others are possibilities but nothing decided yet. Of course she waited so long to look at dates that a lot are out of the question w/o her changing her already set working hours............

    I'm going to friend's barn today.......she has gained custody of a non-paying borders horse which was supposedly mis-treated and ridden badly by the teen-age owner. They are putting DD up today to see how rideable she is at this point. Fingers crossed; I've seen her fallen and/or get thrown a few times and it's always very heart-stopping scary for me. Please join me in hoping this animal is an angel.

    Sylvia......Please, please, please heed the chest pain. I am also hoping you have major help today; you are too needed in your son's life to risk the balance you need to keep regarding your cardiac issues by allowing stress and overdoing to aggravate medical problems.

    Alison.......Hoping for a good result on your kidney U/S. No answers/guesses on FIL; sorry.


    Yesterday I took ham and bean soup to Gin's husband; he sounded so lonely I stayed about an hour.......mainly we spoke about Gin. Tried to get hm to come to the ladies luncheon this month since he'd know most everyone and they'd all be pleased to see him but no go.

    Very bad news on our flu shots this year......."the vaccine does not protect well against the dominant strain seen most commonly so far this year. This strain tends to cause more deaths and hospitalizations, especially in the elderly." The shot does still offer some protection. AAAArrrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhhh!!!!!!!

    Welcome newbies!!!

    Got to run.
    Hello to those I missed.
    Stay strong!!!!

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,082 Member
    edited December 2014
    Good Morning Friends,

    Deedee :drinker:

    Sylvia I get those canker sores too when under too much stress. I didn't used too. I try to eat more yogurt, kombucha, and foods high in Vit B when I get those. Fortunately they do not last long for me.

    Meg you are not alone in thinking this is a difficult time of year. For me rather than focus on all the things that difficult or in the other extreme the outer trappings of the season I use this as a time to reflect and nourish the inner calm that I am trying to nurture. I do like to do the decorating and putting up the tree because I it gives me that time to reflect.

    Last December I made it my goal to do an act of kindness everyday for someone. My first week in December was to treat myself with kindness. I took on less teaching jobs and spent that time taking care of me. I am also taking extra Vit D because we live so far north.

    Today I plan to thank a police officer. Right now I know they are hurting. I was a teacher in the city. I now substitute in an inner ring suburb. I see the challenges and dangers these officers face on a daily basis. We had an officer killed this summer when he did a routine traffic stop and the man was wanted on other charges. The families who have lost their loved ones to deaths by a police officer are also in pain. Being an educator I would rather focus on what can be done on both sides to prevent further tragedies. I do not think the protesters realize what our society would be like if we did not have law and order. I am upset with the media because rather than try to calm the situation they exploit it.

    rose.gif MNMargaret
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning ladies.
    Just checking in. The cold was really hard on Bodi this week. I am so glad it has warmed up a bit. We ordered a dog house heater so next time it gets really cold it won't be so bad. Even Ritter was shivering when DH went home early Wednesday because he was so worried about them.

    I am feeling better. I almost feel happy. I think the new stuff might be working. Or maybe I am just getting better.

    To those of you who are struggling I just say keep your head held up high and push thru. This time of year is very hard on me. My mom passed on December 26th and all my kids are far away so x-mas is just not a good thing for me. DH and I usually travel somewhere nice but we splurged on an expensive getaway for May 2015 so no traveling this year for the x-mas time.

    To those of you who have acheived some successes :drinker:

    Have a great day!
    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
    from the soggy PNW
  • Sweetvirgo63
    Sweetvirgo63 Posts: 119 Member
    I had thought of walking it to work this morning but then I woke up to the news that it was -23C with the wind. :s I walked it home yesterday from work which is 2.5 miles so I'm not overly concerned if I don't walk today. I may just do a good 30 minute session on the stationary bike in my room instead while listening to Tex Morton's yodeling. :D
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Good Friday Morning!

    I am VERY tired and stiff today. Walking up and down the hill twice yesterday, standing in the cold, it all does a job on my stiff and swollen joints. Made it difficult to fall and stay asleep last night. But, the Lite-ing ceremony and fireworks were worth it. I was hoping for a hot cocoa after, but the line was too long. I even got my hand stamped, so my Dad and I could try a few of the Winter Leinie's products (vanilla or cranberry, sound like yummy beers), but those lines were long, too.

    Allison - my Grandpa had a thing called Sundowners while he was in Nursing Care. He was alert and feisty in the morning, but as the day progressed, he was more lethargic and cranky. It was painful for his children to experience. I pray things go well for him, and for you and your ultrasound.

    Sylvia - my son gets cold sores a few times a year, primarily in Winter. I get one about once every 2-3 years. Like MNMargaret, I increase my yogurt consumption, give DS some acidophalous (sp?) pills, and use Abreva a few times a day until healed, though Abreva does seem to work best if you catch it right at the beginning. But it seems that most people don't notice if someone else has a little sore on the lip, so I hope you don't feel too self-conscious.

    tomorrow and Sunday DS has bowling again, and I already told him flat out that we will NOT be eating any bowling alley food. I will pack a few peanut butter and jelly tortilla wraps, cucumber slices, and protein bars to squash the urge until we get home. the upcoming problems will be my sister catering my Birthday for Sunday, and a catered Christmas Party at work next week. I hope I can find out in advance which locations are catering, so I can think about my meals before walking into the events.

    Welcome to everyone new ! ! ! I only started reading and posting a few weeks ago, and I feel like i have SO many new friends. Thanks to everyone. :D

    Terri in Milwauke
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Hi all! Just a quick note...

    My daughter was admitted to the hospital on Wednesday after a grueling morning of meltdowns, searching for help, then an 8 hour stay in the ER. Unfortunately, they are talking of releasing her as early as today. She and I both vehemently oppose this and I'm hoping I won't have to get ugly with them and call in reinforcements. In any case, I hope things are well with everyone and I will check in and catch up soon. I hope.

    Carol in NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
    poerava - hope I got that right, love your kitty kat. reminds me of my buddy, I used to walk him on a leash in seattle, he was famous for that.

    sassy- i'm glad u enjoy my stats, I do it so I can look at it and keep myself accountable.

    I am looking forward to our yearly jingle bell run in seattle. it's been a yearly tradition for 17-18 years now. when I first started, I was way too big and I couldn't run so we walked it with our 2 dogs at that time, rocky and Bullwinkle. I will look for an old pic of them both. they had on santa and ms claus outfits on. everyone loved them, always wanted to take pictures with them (I should have charged $$). we make a weekend of it now so we don't have to get up early and drive there for the run then drive hom. we stay at a hotel in seattle, do the run (now I can run it) and take a hot shower, then go have breakfast where we met in Fremont, then go home. they don't allow dogs anymore to walk/run with you so they stay with their "auntie" (Here is an older pic of them with bootz our cat. zutpvyh1jlg2.jpg
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    edited December 2014
    :D ..Good morn. A gray,damp day here.rain to continue off & on for a couple days.I am happy to be home after too much out & about,but am 95% done with shopping. Being such a home body....having to get December taken care of makes me yearn for January.

    Typed letter was way longer,but not going to type again.The edit doesn't work for me :'(
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited December 2014
    Heather: Painting the furniture is a brilliant solution. I’m happy that you’re pleased with the new room décor. I hope the carpet is perfect. :flowerforyou:

    Beth: Congratulations on the weight loss! Yay! :flowerforyou:

    Yanniejannie: I’m keeping your DD in my prayers for this day. I hope she doesn’t get hurt on the poor mistreated horse, and I hope the horse can be salvaged. Yikes on the flu shots! :noway: We’ve had ours and hope to avoid the flu. Since I retired from teaching I have less exposure but have caught things from DGD a few times. We’ll be seeing her during the Christmas Holidays. I'll keep my fingers crossed that the flu doesn’t catch our family, or the families of all our fitnesspal friends. :flowerforyou:

    Margaret: I’ve come to think of the media as a bunch of greedy vampires. When I was in Junior High my journalism class was taught about the bad old days of “yellow dog journalism.’ It appears that they’re back. :flowerforyou:

    Robin: I am so happy to hear that you are feeling better! :flowerforyou:

    Carol in NC: Sending prayers for your daughter. Keep us in the loop. :flowerforyou:

    Riding lesson today! Yay! :bigsmile: This is a relatively low stress day. I need to think of a Christmas gift for DS, though. I also need to wrap and ship gifts to the grandchildren in CO. We don’t want to take the chance of hauling them with us in case weather turns awful and we’re delayed or can’t go.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Tradition is not to preserve the ashes but to pass on the flame.”

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    December Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.


  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Ok, I can't quit touching my newly groomed poodle. Last night I managed to get him in the chair with me and my son took a picture - my new Lap dog. And Barb, I don't walk with him nearly enough because my older dog gets so sad and walks are just too hard on him.
    - Today was my first weigh in after being back. From 189.4 to 186.8. Still 2 pounds higher than my highest. Can't start getting excited until I see 179.9 . . .


    Cheryl from Northern Chicago suburb
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Just taking a break at the show to tell Cheryl,

    You need a bigger lap!

    Cute picture.

    Later, ladies.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    The joke of the day:

    A motorist, after being bogged down in a muddy road, paid a passing farmer five dollars to pull him out with his tractor.

    After he was back on dry ground he said to the farmer, "At those prices, I should think you would be pulling people out of the mud night and day."

    "Can't", replied the farmer. "At night I haul water for the hole."

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Good morning ladies. Hope you are having a good day. I am feeling better and today is my 8 hour day. I do work tomorrow, but off on Sunday as two of the DGD's have their dance show that afternoon. Addie will be her first time, Paytn has been in dance 3 years. I do enjoy the shows, just wish they were in the same program, but Addie is at 4 and Paytn at 6. My plan is to finish Christmas cards and get them mailed this weekend.

    Yanniejaniie--Hugs. I read that to about the flu shot. Sure does not make me feel very happy.

    Lesley--Mildred is cute and looks so happy.

    Barbie--cute puppies and they look like they could take you for a good walk. I know our pug pulls me along very well.

    Beth--Have fun with your new mixer. I am slowly getting into the Christmas spirit. I just feel it is coming so fast. Congrates on the scale moving the right way.

    Sweetnsassyfied--I also like the quote (Tradition is not to preserve the ashes but to pass on the flame) Going to use that. thanks. Also I am big into making memories with my grandchildren. Want them to have good thoughts of us.

    jeanniebeanie59--Your Ivy looks just like my Toby. I took Toby in yesterday and got him shaved, we do that acouple times a year. DH bought him a sweater lastnight so made him happy. I just love all the dog pictures.

    Meg--glad dear SIL is doing well. All this stuff with the coach and NE makes my head spin. Over $150,000 a month for 51 months!!!! To do nothing??

    Rori--pretty holiday collar.

    Joyce--Hope you enjoy the ballet dance and be waiting to hear all about it. I know having DGD in it will make it speical. I enjoy watching my DGD dance.

    Sylvia--I agree that I hope you have someone riding and helping you. Please be careful and get checked out if it keeps up.

    Katla--Good to hear DH is doing well and not over doing.

    Heather--the colors in your bedroom sound very relaxing. Sounds pretty Pictures please!

    Carol--Hugs and prayers for you and DD.

    Time to get off here and do something. Hope you have a good rest of the day and take care of yourselves. Love the pictures.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,930 Member
    I love reading all the posts and seeing all the fur babies! I simply love animals! I haven't posted too much but have been reading the posts. I've had a tough time getting out of my slump and it seems to get harder each time. At least I am following my goals though the scale doesn't show it, I at least feel better about it. Logging my food and water and going to the gym 5 days a week help. Even when I have to force myself to go to the gym. Well got to get back to work. Goofed off enough today.

    Rita from CT