What's your biggest weight loss / fitness pet peeve?



  • meltedsno
    meltedsno Posts: 208 Member
    oh and one other thing... I hate it when chatise others for going under the magical number of 1200 cal a day. 1000 calories of good, healthy, nutrional food choices is a heck of a lot more healthy than 1500 calories of chocolate. Oh... and STARVATION MODE....argggghhhhhhhhhhhh can't even get started on that one....
  • 7elizamae
    7elizamae Posts: 758 Member
    Weight-lifting know-it-alls never cease to amaze me. There are a few on this very thread!

    I do HIIT workouts using nothing more than my bodyweight and the much maligned pink five-pound dumbbells. All those 'lame' 'girly' workouts have provided great results! I have muscle definition and am sooo much stronger than I used to be. My arms look great, my thighs look 20 years younger, and my butt looks good.

    But there are those who still need to tell me that those pink five-pound dumbbells are doing me "no good."
  • karenlwashburn
    karenlwashburn Posts: 123 Member
    1) people talking to me or looking at me as once I'm in the zone I'm off limits. 2) my husband saying stupid things: "hope you're walking today" when I walk two hours at a time all the time. Or "walk angry" as I try to keep a hardcore face so neighbors don't bother me. 3) The other things that bug me is in his running club there are extremely thin girls who kid around about having eaten one baby carrot all day and here I am 20 older than them and trying to look nice. I'm within normal weight but they are like gaunt in the face so it makes my husband think I'm overweight and puts more pressure on me..
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    I have a coworker who told me last month that she wants to lose weight, but she loves food too much. Really? I love food, too. It's just that eating less of it is what you need. I'm going to be enjoying cake all weekend (birthday plus baby shower), but I'm going to do the work to get there as well.
  • karenlwashburn
    karenlwashburn Posts: 123 Member
    My pet peeve is when people say, "You should watch it, you're going to get too skinny." I'm far from skinny and a long way from my goal weight. And, my goal weight is not skinny anyways.

    Oh, I hate that too.. I had one lady that bugged me non-stop when I was in my 30's looking hot and she harassed me I was too thin. I wish I had that problem. I always, always have to work out like crazy to be thin-ish.

  • karenlwashburn
    karenlwashburn Posts: 123 Member
    People who don't know lane ettiquette in a lap swimming situation.

    My husband hates that too.. I hate lane etiquette on side walks. Teens have to stay side to side, or friends gossiping and here I'm exhausted trying to go hours and trying not to hurt myself but they can't let me pass on the sidewalk too. I had one older guy (with another) put up his hands and block me so I had to go into the grass.

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  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    BFDeal wrote: »
    Another one is inconsistent advice. On one thread you'll see Mr. Sixpack say how hard it is to get a 6 pack and how the body holds on to vital stores and how it takes crazy discipline to achieve such an amazing result. On another thread Mr. Sixpack will slam people who can't lose weight. "It's so easy! Just eat at a deficit you moron!!!" So which is it? Also, I'm convinced some of these really lean people are flat out lying about their deficits. They will swear up and down right and left you don't have to starve yourself. Yet for the life of me, at 226lbs eating 2200 calories a day my weight loss flat out stalled. Nothing. Zero. In public all I got was, "Uhhh you're not weighing your food (I do)" or "Take a diet break." One guy had the courage to email me with what's actually probably true. He said he had to slash his calories to like 1800 a day.

    At ~150 I was maintaining on 2200, so I don't know what to tell you. People can really only give advice based on their own experience and metabolisms vary, activity levels vary, accuracy of calorie calculations vary, et al. I don't think people are just trying to be jerkfaces, or "hard" in front of the forums, like you're implying.

  • karenlwashburn
    karenlwashburn Posts: 123 Member
    belgerian wrote: »
    People who say Bananas make you fat or this makes you fat or that makes you fat. I like bananas and you wont believe the number of people who say that is what makes you fat. My response is "no a calorie surplus is what causes weight gain not a specific food." They usually stand there look confused and walk away.

    A co-workers husband helped make the current food pyramid I believe -last year.. he was one if not the person in charge and that is what she told me. I chop up bananas in my blender with other berries, chia seeds and she told me the bananas are fattening. It's a spin on a food fact that's for sure.

  • ithrowconfetti
    ithrowconfetti Posts: 451 Member
    edited December 2014
    I get so miffed when:
    • My mum insists I "need to eat rice every day", because "everyone needs carbohydrates". I eat oatmeal, cereal and fruits on a daily basis, but apparently, the one "true" carb is rice. Logic = 0
    • People insist I need to eat early/regularly to kickstart/keep my metabolism going, because I don't eat breakfast
    • People chastise "unhealthy" and "junk" food, like insisting I cannot possibly eat 26 cream puffs in a single day and still be healthy, even after I explain I make room and adjustments throughout the week for such treats.
    • I am lectured about the grand old starvation mode, because I practise intermittent fasting
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  • sheepotato
    sheepotato Posts: 600 Member
    BFDeal wrote: »
    Another one is inconsistent advice. On one thread you'll see Mr. Sixpack say how hard it is to get a 6 pack and how the body holds on to vital stores and how it takes crazy discipline to achieve such an amazing result. On another thread Mr. Sixpack will slam people who can't lose weight. "It's so easy! Just eat at a deficit you moron!!!" So which is it? Also, I'm convinced some of these really lean people are flat out lying about their deficits. They will swear up and down right and left you don't have to starve yourself. Yet for the life of me, at 226lbs eating 2200 calories a day my weight loss flat out stalled. Nothing. Zero. In public all I got was, "Uhhh you're not weighing your food (I do)" or "Take a diet break." One guy had the courage to email me with what's actually probably true. He said he had to slash his calories to like 1800 a day.

    A lot of the plateau threads end up being tech support threads. The people who post don't give all the necessary information for the people that try to help, or they get frustrated or offended by the questions or suggestions. The first few replies are always 'let us see your journal' for process of elimination.

    If you are weighing and logging every bite you eat, accurately tracking your exercise or ignoring those calories and not seeing results then you open a whole pandora's box of what else could be the problem. It just leads to more questions, how long have you been doing the same exercise, do you have any medical issues you are aware of that you did not mention.

    I've seen people stick with trying to help, and others say see a doctor first or try this first and ask again if it doesn't work. Because when you only have a few sentences to go on it's hard to know what the person's specific issue is. It could be metabolism, but usually the problem is somethings way simpler like they don't log on weekends.
  • 1moretimetho
    1moretimetho Posts: 33 Member
    Thankfully, I don't deal with this any more, but

    Coworkers who think they know what's best for you "You don't have to lose weight", "You look fine". I know I should take it as a compliment, but these sentences usually come out when they see me pull out my tupperware and then make a big deal of it.

    and +1 on the STUPID pinterest pictures/articles. "5 foods to eat to eliminate belly fat!" "The best exercise to get rid of your love handles" or when they actually try to be somewhat realistic and show a girl doing weighted barbell squats and I look and her heels are off the ground throughout the whole motion. Augh.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    My biggest one is people feeling the need to "justify" their meals. Just because I tend to eat fairly healthy, doesn't mean I'm judging you. I couldn't give a rat's *kitten* what you're eating.
  • gladass12
    gladass12 Posts: 20 Member
    Being judged for being able to hit a buffet. Hard. With glee.

    haha! love this. i must second this!
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    People who slam people cuz they can't eat as much and still accomplish the goals the have set.
  • rbfdac
    rbfdac Posts: 1,057 Member
    Didn't see this in the comments, but I just skimmed. I HATE that the gyms are packed after January 1st-- all of the stupid New Year's Resolutions. Say what you want about "at least they're trying, blah blah". It's annoying to the people who are normally at the gym and usually just walk right in and get on an elliptical, but now have to wait 5 minutes for somebody to finish, or worse, get on a treadmill for cardio instead. Argh.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    Ok, one more. The two camps of 'eat clean/eat healthy' and 'I eat whatever I want and still lose' arguing. If you want to eat a high volume of food to achieve feeling full while losing weight, eat clean/healthier or make better food choices. Or get hit with random hunger pangs that you cannot do anything about because you ate a cheese burger, pizza or chocolate bar and to eat anymore puts you beyond your calories allowance. Or eat more to squash the hunger and don't lose weight. So now your hungry and miserable or can't lose weight and miserable. Personally, I am a full and happy girl who eats a ton... and who eats treats... just in moderation. But good for those that don't seem to eat good and lose too. I just don't know how you got past the being hungry part.

    FYI - some of us don't get 'random' hunger pangs because we ate a cheeseburger, pizza, or chocolate bar. That's how :wink:

    You know what gives me constant hunger pangs? Salad, unless it's got blue cheese and meat on it. Fish. Unless it's in sushi - the rice seems to help.

    Oh, and in the spirit of the thread: Kind of irritating that people assume that eating cheeseburgers, pizza and chocolate bars automatically means you'll be hungry and eating 'healthy' (whatever their definition is) will keep you full.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    When people type 'loose' instead of 'lose' and 'weighted' instead of 'weighed'.
    That is all :#
  • lemonlionheart
    lemonlionheart Posts: 580 Member
    People who claim they can't eat healthy because they live with their parents who cook for them.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    stealthq wrote: »
    FYI - some of us don't get 'random' hunger pangs because we ate a cheeseburger, pizza, or chocolate bar. That's how :wink:

    You know what gives me constant hunger pangs? Salad, unless it's got blue cheese and meat on it. Fish. Unless it's in sushi - the rice seems to help.

    Oh, and in the spirit of the thread: Kind of irritating that people assume that eating cheeseburgers, pizza and chocolate bars automatically means you'll be hungry and eating 'healthy' (whatever their definition is) will keep you full.

    THIS!!!!!- cuz I'm catching up on this thread eating pizza and just had a big as* chocolate brownie; guess what? I'm full! My pizza has banana peppers on it, guess it must be clean!
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    edited December 2014
    levitateme wrote: »
    BFDeal wrote: »
    Another one is inconsistent advice. On one thread you'll see Mr. Sixpack say how hard it is to get a 6 pack and how the body holds on to vital stores and how it takes crazy discipline to achieve such an amazing result. On another thread Mr. Sixpack will slam people who can't lose weight. "It's so easy! Just eat at a deficit you moron!!!" So which is it? Also, I'm convinced some of these really lean people are flat out lying about their deficits. They will swear up and down right and left you don't have to starve yourself. Yet for the life of me, at 226lbs eating 2200 calories a day my weight loss flat out stalled. Nothing. Zero. In public all I got was, "Uhhh you're not weighing your food (I do)" or "Take a diet break." One guy had the courage to email me with what's actually probably true. He said he had to slash his calories to like 1800 a day.

    At ~150 I was maintaining on 2200, so I don't know what to tell you. People can really only give advice based on their own experience and metabolisms vary, activity levels vary, accuracy of calorie calculations vary, et al. I don't think people are just trying to be jerkfaces, or "hard" in front of the forums, like you're implying.

    I doubt most of them are lying. However, a lower %BF means you get to eat more calories at the same weight to maintain. So don't compare yourself to the guys. They are usually significantly leaner than we are.

    And Mr. Sixpack is right - the leaner you are, the harder it is to lose, in the sense it takes a hell of a lot longer to drop the same amount of weight, and you don't have much room for error. You have to maintain a small deficit (not much leeway to drop calories unless you exercise a lot) for a long while.

    I'll use myself as an example, because my diary's open and you can see how much I eat if you want. I'm 5'3", ~117 lbs, 20-22% BF. I eat almost 1900 calories and lose about a lb / mo.

    The only way I can do that is by lifting 3x per wk (just this week changed to 2x) and by running a lot.

    If I were to stop the exercise, I'd maintain on ~1600 calories.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    amcook4 wrote: »
    stealthq wrote: »
    amcook4 wrote: »
    People who don't know lane ettiquette in a lap swimming situation.

    YES! I once had 3 college kids jump in my lane, and then they all started swimming at me, and then goofing off, etc. There were no other lanes open so I ended up using the kick board the whole time, since it was the only way I could avoid a collision. The lifeguard didn't handle it well and apologized afterward since they basically went against all lap swimming rules (in a lap pool during open lap swimming)

    This is part of the reason I haven't added swimming in to my exercise yet - I know there's etiquette rules to using my gym's pool, but they're not posted anywhere and I'd hate to be the *kitten* getting in everyone's way. One of these days I'll remember to ask.

    For the most part, lap swimming rules are "do your own thing & don't get in the way of others" If there is an open lane, great, take it. Once the lanes are filled with singles, start partnering up, it is good etiquette to ask someone before jumping into their lane, mainly so they know you are there. At that point the two people sharing a lane basically split the lane in half, I get my side, you get your side (unless you really want to circle swim). If all lanes are doubled up, then circle swimming starts, thankfully I've never had to do this (I'm way to slow for it) but think of each lane with a really oblong circle in it, and you just keep swimming that circle. At least this is what my pool is like, which is in a University rec center.

    It works like that at my pool too (we never have had to go to circle swimming). Generally the slow swimmers/kickboard users try to partner up in the same lanes and let the faster swimmers partner up so people in the same lanes are likely to be going at a similar speed.

  • sheepotato
    sheepotato Posts: 600 Member
    edited December 2014
    earlnabby wrote: »
    amcook4 wrote: »
    stealthq wrote: »
    amcook4 wrote: »
    People who don't know lane ettiquette in a lap swimming situation.

    YES! I once had 3 college kids jump in my lane, and then they all started swimming at me, and then goofing off, etc. There were no other lanes open so I ended up using the kick board the whole time, since it was the only way I could avoid a collision. The lifeguard didn't handle it well and apologized afterward since they basically went against all lap swimming rules (in a lap pool during open lap swimming)

    This is part of the reason I haven't added swimming in to my exercise yet - I know there's etiquette rules to using my gym's pool, but they're not posted anywhere and I'd hate to be the *kitten* getting in everyone's way. One of these days I'll remember to ask.

    For the most part, lap swimming rules are "do your own thing & don't get in the way of others" If there is an open lane, great, take it. Once the lanes are filled with singles, start partnering up, it is good etiquette to ask someone before jumping into their lane, mainly so they know you are there. At that point the two people sharing a lane basically split the lane in half, I get my side, you get your side (unless you really want to circle swim). If all lanes are doubled up, then circle swimming starts, thankfully I've never had to do this (I'm way to slow for it) but think of each lane with a really oblong circle in it, and you just keep swimming that circle. At least this is what my pool is like, which is in a University rec center.

    It works like that at my pool too (we never have had to go to circle swimming). Generally the slow swimmers/kickboard users try to partner up in the same lanes and let the faster swimmers partner up so people in the same lanes are likely to be going at a similar speed.

    I wish people would do things that make sense like that at my gym's pool, but they don't. There are a few older men that come at night and usually just sit in the hot tub. Sometimes they will get in a lane and slowly walk up and down, or kids will play with the basketball hoop in one of the lanes. I don't care if people use the lap pool for other things if it's not busy but it's frustrating when they take the last available lane for things like that. I wish they would use the warm pool for water walking when the lap pool is busy. I am a slower swimming because I'm mostly swimming breaststroke so I don't like to share a lane with the really fit people who tend to swim mostly freestyle. I don't mind sharing my lane with other slower swimmers. I gave up and started only going to the gym 1.5 hours before the pool closes and I always go on weekends because it's pretty dead then. Just before they close is the only time of the day they don't have lanes reserved for classes. I have to skip Tuesdays and Thursdays too because they have several lanes for kayaking. I've noticed that more people have been swimming lately since it's getting colder, I wonder what the pool will be like during Christmas break/New Year's rush.

    I would really like to find a time during the day I could go so I didn't have to eat dinner so late at night.
  • People who, after knowing I was able to lose the weight:
    1- Get upset because I don't go on an eating binge since "now I'm done"
    2- Think that they still need to watch over what I eat and let me know when I'm eating too much because "oh be careful! you'll gain it all back!".....trust me, I KNOW what I'm eating, how is that no-weight-loss going for you? :)
  • How about the people who say you should stop losing weight or your are getting too skinny. Especially in my case when I am still right on the border of normal/overweight on the BMI charts for my height and weight.

    +1....I had one person tell me that my face used to be cuter because I had bigger cheeks and now it doesn't....and I am still like 3 pounds away from being "overweight" for my health (although I don't care about those charts so much)
  • robinsvitakjones
    robinsvitakjones Posts: 20 Member
    This was years ago, but it always stuck in my mind. .... I was young and in the tightest shape of my life, after having my first son. 21 yrs old, 5'8 and probably around 115 lbs. My mother (who is 6'0 and probably over 300 lbs) was over to visit from out of state. I was laying on the floor, doing my ab exercises. She was sitting on the couch behind me watching tv, and she started to comment to me how I was "doing the exercises wrong". ......REALLY??? You're 300+ lbs, sitting on the couch doing nothing behind me and you're telling ME how to exercise correctly???
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    I will always answer this question the same - my pet peeve is blaming kids/babies/pregnancy for weight. Then on the same lines blaming kids/babies for not making time to exercise.
  • robinsvitakjones
    robinsvitakjones Posts: 20 Member
    Jennloella wrote: »
    I will always answer this question the same - my pet peeve is blaming kids/babies/pregnancy for weight. Then on the same lines blaming kids/babies for not making time to exercise.
    Haha! I agree! The same mother who told me "how I was exercising wrong" (above ^^^^) is on here. (does not log in, ever) Her profile states how she needs to lose the weight after having kids. Ummmm...... I'm her youngest..... And I'm 41 years old. It's NOT baby weight anymore!!!! Lmao.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    hah nope, that's her's now!