Starting Jillian Michaels 30DS Friday the 22nd! Who's in?



  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 843 Member
    we all put 25min of circuit trainging.
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 843 Member
    Hey ladies... hows it going?

    I did day 10 on Sunday and was looking forward to doing level 2 yesterday... but I picked up some sort of bug. Urgh, I spent the whole day throwing up, it was after 7pm that I was able to keep water down. Had to ring my mother and get her to drive 45 mins to put my kids into bed because I couldnt physically stand up :frown:

    Much better this morning thank god, but still really weak from it. Think I'm going to rest up today and pick it up tomorrow as theres no way I could be jumping and sweating today. Annoying and disappointing but not the end of the world!

    Did my measurements etc... delighted with them!

    Height 5'6" 22/5
    Weight 135 lb 134lb -1
    Bust 34 33" -1
    Waist 29 above belly button and 32.5 below 28" above 32.5" below -1 and same
    Hips 36 34" -2
    Thighs 22" 21" -1
    Upper Arm 11" 10.5" -0.5"

    Very happy and looking forward to being able to do it again!

    So sorry to hear you were so sick. Glad to have ya back with us. You results are great!!! Especially for being so slim to begin with! Great job!
  • rungirl27
    rungirl27 Posts: 32
    I feel achy all over today..not really sore just stiff and achy. I slept in instead of doing day 2 this morning so now I need to get this done at some point today. Note to self: It is SOOO much better to just get up and get it over with.
  • lisa_2011
    lisa_2011 Posts: 11
    we all put 25min of circuit trainging.

  • steffystef
    steffystef Posts: 17 Member

    I'm kinda late on all this, but I've had the dvds, stopped at level 2. After giving birth to my little one, 4 months ago, my knees have been killing me every now and then, especially after a work out..(any new mums had this problem before? knee pain when you squat, kneel, stand up..etc?) So it became difficult. I'm hoping this group will keep me into it..thru the pain really..smh.. I'm going to start my day 1 level 2 today :)

    My measurements:

    CW 172
    GW 150
    Upper waist: 28"
    Lower waist: 38"
    Hips: 45.5"
    Arms: 12"
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 843 Member
    Glad to have ya Stef, my son is almost 3 months and our goals are about the same. This dvd is definitly hard on the knees if your not careful. I find in most all of the circuits if i slow down, push my butt out, and keep my weight on my heels, it really helps. Knees are still achy especially in level 2 so far from all the jumping, but im going to slow it down tomorrow and do more stepping and less jumping to see if that helps the knees.
  • rungirl27
    rungirl27 Posts: 32
    I did L2D2 today. It was exremely tough! Harder than I remember it yesterday..but yesterday I did it when I was still half asleep right after waking up.
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 843 Member
    I did L2D2 today. It was exremely tough! Harder than I remember it yesterday..but yesterday I did it when I was still half asleep right after waking up.
    thats how i feel some mornings. Level 2 is just plain tough.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Kristy - good job getting L2D2 done already, You are great inspiration. How are you liking the lunges with the hammer curls? Any balance issues? Also curious what people think of the chair squats with V raises.

    I'm posting in advance to motivate myself to get this workout in. I am also hoping for an easy jog outdoors, if the sun stays nice. I'll post back later, victorious, I hope! Have a great Tuesday!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    I did L2D2 today. It was exremely tough! Harder than I remember it yesterday..but yesterday I did it when I was still half asleep right after waking up.

    Good for you!!! I am suspecting I could have a similar experience today but the point is, you got through it! How heavy are the weights you're using?
  • DebiP10
    DebiP10 Posts: 275 Member
    L2D2 complete and i can admit it wasnt half as bad as yesterday so i think im going to enjoy the next 8 days :) those chair sits with the v lifts are a killer, thats the only thing i didnt like, apart from that all is well apart from my quads, there still rock hard and well sore. hope i dont end up with footballers legs lol
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 843 Member
    Im using 2lb weights im a wimp! =] The chair sits with the v are the worst.... they kill my knees and im not sure why? maybe cuz my legs are together while sitting, not totally sure. The lunges are going ok, i just dont get as low into them and balance doesnt seem to be too bad when i do them that way. Glad to motivate but you guys are whats keeping me going as well! Love our little group!!!
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 843 Member
    L2D2 complete and i can admit it wasnt half as bad as yesterday so i think im going to enjoy the next 8 days :) those chair sits with the v lifts are a killer, thats the only thing i didnt like, apart from that all is well apart from my quads, there still rock hard and well sore. hope i dont end up with footballers legs lol

    Glad to hear im not alone, the place i see the most change in me so far is quads! lol I can even see a bulge in them through my jeans! not sure i like that! haha
  • DebiP10
    DebiP10 Posts: 275 Member
    L2D2 complete and i can admit it wasnt half as bad as yesterday so i think im going to enjoy the next 8 days :) those chair sits with the v lifts are a killer, thats the only thing i didnt like, apart from that all is well apart from my quads, there still rock hard and well sore. hope i dont end up with footballers legs lol

    Glad to hear im not alone, the place i see the most change in me so far is quads! lol I can even see a bulge in them through my jeans! not sure i like that! haha

    Its muscle girl, you got muscle :)
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    Hey all! Day 2 Ll 2 done. It was tough, some bits were harder than yesterday but I got through it. I don't think I'm going to like Level 2 the way I got to liking Level 1. Can you believe we've done 12 days already?!?! Woo hoo!

    I have a wee question - are you guys taking rest days where you don't do any exercise except the shred? I've been doing lots of walking as well. I think I'm going to try and get through without only doing the shred. So pleased I haven't missed a day. :)
  • rungirl27
    rungirl27 Posts: 32
    I did L2D2 today. It was exremely tough! Harder than I remember it yesterday..but yesterday I did it when I was still half asleep right after waking up.

    Good for you!!! I am suspecting I could have a similar experience today but the point is, you got through it! How heavy are the weights you're using?

    I use 3 and 5 pounds depending on the exercise. I was able to use 8 pounds (back and chest press) on a couple exercises in level 1 but that is not happening in level 2. I use 3 for most and I use 5 for bicep work (the lunge section).
  • rungirl27
    rungirl27 Posts: 32
    I completed L2D3--yeah NOT loving it...but I am loving it when I am done. It is hard and it takes everything I have to do it. But I am persevering thanks to his thread. I could not do this on my own. I am still a bit stiff and achy all over.
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 843 Member
    L2D3 DONE!

    Not loving this level either, now i see why it seems like every thread i read says they gave up in level 2. Haha I've came to far to give up now. 13 days guys we are almost half way done!!! Keep moving forward!
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    Do people have a treat lined up for after the shred? It finishes on my birthday so reckon I should have a treat of some sort! Also, are people going to start from level 1 again or do something different? I know it is a bit early to ask but I just know we'll make it through to day 30.

  • MrsGaff
    MrsGaff Posts: 42
    arrrrrggggggggggghhhhhhhh come back level one! all is forgiven!

    Did L2d1 today and I think my poor arms and shoulders are going to be busted tomorrow. I think I broke my abs doing those oblique twisty jumpy things. I think I could quite get into it though. 100% committed to doing it, and I'm going to do it twice a day on two days as I want to 'graduate' to level 3 with all of you guys :smile:

    Is it me or is it less intensive on the abs? Or is this just a horrible first day illusion and Ill be crippled tomorrow?

    katrob - my treat is going to be a new dress for my sister in law's going away party. One that hopefully I'll feel confident in. Id love to feel happy showing my arms.

    Im not sure what to do once we finish this... I might have a look round on the internet to see about that ripped in 30 one she does to mix it up a bit.
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