

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    edited December 2014
    Robin - such beautiful Princesses! Your youngest is the same age as mine. :love:

    I've been emailing Amazon today as our DVD/HDD recorder has been delayed by three days. Luckily this rarely happens, but it is very annoying when it does.

    Got all my prep for the dinner party done yesterday. The moussaka looks fabulous. I will only have a small portion and there will be plenty left for Sat night. :bigsmile: I bake the slices of eggplant rather than fry them so that saves a lot of calories.
    The important thing is that I am fulfilling the painter's criterion of having a relaxing meal without jumping up and down to do cooking. He doesn't have to know that I've spent three hours preparing! ! ! ! :laugh: I will be joining him in a mocktail (he is a recovering alcoholic) which is diet tonic, lime juice, Angostura bitters. Then I will have red wine with the moussaka. I will have a whole panna cotta (they are quite small) but no orange biscuit. I will have one half of the starter bruschetta. I did 606 calories exercise this morning.
    We moved into the new bedroom last night and slept this morning until 8.23 ! ! ! ! ! !,, :o Haven't done that in years! It must be the blackout blind, or maybe I was just exhausted after so many nights severely short of sleep. :laugh:
    I'm looking forward to tonight and as most of the prep is done, bar grilling the bruschetta bread, I can concentrate on getting up some nice sparkly lights and laying a lovely table, my favourite bit.

    Barb - I too love to entertain with food, but I have still managed to get to target. I think really good, tasty food can be a help when watching your weight as somehow you are satisfied with less, rather than bland stodge. Also when I have cooked it I don't need to eat it all, but enjoy wstching other people eat it. I have always been more inclined to overeat when I am depressed and on my own - my DH going off to footbsll always used to be a trigger for me, but not any more. If I am happy and busy and have friends around me I can resist temptation and enjoy the giving and sharing aspect rsther than stuffing my face. If I am out to eat I take small portions of the good stuff and leave anything boring or unhealthy on the plate. As I have very high standards that isn't difficult. My weakness lately has been wine and I am resolved to watch that. Hence the mocktail tonight! :smile:
    You can do it! Cut back on the portions, leave out the fattening stuff, or only have a nibble (that works forr me as a "moderator") and increase your exercise by degrees. For me exercise is the key, but I never used to like it or do it. I am very slowly growing to like it and feel bad if I don't do it, but really I do it to give me calories to eat. It works! ! ! ! ! :laugh: And I absolute love the fitness it brings and the shape of my body. I am happy every time I look in the mirror and see the arm defintion and a waist! ! ! ! ! ! On my profile photos there is one of me in a mauve top with my stomach sticking out as it used to. I look seven months pregnant and I got worse than that! ! ! ! ! ! Let that be your inspiration!

    Love to all, got to wash my hair!

    Heather in gloomy Hampshire UK
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,780 Member
    edited December 2014
    Alison ... have a wonderful vacation ... relax, rejuvenate, may it be a time of blessing!

    Another 1.5 pounds released today for a total of 2.5 this week ... still 6 pounds from my lowest point though.

    Doctor's appointment this morning ... will discuss coming off statins ... not happy at all with them and my numbers were low to begin with ... but now glucose is increasing (and I believe from my reading that may be a result of the statin).

    Husband and I hope to Christmas shop this evening. Migraine son finally say some improvement last night, but still not well enough to go to school.

    Joyce ... you cannot offend someone who likes fruitcake ... we're sort of a strange breed to begin with! Lol!

    Heather ... great advice which I have recently begun to follow!

    Beth ... in WNY where we got 8 inches of snow yesterday! Blech!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning. Well, not quite good, but not completely horrible. Yet. Molly was barking like a fool at 3AM, so Spot rushed to join in the sing-along, and I never got back to sleep after that. This morning my throat is even more sore and now I have an upset stomach, but still no fever. Then went to take the kids to school and DGD#2 was sick too. She vomited all over everywhere. I nearly joined her. So I got the other two to school and came to the studio to find that the kiln had malfunctioned and the alarm was going off. I was hoping for a few new pots for tonight, but no luck there. It may have gotten up to temperature, and malfunctioned on the way back down, so things may be OK, but I can't know till it's cool enough to open, which probably will not be before 6:00. I think I need a new thermocouple. I can refire those pots if need be, so they probably won't be completely lost, just not ready for the open house tonight.

    So I sat down to make a list of what I still need to do today and cannot think straight enough to make the list, so here I sit trying to get my mind to work.

    I hope you all have a great day.

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    edited December 2014
    Poor Sylvia; hope you feel better soon!

    P.S. Those of you doing holiday baking may enjoy this! :D
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    The sky was just gorgeous at sunrse........big pink puffy clouds and streaks toward the east!! Bright sun again but will not get out of the 40's once more. Have a lunch at a very "in" new place today; can't wait to see it!

    Hoping those on the west coast---Barbie, Katla, Kim,jb, Mimi and anyone I forgot are doing OK with all the wind and weather.

    Brenda.........You have had an awful year; BUT you are coping well and can be so proud of that!!!.........many, many hugs to you.

    Barb......Hope you were able to stay awake for the newscast.......you can look online for the station and probably see the clip again and again. Great grand kids!!!!

    Michele.........Boo for the person who "outed" you on the party........How impolite!!!

    Heather..........OOOOOHHH.......that menu!!!! Delicious!!!

    Beth.........Congrats on the loss.

    Sylvia.........I am so sorry you are ill (and how frustratng on the pots!!!) .......will be sending "feel better" thoughts to you all day so you can get through. Hang in there. Poor sick DGD too!

    Well, ladies, must empty the dryer and head up for shower.
    Stay strong!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    exermom - LOVE your embarrassing experience, loloololol! and jumping rope fast is just that, using 1 leg, sometimes both, sometimes one, alternating, jumping rope going forward, then back.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Soooooo happy now! Fixed up my lights so we are nice and sparkly. Laid the table with nightlights and some of my silver Christmas bits. Picked some winter flowers and berries for the living room. Found last years pillar LED candles - put batteries in. It looks so nice. :bigsmile:

    Just going to make some French dressing for the salad then grill some sourdough for the bruschetta. By the time they arrive I will be a true Lady of Leisure! ! ! ! :laugh:

    Our new duvet cover set arrived today so I have put it over the bottom of the bed like a runner and draped half the pillows. I want the painter to see what his handiwork looks like now the furniture and accessories are back in. His wife will be interested, I'm sure. Yesterday my cleaner couldn't stop enthusing about the room - she seemed quite bowled over! I am slowly putting things back in, but if I don't like them enough they don't go back. We need a new wastepaper basket and a new linen bin. :ohwell:

    My complaint to Amazon went well. I had an immediate email back to say they are sending out another one today by One Day Delivery. Should arrive tomorrow. I expect the last one got stolen at the depot!

    Love to all. Sorry to hear about the storms on the West Coast. We had a very, very windy night, but I slept through it!

    Bye for now - Heather, getting excited in Hampshire UK

  • SooGal
    SooGal Posts: 6 Member
    Just starting to really get into using MFP. I have logged on every day for 10 days. That's a record for me. I know I'm late to the game for December but will post what my goals are for the remainder of December and plan for new goals for January. I would love to make some friends on here to help encourage me and I can encourage you.

    Goals for the remainder of December.
    -log my food in MFP every day (every item)
    -get to the gym at least 3 times per week (a current cold has sidetracked this goal)
    -get through the Christmas food season without falling back to old habits

    SooGal from Eastern Ontario
  • lisac195
    lisac195 Posts: 54 Member
    Good morning everyone! I have been trying to keep up with all the posts in this thread but I know I missed some of it. Lots of motivational posts!

    Lost another pound when I got on the scale this morning! I was pretty sure eventually it would start showing on the scale again. The first few weeks I lost each week then Thanksgiving and the grandkid weekend happened and I stalled out. But looking at my stats I can see exactly why. Back on track now. My main goal now is to lose a couple more pounds before my Mom's Christmas dinner. I have NO control there and frankly don't worry about it. It is just one day. The other two Christmas gatherings I have to go to we are just doing small meals so I am not as tempted to overeat.

    Someone asked what exercise I am doing at my exercise class. It is a group of ladies in town who are just getting together twice a week for an hour. We switch up using different DVDs. Zumba, Richard Simmons, Leslie Sansone, Shawn T so far. All of it gives us good exercise and we have a lot of fun. And it is free. :smile:

    I did buy myself some Zumba DVDs for at home so I can do them on off evenings if I feel like it or I will ride my exercise bike. Once it gets warm again DH will walk outside with me also. We love to do it together. Also have a treadmill but I don't use it much. I have motivated DH to do more exercise lately and I am so glad. He is in pretty good shape but lately he has been sitting more than he likes at work and he decided he isn't feeling as good as he would like. So now we are both exercising a lot more. When the weather is good we work out at our property clearing brush, mowing, gardening, cutting trees, etc so our weekends are very active. Winter is more of a challenge.
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning! Just a quick pop-in to say hello. I now have both of my children under my roof. I can't say it is all joy, but it is interesting!

    The cookie thing: I used to love to bake cookies and give them away at Christmas. It's just sort of a tradition around here. However, I no longer really enjoy any part of Christmas so no more baking cookies. The hard part for me is the trays of cookies that people keep bringing to work!

    Fruitcake: Absolutely love it!! I really missed eating it last year. :disappointed:

    I'm overwhelmed with the amount of things that I must get accomplished before the end of the month. I turned over finding a Christmas gift for my mother to my brother, something I have never done before--I can't afford what she needs so he is going to share a gift with me. I have no clue what my father will be getting. Other than that, I am done with Christmas. What I am not done with is packing! I've got to get some sleep and find some energy and time to get that accomplished.

    I am off to finish up with work and then I have a therapist appointment (heaven knows I need it!!!!) followed by leading a training session at church with my pastor and associate. After that, I truly hope to pack, pack, pack!

    Carol in NC
  • cinnamon471
    cinnamon471 Posts: 34 Member
    hi everyone so is everyone doing both points and calories?
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    Tonight is our church's "Sweet Christmas". Desserts and a Variety Show. I host a table which means I decorate it and serve as hostess to our guests. I made cream cheese mints, mini cheesecakes and cookies. It is supposed to be desserts but I'm also serving sausage/cheese/crackers and cocoa almonds since a couple at my table don't do desserts. I'll try to get a picture of my table and post it later.

    I've been logging everything but have been over on my goals lately. Blaming it on being busy. But ultimately I know it is bad choices. Keeping on keeping on!
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Happy Friday! I am off this weekend, but lots of things to get done. Going to have DGD that is 6 and DGGS who is 3 for the night. Then tomorrow going to take them and a couple more DGC to have breakfast with Santa and then bake Christmas cookies. So want to get my cards finished this afternoon after work, before the kids come. Sounds like we could be getting snow and some bad weather Sunday evening.
    DGD's school program yesterday went very well. Those little ones work so hard. I just get upset because alot of the parents let the other kids run all over and they all crowd to the front.

    Robin--beautiful girls.

    Brenda-sending HUGs!

    Beth--Congrates on the weight loss.

    Sylvia--Hope you feel better soon and DGD also. Praying your open house goes well.

    Cynthia--Thanks for sharing, Cute ideas.

    Heather--WOW!! you table sounds beautiful and so in the spirit of Christmas. You are so talented.

    The sun in not going to shine today. Thinking I need to make soup tomorrow. See how tonight goes. I will enjoy the time with the DGC and know by tomorrow night I will a nap. Take care and keep on keeping on.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF~another dreary day.Daughter decorated the tree.Looks like Christmas.
    hugs jane
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    edited December 2014
    "Doctor's appointment this morning ... will discuss coming off statins ... not happy at all with them and my numbers were low to begin with ... but now glucose is increasing (and I believe from my reading that may be a result of the statin)"
    I was on statins from 1999 to 2004 (doctors insisted) when American doctor realised my muscles (I had been a body builder) were lysing and glucose UP. She was shocked to see me after 7 years at size 22 when I was a 12 when she last saw me and fit and healthy. I now take LIPIDIL a non-statin and my levels are fine. I have genetically high cholesterol, traced back to great granny, and diagnosed aged 21.

    Day 7 week 3 of Jeannette's challenge. I have to do Circuit B weights and Belly Blast this morning.
    Rest and walk day to morrow
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Hi all!
    Congrats to those of you who are making such good choices and resisting these holiday temptations! I did well at the dinner last night but then came home and blew it on chocolate. Oh, well....

    The dinner I attended was given by a group of women in a professional teaching sorority I used to belong to. I was invited to rejoin. All night long I was made to feel welcome with hugs and kind words. It made me feel so special. We will meet once a month. I am looking forward to being a part of the group again. The only down side is that they meet in another section of Nashville which is a loooooong drive from my home and will usually be at rush hour. I was so tired last night that I slept in and did not go to the Y to workout. I can't make that a pattern so the next time I'll make sure I save some energy for working out.

    Today I went back to my elementary school to help a kindergarten teacher friend. It was so rewarding working with the kids on alphabet, etc. I really enjoyed it. Also got to see some other friends and former coworkers. They noticed my weight loss and raved about how rested and rejuvenated I looked since retiring. I feel for them. Teaching is such a stressful profession now.
    Doing well with my December goal to wish someone "Merry Christmas" each day. I've only missed my water goal one day.

    Sorry this is all about me.

    Hugs to all of you - happy, sad, or in-between
    - Merry Christmas

    Toni in very sunny (yeah!) TN
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Michele: The woman from Newcomers who questioned you about invitations to your home in front of others is either totally clueless, or purposely mean. If I was in your place, she’d have to earn her next invitation, which she might receive before the eternal place of punishment freezes over. Or not. :flowerforyou:

    Joyce: We lost a fiberglass storage box from one of our slips. I’d say we lucked out compared to some others. We have not lost electricity at all. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: Congratulations on a wonderful night’s rest in your newly redecorated bedroom! :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: Sending good wishes and a warm hug. :flowerforyou:

    Carol: Moving is so much work, but I envision your happiness in your new home. I think it will be worth the effort. :flowerforyou:

    This evening I am looking forward to a riding lesson, and tomorrow we go to DS’s for the weekend. They want to go out to fancy places, so I bought a new top that is sparkly. I hope it is suitable. I am not accustomed to “fancy” because I don’t usually enjoy it. Being with the kids will be fun and sharing their enjoyment is a good idea.


    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Tradition is not to preserve the ashes but to pass on the flame.”

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    December Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.


  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    hi all. I see there are 118 posts since I was here last; no chance of catching up. I had a busy busy day, leaving at 1040 and not getting back until nearly 5. Tomorrow we will be out all day too, and it's date night. So I probably won't really be chatting til Sunday. Take care all. Meg
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    The storm was kind of a big one. I had to rebuild the Kennel roof this morning before I went to work because the wind blew it down. I lost power for about 5 minutes. Not to bad. I am hanging in there. I hope you all are well.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
    The beautiful PNW
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    The woman who organized the collecting of hats for Head Start announced today that she had collected enough hats (over 40 including the 20 she knitted herself, the four from me and the eight from Terri). She took a picture of the hats spread out on her guest bed and here they are:

    :D We live in a part of NW Washington that frequently misses the storms so we were untouched by anything except a bit of rain but people 30 minutes or more east of us lost power and dealt with horrible wind.

    :D 24,000 steps today---two hour line dance class that I taught, almost three hours of walking dogs, and some time on the exercise bike.

    :D Best wishes for sanity and balance for all of you who are facing challenges with holiday activities.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif smiley-happy093.gif

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.