

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,720 Member
    stats for today:
    Ride home to gym- 12.42 minutes 14 average miles per hour, 3miles
    expresso bike trail-challenging-stormy hollow- 35.28min, 105aw (average watts), 12.8amph, 7.44mi
    ride gym to tacoma dome train station- 6.18 minutes 13.5 average miles per hour 1.4 miles
    ride tacoma dome train station to home- 187.22minutes 9.4 average miles per hr 2.7miles

    jingle bell run tomorrow in seattle, one of my favorite fun runs, spending the day and night in seattle, sunday morning doing the run, going back to the hotel, take a hot shower then off to breakfast where we met b4 going home....
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,394 Member
    Did an hour of deep water today. Remembered to take my coupons and a blanket I made that had some mistake in it to the Humane Society, but totally forgot my aluminum. Well, I'll be that way Tuesday so I'll drop it off then. The plan is to do a DVD called "10 Pounds Down" tomorrow.

    Cynthia - no offense taken at all. Maybe some of it has to do with the fact that Jess works so much with animals and many of them do pass. anyway, it's her decision, she'll have to live with the results. Maybe she's feeling that Lance isn't going to make it much longer but the girl who is graduating and her brother will be her friends for a long time to come. Who knows?

    After the deep water class went to Bi-Lo to get the items on sale. I had a raincheck (I didn't realize it was from 2013!) for cat litter. I got the only two containers they had and there was a coupon from Target for another $5 off of 2, so I wound up paying $7.49 for each 27lb container. With 4 cats we'll go thru it, that's for sure! Then went to CVS to get soda with their coupon and to pick up Loki's med. Last time Vince wants to wait until the last minute before ordering it and I was the one who wound up making a special trip to pick it up. So this time I refilled the prescription about a week before we'd run out of the phenobarbitol. Still don't have any idea how to get the other med into him. Last night we tried putting it in the syringe and putting that in his mouth, the thing was that the syringe for some reason kept sticking. We even tried another syringe we had and we didn't have any problem with it sticking when we had to give Bonnie the antibiotic, but it stuck this time. I'm honestly suspecting the med.

    Then did some housecleaning. Vacuumed all the rugs, polished the wood tables, worked on cleaning the floor, cleaned the cabinets and the steel appliances. Don't know how long that'll stay clean since the plan for tomorrow is to do the cooking for the next week.

    Also made these 7 layer bars. We'll have some sunday. The other day Denise called and said that she liked them. Last time I made them she told me she didn't like them. Oh well.....we'll have them Sun and then on christmas Eve. I'm thinking I'll get a pork roast for Christmas day.

    Beth - congrats on the loss. and with all the stress you have with your son, a loss is awesome. MORE snow? Where are you putting it all?

    Sylvia - hope you and your gd are ok

    Jan - Heather's menus are ALWAYS delicious. There have been times when I just can't read them or else I'd be salivating and wanting to snack

    pipcd - One time about a year ago I used jumping rope for an exercise in the morning. That was something I could do in the hotel before we went to Jess' for thanksgiving. Only problem was that I developed a pulled achilles tendon and it must have taken about 6 months to heal. I admit, I didn't want to take any med so I just used this topical cream. That may have been a contributing factor to it taking so long to heal. Now I don't do jump rope any more.

    SooGal - welcome! We don't honestly care when you join in, we care that you do join in. We're so happy to have ya

    Next week they're doing the annual maintenance on the pool at the Y (they drain it and clean it), so no deep water class next week. Well, maybe the following week. Even if they don't have class on Wednesday, maybe I can get some time swimming laps in

    Lisa - I asked for the zumba gold for the Wii for Christmas. Hope I get it. I have a zumba for the Wii which I would sell at a yard sale because I don't care for all the twisting on my knees

    cinnamon - I only do calories

    Lesley - it's truly wonderful to see people who take care of themselves, like the people on this thread

    I finally put those magic cookie bars in the freezer. I just couldn't stand to have them staring me in the face each time I opened the refrigerator. I'll take them out Sunday.

    katla - I suspect that that woman from the Newcomers who questioned me in front of others is just totally clueless. She used to be the treasurer. When Vince took it over, she didn't even have it set up so that she could view the account online! She had a line on the budge marked "miscellaneous", which makes no sense at all. They suspect it was there just to balance the budge. Now there is no way on this green earth Vince would put up with something like that. Her treasurer's reports went like this "we started with a balance of x, had income of x, expenses of x, leaving a balance of x". No mention of where the income came from, what the expenses were, nothing. Vince's reports are usually something like "we started off with a balance of x, had income of x which represents ___ and ___, expenses of x for _____, leaving a balance of x". Like I said, she's just clueless, but her husband is a sweetie. I won't be going out of my way to invite her, but if we invite the bowlers (her husband bowls) or if we host a social, I can't exclude her. But like I said, I'm not going to go out of my way. Then again, I never have.

    A neighbor just invited me to another neighbor's house for a "brunch" on the 20th. That means I have to make something. Well, I found this egg, sausage, and spinach casserole that I'll probably make. Bad part is that Vince won't eat it. Depending on how much is left over, I may just freeze the rest and use it on Christmas day. Maybe Jess and Denise will eat it.

    pipcd - good luck on the run. How sweet that you're going to breakfast where you met.

    Michele in NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Katla and Barbie, thanks for letting us know you are OK. I have seen so much devastation on TV.
    Michele, sometimes I think that because I was a nurse I can be pretty nonchalant about death. Not my own families but when some one speaks of a death of one of my friends family members, I just think about it as a stage of life. I know when my MIL died, I was devastated for awhile but the funeral home had a program that a grief counselor called routinely and I was really OK. On her one really anniversary of her death we went to the cemetary and talked about her but we were OK. It didn't bother me at all working with the patients as they were dying, cleaning them up after. I was a nurse almost 30 years and it is a stage of ones life. I was always very respectful of the family, made a lot of special arrangements for them while at the hospital. I think that is why my Mom made both my sister and I as power of attorney for health care. My sister would want the doctors to do anything for Mom and I realized the repercusions of what her life would be.

    I am so glad I don't have to be worrying about ALL the preparations for Christmas. W all bring something. Michelle does the turkey at her house and a niece cooks a ham at her home. Our out of towners bring things like fancy disposable plates, napkins,etc. I know I may make some of you swoon and maybe faint but we use instant potatoes. OK, that is out, are you all OK. My kitchen just gets to hot for the oven to be on as long as it is already and I don't want to have the stove on all the time needed for 10 pounds of potatoes. Plus my dream is to one day have a stove top that has more than one large burner. GRRRR. Why do I need 3 small and 1 large??

    Toni, so glad you were able to help out and teach some. I am sure that is why I am so healthy now. Having to go on disability from my MS allowed my body to be a lot stressed. Stress is a big enemy to MS.

    I have decided that I might keep the dress for Trinity. Charlie really likes it so I am going to have Christina measure Trinity, waist and length waist to knee and bust size. Also actual leg length for the jeans that I am doubting about this particular store.

    Joyce, indiana
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Meg: Have some fun and drop in when you can. You’ve had a lot to do lately. :flowerforyou:

    Robin: Sorry about your damaged kennel. We had no damage other than our lost dock box. It blew into the river and then sank. :flowerforyou:

    Barbie: I’m glad you didn’t have storm damage. It was really amazing to watch. It went through here in daylight and we had a front row seat. It was beautiful, and powerful, and a bit destructive. Bottom line, the word awesome means something when applied to an act of nature like this. :flowerforyou:

    Michele: You have a generous attitude toward the woman from Newcomers. I admire you for it. :flowerforyou:

    The stable where I ride has no power to the barn, the arena OR the house, so we rode outside in the pasture and stopped when the light started to fail. I hope the owner is staying warm enough. No more lessons for me for at least a couple of weeks. I really enjoy my instructor. She is an open, honest and refreshing woman in her late twenties. She doesn’t make me feel awkward to be starting from the beginning at 65. I’ve had lessons many times before, but they didn’t yield what I wanted to learn. This is the best yet.


    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Tradition is not to preserve the ashes but to pass on the flame.”

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    December Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I haven't been here for months so I wanted to stop by and see how you are all doing. I've missed reading about everyone's busy lives.

    I'm so busy this school year I hardly have time to turn around. But I hope to stop by and check out this forum more often.

    Christmas decorations are up...or as many as I will have time for. Tomorrow is shopping for gifts day. My older son is moving to the Denver area right after Christmas so I will wait to send their gifts to their new home.

    My younger son graduated as a marine corps drill instructor and now lives here. I'm SO happy to have two little grandson's in the area. (One is actually in my first grade class! The other is 7 months old.)

    On Christmas Day I'm headed to Wisconsin for a wedding...unless the weather is bad. I just don't think I can drive in bad weather anymore. I hope I can go though. I will get to see my 90 year old dad too.

    Enjoy every minute of this beautiful holiday season!
    Eileen near rainy (finally) San Diego

  • Pamala28
    Pamala28 Posts: 18 Member
    Good morning. I just read an interesting article. It could have been from MFP! It stated that people with a support group have more success with weight loss.

    It is frustrating. I need to lose 7 kilos, which is about 15 pounds to not be 'overweight' anymore. Why is that so difficult? Is it my age, my thyroid, my lack of stick to it ness??

    I will hopefully begin here, with a support group. I know from reading the posts you are a great and supportive bunch.


    We have a catered Christmas dinner tonight. I always have trouble logging food I have not prepared myself. I will just not eat much and take it easy on the wine.

    Goals for December:

    use MFP
    make more of an effort to reach my 10,000 steps on days I don't work.

    Thanks for listening!

    Pam from The Netherlands.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Well, it is late (after 10pm) on 12/12 and I am starting from the 9th…. Opps! So I’ll do some serious reading and random commenting… I finally have the Christmas tree in the house, and plan on decorating it tomorrow between the farmers market, a craft fair, a client meeting, an evening babysitting job and some errands – oh yes and there is at least one letter jacket to be done. I need 100 hours in a day!

    Heather – I think it is great that you are “adopting” the yoga teacher’s daughter as your charity, I too give to some favorite organizations, but love when I can find a way to help someone in or on the fringes of my circle.

    Katla – I am jealous that you have gifts wrapped…. Checking in with the PT about the trip is a good idea, and breaking it up as much as you can, so stopping every few hours to get out and walk around helps - If you do some of the driving and he could even sit in the back where he could stretch out?

    Newbies – welcome!!!

    Cookies – Ok from the California connection… I love Christmas cookies, and make tons of them! Each kind is a more time intensive cookie than I would make the rest of the year….I take Christmas paper plates and put a few of each kind on plates and share them with neighbors and friends, bring them to gatherings, folks always seem pleased, and I have one neighbor who even stopped me last year as I carried a plate to another neighbor and introduced herself and asked if now we were good enough friends for her to get a plate of cookies…

    And weather – we had a windy rainy week… almost 9 inches this week! That is a lot for us. And off and on very windy, but no damage in my area. Tonight it is clear and cold, down into the high 30s (I know that is not that cold, but this is California and we are wimps)

    I did walk every day, rain pants, slicker, and off Levi and I went…I don’t mind walking in the rain, but one day on our way home the rain was blowing right into my face for the last 20 minutes… I ended up awfully wet and cold..

    Fighting some depression; this is not like me; but the holidays are not working out to be what I hoped for - I really thought losing weight would help my social life and it is just the same as it always has been – boring, and I just don’t know how to fix it. The only things I can come up with to fix it cost money and I just have very little spending money; 6 months from now and my business loan will be paid off and that will help. Slogging through… not being as good as I should be on the food logging, but better than November…. Baby steps.
    Night all!

    December goals:
    Walk every day
    Log all bites everyday
    Do a fun thing every week.

    Kim from N. California
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    HI, all.........Awake since 3:20am........will leave in a half hour to help set up and time a local 5K to benefit a city ambulance crew. Temp currently 32, winds pretty calm, so, could be a lot worse.

    The new restaurant yesterday was perfect..........super ambiance and decor, delicious food, great service........could not have asked for more or better. We laughed and laughed once everyone got there---one woman went to the wrong restaurant!!! They only do breakfast and lunch and really have found their niche!!!

    pip........Have a great run!!!!!

    lisa.......congrats on your loss

    Katla.......I am so glad you are happy with your riding instructor; sounds like she is just what you were looking for. Safe and fun trip to you and DH.

    Robin.........Repairs done!! Good job!

    Kim..........Wish I could do something for you to make things better; how is it going with roommate?

    Heather ........Hope your dinner party went well.

    Stay strong!

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    edited December 2014
    Good morning everyone!

    The “community” part of the site wasn’t working well for several hours. Glad it’s working again.

    Meg: glad to see you; looking forward to your next post.

    Michele: agree with Katla about the Newcomers lady. Read your post; I’m continually amazed at your energy. Don’t know how you do it! Does the vet have any suggestions for giving Loki’s meds?

    Robin: keep hanging in there!

    Barbie: lots o’ hats!

    Kim: love the neighbor asking for cookies! :) Spend Christmas chatting with us; we’ll be here! I know what you mean, though. I tend to be a little depressed around Christmas since my family’s so far away and the Christmas celebrations where I am tend to be kind of boring. I try to have one occasion I need to spiff myself up for; that usually puts me in a good mood.

    Yanniejannie: glad you had such a good time at the restaurant.

    I am cooking spaghetti squashes today. I ordered three of them at the greengrocer’s and got a half of one free (extra). I’m doing them in the oven, which takes about an hour; does anyone do them in the microwave?

    Eating has been ****** recently. Have gained. I need that knee! :(

    Hope everyone has a good day!
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:

  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Goodmorning Ladies,
    finally back home from my sisters, she is doing much better, had back surgery so may take her awhile. Now on to get Christmas underway here, we go to my dd for Christmas Day so I don't have a lot of cooking to do just a few special treats that will stay there, my weight is not great but iam not running to food to fix everything guess we can learn new things as we age because I never thought I would walk away from something sweet.
    So much has been going on here we are a busy bunch, thoughts and prayers going out to all
    take care

  • forblh
    forblh Posts: 17 Member
    Hello everyone, newbie (to MFP) here.
    Congratulations to all for their fantastic committment and weight loss to date.
    I believe i have found a wonderful forum here with women with similar goals and life issues.

    My name is Jamie, i am from Southern Ontario Canada (shout out to SooGal from Eastern Ontario). I have almost 100 pounds to lose, YIKES. Amazing to see people here from all over the world.

    I have 1 question, just curious if anyone tried Weight Watchers, if so why MFP over WW?

    Goals for December:

    Log, Log, Log!
    Participate on the forms
    Keep holiday eating in check

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,361 Member
    edited December 2014
    Good morning all! :flowerforyou:

    DH has just gone off to football so I have the day to myself. :bigsmile: The ex brother in law that he usually meets there texted this morning to say he wasn't coming any more. This is the one that DH gave a good talking to and moral lecture about his fleecing his daughter (DH'S niece). DH was fairly philosophical about it all, but it probably means he won't carry on going next season. The end of nearly 30 years tradition. :cry:

    Our new recorder that I complained to Amazon about arrived at 10 am this morning. I was going to watch my French film on my laptop today, but I think I will wait now until the DVD is set up. Instead I will spend the day prepping for the Christmas visitors. I will be making Babba Ganoush (eggplant dip) for my DSD and others. It is her very favourite thing. Also the eggplant and spinach rollatinis from skinnytaste.com, for our veggie guest. That should see off all the eggplants! ! ! ! :laugh:
    Does anyone have an idea for a diabetic dessert? I will offer cheese, but would like an alternative that we can all eat.

    The dinner party went really well. All very relaxed and DH and I even managed to get all the washing up and tidying up done. :bigsmile: They are very nice and chatty guests and it really helped me to join the ex alcoholic in a couple of mocktails. I had a couple of small glasses of red wine, but not nearly as much as at a normal dinner party. :bigsmile: I kept my calories down by taking only small portions and ended the day 200 calories under TDEE. Hooray! ! ! o:)

    An old friend rang this morning to say she had developed vascular necrosis in her hip. I am going to have to google this. She is in a lot of pain and has a lot of problems walking. Her nutrition has always been very poor and she has been underweight for years so I don't know if that has something to do with it. I suspect it is genetic as I think her mother had something similar. I had in the end to make an excuse to end the conversation as she was going on and on. I feel sorry for her, but I haven't seen her for five years. She is the second really skinny, nutrition limiting friend of mine who has had awful problems with their bones. Another one broke her pelvis just stumbling on holiday. The moral is, don't get TOO thin and eat well with good nutrition. Both friends don't drink milk and are vegetarians. And toooooo thin.

    Love to all. Heather in sunny Hampshire UK
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,361 Member
    I googled it and it is Avascular Necrosis. Not sure how she got it. She said she felt a ping one day as she was sitting cross legged, which could have been a blood vessel rupturing. The pain came on a few weeks later. Poor thing. We are all just one step away from disaster. :ohwell:
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning. I thought I posted last night when I got home, but I don't see it here. The open house went well. Sales weren't quite as high as last time, but we still had a crowd. We were competing with other events, like the college graduation.

    The first person in the door, other than the other artists, was a tv news cameraman. Once I settled down it went OK. We saw the piece on the news last night and it wasn't terrible. He showed a lot of pictures of the gallery and the artwork, and only a small clip of me talking. I liked that a lot. It's funny, he was trying to wait for customers to arrive so he could show people whopping, but the only people inside were other artists, so they pretended to be shoppers. As soon as the cameraman left, lots of other people came in. I think they were waiting for him to leave.

    I was pretty proud of my little shop and thrilled with my friends and other artists who helped me so much. My friend Debbie made it her job to walk around and rearrange the pottery so it didn't look like there were holes on the shelves. She's really good at that. My friend Daria stayed mostly in the back and monitored the refreshment table.

    My son and grandkids came in to say hello, and the kids seemed impressed with the whole thing. The crowd, and people talking and laughing, and all the artwork and food. I don't think they had seen that before. So that was really nice. My granddaughter who was sick in the morning had recovered and said she felt fine.

    I, on the other hand, felt like cr*p. My throat was really sore and I felt like if I ate anything I might lose it. ( Still no fever though, so it's not Ebola.) So, I drank water and ate a few grapes. But I managed to stay on my feet and get through it without a problem. This morning I feel even worse, but I have to go to the studio from 10-2 today. A number of people have called to say they couldn't make it to the open house but will be there today. I have pictures of the studio and will post some later if I have time.

    Well, I have to get around and dressed and go to the bank on my way to the shop. Have a great Saturday!

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    edited December 2014
  • palmtreesbend
    Hi!! My name is Lisa and I'm brand new to this website and app. I'm turning 50 in March and for the past year it seems impossible to lose even a pound!!! I'm determined to get this weight off my butt!! lol!!! I'm so uncomfortable and embarrassed about the way I look. My goal is to feel good enough about my appearance that I will allow my picture to be taken on my milestone birthday. Right now I run screaming from the room when I see a camera! lol!!! (but I actually do leave as soon as someone starts taking pics). I want my children to have pictures of me, and right now, they don't. Any tips on navigating this website would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    Forblh ... I was on WW in the past and successful for a time. Calorie counting and exercise has been more effective for me and longer lasting. And cheaper! I did read a post on MFP that explained why WW doesn't work long-term for many ... too much room for error with free foods and point assignments. There are no such things as "free" foods ... it truly is calories in calories out.

    Sylvia ... the studio looks great! Hope you soon feel better.

    Lesley ... my doctor admitted that a side-effect of statins is increased blood glucose, among other things. Essentially, the medical community is choosing cardiovascular health over pancreatic health. We agreed to a 3 month trial without statins. I suspect I'll be fine, but should my cholesterol levels deteriorate, I will ask about the medication you are on. Thanks.

    Doctor was thrilled that I am continuing to lose weight, even at a slow rate, as most of her patients fail.

    Completed a large portion of our shopping last night ... easy things like gift cards ... we'll get today. Finishing cards today and will begin fudge tomorrow as I need to ship boxes this week to nieces and nephews.

    Have a great weekend!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,361 Member
    edited December 2014
    Sylvia - the shop looks beautiful! I would buy something! For me though, as an inveterate "planner", it's a bit too close to Christmas to buy stuff as gifts as I've bought my presents already. Maybe next year you could have it earlier and you might see your sales go up. Just a thought. But great job! Feel better soon! :flowerforyou:

    Heather UK
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    edited December 2014
    Sylvia: is that your shop? And is all that work yours? My eyes are out on stalks (like Popeye's)! Gorgeous.
    (You sound more positive aside from the cr*ppy cold; glad to see that!) :flowerforyou:
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Cynthia, yes, that is my shop. Most of the work in these pictures is mine. The other artists were in the other gallery in the back. I'll try to post pictures of that too. There were so many people in there last night that it was hard to see the work.

    Heather, yes, it is later this year than usual. I was trying to decide not to have it at all, but my friends pretty much insisted. All in all, I think it worked out. Earlier is a problem because we have a lot of other obligations in November and December, like a group show at the local art center and our group show in Joplin that we had the weekend before this. It's always hard to find a good time, and sadly, my own show usually loses out.

    I've tried a couple of times to put in a picture but it doesn't seem to be working.

