40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited December 2014
    Morning all.

    The old man must be snoring, because it's sure raining and pouring here right now. And this isn't even the worst of it yet. cloud.gif

    I had a lovely commute in to work this morning. A lot of people must have stayed home because the freeway was lighter than normal. The commute home will be a bear I'm sure. Just hoping the streets aren't flooded too badly. Going to try to leave the office before dark today so I don't have to deal with that mess at night.

    The radio show I listen to in the mornings had people calling in goofing on those people who stayed home because of the storm. They would call into the radio station to report that a leaf drifted down onto their car, or that they got sprinkled on, or that the wind messed up their hairdo, etc. It's true though. The people in my town are weather wimps. They don't know what REALLY bad weather is like.

    One of my evil coworkers brought in some irresistible frosted brownies today, so I had no choice but to have one. It sure was yummy. I just took one though and got out of there! :# Someone brought in chocolate chip cookies yesterday, but I wasn't tempted with those. Still waiting for someone to bring me an iced sugar cookie! Starting to lose hope. :'(

    Curious, I just have to get one of those spiralizers! I keep hearing about them and I'm sure I'd have use for one. I don't cook pasta too often (maybe once every month or two), but I eat LOTS of veggies and I think it would come in handy.

    I think I ate too many veggies yesterday (big side salad at lunch and an a HUGE turkey salad for dinner...or it could have been that piece of fried chicken I had at lunch!). Got a little queasy last night. Was feeling aces this morning though.

    Better close and get back to work now. The whip is cracking around here these days! whip.gif

    You all have a wonderful day. wave.gif

  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Evening.

    I've been slow about everything today, not just posting. I didn't even start my lifting until 1045, about when I finish usually. Last night I ventured to the far reaches of my library and discovered an Elmore Leonard novel I hadn't read, and took it in the tub for a good long soak and read. Which led to me reading the rest of it in bed before turning off my lamp. Which led to me sleeping in this morning. And I was a wus lifting. I had to do 3/4 reps and just do an extra set.

    It is good having Margie back. She stayed home from work and did some cooking today. {Tomato pie and gumbo} I had a big bowl at lunch, then took a long nap. So there is a good chance tonight will be another late one for me. With a weekend of late night parties just around the cornier, as long as I can sleep in in the morning, that isn't a bad thing.

    Welcome Sylvarose and Icu. Hope you hang around a while.

    Mygnsac, I can see where folks who don't see much rain could have problems driving in it. Even here in Florida we have people hydroplane right off the road.

    Beeps, I hope you didn't scare that Coyote.

    Sderski, hope you have fun at Bridge tonight. Those Holiday parties can be taxing on the calorie goals.

    Kelly Sue, glad the move is in sight. Hope your hubby makes it home soon.

    Andy, good to see you back. I'm down to 34" waist too. I had to buy a whole new wardrobe. As bad as it is having moobs, I have discovered one good thing about them. I can tell how fast I'm walking by the amount of moob bounce I have.

    Curious, good to see you back. Glad you are feeling better. It looks like Mamma and Cousin are doing alright. The house is clean and there is always fresh cooked meals now. But Mamma was telling her she was washing the dishes wrong, and the green beans were over cooked. I told Mamma to shut and eat them. My sister is the one who was getting called down there 4 and 5 times a day, so she is liking it very much.

    Today is Thursday, so here are the numbers:

    21.7% Body Fat
    57.1% Body Water
    24.3 BMI
    174.1 Pounds

    Hope everyone is having a good evening,


  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Oh, happy Friday all!! It has been, Ummm.... crazy the last couple of days! We have had to jump through some fiery hoops to get things finalized so I can move tomorrow. I also found out that hubs will have to go back to rehab for a time- how long will be up to him. Still holding out hope that he will be home by Christmas.
    - I will be packing up the last bit of stuff that is left to pack tonight. I may still have a few odds and ends of things that I will have to go back after during the week. Thankfully, my house is not yet on the market so I can do that without too much difficulty.
    - I will be on MFP during the weekend,but will check in with you lovely people on Monday. Have a great weekend!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Morning Cool Kids.

    I have my cardio and breakfast behind me. Not in a super rush, but I have to shower and shave, and run by Mamma's on my way to work. Tonight's event at work is the County Courthouse's Christmas party, so Margie will be there. This is just the second year they have had one. Last year's party was a big hit. The elected officials foot the bill and work the serving line, while all the rank and file are pampered for one day a year. Margie isn't too happy that she only has two employees, but has to pay the same amount as offices who have fifty.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend,

  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Happy Friday Cook Kids,
    Beeps, looks like a lovely area for a walk. Running into a coyote would have me running the other way and fast as well!
    Speaking of wildlife, I saw a beautiful lynx on the way to work yesterday morning. It was so dark, it looked black.
    Kelly - woot! Woot! Good luck with the big move tomorrow.

    Welcome Sylvanrose and icu (cute name). I probably 82+4u! :wink:

    Got my workout in before the Christmas bridge party. That makes 5/6 days for me!!
    Heading to the city after work to finish up my Christmas shopping, so the workout will be walking.
    mygynsac, I know how you feel. Someone brought in maple frosted gingerbread cupcakes today. :scream: They were sweet and delicious! :stuck_out_tongue:

    Weather has turned mild again. Seems to be a trend lately, bitter cold during the week, mild on weekends, then snow Sunday night and Monday.

    Have a great weekend all!
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Happy Friday kids

    I am so pleased to see all of your posts and good news.

    Kate--Your consistent loses are commendable. Keep up the great work. I am ready to read about your heavy lifts.

    Larro--Congrats on your loss.

    Beeps---You already know I was in awe when I saw the pic of the coyote. As much as I would have wanted to pet him, my COMMON sense would have kicked in. Thank you for the visual as it made my Friday. Yeah on the lifting. You would have been proud of me the last several sessions with my PT. I am enjoying strength training and looking forward to more challenges from her. My body is feeling it today.

    CG-I broke my spiraler and my new one came. There is nothing more tasty than raw pasta with raw sauce tomatoe sauce or a raw pinenut-garlic type dressing. I am with Sdereski, you really are a jack of all trades. You rock in my book.

    KellySue--Your hubby will be home sooner than you know. In the meantime it looks liek things are falling into place for you. Hugs to your family.

    My eyebrows are still kind of throbbing/achy like, otherwise they are looking better and better each day. What's so crazy is that coworkers and people I see constantly have been saying since Monday, why do you look so different? (lol). I took a peep at the 2015 mud runs for 2015 and I will train starting in January for the May and/or August Mudd run. I read the obstacle course and other than the fire part of the challenge, I have something to look forward to.

    Mzklutch--I hope you are still kicking those a.m. workouts and the move went well for you.

    Sylvarose--Hope you made it to workout yesterday.

    Ruby--I am missing you and need to hear from you.

    Emmalou--Hope you are well.

    Welcome all newbies. I hope you stick around. I feel like I say that several times a week.

    The gym is started to get more crowded these days since it's near that time for the January 1 New Years resolution rush. Despite being inconvenienced with finding a parking space, I really hope they can stick this journey out despite how challenging it can be.

    Have a great weekend everyone. As Beeps would say "BOOM"
  • laura2813
    laura2813 Posts: 84 Member
    Hello to all the 40+ folks! I would love to join this group.
    I'm 48 and have had extra pounds on me since the birth of my twin daughters over 18 years ago. In my family we always seem to start having issues at 30 but I think it hit me so hard because I lived my young life being under weight and eating everything and anything I wanted and never having to worry. This led to poor eating habits and poor diet. Now I'm trying to learn how to eat healthy and get my exercise in on a daily basis.

    Good luck to all!
  • Mzklutch
    Mzklutch Posts: 39 Member
    Hi all, finally got some internet this morning since moving on Wed. I had a busy and crazy week. After the move I had to drive to a conference for which took all of my Friday. And this Saturday I had to wait for the internet, phone and cable to be installed. Now that, that is done, I can get back to my routine. I managed to eat as well as I could and look forward to getting back to exercising next week.
    I got my live tree up today as I ran errands.
    Thanks Caramel for asking, I am back in business now.
    Curious glad to see you back. The name came because of how hard I like to ride and lead when I am riding with the group.
    Beeps I do not envy you and hope I don't see that much snow any more.
    sdereski - way to go!
    KellySue good luck with the move. Mine is over now.
    Larro sometimes we have to slow down in order to move forward. Keep up the good work though.
    Laura - welcome.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Hello all.

    I've had a busy weekend of work. Friday night we had the county employees party, yesterday another Christmas party and today a local black church is having a children's choral party. But Margie and I got up early and got in a little shopping this morning before I had to be at work. We got most of it done, but there is always gifts your forget, so I will try to remember who I forgot before my Tuesday shopping trip.

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend,


    PS: For the weak of heart, look away. But here is the last time you will see a clean shaven Larro this year. I'll start a few days early growing my winter beard. This was Friday night when I had to leave the safe confines of my office and go sit in the Ballroom with Margie and the other guests.

  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Good Monday morning! I had a busy weekend moving- so busy, in fact, that I forgot to log in at all yesterday- blast it! :angry: :disappointed: Oh well! I got everything moved with the exception of a few odds and ends. Now comes the unpacking part. I told someone yesterday that it seems to take a lot longer to unpack it all and put it away than it did to pack it up. Little by little, I guess. Trying to keep the eating in check since I just have not been able to get to the gym with everything. I will have to see how this week goes. I can't stand living out of boxes and seeing them stacked everywhere so I did a bunch this weekend and was up early to do a bit this morning and will be at it again tonight. Probably won't get much done tomorrow morning. Jake will be there so I will have to play with him instead!! My daughter and son-in-law are coming tomorrow night to help out some. Such a process!

    Hope you are all doing well. Have a great day!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    edited December 2014
    Happy Monday!
    Larro - look at you! B) You look much younger than your profile picture.
    Had a very busy, but productive weekend. Travelled to the city on the weekend. Got all our Christmas shopping done (am totally broke now) and got a nice visit in with our son and DIL. Got home around dinner time yesterday, so were able to finish decorating the tree, got the rest of my decorations up and started wrapping. I worked until after midnight, but feel like I am back on track.
    MzKlutch - home internet problems seems to be a common thing lately. I too have been having trouble. I did buy a new router yesterday but have yet to try it. Am hoping that is going to solve my connectivity issues.
    My big NSV was getting out for a run on Saturday while out of town! Yup - got up and ran and it was great! Have to keep the streak going. :smile:
    Busy work day, so I had better get at it. Have a good one! :flowerforyou:
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited December 2014
    Oh boy, it's Monday! (do I sound enthused?)

    We're still getting rain here. A nice steady little rain that doesn't cause the gutters and streets to flood, so I'm good with it. You watch, now that I said that, the rain will start coming down in buckets and I'll have to swim home from work! :# My Dad and my dog went for their usual walk at dawn this morning and they both looked like a couple of drowned rats when they returned. It would be so much easier if we didn't have to walk the poop out of that dog! He just doesn't believe one should poop in their own yard. :\ Usually it's a good thing, because my Dad likes the exercise, but it's not as fun on rainy days.

    I popped in to Best Buy over the weekend to pick up a little inexpensive accessory I was needing, and wound up buying an not-so-inexpensive IPad Air 2 tablet. Oh well, it will be a Christmas present to myself. My old IPad 3 was starting to get a little wonky, so it needed to be replaced. Just hadn't gone there planning to replace it that day. My next big ticket purchase is going to have to be a new PC. Mine is so old and sluggish now. But, I use my IPad about 99% of the time, so I can hold off on that for awhile.

    While I was out and about I bought myself a new mini fridge to take to work. The old one is about 10 years old and doesn't chill very well anymore. We have the main big fridge in the office for every one to use, but I also like to keep a little mini fridge under my desk. I usually avoid the communal fridge as it is typically bursting with stuff and disgusting! I'll bet these people don't let their fridges at home get that disgusting!

    Yesterday I noticed a huge bunch of mushrooms were growing at the base of one of our palm trees in the backyard. Not knowing if they were poisonous, I went out and pulled and threw them away. Then I noticed another bunch, and another bunch, etc. I wound up pulling and throwing away at least 5 pounds of mushrooms! We've never been overrun with mushrooms like that before. Weird.

    I was sure eggy this weekend in the kitchen. After making a dozen hard boiled eggs for this week, I tried making scrambled egg muffins for the first time. They turned out really good, so I made a bunch to keep in the freezer at home, and I made some mini scrambled egg muffins to bring to work today for a breakfast potluck we had this morning. I brought those along with celery and peanut butter, cherry tomatoes, red grapes and clementine wedges. I made sure there was something healthy on that table! :) The egg muffins were a big hit.

    After going wild with all the eggs (I used up 38 eggs!), I wound up running out and didn't have enough left to make a batch of my apple, banana, pumpkin protein bars that I like to eat throughout the week. I guess I'm going to have to stop at the store on the way home and then bake them tonight. I just hate cooking during the work week!

    Uh oh, it looks like break time is over. Back to work. Have a wonderful day everyone!

    P.S. Larro, looking good in that pic!

  • detholman
    detholman Posts: 12 Member
    Hello all, Just joined MFP about a month ago, but never got on the computer for it until yesterday, been using my phone. I am looking forward to reading your post and participating. Feel free to add me also.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    Larro! Change your profile pic! Now!

    I caught a cold-virus. No workout today.
  • MomFLYer
    MomFLYer Posts: 47 Member
    Easing my way back into my Cto5K program on Podrunner - heart's too tired today, so I'll do today's run tomorrow - need to be flexible until I adjust to the additional workload...
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Beeps2011 wrote: »
    Larro! Change your profile pic! Now!

    I don't know about this. My old picture was after a hard ten hours in the canoe. Sitting at a Christmas party just doesn't have the same whiff of gravitas.

    I did my full Monday workout this AM. Cardio and lifting. No walking at work though. I'm already in need of several hundred calories. No need to make it more.

    Hope all is well,


  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    Gravitas is over-rated....a killer smile will ALWAYS take you further!
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Hey kids......Hope all of you are well.

    Larro...love the new photo. You can really see how debonair you are.

    Beeps..Get well soon. The weights are patiently waiting.

    Mygnsac..I think that was great to treat yourself. I understand about community fridges at work. I believe we are creatures of habit. If a person is nasty at work I am sure they are the same at home. I seldom use them because I don't know what science project is growing..lol

    Mzklutch..Glad the moving is over. Despite the unpacking and Internet issues, I am sure you did well food wise. Look forward to seeing your upcoming activities.

    Welcome..Detholman and MomFLYer. Hope you enjoy your stay.

    Sdereski..what a great NSV.

    KellySue..I hope you did not lose your MFP streak. If so, I am still rooting for you.

    I took 2 classes tonight as I had to release some serious stress. There is a lady at my job who really pushed my buttons today. I took boxing and then body attack. Needless to say I am wired. I won't allow her to repeat her tactics tomorrow. My burn according to my HRM was 1011.

    What goals have each of you set for the upcoming year? For those of you who go to the gym, is your gym featuring special Holiday Classes? New Years I am signed for the 120 minute barre/Pilate, bootcamp/boxing challenge. I smell a new workout outfit for the occasion...lol. There are 2 things I am looking forward to for 2015; warrior dash mud 5k run and heavier weight lifting.
    My NSV is my 15 year old daughter borrowing my Nike pullover. I am still in awe over how far I have come.

    Have a great night everyone.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    My gym is kind of quiet about "changes" or "resolutions" this year, caramel.

    I will go lift tomorrow.

    My 2015 includes a ten lb weight loss....basically what i put on in 2014. Durnit.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Beeps2011 wrote: »
    Gravitas is over-rated....a killer smile will ALWAYS take you further!

    DITTO! :D