

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited December 2014
    Dee Dee.........23andme is a saliva-based genetic testing company.....ancestry-related, over 800,00 genotyped members. They used to also provide info with your test in the medical area on the gene-related diseases one would be predisposed to get, but the FDA disallowed that (probably had complaints from medical labs or others who charged a lot more). I suppose once you have the raw data you can either research your own medical results or turn your info over to a licensed lab and pay a further fee. It is the largest DNA ancestry service in the world. They even tell you how much of your DNA is Neanderthal. Remember Mimi? She had it done and had written about her results back when she was posting.

    I heard about them years ago and have watched the price come down to something I was willing to pay..........so, I'm really looking forward to this, esp. since I know so little of my dad's paternal family.

    Joyce and Margaret.........I remember the pickle ornaments had something to do with some German tradition.......but other than that, I'm fuzzy on it.

    Must go and do something productive, gym is closed today, for whatever reason.
    Waiting for telephone fix!!!


  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning! It's been a rough few days. Although I am glad my son is home for winter break, it is fairly miserable having both children in my house at once. I've found myself hiding in my bedroom just to get away from the noise and chaos. My daughter is doing better and, as a result (I guess), is getting crankier and crankier. She is about to drive me out of my mind! I don't have the right food, I don't want to turn out my light the moment she decides to go to bed, she doesn't want to pick up her own mess, she doesn't see why she should have to do dishes, etc. With my son, it's the constant TV and the $100 food bill plus the mess and clutter. I had to turn down a showing of my house today because it is such a mess! So, enough whining!!!

    Alison - I'm glad you're there safely!

    Kim - I hear you on the Christmas thing. I am by myself for most of the day on Christmas and it's just weird. I don't want to attend the church gathering at a local restaurant because it will be all 80 year olds. Not that there is anything wrong with older folks, I would just like to have someone closer to my age to hang out with.

    Sylvia - Your shop is beautiful and so is your work. Your husband looks like a real sweetie! You two look like you belong together. Now that you've seen the picture of you from a few years ago, do you still hate the newspaper picture quite as much? You look awesome!!

    My eating has been really bad for the past few days (week?) and I have got to get it back under control. I feel like everything is out of control right now and it is stress eating that is getting me. Also, my kitchen is not my own and I am feeling too tired and frustrated to try to cook and get healthy meals together.

    Right now, my sanity is resting on getting the closing on the townhouse done on Friday. I keep reminding myself that I will have a place to escape to when the kids get to be too much. I'm thinking about taking an air mattress and a lawn chair over there and just hanging out to get some time to myself.

    In case no one has realized it yet, I don't like Christmas. I find it to be a season of extreme stress and unwanted expectations. I try hard to distance myself from everything to do with it. I don't know if I will ever enjoy it again.

    I'm sounding whiny and depressing so I am going to get some work done and take a little walk around the church to see if I can slough some of it off. I hope everyone has a good day!

    Whiny Carol in NC
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning. Had a bad night last night with coughing, sore throat, runny nose, nausea, and my temp went to 102. Not fun. My fever broke but I still feel pretty bad. After I get hubby off to work I'm going back to bed. I didn't take the kids to school this morning. My gallery is closed Sunday and Monday, so hopefully I will be done with this for business on Tuesday.

    DeeDee, I'm sorry to hear about your second bout with skin cancer. I hope the surgery goes well on Friday.

    Michele, I'm so sorry to hear of your sadness over Melanie and Bryan. The holidays are so hard when you're missing someone.

    Barb, I'm down over a hundred pounds from the picture in the pink shirt. That's the one I found lurking on somebody else's facebook. I'm down about 20 pounds from the picture in the blue shirt.

    Alison, I really get it about snuggling with dogs. Spot is a great cuddler. The very definition of unconditional love.

    Well, that's all I can do now. I'm going back to bed. Have a great day.

  • hlbrennan
    hlbrennan Posts: 39 Member
    Hi Ladies! Not one child showed up this morning for story time! It's bittersweet, I love story time, it's the highlight of my job! But no one showing up means I can get caught up on other things! Like MFP!

    Sylvia! Your face looks much thinner between the two pics! I saw it right away! I think we are just too close to ourselves to notice those changes.

    And Heather, you are so right when you say that we can no longer have a relaxed attitude towards eating! When people ask me "How did you do it?" -talking about my weight loss -
    I tell them first off, I have chosen to EAT MINDFULLY. That's a Buddhist phrase, and we could apply it to all areas of our lives. So, I eat mindfully, I move mindfully, I pay attention
    to whatever I'm doing because I'm not going to stumble blindly through life! :)
    So, anyway, Margaret - I agree with Heather! No more mindless eating! :)

    Have a wonderful week everyone!

    Heidi from cold but sunny Florida! - Well 55F is cold for me! That's 12.77C

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,972 Member
    Busy weekend for me! Couldn't read all the posts but did skim through. Finished shopping, began wrapping gifts. Almost done that. We set up Christmas dinner for Saturday and my daughter and their family. We will have traditional Italian fried veggies, stuffed squid in tomato sauce, fried fish, and other bad stuff! Oh, boy.........

    I haven't been logging food but weight staying steady. I am still going to the gym so not too bad.

    Thank you to all who commented on my pictures.

    Depression is a major problem of mine. Comes and goes, but on more than off. Have to go to gym now then back to work.

    Prayers and hugs to all!

    Rita from CT.
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    I missed a whole page of posts and had to go back and find them when people were replying to things I knew I hadn't seen. Sylvia, your before and after transformation, as well as your pottery display are AMAZING! You rock at life!

    Margaret in Marietta, I am from NE GA and my daughter lives in Cobb County. If you'd like to be fitbit pals, send me a PM with your email and I will add you. If not, no worries! Good luck with your plan. I tried OA, but it didn't work for me, but it works great for Barbie's friend. The important thing is to not give up. Keep trying until you find what clicks with your situation and issues.

    Someone mentioned WW vs MFP. There are two main differences that I see. WW uses points and costs money. MFP uses calories and is free. Both are awesome and successful when used properly.

    Carol, I wish I could just give you a big hug. I think I would have gotten those grown kids to whip the house into shape and shown it. Good luck.

    More later,

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Michele: I’m sorry you’re having some sad days. I hope you bounce back soon. The holidays are difficult for many people. Last Christmas my son was overseas. It was tough and I remember how I felt. Sending hugs. :flowerforyou:

    DeeDee: Good luck with your surgery. I hope all goes very well. :flowerforyou:

    Yanniejannie: Let us know what you think of the genetic testing. :flowerforyou:

    Carol: Sending hugs. :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: You are right about dogs and unconditional love. I don’t even want to find out what life is like without a dog. :noway: :flowerforyou:

    Rita: Sorry about the depression problem. Sending hugs. :flowerforyou:

    Dr. Katie: I agree about WW v MFP. Points make no sense to me. My neighbor did beautifully on their program and has kept the weight off for several years. I understand calories and like MFP. :flowerforyou:

    We are currently visiting DS and DDIL in WA. Yesterday we went to Leavenworth WA for their Christmas Tree Lighting. We had a grand time, but it was a LONG drive. It was worth the long drive and we made good memories with the “kids.”


    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Tradition is not to preserve the ashes but to pass on the flame.”

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    December Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.


  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hello Ladies,
    I ordered all the stuff for bathroom redo. I am suffering from sticker shock. Everything is just so expensive. Well at least the stuff I like is. We plan on working on it during the winter break. I am taking 3 vacation days to make it a full two weeks. I love Boeing and the winter shutdown!!!

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    happy rainy mon
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    edited December 2014
    Hi folks!

    Deedee - Good luck with the op. Sending you healing thoughts. :flowerforyou:

    - All those who are suffering from Christmas meltdown, I send you love and peaceful thoughts. (*)
    I'm taking the opportunity of being on my laptop to post a photo of me a few months before I got to my worst ever weight. It has been on my profile for some time, but a lot of you won't have seen it. It was taken in March 2012 at my grandson's christening and I started my diet in June after my brother's 60th birthday.

    well, that came out absolutely huge! Sorry! But I did want the new people to see what can be done with a bit of dedication. I have since lost 57 pounds and lost all that tum!!!!!!!! And most of the chin!

    I'm having technology melt down today with our new DVD player \ HDD recorder. It blocks the TV which has the internet on it, so we either have to switch it off completely and then switch over to the TV outlet or we will have to load the internet onto the recorder. Another faff! We, of course, nearly came to a divorce fixing it up. I do seem to have a much better grasp of technology than my DH, but that's probably because he doesn't read the instructions. Grrrrrrr! I hate fixing up new stuff, but I am sure it will be alright in the end.

    Got yoga lunch at our local pub tomorrow, which will be fun. Luckily the food is nothing special so I will be able to be careful. I am sharing a starter and sorbet for dessert with my friend. They always bring loads of veggies. I will be wearing my Father Christmas flashing earrings and my Christmas bobble hat on a spring. Very fetching. :D

    Love to all, Heather in Hampshire in the south of the UK.
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hey, does anyone notice a discrepancy between the calories "left" on the website and on the app? The app is showing 76 calories over at the moment, while the website is showing about 250.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I did weight watchers a couple of times in my early years. Lost a little but gained more back. Plus I couldn't afford it. I tried every diet plan out there, I think. But I just wasn't ready to dedicate my life to it, until I got a wake up call from heart disease. I love that MFP is free, and that it's so easy to use. But the most important feature for me is this group of women. I'm absolutely sure I wouldn't have stuck with it this long without you all.

    Robin, I hope your redo goes well. Be sure to take before and after pics!

    Katla, so glad you are having a nice trip!

    I'm taking a little break from napping, but feel the need to get back to it. Hubby brought home a box of teabags which seems to have helped settle my stomach. Also felt good on my throat. I only drink tea when I'm sick, so a box of 100 teabags seems like overkill, but oh well.

    Later, ladies!

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Well it is Monday again and start of the new week. Weigh in this morning was BAD! I have been stress eating alot. Yesterday morning on the way to church I had a major meltdown. The minster's message was just what I needed to hear, and felt alot better when we left church. Then we went over to Kearney for the memorial for my friend. It was a very moving service and was glad we went. Breakfast with Santa on Saturday was not as I planned as one DGD was ill and my DDIL, so we took the other DGC and then called it a day. Plan is to make cookies this next Saturday if everyone is feeling better. I am off tomorrow so planning to do some baking then for gifts for the neighbors so can have that done. I finished the last of our Christmas cards last evening and got them in the mail this morning. So feeling alot better today.

    Barbie--Great to have so many warm hats

    Kim--the important things is not to give up on either one. Does your church have some group things you could join? Also One day at a time.

    Juanita--Welcome back and glad to hear DS is recovering well.

    Sylvia--Glad to hear your open house went well. You should be proud of your hard work. Thanks for sharing the picture. Congrates on the 170's. I want to get out of the 200's. Was pretty close last month, but the gained some so back down I go. You are like me and can not see the difference everyone else can see. I do see the BIG change with you. You have every right to be proud. Hope you feel better soon.


    Carol--Hugs. I love my grandchildren but it does not take long for me to want to be alone.
    This evening is our deptment Christmas party. They are having chicken and roast beef. Since they have it at 5:30 and I work till 6 I will stop by on my way out. Not to eat just to say HI. It has been rain mixed with snow alday and just looks cold. I am looking forward to going home and putting my PJ's on and cuddling with the furbabies and watching a Christmas movie. Shake this funk.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Tuesday here and no heart for training. The siege in Martin Place Sydney ended after many hours. Gunman dead plus 2 hostages and 3 injured. NOT good.
    Have had my breakfast of blueberries and banana buckwheat pancakes, Jeannette.
    Going grocery shopping.
    Washing clothes
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Ahhh.......Hugs to you, Lesley; I am so sorry about the deaths of the hostages and the injuries sustained by the three others. Heartbreaking. Pure madness!
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    Lesley ... echoing Yanniejannie ... the world has gone mad! So senseless...

    Michele ... I'll message you with the fudge recipe. It's more technique than anything else. Hershey's old-time fudge recipe. On their website or google it.

    DeeDee ... good luck with your surgery.

    Heather ... your transformation is amazing also. I set you, and Sylvia, Barbie and many others here as my inspirations. I can do this!

    I do understand, however, all of you with the blahs ... seriously, today was so bad that I really prayed that someone would wake me up from the nightmare.

    Carol ... both my sons were home today. The oldest one is becoming delusional again. I took him back to his place this afternoon, but would not be surprised if I get a call later this week from someone telling me he's lost it completely. I'll be calling his doctors tomorrow, but they just prescribe more pills. I see a pattern ... why can't they?? The youngest is home with more migraine. No question, the migraines are the result of anxiety ... but no idea what to do. School is asking that doctors pull him out and write scripts for home tutoring as they did last year. It's a mess. Younger son is becoming despondent and depressed as well.

    I have no interest in the activities of Christmas ... just putting myself through the motions with a smile on my face. But I do long for the peace and joy that Christ's birth brings. Praying earnestly for that each day.

    Today I ate like there was no tomorrow ... all sugar ... and not one bit of it brought me any happiness. Blech.



  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    My laptop at home "died", and I struggle on the tablet, so I'm trying to catch up at work, but work is too busy, too. So, I will respond to a few posts, and try to catch up on my reading of your posts again soon.

    Kim - DH and I travel at least once per year for his bowling, sometimes with DS, so I am often looking for inexpensive things to do, both in our area, and wherever we travel (and most of those things I must do alone, because the "boys" are bowling, so I'm left to fend for myself). I just do a google or bing search of "cheap things to do in _____". I usually find parks, plays, museums, free concert in the parks, etc. I hope you soon find whatever you need to enjoy your holiday without having to worry about Christmas.

    Joyce - I understand what you are saying about your hubby for Christmas. My Father-in-law was the same way. He sat in his "spot" at either the kitchen table or the livingroom, and ate or watched football. This will be my mother-in-laws first Christmas without him, so I told my DH that he and DS should spend Christmas in Minnesota with his Mom. She claims that this year she is looking forward to not having his "sour-puss" to deal with, but I bet she will miss him, too. I will stay in Milwaukee because of work. I know it will be good for them to be alone together.

    DeeDee - Hugs and prayers for your surgery. Thanks for the reminder.

    This morning a patient brought me a nice insulated coffee mug in a pretty gift bag. It's so nice to be appreciated.

    DS struggled again this weekend at bowling. He averaged a 160 for his Saturday league, 175 for his Sunday League (winning 0 points for his team), and only 75% fill with 4 strikes for his High School match. But he did well in the weight room while I rode the bike.

    For my niece's baby that is due in late January, I have completed the hat, and 2 thumbless mittens, and have begun the blanket. I am making a square cable on the bias, so it is easy, and does not require counting, but will look difficult when it is done. I will try to post pictures after I get my laptop fixed.

    Well, we closed 10 minutes ago, and everyone is gone, so I better end this post and head for home.

    Hugs and Prayers to all ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    :D We did another afternoon of line dance performances....one at a convalescent hospital the other at an assisted living home. My hubby, a friend and her granddaughter, and some non-performing line dancers attended along with the residents of the facilities. It was great fun. Someone took a picture of us in our festive clothing and I'll post it as soon as I get it.

    :D Heather, thanks for posting your "before" picture......the picture makes your changes even more inspiring.

    :heart: hugs to all of you who are experiencing exhaustion and let downs in the days before Christmas.

    :D Terri, I look forward to seeing pictures of your latest knitting projects.
    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif smiley-happy093.gif

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Ack! I've fallen and I can't get up....well, not exactly. Just returned home from almost 3 solid weeks on the road for vacation and business, and it's so incredibly hard to get back to pre-dawn workouts, clean eating and logging it all! :\ Fortunately the net damage on the scale was only 1.5, so I'm motivated to melt that off as quickly as possible, and put peddle to the meddle for the rest of the year. Next call will be to my trainer, Rose and to get back in the groove with weekly strength training, too.

    I'm about 2 weeks behind with this thread, and so let me just say I wish all who need it a strong hug, and a virtual high five to all of you who are doing a terrific job with your health goals.

    We can do this.
    Colorado Foothills
  • Hello, I have just joined and not sure what to do....I have enjoyed reading the postings, and I need all the positive and motivational feed back I can get...my problem is I love food!!!! So hope to hear from all of you. I have been a retail florist for 40 years, worked 10-12 hour days, and a lot of weekends and I just retired....I am loving it, but grab food every time I walk through the kitchen, and I am at an all time high weight. Not happy with my self.