40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    My gym is kind of quiet about "changes" or "resolutions" this year, caramel.

    I will go lift tomorrow.

    My 2015 includes a ten lb weight loss....basically what i put on in 2014. Durnit.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Beeps2011 wrote: »
    Gravitas is over-rated....a killer smile will ALWAYS take you further!

    DITTO! :D

  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Good Morning cool kids.

    Got my PiYo Sweat workout in yesterday before I headed off to the cookie exchange. Had a real good eating day yesterday. I need many, many more like that. :p Came home and baked a couple more batches of cookies. Am almost ready! :D
    Am still trying to figure out what I can have as treats for my company that is coming that are gluten/dairy/nut free. :confused:
    We had such mild weather here, it was raining and foggy yesterday. Today, it is colder / freezing rain. Ugh! Makes doing anything an extra chore.

    Beeps, hope you're feeling better.
    Carmel - you killed it! Best to work off the frustration than eat it, or bite someone's head off. I had an rather unpleasant encounter yesterday.

    mygynsac - that was a lot of eggs! Those muffins sound delish! And, there is nothing wrong with treating yourself every now and then. A new iPad is a nice one!

    Welcome detholman. :)
  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Good Morning Cool Kids!
    It's nuts at work this week -- trying to finish a bunch of projects so they're not hanging around when I get back from vacation after the holidays!
    Myg...I'm so curious about those mushrooms! ;) The egg spree sounds great
    Sdereski, you're on a serious streak! Hmmm, gluten, dairy and nuts, that's a tough one, but I'll put my thinking cap on for treat ideas.
    Caramel, all I can say is that it's a good thing for your button-pushing co-worker that your gym has boxing and body attack classes! :) You know you've achieved cool when your teenager borrows your clothes. Of course we've always known you were cool!
    Mzklutch, I hope you're settling into the new digs! I haven't ridden with other bikers yet. I got out this weekend, but Buttercup was having some fuel issues, so the ride got cut short. Fuel injector? Not sure.
    Beeps, I sure hope you're feeling better soon. Glad it didn't happen over the holiday! Get the bugs gone.
    It was a bumpy day at sea Sunday, and windy, but tons of fun. I'll try to attach a picture. ... must be too large. I'll try to fix.
    I'm leading staff training this morning, so have to mosey off.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Curious...I was thinking of you when I was throwing away those mushrooms the other day! I thought she would know if these things were edible.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Thanks for the well wishes, sdereski and curious!

    I still feel like crap. I did go lift anyway. Will nap this aft. Have kids band concert to attend tonight.
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Hey Kid's!
    So been getting crafty making Christmas presents this year. So here's a few pictures of some of my accomplishments so far. 1st gifts for my niece. 1vm7mesu84uf.jpg
    2nd gift for a cousin.
    The rest for Josie. LOL

    1 pound from goal; though may go lower. Sitting here with the hiccups right now. Had to borrow our son's mouse our's is acting up. I will get back to the gym this week!
    Carmel- you know your cool when a teenager borrows your clothes. LOL.
    I did buy a pair of pink skinny jeans this weekend myself. :)
    Larro- Nice picture. Just say no to the facial hair. LMAO. I'm lucky if my husband shaves once a month.
    Kelly Sue- I don't envy going thru everything. Clutter is a big annoyance of mine though with a "hoarder" husband and a 3 yr. old I have to be sneaky if I try to get rid of anything.
    Anyway...sorry if pictures are to big. I just used the add file button this time.
    Hello Newbies!

  • laura2813
    laura2813 Posts: 84 Member
    Hello Cool Kids!

    detholman - Welcome

    Mzklutch - Thanks for the welcome.

    caramelgyrlk - I love to box it's a great way to relieve stress and it sounds like you agree. I worked with some folks for over 8 years that were almost unbearable. Hang in there.

    Today I'm enjoying the warmer weather here in FL but made a really dumb move this morning and left my workout clothes at home. I guess it will be a late afternoon or evening run for me today so I can get some exercise in. I only have a few items left to purchase for Christmas and am thinking that Santa needs to visit me too. I'm thinking a Ninja blender would be a great addition to my kitchen and be useful for smoothies. Now I've got to figure out if my husband has been naughty or nice and if Santa is going to bring him anything....and if so what to bring him. Some men are just hard to buy for. lol
  • nickpnh
    nickpnh Posts: 111 Member
    edited December 2014
    Curious (I think it was you) thank you. We're adjusting to no dog. Planning to start looking after February vacation. We're going to FL for a few days to see my Dad so DH wants to wait until then. It is so weird. We still have her water dish full in the kitchen. Coming home the house feels empty after 15.75 years with my pup. Then the kids fill it up and life goes on.
    Sdereski - message me. I can help you with any recipe you need. My son was dairy free (now outgrown) and is gluten, soy and legume (includes all beans and peanuts) free. I have thought of opening my own bakery but can't get the $$ to work out as my day job is an Electrical Engineer. Have to sell a lot of cupcakes to cover bakery expenses and engineer income. Someday... I am in New England so I know the local stores here but you should be able to find ingredients anywhere and Amazon carries most stuff too.
    KS I hate when I break my logging streak. I have been cleaning out too. The kids are very generous with clearing out toys this close to Christmas so we took a stuffed load to charity and a few items to consignment. Feels good and makes me want to get even more out of the house.
    Congrats to all for your hard work!
    I had a great family weekend but not so great eating. I did get swimming - 23 laps (2/3 of a mile) this morning. I have also set a zero gain goal for this month and 15 pounds loss for next year and a BMI of normal.
  • laura2813
    laura2813 Posts: 84 Member
    nickpnh - So sorry for the loss of your pup. I know my profile pic has a kitty in it but that's my daughters kitty.... I'm a dog person (5 Chihuahuas). I couldn't imagine a day without them and hope you find another fur baby once the holidays are over. Have a safe trip to FL... the weather has been great down here.
  • LewisCenterMom
    LewisCenterMom Posts: 3 Member
    Hello gang! I'm in - I will be 45 in May 2015 and striving hard to be the fiercest, fittest 45 year old I can be! Just started P90X3, I worship Tony Horton and I wear a fitbit and strive for 10K steps a day. Oh, and I work a 9-hr day desk job and I'm mom to a 4.5 year old. Phew! That's about enough for now, I'm exhausted just thinking about it, ha! Glad to meet y'all.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Nick, I'm sorry about your loss. Worst part of pet ownership. My current dog Cisco was carrying something around in his mouth last night, and it turned out to be an old toy mouse of my kitty Casey I had to put to sleep in 2013 (without fail, every night around 8 pm Casey would run up and down the hall with that toy in his mouth). Don't know where he found that thing, but it made smile remembering all of Casey's antics.
  • nickpnh
    nickpnh Posts: 111 Member
    welcome Laramom. I have a 9.5 8 and 4.5 and I work as an engineer sitting most of the day. I have yet to hit 10k steps unless on vacation. It is hard when you sit to work and commute. Great goals!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Well, I tried to post earlier today and it just wasn't happening! I lifted and moved boxes and furniture from about 8:00 to 11:15 last night. I got them all put in a spare bedroom for now so that I can take them out a few at a time and put stuff away.
    As for my streak of 670+ days... it is gone :\ it's a bit frustrating, but in the end, it's just a number.

    Hubs is still in the hospital. He has now developed terrible arm and leg tremors. They did a CT scan that came back as normal, but are supposed to do an EEG sometime soon to check for possible seizure activity as a result of some of the medication that he is on. I have resigned myself to the fact that he will not be home for Christmas. :cry: They have found him a rehab bed in Rochester, but they are not sure when he will be going there yet. Hopefully soon.

    Beeps- hope you are feeling better soon. You are very dedicated to still go and lift even when you feel so bad!

    Caramel- hope you had a better day with your coworker. It is so easy to let others push your buttons before you even realize what has happened.

    Kate- Love all of your Christmas gifts. Very cute!!

    Larro- I really do like your new pic- you will have to show us one with your facial hair!!

    Curious- hope you get the problem with Buttercup straightened out and it's nothing too serious.

    Welcome to all of the new people!
  • Mzklutch
    Mzklutch Posts: 39 Member
    Hello Cool kids, I have been trying to sit all day and get around to posting and finally did. I am exhaling as I type. This is one of those weeks.

    Larro like the picture
    Kate way to go on the weight lost.
    Curious - I am getting settled in the new home but my work life has been crazy this week. I have been unable to get to the gym for early and late meetings but I am managing to maintain my healthy eating considering sometimes stress can make you want to thwart healthy behaviors.
    I am looking forward to when I can get to ride my bike.
    Caramel - nice way to handle stress, kick butt! Nothing going on at my gym but I may be joining the Y in the new place/town I moved to so I will have to see. I just want to continue embracing healthy lifestyle changes in the new year.
    KellySue - I hear ya, posting is getting challenging because of everything that is going on. Hopefully your hubby gets better.
    Laura - I have the nutribullet and have enjoyed it.
    Laramom - welcome.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Evening Cool Kids.

    My goodness there was a lot of posts to read. We are growing. And a warm welcome to all the new folks. I had to get to work early to set up for a party tonight. With my shopping trip moved up as well, I only got in about half of my usual cardio.

    This was likely my last trip to the thrift stores before Christmas, so I gave a little token of my appreciation at my three favorite stores. One of them is Habitat for Humanity, and I love the work they do. The other two both have food pantries, and one of them gives out free clothes to the needy as well. As much as I love my deals, {have I mentioned I hate spending money?} I know there are folks who have to shop there. But I give for the most selfish of reasons. It makes me feel good.

    Speaking of thrift stores, I saw a bare bones weight bench for $10.00, but I was in such a rush, I didn't buy it. I would have had to take it apart to make it fit in my car. And it wasn't very wide or padded. I'm still hoping to find a nice one at a price I can handle.

    It was a warm, rainy day here in NW Florida. I ran the AC in the car, and it's on here at work.

    Kate, loved the pictures.

    Curious, hope you get back on the trails again soon.

    Caramel, in most cases I am opposed to any sort of violence. But if your coworker keeps picking at you, you might think of combining her face and your boxing. Or at least a picture of her face.

    Beeps, hope you feel better soon.

    Kelly Sue, I think you can get your streak back. PM someone in Admin and they will see if it can be saved. But the important thing is you are living a healthy lifestyle. Your body doesn't know about MFP.

    I hear the party breaking up, so I guess it's time for me to get to work. Maybe putting up the tables and chairs will offset my missed cardio.

    Hope everyone is well,

  • Emmalusmom
    Emmalusmom Posts: 61 Member
    Hello All You Cool Kids,

    I hope that everyone is doing well.

    I have to go to a funeral today. It is so sad! My 40 year old neighbor passed away from cancer. She was only diganosed this past June. She has 3 girls that are still in school. So please keep them in your prayers.

    Larro - I love, love, love your new picture!

    KS - I hope that someone can give your streak back to you. I know that I was upset when it was only 90 something days. I can only imagine how you feel.

    CG - I hope that Butercup is up and running soon.

    Caramel - I love the way that you process things. You rock in my book!

    Beeps - I hope that you are feeling better.

    Kate - I am so proud of you in your journey. Don't let anybody take that pride from you.

    Nick - I am so sorry for your loss. We have a boxer (Emma) and she is like a child to us. Our childern are all grown so she is the baby now.

    Welcome all the newbies. This is a great place that you have found. There is so much support here it is refreshing!

    I hope that you all have an awesome day!
  • pedalpusher361
    Hi All! I am not new to myfitness pal, but I am new to posting in the message boards. I have been on a roller coaster of weight loss and I am ready to get off. What has worked for me in the past, has been reaching out to others and getting involved in support. So here I am! This group seems very supportive - just what I need.

    What I am struggling with is staying away from bad snacks. I work for a company that gets very busy this time of year. To keep people motivated, people bring in treats almost every day. Ugh. Today I will not cave. My lunch pail is packed with healthy food. Staying Strong!

    Jumping in with both feet,
  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Good morning Cool Kids,
    I used the b-day money I received to buy a new pair of bicycle rain pants, so of course I couldn't wimp out of the dark and stormy ride to work this morning! :) It was a bit nutty to do, but I really, really need the calorie offset. I did some "power" walking last week, and that set my hip back off, so it looks like kayaking and bicycling are my options for cardio. Since I live in the Pacific NW, I can't let rain stop me, or I'd never get anywhere!

    Larro, I really love the new pic. Very disarming smile!
    Laramom, I have a fitbit too. I've been wearing it for about a month. I'm kind of frustrated with it because it doesn't hold a charge for a 24-hr period, and it doesn't pick up my bike rides at all. But it is great reminder to get off my butt and walk about the office regularly!
    KS, I hope you get your streak back. I know it's just a number, and Larro's right about your body not knowing about MFP, but still... So frustrating about your DH. I sure hope they can get on solid footing with a diagnosis and a plan for you all. You're doing an amazing job of juggling everything, and holding tight to your goals. :flowerforyou:
    Hi pedalpusher. Totally get it about snacking. My New Year resolution is to kick the after-work beer or glass of wine routine. It seems that I am way more susceptible to snacking if I drink any alcohol. And the co-workers don't help during the day! It seems that mid October through December the office is loaded with temptation.
    Nick, great job on the laps! That's really far! I joined a tri-athalon team once, and my part was the swim. I can swim great, but not fast. We had to swim across a lake (1/2 mile), and I was beat by a dog. :\ So embarassing! Enjoy your trip to FL.
    Beeps, I hope your recovery is coming along. Your commitment really shows when you can feel like poo and still get er done.
    Kate, your presents are wonderful. So creative and adorable. They will love them!
    Cheers to everyone else!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Morning Cool Kids.

    E's Mom, so sorry about your neighbor. I will indeed keep them and you in my prayers.

    Pedalpusher, welcome. I snack all day long, but I have learned to keep grapes, carrots, apples, almonds and even popcorn around. And like has been said a million times on here, drink lots of water. Good luck to you.

    Curious, it's good to see you braving the weather. Just be careful.

    I'm behind the curve this morning. I'm on my third load of laundry, but I've only done about a third of my cardio, and no straightening up at all. The cleaning lady will be here soon and I'm not even close to having my part done. And Margie is taking the afternoon off and we are going to Marianna, so I need to do what I'm going to before then.

    Margie and I have been married 24 years today. The women deserves a medal.

    Hope everyone is having a good day,
