40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • nickpnh
    nickpnh Posts: 111 Member
    Merry Christmas - happy holidays and enjoy any time off. I am so off my calories. Will have to get back to it Friday. Just trying to track accurately to slow myself down. Wishing you more self control than I seem to be showing. Looking forward to a very long night of wrapping and food prep and then a happy 4 day weekend with very limited obligations.
  • fatnomore1974
    I am in as well. I am also interested in some strength training exercises that I may do at home at least 3 times a week. I need something that I can do at home. Any suggestions?
  • fatnomore1974
    Oh I am 40 and would like to lose some serious weight before my 41st birthday in May.
    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  • laura2813
    laura2813 Posts: 84 Member
    Merry Christmas Cool Kids!

    Welcome Jeremiah, GuitarJerry & Fatnomore1974

    Larro - We do have lots of pine trees in my area. lol I used to get over to your neck of the woods fairly often as my ex's family is from Marianna and it seems like there is a good variety of vegetation east of me. Our soil over here is just sand... not dirt or soil to speak of and it makes it hard for anything to grow that isn't a pine tree.
    - I saw that article about the girl being attacked by the bear and thought they may end up doing a major clean up of bears after that. We have quite a few over here that constantly roam neighborhoods. One of my friends had a serious run in with one when they let their dog out into their fenced back yard. They heard frantic barking and when they went to the door they realized there was a bear in the yard and it was coming after their dog. Her husband (without thinking) grabbed a baseball bat that was at the back door and went out and beat the bear off the dog. He knocked the dog into their pool and ran inside with the dog. The dog survived but was in pretty bad shape. Seems like the population is really booming now.

    Sclereski - There's been a saying in our family for years that applies to guest.... "guest are like fish, they begin to smell after a few days." I always try to remember this when visiting someone or scheduling a trip. lol
    Love the profile pic.... it's adorable.

    Anyway, I'm hoping everyone gets to spend time with family, friends and loved ones for Christmas. I hope Santa brings you everything on your wish list and then some. Hug the ones you love and even hug the ones you don't.... they'll wonder what you're up too.

  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Merry Christmas Eve cool kids! My niece and her family left this morning. Came into work for the last couple of hours (we close at noon) and then home to start the major clean up! My son and his wife arrive tomorrow, so have lots to do to get things cleaned up and ready. Also have Christmas brunch for anyone that wants to drop over, so will prepare this evening. Thank goodness, it is just DH and I tonight.

    Church at 5 as our granddaughter is an angel in the Christmas play.

    Yesterday's dinner was lovely and the children were great with Santa. Esme was adorable. No one was afraid. Esme made special cookies for Santa which he very much appreciated.
    She received an Elsa doll and she told Santa "you got it right, This is exactly what I wanted. " :D:heart:

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Happy Christmas Eve everyone. I hope you and yours have an enjoyable day and a very Merry Christmas tomorrow.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Hey everybody. Merry Christmas {Eve}.

    FNM, welcome. What I did with regard to strength training was to search the web for weight training for Senior Citizens and took what I liked from several. I bought free weights {dumbbells} and got started not knowing what I was doing. I learned as I went, added weight as I could, and have been tweaking my workout ever since. I'm up to 19 exercises and I do 5 sets with the reps adjusted to weight. Less reps for the heavier weights. I do my heaviest set first, then drop down 2 1/2 pounds for each of the next three sets, then end with another heavy set. You will come out ahead cost wise to by dumbbell bars and add weights as you increase strength. I spent about a dollar a pound on my weights. And for weight loss, what worked for me was lots and lots of mixed veggies and stir-fry. You can fill your plate {and your stomach} with very few calories. Also eat leaner meats. Fish, chicken and turkey are all good lean meats. And all the old standards still apply. Don't drink your calories. Cut way back on rice, bread, potatoes, sugar and stay completely away from fast food. I lost 65 pounds in less than a year doing this. Good luck.

    Well I'm done with work for a while. I will go in and water the plants once a week. We are doing Christmas over at my Sister's tonight. Margie is working today, so I'm in charge of any last minute preparations. But so far I have everything we were supposed to bring done. I slept in again today, and haven't ate breakfast yet. {or done my AM cardio. Last night it was after supper when I got it in} I need to deal with my Christmas ham {from work}. Every year I get it sliced into 2 roasts and the rest in steaks, so I foresee a ham steak breakfast in my future.

    I'm three loads into the laundry already, even though I've been up less then three hours. I doubt I will get much cleaning done though. Knowing I would have so much time off, I went by and stocked up on library books yesterday. As soon as I eat, there is a good chance I will end up on the couch with a good book. That will be the end of any work getting done.

    I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,007 Member
    I hope everyone who celebrates xmas had a great time!

    We did!

    Off to the gym for some cardio....ZOOM!
  • ketorach
    ketorach Posts: 430 Member
    Hi, I'm 41, so I guess I can join!

    I've lost 20# in the past 3-4 months by drastically reducing carbs, eating moderate protein for muscle sparing and more fat for satiety. I feel great! For me, this way of eating is totally sustainable. I've never had such an easy time eating at a caloric deficit.

    I also work out 3-4x a week -- strength training and HIIT. I was doing that before I started eating lower-carb with some minor improvements in reducing body fat but not nearly as drastic as when I changed my eating habits.

    Thanks for creating this group! I know it can be harder to lose weight as we get older, but I feel better than I have in years. Cheers!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Hi all.

    I hope you had a nice holiday. Lots of people must be taking a long weekend because the commute to work was just lovely.

    It's cold here this morning, in the 30s (which is cold for us). The clouds have finally left us, so that means colder weather. It wouldn't be so bad if the wind would stop. As soon as it warms up some today, I'm going to take a nice long walk around the Capitol Park. My Dad took our dog out for their walk at dawn this morning and when they got back my dog ran to his bed and got under his blankie. He's not a fan of extreme temps. Ha!

    My Dad and I went out for lunch yesterday, stopped at Starbucks (I've only been to Starbucks one other time) where he got a plain cup of Joe and I got a small caramel frappachino (my first frappachino ever, and probably my last!), and then I baked a little when I got home. I got some new silicone muffin pans I wanted to try out. They work great. Made some more scrambled egg muffins and some pumpkin muffins. Didn't use any cooking spray, and they didn't stick at all. I'm impressed with those pans!


    Welcome ketorach!

    Lots of people took the day off at work today. I like working on days like this. Not so many interruptions.

    Better close and get back to it. Have a nice day everyone.

  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Hey everybody. Hope your Christmas was a good one. Our's went well, other than the usual aggravation of trying to buy gifts for my 86 year old Mamma. I've got to the point that I don't even try too hard because she is going to complain no matter what you get her. I've tried to get Margie to adopt this attitude, but she lets stuff like that bother her. She is too nice for her own good.

    We had cooler weather today. There was a nice white frost this morning and sunshine all day. It's been a couple of weeks since we've had either.

    A bunch of our Tampa cousins made the annual northern migration today, and we all met up at Sister's to eat supper. Their little 2 year old grandson was in fine fiddle. He had all the adults swinging him around by his ankles. He was so tired he was in high gear the whole time. I enjoy about an hour of kids. It makes peace and quiet so much more quieter and peaceful :)

    Welcome ketorach. It sounds like you are doing great. Good luck with your journey from here on.


    This evening was the first sunset I've seen in a while here at the Larro Ranchero.


  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Morning Kid's !
    Well, I honestly ended up re-gaining 2-3 lbs. over the last week. I must get back on the horse. My eating was horrible over the last 2 days. Constant snacking I wish I could blame the stress ( which I do have ) but know I'm the culprit. :(
    Potty training is hit or miss right now. Hissy fit's have been rampant. On the bright side...I'm still at a healthy BMI, Mom's out of the hospital ( they think it was indigestion though I've never heard of that making someone pass out ), the kid's seemed pleased with all their presents, and I got a new water bottle and workout pants for Christmas.
    Managed to make some really pretty bird ornaments. Found a $25.00 gift card in my wallet from last Christmas ( TGIF ) so planning a lunch out soon. LOL.
    I'll try to check back later.
  • melaniedelane
    melaniedelane Posts: 210 Member
    I am 45, can I be a cool kid? I would love to be a part of this group...
  • melaniedelane
    melaniedelane Posts: 210 Member
    Here is my story: I had a double lung transplant back in July of 2010. I am doing really well, but have let myself gain to much weight, last time I went to my transplant clinic, my lung function had decreased by 17 %, my doctor told me he thought it would help me to lose some weight and asked me to lose at least 10 pounds or 15 would be better by the 27th of January when I have to go back. Problem is I have to take prednisone everyday, which any one who has ever taken it knows, it is so hard to lose weight while on that medicine. So in order to get it off, I have had to try to stay under 900 calories a day. I have been dieting that way now almost a month and have lost 12 pounds, so I am hoping that in the next month to come, I can get at least that much more off. I have a hard time getting a lot of exercise done because of my breathing issues, but I do ride my stationary bike, and I walk when the weather permits. We all have reasons for losing weight, to look better, to be healthier, to live longer, I am doing this for all those reasons, and to be able to breathe better.
    I have never smoked, but I have rheumatoid arthritis, and took a medicine (remicade) and it ruined my lungs. When I was finally transplanted, they told me I may have lived another month, maybe 2. I have been very blessed. I was listed and transplanted within 28 days. They also told me that my lungs were like tissue paper that had gotten wet and then dried, they just crumbled. I was so glad they did not tell me that before I received my new lungs, or I probably would have had a heart attack. Especially after them telling me that I had an antibody issue, and that my chances of getting lungs that would work for me were 1%. They had told me to be prepared for lots of practice runs as they call them, because every time lungs became available I would be called, but the likelihood of them working for me was slim. Well, my first call came 28 days after I was listed, and was a 100% match for me. So If you don't believe in miracles, you should because they do happen. my lungs have worked wonderfully for me for the last 4 1/2 years now, with only one really serious issue, I had a pulmonary embolism, in March, 0f 2012, but was put on blood thinners and made it through all of that too, I have had a few infections to deal with but nothing really bad. As I said I have been blessed!! So, I am not going to let weight be an issue, after receiving lungs and coming through all that I have to be here today. :wink: I hope everyone can gain something from my story, and that without your health, you have nothing. I want to live a long life, and see my grandchildren born one day, and be the best I can be. I hope to be a great motivation to others also... Good luck everyone, and God Bless!!!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited December 2014
    Just wow melaniedelane. You have been through so much. Wishing your oddles of success meeting your weight loss goal.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,007 Member
    Made it back to the gym, today, for another cardio workout. ZOOM!
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Welcome melaniedelane ! So inspiring. I wish you lots of success also.

    Made it back to the gym today. Squats 3 reps/10/30 lbs., Knee raises 3 reps/10,
    rotary 2 reps/10/60 lbs., inner/outer 3/15/60 each, glute extensions 2/10/40, seated leg curl 3/10/50, and leg extensions 3/10/45. 35 minutes on the elliptical, 18 minutes on the treadmill, and another 14 minutes walking my tantrum throwing daughter around the parking lot.
  • melaniedelane
    melaniedelane Posts: 210 Member
    Thanks for the kind words, I am looking forward to being a part of this group...
    DEBSMITLEY Posts: 11 Member
    <3 49 looking to lose 30-40 more lbs, just stuck. I have lost 115lbs over a 5 year period. I feel great but still feel fat.. :neutral_face:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,007 Member
    I am mentally preparn myself for a thirty-day challenge (jan 2-31) to lose scale weight through calorie restriction.

    Sure, I will get my lifting in....but the scale loss is heavy on my mind. I want it!