40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    Caramel, JELLO is exactly what I feel like!

    I am taking a break from eating, today....too much indulgence and now I feel like crap. Imagine that!

    Anyway, I am off to lift right now.

  • amyrllin1
    amyrllin1 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi everyone! I would love to join, I am 48 and have never been cool...is this my chance?? I live in Canada and I have two adult children a hubby and a wonderful golden retriever. I normally run, bike and go to the gym. I have been derailed this last month due to an injury and I am anxious to ease back in to exercise. As a result of not being mobile this last month and not being able to prepare my own meals I have packed on close to 10lbs and really need to get it off. My goal this year was to run a marathon but right now I will be happy just to be able to run!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Hi all-hope everyone had a nice Christmas. Mine was different. Got lots of nice presents, but it was weird not having hubs there.
    Not much else to say right now- Have a good day!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    melanie - thank you for sharing your inspiring story. WOW! You truly are a walking miracle. :)

    Am back to work today - had to come to work for a rest. Now, to get back to working out! Grrr! The holidays were busy, with a house full. Back to quiet now, so hoping to get things back on track.

    Hats off to those of you that have already made it back to the gym.
    Welcome newbies!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Hey Everybody.

    A Big Warm Welcome to you new guys. Hope you will stick around.

    Glad to see we all got through Christmas in one piece and with our mental health more or less intact. After New Year's Day we will have almost a whole month and a half before the next holiday designed to derail our fitness train :'( Luckily no one loves me enough to buy me Valentine candy. {Margie knows better}

    I didn't completely skip any days of working out, but there was some nights with after supper cardio before I got my numbers to turn back to green. I've done my lifting today, and all the cardio except 10 minutes of AbRocker and 1 minute of jumping rope. I even did a preview of the January weight at the end of my lifting. All I can say is my butt is going to be sore in the New Year.

    I went into the holidays 2 pounds underweight, and gained that by Christmas day. Now I'm back down 1 of those pounds. Still way too many sweets in the house, and Margie's friends are still sending more. Yesterday her best friend brought a big pot of turnips, which I was stoked about. And a whole pumpkin pie, which I wasn't.

    I'm going in to work tonight to water the lobby plants, but then I don't have anything until the weekend. I will be going crazy by then. I called myself stocking up on books, but I quickly read all of them and have been scouring the shelves in my library searching for more. I'm going in early in hopes the County Library will be open today.

    It's good to see everyone posting again. Hope you guys have a good one,

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited December 2014
    Happy Monday everyone.

    It sounds like we are all glad to see the holidays go and normalcy return. I sure am. I wound up gaining nearly 3 pounds since Thanksgiving and will be shaving those off ASAP! Time to get with the program again.

    It's been nice and sunny (cold, but sunny) here since Christmas Eve, but we are socked in with clouds this morning. Looks like we may be getting more rain.

    Been having a battle of wills with my stubborn dog. We put him on a diet Saturday and are only giving him dry dog food twice daily now (if he doesn't eat it within the hour we pick it up and he has to wait until the next feeding) and absolutely no people food. He gives us the "you must be joking" look when we put it down, but my Dad and I are resolved and just avert our eyes. Ha! We want him to lose about 3 pounds. He's at his perfect weight in my profile pic and we need to get him back to that. I notice he's starting to dig up the treats he's buried in the yard. How do they remember where they bury that stuff?!

    I was so lazy yesterday. I got the laundry done, hard boiled some eggs for the week, and then laid down to take a short nap. Wound up sleeping for over 3 hours. The sun was down when I finally woke up! Talk about sleeping the day away.

    I almost skipped happily to work today. Last week of the year and my year-end projects are nearly in the can. I am so ready to put all of that behind me. Been working a lot of OT to get it all done. Saturday I worked until 7 pm, went grocery shopping afterwards, and didn't get home until 9 pm. My dog just about flew into my arms when I finally got home. He doesn't like it when I'm gone that long. He reminded me of Dino welcoming Fred Flintsone home from a day at the quarry!

    Caramel...yes, I can say BURNOUT! I feel like Jell-O that is only halfway set. Ha! I'm glad you have such good support. It sure helps.

    Back to work. Bye y'all. Have a great day.

  • Hi everyone! Another newbie here! My name is AJ (female), I'm 40, and I live in the SF Bay Area with my wife and our 4 cats. I had been doing The Biggest Loser club online since the end of September but was getting tired of it (exercise videos and meal suggestions were really repetitive), and looking to cut costs. Just signed on to this program today. I found the online support and connections really helpful at Biggest Loser and hope I can connect with some of you as well. I'm a field hockey goalie but haven't played the last two seasons due to plantar fasciitis. Hoping some major weight loss can get the pain in my feet under control.
    Ok, enough rambling! Looking forward to the indulgent holidays to be over :-)
    Thanks for reading.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Good morning all,

    Congrats to those that lost weight over the holidays! Hats off to you! I am still afraid to step on the scale - this from a daily stepper! I ran yesterday in the cold. I was finally starting to warm up in the last kilometer of the run. It was -23C, luckily there was no wind. I think I could have used one more layer of clothing - top to bottom. Even my feet were cold, and they rarely get cold running.

    Today is even colder. Sigh.

    I do have to start logging my food again. I have gotten SO lazy with that. Part of the reason is my unpredictable internet at home, which seems to have settled some since we purchased the new router. However, I find that it doesn't really like the myfitnesspal site. Seems to get stuck and fall off when I try to login. So strange.

    I didn't do too bad yesterday - food wise, until I got home and the plate of cookies was sitting on the counter staring me in the face. I have got to get them out of the house! I told my husband to take them to work as I know the guys would love them. If not, will take them to the food bank.

    Made a nice turkey pot pie last night. Used broth and lots of nice vegetables and my low cal biscuits for the topping. I also cooked up the turkey carcass and will make more soup. Have been getting better at making soup. For someone that is a fairly decent cook, I could not make a decent soup....the last few attempts have been successful. :smile:

    Here's to another good day!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Good Tuesday morning all! I have not done the best with exercise or food throughout the holiday season- I have not been home at my own house for a whole week in several months as well. I usually stay at my parent's house on the weekends as it is closer to where my husband is, so I usually eat with them and my mom is an awesome cook or they like going out. I still have managed to stay within a 5lb range though, surprisingly enough! I will get back on the bandwagon, once my life settles down a bit more, which hopefully will be soon. I have to go to a meeting for hubs tomorrow. Since going back to rehab he has become extremely depressed and has not been participating in any of his stuff and was refusing meds over the last couple of days. I think we finally have him turned around from that at least. I think they are going to put him on an anti-depressant and have someone come in to talk with him from their psych department. I am hoping he can turn this around or they won't be able to keep him in acute rehab and he will end up getting moved to long term care which won't be good for any of us. It has been a long, long road that I hope is coming to an end soon.

    The new house is coming along, slowly, but coming along just the same. I have Jake's room all set up for him and the living room/dining room, and kitchen pretty much set as well- just waiting for some rugs to come in that I ordered.

    Here are some pictures- hopefully they won't be too big.eu4o8i9vhdka.jpg

    They are from my phone and seem a bit blurry, but not too bad overall.

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • Brandon74
    Brandon74 Posts: 453 Member
    40 year old man here.
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Hey Kids happy Tuesday....

    I am now 555 days in on MFP. Hooray....My profile pic has my yay burpees shirt. My trainer cracked up when I wore it last night. My team mates had excuses why they did not wear there's. Needless to say we had to do one legged burpees on a step. My hips were truly opened up after that. How about a one armed plank while pulling a rope attached to a 15 pound weight. I do believe she was totally out of her mind how she tortured us last night. Needless to say I loved it (lol). I should have my head examined...

    Welcome Brandon and AJ. I hope you stick around and get some peer support to help you stay on track.

    Larro--Looks like you have competition once again (lol).

    KellySue---Love the photos of the house. You have done a fab job unpacking and getting all settled in. I know who to reach out to when I need to move. You rock.

    Mygnsac--I have confidence you will knock those pounds off. I love the story about your dog. It made me think of the flinstones. Dogs are wonderful and love you no matter what.

    Mzklutch---Are you ok? Checking in to see how your a.m. workouts are coming along. I am rooting for you.

    I will check in with all of you later.

    Have a great day....
  • Thanks for the welcome Caramelgyrlk!
    Trying to stay connected here. I'm going tonight to a friend's house in Southern CA for a few days. Hope I can be moderate with my eating when the menu is not entirely up to me. Snacking will probably be the hardest to avoid. Need to keep reminding myself of the motto "Be smart, not strong." To me, it's about choices I make, more than just sheer willpower.
    So be smart, folks!
    Take care,
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Good afternoon Kid's !
    Well yesterday Josie was horrible throwing almost constant tantrums. I told my husband the little Angel who's supposed to be sitting on her one shoulder had went on vacation. Leaving only the little Devil sitting on the other.
    It really upsets me when I end up yelling at her. I grew up being yelled at constantly by parents or step-parents. :( I did manage to walk on the treadmill once she took one of her late naps. Today she keeps complaining her tummy hurts. So either she is acting horribly because she's coming down with something or just inherited my husband's hypochondria.
    I was finding the felt projects relaxing though noticed yesterday she was tearing some of them up out off pure meanness. So I refuse to make her anything else for a while.
    I just can't understand her being so destructive. My half sister was like that too. Anyway.. only one tantrum so far today. So wish me luck.

    Oh Carmel- My Mom rarely calls or checks in. I did get a hold of her on Christmas night. She was spending time with her boyfriend. She said she was fine, and was making a follow up appointment; though she can be secretive. She also owes me money and is probably avoiding me knowing things are tight. I always had a very dis-functional family.
  • lt3ag4s
    lt3ag4s Posts: 835 Member
    Good afternoon, everyone. I am in need of a kick. Cant seam to get moving.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Hey Everybody.

    Nice looking house, Kelly Sue.

    Kate, hope things calm down with your little one. I am a believer in that most of what a person is is determined when the sperm and egg meet. It's all in the genes you are dealt, and sounds like Josie was dealt that hell raising gene.

    Caramel, I knew you would be back in the gym tearing it up.

    Sdereski, I was just out on the porch talking to my cousin, and we were complaining it was cool out. Current temp is 61F.

    Welcome to the new guys.

    A few days ago Mamma and her friend saw a truck over at the old house. They stopped to check it out and there was a young man taking pictures of the house and sheds. He was a picker and bought an old upright lamp from her and arranged to meet her over there this morning. Well she had to run into town and ask me to meet him. I ended up selling him and his friend $113 worth of junk. So in case any of you ever wanted to know what $113 worth of junk looks like, I'll post a couple of pictures at the bottom. The young man is from here but lives in Nashville now. He said he tries to resale some of it, but that a lot always ends up in their house. He ran out of room and money, but said he would call me when they come back in the summer.

    Having to go over to the old house meant I skipped my AM cardio and breakfast. We were planning to eat pizza tonight, so skipping breakfast wasn't that big a deal. But now my cousin doesn't feel well, and they backed out of going out tonight, so I have calories to spare.

    Hope everyone is having a good day,




  • Hello Everyone,

    I'm 42 yrs old with 4 kids, 2 are grown and 2 still at home, 11 and 8 yr old boys. I'm slipping in my weight and my motivation. When I started this back in 2008 my top weight was 260 and I got down to 155 but maintained at 165. I'm now at 190 and feeling unhealthy. In 2010 I was diagnosed with Lupus SLE but for the most part I am healthy. I use to run but my knees just can't take it anymore, I miss it so much, I have completed several 1/2 marathons and one marathon. I love outdoor sports but with winters mean chill I'm about to up my gym membership, with the new year there should be a good deal out there!!
    I would like to find support and motivation and be that for others.

    Have nice day all!
  • joemac59
    joemac59 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi all have shed 58 lbs. since March 2014. I am 46 and am shedding another 20-30 lbs. Short term goal first 10 lbs. gone by my birthday 2/22. Next 10 lb goal by May. Another 10 lbs off by Fall. Looking forward to working with this group.
  • Mzklutch
    Mzklutch Posts: 39 Member
    Hey Cool Kids, sorry I have been missing in action with posting. My work life has been out of control and add to the holiday craziness as everyone has been talking about had me fighting to stay in control with working out and eating right. I managed to avoid a lot of junk and when I did eat something unhealthy I stayed in control with it. The two things I have managed to do well is log my food (yes even the splurges) and my work outs.
    Caramel - thanks for keeping me in mind. I have been working out consistently and have joined a new gym and gained a trainer who has been kicking my butt.
    Beeps & Sdereski I am right there with ya, trying to rev up every one of my efforts - nutrition and excercising, nothing extreme
    Larro - looks like you been having fun with mom.
    Kelly - I will keep you and the hubby in my prayers that he gets better
    Welcome aboard Melanie,
    debSmit, Amy and goalie.
    Melanie thanks for the inspiring story, it helps to hear others challenges so we don't keep whining and complaining about our own small challenges that pale in comparison to what you have come through.
    KellySue - looks like the new home is coming along.
    I have missed all of the sharing and now maybe with the holidays behind us we can re-energize and keep moving through this journey of life.
    Caramel I completed 40 minutes of the elliptical and interval running on the treadmill as well as did some lunges at work with a co-worker who wants to lose weight. So we have commited to doing some type of exercise at least every 3-4 hrs since we are sedentary for the most part. So I guess I'll see if we can keep that challenge up.
    Talk to everyone tomorrow.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    Yesterday was bench press day. Today was deadlift day. I think tomorrow is back and bi's.

  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    good morning all,
    Yesterday was a bust. I had lower back pain all day yesterday and sure enough have come down with an infection. I have a doctor's appointment Monday morning, so am drinking lots of water to help flush my system. Another reason why I was so tired.
    I was just getting ready to go to bed at 7:30 when my son called and came for a visit with my granddaughter. She was asking to come visit. <3
    Had a good night's sleep. :)

    It was bitter cold yesterday (-36C) and today it is -9C with major winds. We've had such huge fluctuation temps this year...no wonder so many are sick.

    Kate, my heart breaks when I read about Josie's tantrums - for both of you. Hopefully, you both will have a good day today.
    I do believe every family has their degree of dysfunction, so you are not alone there Kate.

    Larro - that's a whole lot of junk! "One man's treasures are another man's junk".... I too would be happy with $113 thank you very much!

    Mzklutch - great job logging and staying in control of your eating! (*)

    Beeps - way to work it!

    Welcome Brandon, AJ, It3ag4s; Running and joemac!

    Happy New Year's Eve everyone. We are going to a small house party - very casual, but with good friends.
    Cheers! :D