20 pounds by Easter challenge



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    New to the forums and would like to join!

    SW: 192
    CW: 178.8
    GW: 158
    Final GW: 135[/quote

    <3 (*) <3
    if you need any help here just let us know.
    Emily you are so welcome to join us. Also welcome to MFP the best there is. I got down to 132 back in 1969 on WW. never been close to it again. and not my goal now. I will take around 150. I am at a stand still now hope soon it will get to moving again. Again I want to welcome you and good luck on your journey here.
    <3 marie

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited December 2014
    wprodaniuk wrote: »
    can we get the conversations to show up on our message boards?

    <3 (*) <3

    I don't really know what you mean.
    If you want to post a message on the message board let me go check it out
    ok go to community then click on Message board pick out what categories you want to post in click on it it will come up then click on create then type away. hope this help.
    - marie
  • mcandeli
    mcandeli Posts: 12 Member
    Hi! Getting a late start, but I am in. During a recent physical, I found out that I am pre-diabetic. Scary!! My doctor put me on a strict low-carb/sugar diet. My triglycerides are also elevated. Low carb is also supposed to correct this. Looking forward to losing 20 pounds and seeing better blood results by Easter!!

    SW 164
    CW 157.6
    GW 137

    Final goal weight 125-130 - Makes me uncomfortable setting a specific goal. I'll know it based on how I feel! :)
  • MummyKate85
    MummyKate85 Posts: 154 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    Hi all, I am new to the forum but would like to join in if thats ok? x
    <3 (*) <3
    sounds like a good ideal to me Kate. together we can do this. Best of luck to you. if we can be any help just let us know.
    <3 Marie
    ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************barbie Thank you for all the motivations you are sending us. You are my Hero. love you <3

    <3 Marie

    Aw thank you. I was a bit scared about jumping into a group when im new to the forum lol x

  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    I will join you girls on Friday. I will come and post my wii weight . I'ts my forth day back to healthy eating and I weigh every day so far so good. Lost 2.9. Happy with that.
    Together we can.

    Linda in Northern Ontario.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    amclickner wrote: »
    Hi! Getting a late start, but I am in. During a recent physical, I found out that I am pre-diabetic. Scary!! My doctor put me on a strict low-carb/sugar diet. My triglycerides are also elevated. Low carb is also supposed to correct this. Looking forward to losing 20 pounds and seeing better blood results by Easter!!

    SW 164
    CW 157.6
    GW 137

    Final goal weight 125-130 - Makes me uncomfortable setting a specific goal. I'll know it based on how I feel! :)

    <3 (*) <3
    clicker .. Welcome to our thread.

    I am a diabetic also numerous other problems I did gain 1 .8 lbs over the holidays. But wow I feel good this morning I drop a lb. its been holding steady at a gain of 1.8 since Sunday [ our delay Christmas Dinner } I have my heart set on losing 20 lbs. by \Easter and by golly I am going to make it You can too.
    Don't be uncomfortable. Just enjoy the trip with all of these fine people.
    Mesquite, Texas

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I will join you girls on Friday. I will come and post my wii weight . I'ts my forth day back to healthy eating and I weigh every day so far so good. Lost 2.9. Happy with that.
    Together we can.

    Linda in Northern Ontario.

    <3 (*) <3
    Linda what cute grandbabies. And yes you are right 'together we can" I am a great great grandma expectin another great grandchild any day now. Aren't they wonderful
    lad you join us. Best of luck on your journey here lets lose that 20 lbs together
    Marie - Caliecat
    from Mesquite Texas.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited December 2014
    Good morning all
    had a great scale reading this morning. finally drop one pound from the weight I gain over the holidays. still have .8 lbs to lose to get back to my before Christmas weight. But I am on my way. I admire you guys that did not gain over the holidays. we do not celebrate New Years except I cook Black eyes peas and ham/ I will have 1/2 cups of black eyes peas for my carbs ham for my protein 1/2 avacada for my fat and green veggies.

    it is 35 decrees here this morning in my neck of the woods
    Have an eye doctor appointment this morning so better go get breakfast and a shower.
    see you later
    Your friend
    Marie - Caliecat
    Mesquite , texas
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning to all losers!
    I am just checking in before heading to the gym. Today is personal training for 30 minutes then Aquafit for 60 minutes. I've had a great breakfast of oatmeal and egg white /cheese omelette and my snack is in the bag.
    I hope all of you have a wonderful and productive day as you move along in your journey.

    Welcome to new folks.
    Marie, keep warm!

    Happy New Years Eve!!
  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    Happy New Years Eve, everyone! Marie, thank you for this super friendly thread/group! I've participated in a few challenges/groups and this is by far the nicest group of folks. :-)

    I neglected to write where I live on my earlier posts. I live on the beautiful Eastern Shore of Maryland. They call it God's country and it's fairly rural with lots of farms, cows, and chickens. It's a great area for walking and bicycling.

    No exercise yesterday, as I decided to take one day to rest after all my walking. Hubby plans to get off early and we'll hit the road again for a nice LONG walk. Not sure if we'll stay up until midnight to watch the ball drop. At 51, I prefer an earlier bedtime than I did in my 20s and 30s. LOL

    I'm very excited about tomorrow being the start of 2015. I have made a resolution for 2015 to give up something that slows my weight loss. Prayers for success in this are always welcome!

    Are any of you making a resolution for a specific change in 2015 (other than just "lose weight")?

    Barbie, I LOVE this from your posts: The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.
    I am adopting this for myself and my word for 2015 is “mindful” ....THANK YOU!

  • gemfrire
    gemfrire Posts: 110 Member
    Good morning friends! The last day of 2014! Imagine where we will be this time in 2015 - thinner!
    Congrats Momma (Marie) on the loss! You are doing great! My scale also showed a loss this morning but I don't trust it! Saturday will tell!
    I tested out walking through our huge warehouse yesterday and only did half of it and that was 1,000 steps. Got my weekly status email from FitBit today and I am averaging just over 4,000 steps per day - gotta pick that up!
    DH made chili last night....so good! I could not have lost what I have without his support. He is the cook in our house since he is retired. Now if I could just convince him that he also needs to take off some pounds!
    Have a safe and happy New Year's Eve!

    January goals:
    1.5 loss per week
    35,000 steps per week
  • Nae75
    Nae75 Posts: 5
    I'd like to join.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :D I don't make resolutions for the whole year. Each month has been a new beginning for me. In January I will be redoubling my efforts to do strength training twice a week. I know how important it is, and it has been difficult for me to do it regularly.

    :mrgreen: my word for 2015 will be "now"----I want to refrain from wallowing in past mistakes and worrying about future problems

    <3 Barbie in chilly NW Washington
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited December 2014
    <3 (*) <3 you are in Nae. and welcome to our group . I see you are a new member of MFP. this is a great place so many opportunity to meet such lovely people and lose weigh.
    I have belong to MFP for 6 years and a lot of posting days behind me But never been able to shed these pounds. I think this group of girls and guys. will change all of that. have had some wonderful feedback from lots of folks here. I want to be your friend
    just feel at home here and talk to us just like family for we do belong to the MFP family If we can be any help to you just let us know
    <3 Marie
    to keep you warm.
    really I forgot I had copy this graphic so let me go get the welcome one
  • gemfrire
    gemfrire Posts: 110 Member
    Barbie...Now is a great word for the new year! I may have to share it with you! Today is the only day we can control - yesterday is history and tomorrow is a wish! So I will combine it with my mantra - No Matter What...I will do this NOW!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks Barbie you are a great goal setter. being looking forward to new sayings By the month,by the year you get the job done. bless you.

    My only goal is to lose 20 pounds lb by Easter. and enjoy all of your Friendship.here on this thread. and to learn my diet book better.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Becky- I have been to your great state of Maryland. We attended the boat show in Annapolis and thoroughly enjoyed it. We were very close to the Academy and it was also the Army/Navy game.
    - It was very busy but loved the town.

    Good luck everyone on Friday.

  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    I would like to join the Easter challenge, too. I accomplished Christmas challenge. Janice-Kentucky
    Final G.W-135
    I hope everyone has a great New Years.
    My birthday is just before Easter, sure would be nice to have that weight off.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    <3 (*)
  • CALIECAT wrote: »
    Anyone want to join me. ? I been a member here on MFP for 6 years and Have not been able to lose any weight. But stumble on this ONe One One diet and been following it for going on 3 weeks Its working for me at long last. my goal is to lose 20 lbs. by Easter. I have lost 6.8 in the first 3 weeks
    Currant weight 197
    Beginning weight 203.8
    Total lost 6.8

    See 'ya

    I'm in