40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • Mzklutch
    Mzklutch Posts: 39 Member
    Hey Cool Kids, sorry I have been missing in action with posting. My work life has been out of control and add to the holiday craziness as everyone has been talking about had me fighting to stay in control with working out and eating right. I managed to avoid a lot of junk and when I did eat something unhealthy I stayed in control with it. The two things I have managed to do well is log my food (yes even the splurges) and my work outs.
    Caramel - thanks for keeping me in mind. I have been working out consistently and have joined a new gym and gained a trainer who has been kicking my butt.
    Beeps & Sdereski I am right there with ya, trying to rev up every one of my efforts - nutrition and excercising, nothing extreme
    Larro - looks like you been having fun with mom.
    Kelly - I will keep you and the hubby in my prayers that he gets better
    Welcome aboard Melanie,
    debSmit, Amy and goalie.
    Melanie thanks for the inspiring story, it helps to hear others challenges so we don't keep whining and complaining about our own small challenges that pale in comparison to what you have come through.
    KellySue - looks like the new home is coming along.
    I have missed all of the sharing and now maybe with the holidays behind us we can re-energize and keep moving through this journey of life.
    Caramel I completed 40 minutes of the elliptical and interval running on the treadmill as well as did some lunges at work with a co-worker who wants to lose weight. So we have commited to doing some type of exercise at least every 3-4 hrs since we are sedentary for the most part. So I guess I'll see if we can keep that challenge up.
    Talk to everyone tomorrow.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Yesterday was bench press day. Today was deadlift day. I think tomorrow is back and bi's.

  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    good morning all,
    Yesterday was a bust. I had lower back pain all day yesterday and sure enough have come down with an infection. I have a doctor's appointment Monday morning, so am drinking lots of water to help flush my system. Another reason why I was so tired.
    I was just getting ready to go to bed at 7:30 when my son called and came for a visit with my granddaughter. She was asking to come visit. <3
    Had a good night's sleep. :)

    It was bitter cold yesterday (-36C) and today it is -9C with major winds. We've had such huge fluctuation temps this year...no wonder so many are sick.

    Kate, my heart breaks when I read about Josie's tantrums - for both of you. Hopefully, you both will have a good day today.
    I do believe every family has their degree of dysfunction, so you are not alone there Kate.

    Larro - that's a whole lot of junk! "One man's treasures are another man's junk".... I too would be happy with $113 thank you very much!

    Mzklutch - great job logging and staying in control of your eating! (*)

    Beeps - way to work it!

    Welcome Brandon, AJ, It3ag4s; Running and joemac!

    Happy New Year's Eve everyone. We are going to a small house party - very casual, but with good friends.
    Cheers! :D
  • laura2813
    laura2813 Posts: 84 Member
    Good Morning Cool Kids!
    I've been out of pocket lately since I've been off work. The communication section of MFP doesn't show up on my iPad when I'm at home and I just don't want to pull out the laptop. I got my Ninja going after Christmas and have made some really great smoothies to supplement my lack of fruits and veggies in my diet. Today I will be registering for my first 5K and will be training until the race in early March.

    Kate - I totally agree with Larro. These kids come to us pre-programmed with their personalities and we as parents are just here to guide and massage their little hearts and minds. Believe me I know what you are going through as I had twin girls and was a single parent from the time they were 3 until they were 18. Most of the time I wonder where my children went and who dropped off the alien. I really feel for you going through this.... I've been there and have the tee-shirt. Feel free to friend me if you need someone to chat with directly.

    Larro - My mom has some jugs that look similar to the ones in the van. They came out of my grandmothers place before we sold it. My father hangs on to a lot of old stuff and wish we could do a clean out now so my siblings and I don't have to do it later on. My parents aren't quite hoarders but they do have some interesting stuff. lol
  • Contrary03
    Contrary03 Posts: 289 Member
    Hi everybody!
    I'm 42, married, mother of 3 children. Had gotten down to my goal weight of 125 lbs a couple years ago but quit an active job and 15 of those pounds crept back. Recently started eating better and joined a gym. I work out 5 days a week for an hour. I'm on a good path. My down fall is alcohol. Love my dark rum & coke! Haha Cutting that out, i'm sure my weight will drop off.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Hey Everybody.

    It's so good to see so many post when I log on in the morning. No time to say hello to everyone individually, so a big old group Hello will have to do.

    I've done my AM cardio and breakfast between loads of laundry. Now I have to hit the shower so I'll be done before the cleaning lady gets here. Margie isn't super happy about me being here when she's here, so she sure wouldn't like it if I was in the shower with her in the house. Not that she has anything to worry about, but to worry is to be human.

    No big plans for tonight. I'll be cooking the traditional black eyed peas tomorrow. But Margie requested gumbo {or something Cajun} too. Her and Sister are going shopping tomorrow, but they will be back in time for the big {FSU} football game.

    Welcome to the new guys. We just keep getting bigger and bigger.

  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Morning Kid's !
    Yesterday went much better thank goodness. Two of my son's friends spent the night. LOL Not sure when they'll leave. They tend to stay a couple nights when they come. Though it was overdue. The one boy is Jonas' BFF though he's 17 , has a gf, and many friends were as our son tends to be more of an introvert. I worried they were starting to grow apart.
    Jeff's off through Monday so that always helps too when Josie does start acting up. She does usually act much better when other people or kid's are around.
    My mood has much improved. I'll admit I was treated for Bi-Polar and on meds for over 7 years. Though I truly believe that was just the hormone imbalance "PCOS" that wasn't diagnosed till 2009. I went for help with my weight that was around 262 lbs. just to end up being told "the Doctor who took my appointment from her partner didn't believe in giving those types of meds" Her partner called me back after I left in tears and suggested Efexor XR saying it helped with weight loss. Long story short.....addictive anti-depressants, plus additional mood stabalizers , and no weight loss equals a zombie-fied wife only having 1-2 cycles a year.
    So I am usually against anti-depressants being overly prescribed now days. Though yes my husband does take them himself now. LOL.
    Anyway .....I do apologize if I do seem a little manic from time to time.
    My resolution will be to keep more active and stay in the healthy range.

    Thanks for everyone's encouragement along the way.
    Welcome to newbies !
    LOL@Larro I wish I could get rid of some stuff around here. Jeff is a hoarder on top of being Obsessive compulsive. He could probably decorate quite a few trees with his slingshots. He was on me for 3 days about using my paypal to order some kind of tubes he just had to have. I finally ordered them the other night and noticed he could have just done it his-self using his debit card. Now he just came inside talking about hosting an informal shoot. LMAO !

    Anyway I'll check back later. I have to go check gym hours for the holiday.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Morning everyone.

    Been so busy at work trying to get it all done before the new year. I don't think I breathed all day yesterday. Got home and just exhaled. Today will be more of the same.

    When I get this busy, I tend to forget to eat, or don't eat the greatest. That needs to change.

    Better get my day going. Just wanted to pop in and wish you all a happy, safe New Years Eve tonight. See ya next year (don't you just hate it when people say that every year?!).
  • 1mountainmama
    I am underage...lol! Can I still hang out?
  • motherwesser
    motherwesser Posts: 35 Member
    40+ group, wow! What an august group?! Lot's of great stories here. I'm minus the cool tho :-(
    RUNNING_AMOK_1958 Posts: 268 Member
    Can anyone give me the link to your group? Can't find it.
  • Vegas_Don
    Vegas_Don Posts: 367 Member
    Send me an invite also
  • lt3ag4s
    lt3ag4s Posts: 835 Member
    what do all the cool kids have planned for this evening? I will likely be home alone playing video games.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Wow, so many new guys. We don't have a MFP 'group'. That is where threads go to die. Just drop in and say hello and you are in the club.

  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Happy New Year's Eve Cool Kids!
    I've just skimmed the posts (68!) since I went to HHI for the holiday.
    After a week of eating like a gator - including eatintg a gator ;) - I am so glad to be back home where I have some control over the situation. Even B needs a food break!
    Like Sdereski, I'm afraid to even look at the scale!
    Even though we ate too richly, we did get some great walks and jogs in. I actually jogged for 1.8 miles at one nature preserve (Pickney)! I haven't jogged in years due to decaying joints, but on the soft, leaf-padded trail it felt great.

    After I catch up with what y'all have been up to, I'll post with more purpose.
  • Emmalusmom
    Emmalusmom Posts: 61 Member
    I hope that everyone has a Happy and Safe New Year!
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    Finished December with 17 runs, 67.7 miles. This isn't terribly impressive, but in December 13 I only had 8 runs for 30.7 miles! I have to credit my new treadmill and Sons of Anarchy on Netflix for the extra mileage, lol
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Hey kids....what's shaking?

    I trained early this morning and then came home and ran the dog while I was soaking wet in 29 degrees. Can you say FROZEN....lol

    There are so many newbies.....Welcome everyone. I hope you enjoy the group.

    Tomorrow is the New Years 90 minute extreme fit/boxing challenge at the gym.

    Kate...I felt sad after reading your posts and hope things improve for you and your family. You are still kicking butt and I am happy you haven't lost your streak.

    Beeps...that a girl...keep lifting

    CG...welcome back...missing you

    Mzklutch...glad to hear about the trainer...I am excited for you.

    Larro...$113 nice...one mans junk is another's treasure.

    2014 will be over shortly. I hope 2015 is awesome for us all.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Happy 2015!

    Health, wealth and happiness to all!
  • handyandy9x
    handyandy9x Posts: 93 Member
    Happy 2015 to all the Kool kids... keep up the good work everyone