20 pounds by Easter challenge



  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Ditto for me, too, Marie. I feel lighter, but the numbers are the same. I will not be ruled by the scale; I will not give up!
  • gemfrire
    gemfrire Posts: 110 Member
    Good morning! :D Gonna be a grand day!

    Barbie - biked AND knitted while watching the game? Oh I would have fallen off the bike and stabbed myself with the needles! That game had me pacing the floor - a win for me with extra steps and a win for our Cowboys! Wooohooo!

    Momma - sometimes the scales do not reflect our progress but our bodies do - a flatter belly is a great non-scale victory! Just be patient and stick with it!

    No Matter What...I will remember that the choices I make today are mine - good or bad - I must own them!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2015
    o:) Good morning Connie, I have already got my menu plans work up. , Will make a copy so I wont forget what I plan. Enjoy the gym . it is 26 degree here this morning.

    o:) Barbie dear. for 6 years you have remained fatefully on your plan. I admire you so. And always a kind words to everyone.

    o:) Alice should be by here shortly probable dancing all around the house before work

    no plans for me today Tuesday will be grocer shopping day .Wednesday Sew day
    ...Thursday blood work day Friday another grocer
    day for thing we missed Tuesday.

  • jenlaw71
    jenlaw71 Posts: 56 Member
    started at 211 - did my weekly weigh in at the gym this morning.......I am now down 3 pounds!!!!!!!! My ultimate goal weight is 145-150 - broken into smaller goal segments....7 to go to first goal :) Can't wait to see where I'm at by Easter!!!!!!!!!!!!11
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2015

    congratulations on you 3 pound lost. That is fantastic. Keep it up. you will love the new you at Easter. (*) (*) (*) you get 3 stars You erne them. Whoopi
    Marie...... your challeners' buddy

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    I just got back from my Yoga class since the holidays and a 10 meditation. I have my new mantra for 2015 on the Newsfeed. I hope I can live by these words for a better me inside and out. I have started my eating plan today and am hopeful for a loss by Friday.

    It seems everyone here is raring to go!!

    Marie, if I don't see results in my plan I will be finding out about the 1:1:1 and join you guys. I will give my plan a good start first and see where I am.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Shirley you really did good on SBD before and you will again. to me it was too much cooking or too much something. for me. But know it work for you and Dave.
  • mcarroll7985
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    (*) <3 (*) (*)
    I'm down. My overall goal is to lose 30 lbs. I am 5'7" 195 currently and have been fluctuating aver the holidays, as I am sure some of you may have as well. I need an accountability partner. My wife and I do an okay job for each other, but it is very easy for us to justify over-eating. I hope that this will give me a wake-up call.

    (*) (*) (*) Weclome Mc. Glad you join us. I do hope this help you It has me and others. You are in charge of you on destiny You can do whatever you want to. But got to work your plan and work it faithfully
    yes indeed My scales has been jumping around too.
    to our team.

    Thank you so much. I have hit an all time high and am more motivated than ever.
  • mcarroll7985
    SW 200
    CW 197
    GW 160
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2015
    SW 200
    CW 197
    GW 160
    We have another 3 pounds lost here (*) (*) (*)

    and a hug for getting in Onederland. lets all give Carroll a big hug. Happy dance too. <3 Marie
  • MummyKate85
    MummyKate85 Posts: 154 Member
    Hello everyone :)

    Had a great day today. Sorry this is'nt weight loss related but I am very proud of myself and feeling happy today, I am having driving lessons and my instructor says I am ready to do my test now! So I am booking it next week - I just hope I pass! I think my good mood has had a good impact on how I have been food wise as well as I've been 'good' today, and we walked back from nursery (2 miles) instead of catching the bus :)
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Keeping my fingers cross for you on your Driving test. what is your little boy Name? he /she is so cute. We enjoy reading about your life. We are all family here. And you are so right good mood do have an impact on how we eat.
  • MummyKate85
    MummyKate85 Posts: 154 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    Keeping my fingers cross for you on your Driving test. what is your little boy Name? he /she is so cute. We enjoy reading about your life. We are all family here. And you are so right good mood do have an impact on how we eat.
    Thank you! I am a very nervous person so I will have to try and not let nerves get the better of me on the day.
    The little one in my picture is Logan, he is my youngest son and he is 3. I have 3 older children too, I have Jordan (he is 13), Lily-Mae (she is 8) and Leoni (she is 5). :)

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    Keeping my fingers cross for you on your Driving test. what is your little boy Name? he /she is so cute. We enjoy reading about your life. We are all family here. And you are so right good mood do have an impact on how we eat.
    Thank you! I am a very nervous person so I will have to try and not let nerves get the better of me on the day.
    The little one in my picture is Logan, he is my youngest son and he is 3. I have 3 older children too, I have Jordan (he is 13), Lily-Mae (she is 8) and Leoni (she is 5). :)

    :D Wow, having children is a great challenge for changing your eating and exercise.....take it one day at a time.
  • alireymurrell
    alireymurrell Posts: 21 Member
    Hi everyone! wow I didn't think I would be all about this site but I love reading how everyone is doing and it is super motivating AND encouraging. So help! I did day one of 1:1:1 and i was still hungry. Maybe I didn't eat enough at lunch. Here's what I had. day one and i did ok. but...I was hungry. i don't think I ate enough at lunch. i had 2 slices of lemon pepper deli meat chicken and 2 slices of deli thin cheddar. pickles and 10 multigrain chips. Can i have more protein? any suggestions? Eating sloppy joe now, bun and green beans. The chocolate chip bars I made for my kids ARE WINKING AT ME...HElp!
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Hi everyone! wow I didn't think I would be all about this site but I love reading how everyone is doing and it is super motivating AND encouraging. So help! I did day one of 1:1:1 and i was still hungry. Maybe I didn't eat enough at lunch. Here's what I had. day one and i did ok. but...I was hungry. i don't think I ate enough at lunch. i had 2 slices of lemon pepper deli meat chicken and 2 slices of deli thin cheddar. pickles and 10 multigrain chips. Can i have more protein? any suggestions? Eating sloppy joe now, bun and green beans. The chocolate chip bars I made for my kids ARE WINKING AT ME...HElp!

    Alirey...did you eat your 2 snacks? You need to fill up on free veggies at lunch and dinner. You can also add them in with the snacks. I'm thinking 2 slices of deli meat is not even 4 oz of protein. You need 4-6 oz of chicken. In other words, your carbs, fats, and proteins should be a serving. To get in 5 meals, you should be eating every 2-3 hours.

    Feel free to send a friend request so you can look at my diary.

  • alireymurrell
    alireymurrell Posts: 21 Member
    Hi Connie!

    Thank you! I didn't have my am snack. So that didn't help. I was good until about 4:00. AT that point I had my am snack-cheese stick, grapes and sunflower seeds. Right now I am full bc I ate sloppy joe with bun and green beans plus salad. I am sending you a friend request right now! It would be great to swap meal plan ideas. I need all the help I can get! :smile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Where is your fat Where are your non starchy vegies ?I really don't think you had enough protein you need a serving like 3 to 4 oz. Teach your kids to love vegetables and fruit instead of those bars. I guess the cheese count as your fat. chips count as your carbs I am just learning this diet myself and do not have all the answers But I can honestly say I do not get hungry. not one day since I started the Protein, carbs and fat. 3 times a day
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi Connie!

    Thank you! I didn't have my am snack. So that didn't help. I was good until about 4:00. AT that point I had my am snack-cheese stick, grapes and sunflower seeds. Right now I am full bc I ate sloppy joe with bun and green beans plus salad. I am sending you a friend request right now! It would be great to swap meal plan ideas. I need all the help I can get! :smile:

    me too.

  • alireymurrell
    alireymurrell Posts: 21 Member
    I am going to try and double the chicken tomorrow so I will let you know. Open to all suggestions and help!