40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Good Morning all,

    Beeps, that is a well laid out plan, and I know you will stick to it as best you can. You always do.

    Mzklutch - congrats on still making it to the gym after your trying day. That does show commitment and probably helped you feel a little better. I hope.

    mlp - welcome. I get the swing shift thing as I worked it for 5 years. Your body won't know what normal is. It's important to try and keep your eating as "normal" as possible.

    Curious - welcome back! I must say, I love your life! :) It sounds almost idyllic to me.

    Made it to the gym yesterday and took part in an exercise class. So, ran 2 easy miles while waiting for class to start, then 45 min body blast workout.
    This morning, I got up and did some PiYo - felt good to stretch it all out. Have to curl tonight, so the two combined will equal today's workout.
    Eating was good as well. Have my food packed for today to help keep it clean. Thankfully, all the junk in our work kitchen is GONE!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    sdereski - looks like a solid start on your workouts, for sure. ZOOM!

    Today is my group strength class. High volume. I use higher weights on lower body moves, and lower weights on upper body moves. The shoulder set near the end usually kills me! I have STRONG shoulders, but usually end up with 2.5 lb plates on this move because the volume is so incredibly high!

    My (own) strength work is on "strength" or "power", while this strength class is clearly bent towards muscle "emdurance".

    Tuesday is my mix-it-up day....still "lifting", but more focused on endurance.

    The teacher has been gone for three weeks.....so, today will SEEM easy! It is tomorrow when all my muscles will seize up and cramp, lol!

    Bring it on. What else is January for?

  • amyrllin1
    amyrllin1 Posts: 34 Member
    Good morning kids. mlp, I work shift and it sucks for eating right, I do 12 hour days and nights, I make sure to pack all of my own meals and on nights I am more of a snacker so I take healthy snacks. I also don't take money to work so I am not tempted to order out or hit the vending machine. It is difficult but doable!

    I got the go ahead from my chiropractor to start back at they gym this week!!!!!! I can try the bike and some light weights...so excited! I hope everything goes well and my sciatica doesn't flare up!

    Sounds like everyone is on track! Larro that omelette looks delish!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Hi All~

    I am still here although it has been a crazy weekend. I almost feel like I should just give it a rest for a while as I have nothing positive to report. My husband has ended up back in the hospital. We had pretty good days on Thursday and Friday, then on Saturday he was unresponsive and had to go back to the emergency room. My motivation is almost non existent as I am just tired from all of the running back and forth to see hubby and still trying to work and keep some sense of normal as well. I haven't logged consistently since I broke my streak, but I am going to start there and see how that goes.

    Have a good one all.
  • DinaGrimes
    DinaGrimes Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I would like to join this group as well. I am 47 and need to loose at least 50 pounds. I am back in college and in my 3rd semester. I do a lot of studying and not enough exercise. that is about to change. I started walking today, again :smile:
  • pbnett
    pbnett Posts: 4
    I am 40+, 54 yr old grandma, more like. I needed to lose, but I've gained a few pounds over the holidays. I found this app and community group this morning, and began tracking food again. That seems to be the only way to keep me honest with myself. I like hiking, bicycling, canoeing, but don't as often as needed. I tried a gym one year, weight loss results were not great, and I had really rather go outside to play. Recently signed up with strava for tracking. Motivation and confidence are a bit low, but I'm back to working in it. Current weight loss goal is 15-20 lbs.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Hey Everybody.

    Wow, we just keep growing. Welcome to all the new guys. Good luck in your journeys. My best advice for weight loss is stir-fry veggies. I love them, so it made it easier, but making them a major part of my daily diet enabled me to lose 65 pounds in about 8 months.

    Glad to hear most everybody got a workout in, even though life is still crazy. I hope it gets less so.

    I did my shopping on Friday, so I'm skipping my trip to town today. Margie has been after me to get down to the graveyard and sink the flowers she puts out. Even though they are weighted, they keep getting knocked over and drug around by something or somebody. I had wanted to do some trim work before I did it, and I have time today, so I guess I had better get it done in the interest of domestic tranquility. It is a windy and cool 58F here, so I had better bundle up.

    I got my cardio and breakfast behind me, so I should get dressed and get some work done. But Mzklutch's soaking in the tub last night reminded me how good a tub of hot water would feel. I went to the library yesterday and stocked up on books, and only got halfway though with the one I started last night, so it is calling my name as well. A good book and a tub of hot water, or the string trimmer at the graveyard? That is the question.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    KellySue, you have a lot on your plate! Focus on your sleep....it really is the MOST important thing when you have chronic stress!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    ....larrodarro, you are right! I need to add "stir fry veggies" into our constant menus.

    I am sooooo sick of raw veggies!
  • BitterGoil
    BitterGoil Posts: 32 Member
    42 year old mother of one checking in! I'm at my highest weight ever, unfortch...Got to give this another try for 2015.
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Hi Kids. Hope you are well and in good spirits.

    We had the first storm of 2015. Schools were first on a 2 hour delay to only come back and close. It is very cold and icy out. For those of you that experiencing the cold and snow you have my sympathy.

    I texted my PT and a few classmates to tell them I would not be at the gym. It was nice to get responses to make sure I was ok. I only miss the gym in DIRE emergencies. That is my outlet for stress and a focal point of my life. I was bummed out a bit about being away but know I will make up for it in another day or so.

    Beeps--Solid plan you have. You really are an inspiration to me. Lifting heavy is reaping results for me. I have confidence in you no matter what plan you lay out.

    Sdereski--same goes for you, you have done it before and you can do it again. You inspire me with running because you make it sound so easy and such an adventure.

    KellySue--You are a pillar of strength as you keep enduring despite the trials you are facing. You keep coming and let us know how you are making out. We are not only here for the good, we are here for the bad and the ugly. Here is hug for you..hmmmm

    Mzklutch--I am so happy you went to the gym despite how bad you felt. I hope you really appreciate unleashing your negative feelings to the gym. When you unleash at the gym, you really do feel better afterwards.

    Larro--Enjoy your tub and book. After all the work you do, it is time to unwind.

    CG--You truly kick butt. I love to hear about your bike riding. I really aspire to have my motorcycle license by or during summer. I would love some tips and tricks.

    EmmaLou--Great job about the Y. I hope you enjoy it and continue to go.

    Has anyone heard from Ruby? I miss her.

    Welcome to the newbies. I hope all of you stick around. We are a great group..

    If I forgot anyone, I apologize.

    Have a great day.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Hi everyone. Wow, lots of new faces around here! Good luck to you all on reaching your goals.

    All my year-end projects at work are finally behind me. The pressure has lifted and it feels great! I got home from work last night after a great day, and THUD! Apparently I was dinged by one of those red light cameras last week when I didnt come to a complete stop before turning right on a red light. My first time ever. :s Not a good start to 2015.

    I've started going for daily walks again. The weather has been perfect for it. Chilly, but lots of sunshine and highs pushing 60 degrees. I've also started bringing breakfast and lunch to work each day again, so I'm not so tempted to eat out. I let myself slide too much in December.

    I'm home from work today, so I had time to make this omelette. I'm getting better at making them now. I found one of the problems was I was using a pan that was too small and it made it too hard to fold. Still not perftect yet, but I'm working on it. This one has chopped turkey, green onion, red bell pepper, sriracha, garlic salt, black pepper, brussel sprouts, spinach, mushrooms and cheddar.


    I stayed home today because I'm not feeling too well. Real bad headache. After this I think I'm going to grab my dog Cisco and he and I will take a little nap. He's like my furry, bad-breathed, hot water bottle. Ha!

    Have a nice day everyone!

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    caramel - you inspire ME!

    I do miss some of the old posters...emmalou? Alf? ...and there were MORE dudes on here before! Where did all the 40+ dudes go?!?!
  • Sylvarose
    Sylvarose Posts: 70 Member
    Happy New Year everyone!
  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Happy Tuesday Cool Kids,
    We continue to have nice weather here on the Redwood Coast. Had a nice bike ride into work this morning. Can't wait until it starts getting light again though. It's tough to leave and come home in the dark.

    Kate, I bet you'd love a Vespa. They are sooo cute!
    Beeps, solid plan. I especially like the part about no eating after supper. That's a critical time. Keep lifting!
    Sdereski, we have a mutual fan club going! I swoon at the thought of living on Lake Superior! And snowshoeing! And curling! Running in the snow! It all sounds fabulous.
    Amyrlin, glad to hear you got the green light from your Chiro! Have fun at the gym!
    KS, so good to hear from you. Hang in there, and reach out when you can. {hugs}
    Welcome Dina and pbnett!
    Have to run to a meeting, then switch pages and finish checking in with you all...
  • Mzklutch
    Mzklutch Posts: 39 Member
    Hey Cool Kids,
    Larro I hope you enjoy the hot tub and reading. I hear ya about not being able to put down a good book. I did that a lot and lost a lot of sleep. Lol.
    I slept like I was in a coma last night and was very rested and less sore this morning so the tub did it's magic.
    Caramel - I hope the cold moves soon. I agree the gym did help me to settle down and regroup. It was much needed.
    Curious - I hope to have my "Blu Ivy" shipped to me soon so I will be able to ride on these nice days. I miss the rumble of my pipes.
    Hope everyone else had a good day and a great week!
  • Mila48
    Mila48 Posts: 4 Member
    Love the title!
    I need support in a major way. Met with my dietician yesterday and it was bad results. But I am ready the make this life change!!!
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Good morning cool kid's !
    Life is great ! I've been getting along with my toddler for over a week now! I've been doing a major de-cluttering, organizing, and cleaning. Wow we have too much crap. LOL
    Josie finally turned a corner with her potty training and is wearing her big girl britches now. Now if I could just get her to stop trying to empty her own potty. Never seen a toddler do that before. LOL
    I am officially under my goal weight by 1 pound this morning at 154 lbs. Yeah Me !!! Can't wait till refund time to buy some new bras and pj's. My 1x pj pants are starting to fall off after they've been sitting on my hips for a while now. May need to try to tighten the elastic some how. <<< Penny Pincher.

    Kellysue- So sorry hun. I'll continue to pray for his recovery and you to have the strength you need.
    Mzklutch- Love the new picture !
    Emmalusmom- I need to work on menu planning myself. I've gotten lazy lately. I'm going to try to check out some "freezer meals" myself.
    Larro and Beeps- Yes I need to jump back on the "veggie train" myself ! Woo! woo! LOL
    mygynsac and Larro- Need to try eating more omelette's too.
    Hello Newbies ! and good luck !

    Found this picture the other day while cleaning out the basement. It had to be around my highest weight 262 lbs. and says 2008. < A halloween outfit complete with plastic mask.
    Here's one of my "hot bottle heater"....LOL
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Wow ! Just noticed the one picture and my new profile picture from Christmas day were almost taken in the same spot. May have to do a side by side later.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Good Wednesday morning- I think?! It is cold and snowy here with temps falling into the single digits this afternoon and with wind chills it could be -20 to -30 BRRRR! I did some unpacking last night. The boxes are s-l-o-w-l-y disappearing! Hubby was terribly confused during the day yesterday, but seemed more lucid last night, so I am hoping things are turning around for him. Thanks all for your kind words and support. It really means a lot. I am just trying to concentrate on my eating right now and will get back to the gym soon.
    - Beeps- you are so right about sleep. I actually slept great last night. I think I was so exhausted it was easier, but also I have finally figured out how to work my heat so it's cool enough when I sleep. I prefer for it to be a bit cooler at night and just add an extra blanket if I need to and I have an old thermostat in my new house that I don't think reads accurately, so it has taken me a few weeks to figure it out!

    Welcome to all of the new folks. Hope you stick around for a while!

    Have a good day!