100 + pounds to lose anyone?



    ACGSKITEE Posts: 4 Member
    Just started my journey to losing 100+ lbs. Main motivation is to avoid diabetes (runs in my family) and to get pregnant at a healthy weight. I can use all of the motivation and support I can get! Hope you don't mind if I add some of you as friends.
  • brendamelius13
    brendamelius13 Posts: 2 Member
    Please add me! I am trying to lose 90! Let's do this!!!
  • Anjy2be
    Anjy2be Posts: 8 Member
    I have just over 200 pounds to lose. I started just after Christmas and I weigh once a month. I exercise in the Community pool three days a week for a hour. My goal is to lose a 100 pounds by the end of October, but I have smaller goals set. I would like the support, motivation, and friends. It's much easier to lose weight when you have those I mentioned about than to do it alone. I will be a friend, support and motivate others as well. Please add me too?
  • crystalsgoals
    crystalsgoals Posts: 9 Member
    I have 80 lbs to loose! I am happy to join you and feel free to ad me. I am starting a 5-2 diet plan. Tomorrow is my first IF day (intermittent fasting) day. I am keeping positive and looking forward to seeing results. Congrats to everyone for starting a new challenge for the new year. Best of luck to everyone! :smiley:
  • teacherlacie
    teacherlacie Posts: 1 Member
    I want to be included I have around 150 to lose, I have done it before but life happens and here I am again :(:(
  • HealthyStartsHere
    HealthyStartsHere Posts: 126 Member
    add me, i weight 260 right now
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    MzLadi19 wrote: »
    I need to drop at least 150 but I am setting small goals. please feel free to add me I can use the help and motivation. we can help each other

    My first goal was simply top stop gaining and be able to meet my calorie goal. After a month of that I actually lost a bit because I was not overeating. Then I started cutting the calorie goal down. I set intermediate goals of 15 pounds over 3-4 months. I needed short term wins.
  • beautifulmom80
    beautifulmom80 Posts: 6 Member
    I would like to lose at least 100 pounds if you would like to add me you can, I am ready for a new me
  • Debra3333 wrote: »
    I have 175 lbs to lose. Sometimes when I think about the road ahead it's overwhelming. I would love more friends that can relate to having over 100 lbs to lose.
    Don't keep your eye looking down the road. Instead focus your attention and energy on one step at a time. if you focus solely on the 175 pounds you need to lose., you're going to end up getting frustrated and giving up. I speak from experience. I had a stroke on 8/18/2011; I weighed 340 pounds. I am 5'3" tall. on 12/31/14 I weighed 253.6; this morning, I weighed 255 :( but I also know that AF is coming soon, I'm bloated and am retaining water. I do not weigh myself daily, have no desire to, it's too discouraging to see the numbers go up and down. I weigh myself, on wednesdays- I call it WEigh in Wednesday. lol

    I basically eat what I want, I just exercise as much portion control as I can. I eat only whole grain breads and pastas, and drink unsweet tea,with stevia, my treat is an occasional coke zero, or Diet Mt. Dew. I am on a blood thinner, so some of my favorite foods I can only have in moderation, such as: dark green leafy veggies (kale, spinach,spring greens, romaine lettuce), broccoli, cauliflower, pink grapefruit, garlic, pomegranate, and ginger)- i have to limit soy products too. :/
    But anyway... Ideally I'd like to gt down to about 155-160; so about 80-10 pounds. the lowest I've gotten was diwn to 184.. and then I went thru a nasty divorce, a near 2 year relationshiop with an awesome guy, but he's travelling 3 weeks of every month and only home one week per month. Kinda hard to make it work, despite daily text messages, and nightly phone calls, it finally took it's toll on him. Yet he keeps telling me he still loves and who knows what the future holds. So, needless to say it's no wonder my weight keeps going up and down. Ugh... but Anyway, Deb, please feel free to add me.. we can do this!!!

  • AlyssaLed
    AlyssaLed Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 27 years old and am determined to lose 100 lbs.

    I was doing well with eating healthy and exercising daily in the beginning of 2014, but then I got busy and started making excuses, so I eventually completely stopped. Then I suffered a back injury which left in bed all day with excruciating pain. With rest and medicine, I soon progressed to a walker and then to a cane. I've been able to get around without the cane for two weeks now and only have minimal pain with certain movements.

    Today is my birthday, so I figure there's no better time than now to jump back into things. I'd love to have friends that will encourage me, as I will them. After all, journeys aren't fun when taken alone!
  • michellel99
    michellel99 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm in! And 100 to lose.
  • :) hi, I'm looking for friends here. I'm starting my journey at a weight of 253 on a 5'3" frame although I'm curvy, I want to loose at least 100 lbs. I'm hoping to find people struggling with the same things that I am and to provide support as well. Hope there are others like me out there
  • Hi i just joined myfitnesspal yesterday and i am trying to lose at least 3 stones don't know what that is in pounds. Please add me need all the motivation i can get
  • Mshell73
    Mshell73 Posts: 1
    edited January 2015
    I have at least 80 to lose and I've gotten off to a bumpy start. For those who have already lost a good chunk - what has helped you the most? You can add me!

  • I've lost it and regained it, I also like the rest of us here need to lose about 100lbs I'm 5'7" 257 lbs I'd like to see other people success and struggles so I don't feel so alone. I've done this twice before so I know it can be done. SO LET'S DO THIS FOR A HEALTHIER US AND TOMORROW! ADD ME!
  • I'm raising my hand to join!!! I have about 120 lbs to lose as well. Anyone is welcome to add me. I need as much motivation as possible, and am more than happy to deal out all the motivation I can!! We can so do this together!!
  • I'm in, would love a friend request or two!
  • DataSeven
    DataSeven Posts: 245 Member
    Feel free to add me... 95 lbs already lost, with more to lose. Open food diary, feel free to browse.
  • cjsmith2112
    cjsmith2112 Posts: 3 Member
    I have no idea how to add people so feel free to add me. I lost 45 almost 2 years ago only to allow it to come back with 10 more. I need to loose about 130 to 150. I'm not very confident in my ability right now but I hope with a community, it will help. Love looking at the success stories, I always find that motivating.
  • Damn2Dayuum
    Damn2Dayuum Posts: 1 Member
    I currently weigh 250 and want to get back to 150 lbs. Count me in! About to do my first weigh in on Sunday, looking good so far :)