The not-so-subtle 'fat' comments



  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    jdhcm2006 wrote: »
    True story, In 7th grade I had a male TEACHER ask me why I'd wear a skirt with "legs like that". I don't think I ever wore that ruffled denim skirt again...hmmm...perhaps that's not a bad thing? ;)
    Some people suck, other's are you seem to be. Surround yourself with awesome people and the ignorant fools that come by now and again won't hurt so much because you'll know your self worth isn't in your size. Chin up doll!

    He needs to be glad you didn't report him. That's borderline sexual harassment.

    Harassment doesn't have to be sexual in nature to get someone fired.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    sydneydeb wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    The difficult ones are the little children. When I went swimming on Tuesday a little girl turned to her mum and said "mummy that girl is a little bit big" as I got into the pool. That was enough to make me swim harder and faster. If its an adult you can put it down to them being cruel or bullies, but when an innocent child says it not knowing the consequences, there isn't a whole lot you can do but think to yourself, I have to fix this.

    Well I'd turn around and tell her she's a very rude little girl, she's clearly old enough to have been taught manners

    True! My 3 year old nephew already knows when to say please and thank you and he doesn't even speak clearly yet. If your child speaks clearly, they're old enough to know better. They DO still control their words.
  • doesthisappmakemelookfat
    Literally can't count how many of those comments (some well-meaning, some just mean),I've gotten in my lifetime. I'm 46 now, and I've gotten to the point that whether they mean well or not, it's nobody's effing business what I weigh or eat for that matter! Society doesn't allow comments on anything else in life, but weight is open for discussion? Don't take it.
  • LandyBreigh
    LandyBreigh Posts: 207 Member
    My family used to refer to me as the smart sister and my little sister as the pretty sister. She was 5'3 size 0. I am 5'10 at the time size 16-18, though now I m a 12, working on a 10. I just use it all as motivation.

    I'm known as the "nice sister, smart sister." My little sister is 5 years younger than me and known as 'the pretty one.' I told my husband that and while I was at the gym with my sister, he sent me a text message that said...You are the pretty one! You are the amazing one! You are my smart, sexy, funny wife.

    I so love that man!!!!
  • kailibertsch
    kailibertsch Posts: 139 Member
    I think I have to rethink my life. My current bar pickup line is "Are you pregnant?" followed by "You want to be?"

    HAHA!! Worked on me with my husband. Just saying. Except you then of course have the baby (and baby weight) to deal with.
  • Archerychickge
    Archerychickge Posts: 606 Member
    Its great when you can turn those snarky comments into motivation to push yourself...

    My favorite "compliment" I got way back when was a guy who told me "You'd be really pretty if you lost some weight" My response was "You'd be good looking too if you regrew some hair." I walked away and never looked back.
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    jdhcm2006 wrote: »
    sydneydeb wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    The difficult ones are the little children. When I went swimming on Tuesday a little girl turned to her mum and said "mummy that girl is a little bit big" as I got into the pool. That was enough to make me swim harder and faster. If its an adult you can put it down to them being cruel or bullies, but when an innocent child says it not knowing the consequences, there isn't a whole lot you can do but think to yourself, I have to fix this.

    Well I'd turn around and tell her she's a very rude little girl, she's clearly old enough to have been taught manners

    Kids are tricky b/c they have no filter, and generally they aren't trying to hurt anyone's feeling. They think something, they say it.
    Also, this particular subject may not yet have come up for discussion in their family yet. Instead, how about a response like "People come in all shapes and sizes".

  • SCMclaughlin
    Sadly, people have no filters any more and feel like they can make those comments without recourse. SO IGNORANT!! If you get the pregnant comment again, asked SO surprised and excited and say, "I'm PREGNANT???"
  • CObluegrass
    CObluegrass Posts: 61 Member
    There are a few things that rattle around in my head and fuel me to push through when I don't want to work out or when I need to up the intensity. The first is being out for a walk and having a carload of college boys "moo" at me as they went by. Another is a former doctor of mine saying "well, you'll NEVER be thin" when I brought up the idea of weight loss, seeking her advice b/c of the PCOS diagnosis she had just given me. And another is a stranger at a party coming up to me and saying something about the food I was eating, and how she could never eat like that and maintain her figure. Well la-TEE-freaking-da lady...good for you.

    Oh and an old boss said something that stung. I was getting ready to host a seminar with about 30 college football players and I was standing at our front desk waiting for the bus to arrive. All of my colleagues were also standing around the front waiting area at the end of the day making small talk, and I told them about the upcoming seminar. My boss said "well finally you won't be the biggest person in the room for once!".

    I've only been mistakenly asked if I was pregnant once. I was 19 and it was my older sister's friend that I had had a crush on for 10 years (he was 6 years older). I had not seen him in a couple of years because he moved out of town which broke my heart. When he saw me at a bar, he came up and hugged me from behind with his hands on my belly and said "omg are you pregnant?!" About died right then and there. but I try to turn these situations into positive motivators. what else can ya do?
  • karyabc
    karyabc Posts: 830 Member
    There are a few things that rattle around in my head and fuel me to push through when I don't want to work out or when I need to up the intensity. The first is being out for a walk and having a carload of college boys "moo" at me as they went by. Another is a former doctor of mine saying "well, you'll NEVER be thin" when I brought up the idea of weight loss, seeking her advice b/c of the PCOS diagnosis she had just given me. And another is a stranger at a party coming up to me and saying something about the food I was eating, and how she could never eat like that and maintain her figure. Well la-TEE-freaking-da lady...good for you.

    Oh and an old boss said something that stung. I was getting ready to host a seminar with about 30 college football players and I was standing at our front desk waiting for the bus to arrive. All of my colleagues were also standing around the front waiting area at the end of the day making small talk, and I told them about the upcoming seminar. My boss said "well finally you won't be the biggest person in the room for once!".

    I've only been mistakenly asked if I was pregnant once. I was 19 and it was my older sister's friend that I had had a crush on for 10 years (he was 6 years older). I had not seen him in a couple of years because he moved out of town which broke my heart. When he saw me at a bar, he came up and hugged me from behind with his hands on my belly and said "omg are you pregnant?!" About died right then and there. but I try to turn these situations into positive motivators. what else can ya do?

    OMG! that made me so angryyy like really did some people lose common sense and need help to find it or what -__- , your boss deserved a punch in the face right there, that was just mean and awful thing to say everrrrr