40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,978 Member
    Today was my 5th weight-training day, in a row! BOOM!

    Oh yeah, 2015 will be my strong-year, for sure.

    Also, my mfp ticker reads 1,111 today! That is cool!

    Have a good weekend, all. Go lift heavy!
  • Marzstar
    Marzstar Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm happy to report a great first week back on MFP! Here's to staying on track over the weekend :-)
  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    haha mazstar love teh profile pic, welcome back....
  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Happy Friday eve Cool Kids!
    I'm just about to hop on my 250 and ride home. But first:
    Welcome back Ruby & Stef! You were missed. So glad to hear from you both.
    Myg, don't we feel a little guilty about our weather when we hear what our pals are enduring? ;)
    Larro, geez it's cold for FL! Your numbers look good. Don't get too skinny!
    MzKlutch, you're an early bird too. Your plan for making the gym a habit is a good one.
    K.S. More shoveling! You're going to get ripped!
    Nick, so sorry to hear about your loss. :'( .
    Sylvarose, I'm so glad you went! And you are too! :D Awesome. Hysterical about water = more steps.
    Welcome jazzine
    OneOddOne, you've been on quite a journey. Stick with this group. You'll get lots of support, and no one is snarky!
    Beeps, 5 in a row! Woot!
    Marzstar, amen to staying on track this weekend.

    I hope eveyone's is wonderful. Stay safe and warm if you're in a polar place. My weekend will be much like last. A little moto riding and some kayaking.

    Cheers all,
  • stef123633
    stef123633 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi everyone! Funny story directly related to my weight loss. Today was the 1st day I was able to get my wedding ring on in about 6 months, it finally fits again (!!)....ironically, wearing my ring (which I rarely do), I also got hit on for the first time in like 6 years. It was very awkward and embarrassing, but a nice compliment for middle-aged mom that has been working her butt off :-)

    Hope you guys have a great weekend!
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Good Morning Kid's !
    Stef- Awesome ! LOL. Love those flattering moments even if they are a little embarrassing.
    Beeps- Happy 1,111th days !
    nickphn- So sorry for your loss.
    Oneoddone- I'm glad you've found happiness. Now let's all get more active, and healthy !
    jazzine- I hear you on the meal planning. I'm so sick of cooking. LOL.
    Sylvarose- Glad you got to the gym.
    Momflyer- So aggravating I remember a while back our son's school sent one of those you owe notes. They tried to say we owed for his freshmen and junior dues. I called and finally lucked out and found my receipts. Paperwork drives me bonkers !
    Curious- Thanks for the hero comment. LOL. Most days I feel like spiderman versus her alter ego. LOL

    I've been on a cleaning de-cluttering/organizing thing around here. Even managed to sell a table and chairs out of the basement.
    Josie managed a whole week and 2 days since her last meltdown. Dun dun dun....Then last night she flipped the "f" out. A 30 minute screamfest where she literally started climbing on my lap , kicking , smacking, and hitting me with her toys. I handled it though my ears are still ringing this morning. My husband swears he saw her head spin around.
    Down to 153 lbs., a BMI of 24, and 2 lbs. under my goal.

    Hello Newbies! and friends ! Have a great day and I'll check back later.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,978 Member
    Cardio day! Done!

  • AiryGia
    AiryGia Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there - hope it's okay to have another join! I am 40, though sort of in denial about it. hahah. I have 2 kiddoes, an 8 year old and a 4 year old, and a very supportive (albeit one who's never remotely struggled with his weight or fitness) hubby of 9 years. I work full-time out side of the home, and thus struggle with finding time to exercise. Oh... and I am a Canuck... meaning for the last 2 weeks I have been deep in -35 Celsius weather... which I think means -31 Fahrenheit... with a lot of snow.

    So yeah... kind of want to just go into bear mode, blanket, fireplace, hot chocolate and gooey comfort food, nap and read.

    I have a LOT to go... but I am really inspired and determined right now, so I am going to take advantage of that and not get lazy.

    That being said, I just came in from a 1km walk with the family and the dog. We were all in our snowpants and touques, dragging the little one in a sled, and it was lovely and sweaty... but now I am back home and the chill is setting in, so I'm cuddling up with a tea and a little session of message boarding on MFP and maybe some Pinteresting... hahahah

    :) Hi to everyone... and thanks for the cool area for the cool kids. (really? Is that really what we are? hahaha)

  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Happy Monday all... I think. A busy weekend in my neck of the woods once again. Saturday I went and pulled up the rug in my den at my old house as the real estate agent thought that the hard wood floor underneath would be a better selling point than the old, large area rug that was there. That was a lot of work for sure!! So I guess that constitutes a work out- WhooHoo! I had my younger daughter and son-in-law over for dinner Saturday night as well to celebrate Christmas with them since they were in Hawaii for Christmas and then my daughter is leaving this Saturday to go to Germany for work for two weeks. Had to sneak it in there somewhere!!

    Yesterday I went to see my Hubby. He continues to improve physically overall, but he is still quite confused. He is having trouble orienting to place and time. He doesn't seem to remember where he is until reminded and then I think he is still quite confused by it. He also forgets when people visit him. I just talked to him and he forgot I was there yesterday. Hopefully this clears up soon. Not sure which is worse, seeing him struggle physically or having this altered mental state where he just doesn't remember stuff. Today he also thought we had five kids running around our house- where he is not and he also thought that there were five different radios playing. Oye!

    Have a good day all!
  • las357s
    las357s Posts: 15 Member
    I am 40 and just got started tracking with this app. Not sure how to join within the app but would love to join. I need to lose around 60 pounds, maybe a little more.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Morning Cool Kids.

    I see we are still getting bigger. Welcome to all the new folks. Best of luck to all of you in your fitness journey.

    I've got my lifting and cardio in this morning. I've got to do a better job of my eating. The last week I have been at the low end of my acceptable weight. One day I got as low as 172, which is too low for me. So I must eat more and workout less, right? Habits are hard to break, even good ones.

    My sister and BIL are coming over to watch the football game tonight. I'm working but I'll be home about halftime. We have a big pot of jambalaya I cooked yesterday, so at least we don't have to worry about cooking. But she will bring something most of the time. Last time it was smoked salmon.

    The cold is over here. High of 73F predicted for later. I have outside stuff that needs doing, but I can't seem to get in gear to do any of it. I'm still on a reading jag. Luckily the County Library is right beside the Civic Center. I can walk over from work.

    Kelly Sue, hang in there. We are all thinking of you.

    Hope everyone is having a good day,

  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hello cool kids,

    Welcome all!
    Kelly Sue - take care. Hope things turn around for your husband. Glad you had a nice time with your daughter and SIL.
    Kate - are Josie's tantrums just typical "terrible twos" or do you think they may be diet related? I have seen my granddaughter turn into a monster as she comes off of a sugar high. Comical and scary at the same time. Good job on the weight loss! Are you re-setting your goal?

    Airy - there are a few of us Canucks on here. Welcome.

    I had a successful week - diet and exercise wise. Ran 8km outside on Saturday and did my strength training yesterday. Yesterday was also weigh-in day. I am pleased to report I am down 4lbs. Lots more to go, but I was happy with that! I am only going to take my measurements again at the end of the 30 days. I know much of that was probably water weight, but it was nice to see the scale move downward for a change.

    Larro - I look forward to the day when I drop "below" my low weight. Ha! Not in this lifetime. :p

    Keep up the great work all.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,978 Member
    Hi all!

    Got my lifting in and done. Aiming for a low-calorie week....some women in my January challenge lost 5, 7, 9 POUNDS last week! (I lost 1.4)

    Jeepers....guess I better pour it on a little more this week.

    I have decided, for one week only, to watch my sugar intake, and lower it wherever I can. Not in any "militant" sort of way, but in a "Beeps - reach for gum instead of ice cream or cookies..." sort of way.

    I actually would be totally happy with a steady 1 lb per week weight loss....so, THAT is more important to me than dumping it quickly. Last week I did NOT feel "deprived", so that was really important...no binge-ing. No hunger pains. Just slow-and-steady towards my fat loss goal.

    I likely will be successful in dropping 5 lbs in January. If I can repeat that in February, then I am HAPPY!

    (I don't have much bodyfat to lose....but, I do have some!)
  • goalieAJ14
    Hi all! Sorry I disappeared so soon after joining two weeks ago. Hectic time with being out of town for New Year's and then had the in-laws visiting this past week. They LOVE to take us out to fancy restaurants/meals so I was shocked to have lost a pound this week!
    Trying to get back on a routine again. Just made my menu for the week and will go food shopping after work today. The menu really helps me stay more on track.
    I hope to connect with some of you. That really helped me when I was doing The Biggest Loser online.
    Thanks for reading!
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Hey Kid's!
    So I managed to sell $30.00 worth of my bigger clothes( at $2.00@ ), and a table/chairs from the basement. Yeah Me ! LOL.
    Josie is potty trained now. Yeah Me !
    I cut my hair 2 nights ago. I love it. I know I'm crazy to cut it myself but hate paying $40.00 for someone else to do it. LOL. Good thing I used to be a hairdresser.

    sdereski- I don't think it's food related. I think she's just "Nucking Futs". She fights naps. The last few evenings she will just throw a fit then ends up falling asleep in my arms after hitting, and kicking me. The one the other night lasted over 30 minutes. When she was just a baby she would throw a fit every time we tried to change her. On the upside she is falling asleep earlier in the evenings.

    Anyway. Hello newbies! Welcome back goalieAJ14 .
    I'll check back later. Got to go pick up my son from Chess Club. Yes he's a nerd but we love him. :)
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Happy Monday kids....Hope all of you are well and in good frame of mind.

    School was delayed 2 hours today due to ice. Snow is expected on Wednesday. Needless to say these delays and closures are part of a parent's agony during the winter. Welcome winter (my sarcasm at work).

    I have the exercise part down, but my old food habits are creeping back up on me. I love sweets and junk. I really prefer it over regular food and I incorporate some kind of chocolate to fit in my macros everyday, but I know the sugar is impeding my weight loss. Am I crying or beating myself over it? No, just have to figure out a way to beat the cravings.

    Extreme Fit tonight and to note, the class is getting harder.

    Welcome all newbies.

    I will do more individual attention tomorrow. You know I adore all of you dearly.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hi all.

    That other weight management website I talked about last time that I belonged to since 2012 is closing down on January 21st, so I created a group here on MFP for members over there to join if they come to MFP. So far we have 30 members in the MFP group. Gives everyone a touchstone in a strange place. Everyone is scrambling over there trying to find an another weight management site, and copying off things they want to save from the old site. I had a bunch of recipes and some sentimental posts over there and got those copied off this weekend, and today they are giving away all of their merchandise that has their logo on it. I'm sure glad I decided to check out MFP last Spring, otherwise I'd be scrambling too. Sigh.

    Now that the crazy year-end projects are behind me and I can breathe again, I decided to take next week off. It's been a long time since I took a vacation and I need one desperately. It will just be a staycation, which is my favorite kind of break. I want no agendas, itineraries, or obligations. Just peace and quiet.

    We are still having perfect winter weather here. Lows in 40s and highs in 60s. Can't ask for better than that this time of year.

    We've been having a battle of wills with my stubborn dog about not eating his dog food, and we read online that one trick is to mix in a couple tsp of baby food. We tried it last night (pureed ham) and it worked like a charm. Baby food, who knew?!

    The last couple weeks I've been slacking on my weekly cooking, so I spent some time yesterday getting a bunch of stuff cooked up for the week. I hardboiled 14 eggs, make a pot of black-eyed peas, roasted some sweet potatoes, red potatoes, brussel sprouts and carrots, got another batch of mixed sprouts to sprouting, and made a batch of pumpkin protein bars. I'm good to go this week!

    Looks like break is over. Bye all. Have a wonderful day.

  • CarlaGill1
    CarlaGill1 Posts: 2 Member
    Sounds fun & helpful.
    46 years old.
    Mom of 2 teens.
    4.5 down, lots to go. =)
  • dinatorres92
    dinatorres92 Posts: 1 Member
    This sounds like the perfect group to be in....5'1 and 197....I'm 43 and in a few months will be 44...I've been on MFP since October 2013. It's been very slow going to lose weight....much tougher after 40. I'm a certified Zumba instructor and just recently went from teaching twice a week to 4 times a week. My goal is to incorporate two weight training sessions per a week and this will hopefully jump start my weight loss progress again because I've been stuck for way too long. Looking forward to the new year & a new me!

    Have a awesome day/week everyone!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,978 Member
    Glad to read that Extreme Fit is getting harder, caramel!

    Hello to the newbies....

    I got a job offer, today! Now negotiating....I may have to be on mfp less and less!
