Turbo Fire - i need some buddies!



  • staclo
    staclo Posts: 511 Member
    I did Fire 45 today, and skipped Stretch 10 b/c I was running late this a/m. I might do it yet tonight though. I took my rest day on Monday, so no resting for me today! I hope everyone had an awesome day! :smile:
  • hoyagirl03
    hoyagirl03 Posts: 220 Member
    Did TurboFire 30 today!!! So good. I did the fire 55 EZ the other day for the first time and will be doing it again tomorrow--- it tested my endurance but I hung in there. But I absolutely agree with previous posts--- it seems a little easier than 45 EZ, even with the fire drills! Quite interesting as I burned soooo many calories! Excited!
  • Katarina19
    Katarina19 Posts: 14 Member
  • CivicSista
    CivicSista Posts: 459 Member
    I burned over 1000 calories today doing Fire 55EZ. I'm beginning to enjoy that one.
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    Yay!...My turbo fire arrived! :) I plan to try out some of the workouts the next couple days and then start the schedule on Sunday!
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    Civic- I have always said 55 is my favorite. I think it's because I am familiar with it and can't put more energy into it.

    Completed 45 EZ this morning and starting recovery week. I have a great weekend planned but a nutritionally challenging one. So here is to keeping positive thoughts.

    Have a great weekend everyone.
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    Today I did HIIT 15.
  • Loveebbs
    Loveebbs Posts: 300 Member
    Didn't get a change to do the stretch 40 yesterday, :frown: , because my sister came to visit and we cooked a big meal. Only went over my calorie goal by 7 calories but went over big time in everything else (Sodium, Carbs, and etc.). So today on my schedule is Core 20/Stretch 40 but I might add Fire 30 to burn some more calories. Happy Cinco de Mayo ladies!
  • texastae1010
    texastae1010 Posts: 165
    Did Fire 30 today after the Inferno plan and I was sweaty but I feel like I didn't do much after such an intense 5 days lol...not going to complain but yeah feel like I didn't actually workout lol....
  • kikix5
    kikix5 Posts: 187 Member
    hi all, Did Fire 45 today, burned 408 ! I was missing my Chalean, going to try to be getting back into it, thought maybe if I switched things up, tried Jillians 30 day shred, for a bit, but needed the music.. the love! lol

    hope everyone has a great Thursday!
  • daniedee81
    daniedee81 Posts: 155
    heyyy friends!!!!!!!!!

    love to see all the workout posts!!! today is day 4 and i did fire 30/stretch 10....burned fewer calories than Day 1 but I think I know why. I gave the fire drills 110% but i was slightly slacking off in the other parts. for some reason, my knees were bothering me. Maybe I should have actually rested yesterday instead of going for 2 long walks instead. On a positive note, it may be a bit premature to say but i'm starting to feel stronger in the sense that I'm not so winded. tomorrow is fire EZ 55.

    @texastae1010 - How was the inferno plan? What were your results? I'm super curious! I'm waiting for my Shakeology to arrive so I can do it.

    @eajones1983 - good on you for only going over by 7 calories!

    @coachreyes - positive thoughts for you! may is the month of birthdays and cottage-opening parties for me - my weekends are most definitely going to be challenging. In a way, i'm kinda happy that our "off" day is wednesday for this program! im excited to do 55 tomorrow :)

    @bluegirl - can't wait for you to start and post your thoughts!

    how many fire drills are in ez55?

    ok everyone - i'm off to get some work done --- getting through these workouts are a daily accomplishment! Keep posting away - love hearing your thoughts!

    Have an awesome day everyone and happy Cinco de Mayo!
  • blakgarnet
    blakgarnet Posts: 343
    almost thought I was going to flake out, but then I remembered I was going to report to all of you and got my butt off the couch!

    Fire 30 - 330 calories
    CLX Push 1 (first time) - 250 calories

    feeling great!
  • myroots
    myroots Posts: 120 Member
    Today was CLX Burn Circuit 1, and then I also did Fire 45. I did New to Class again and I am starting to figure out the moves but I still lost a couple times. I think I will stick to the New to Class for a few more times. I burned less calories the 2nd time around, too. I think it is partly because we are figuring it out so slightly less effort.


    PS I'd really like for that 0 pounds lost to go away. Hoping for the scale to cooperate soon :ohwell:
  • daniedee81
    daniedee81 Posts: 155
    hahaha blakgarnet - i totally know what you mean - it motivates me to do the workout knowing I'm in a way, accountable to you guys (as well as myself). Great burn girlie!

    @myroots - You are so right! I'm also sticking with the new to class until I at least get all the coordination down pact. It's really fast-paced and sometimes I find myself giving weaker punches just to keep up with them.
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Great Job Ladies and Gent, i completed Turbo Fire 30 and stretch 10, burned 383 cals, hope u guys are having a beautiful day :flowerforyou:
  • dmkaiser83
    dmkaiser83 Posts: 89
    I did fire 30 and HIIT 20. Tomorrow is my rest day, and boy do I need it! Since I've learned the routines I can put more effort in and I'm super sore today!
  • daniedee81
    daniedee81 Posts: 155
    YAHHHH Cookie! way to go girl! it's finally sunny over here so i'm just about to head out :)

    @dmkaiser83 - that's a super workout!!! tomorrow will definitely be a well-deserved rest day for you! keep up the great work!
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    Fire 30 plus riding my early mothers day present all day-
  • curlygirlyful
    Hey Everyone!! Today I did 55EZ. Wow! That was a crazy workout. I'm thinking that it will take a few tries before I get the moves down. I can really feel it in my waist and abs. Is anyone having knee troubles?!? If so could you give any advice. Thanks!!
  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    Day 4, Week 1: Fire 30, Stretch 10: Done!
    Still hard, still super sweaty and panting. Tomorrow is ez55 - kinda nervous about it.