40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • SalishSea
    SalishSea Posts: 373 Member
    I'm all in! Although, I'm surprised to see myself in the 40+ club. It just crept up. Fortunately, I feel like I am in my 20's.
  • Sylvarose
    Sylvarose Posts: 70 Member
    Morning all,

    Had a great day with my activity levels! Tonight..the Y! So my dept at work is forming a team to take part in a workplace stair climb challenge: 56 flights of stairs in 3 weeks starting the 29th. I'm going to check this weekend if I'm "cleared" for that. It's an average of 3.7 flights a day and I figure what I can do is do just do one flight several times a day rather than do them all at once. Probably would have to have my inhaler with me just in case and pay attention to my SI joint. If it hurts..stop. I really want to participate though...even though I hate climbing stairs. :P

    Mzklutch - if I haven't "lost" anything this week I may suggest that. :)

    Beebs - congrats!

    Kellys - continued well wishes for your hubby...

    Wishing everyone a good day!

  • Borrowed_time
    Borrowed_time Posts: 23 Member
    Hi all,

    Can I join, 47 year old married mother of 2 teens.

    Had a rough year last year, only lost a stone, but discovered my knee pain was more serious than I thought - and by the end of the year had a full knee replacement on one knee and need a partial on the other - still in recovery as it was only 6 weeks ago. but it means I have had to stop running and basketball. I had started cycling and plan to continue when I can bend my knee enough for the pedals :)

    My aim is to continue with my weight loss and finally get down to a healthy BMI in the next couple of years - but need a kick up the backside and encouragement to keep going.

  • llauri4
    llauri4 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 43, trying to get toned up and clean up my eating. I've been using MFP on and off for a couple of years. It works great to help keep me on track. I'm just starting out with weight lifting.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Afternoon Cool Kids.

    I got my lifting in this morning, but I skipped about half of my usual lifting day cardio. I've been struggling with my eating. I'm still within the acceptable weight range, but would like to be more consistent.

    It's a dreary, rainy day here at the Larro Ranchero. I bought seed yesterday and have the itch to clean up the garden, but that will have to wait until another day. My other chores are done and I have three or four hours before I have to start thinking about prepping for supper. I do have a good Larry McMurtry novel that needs {re}reading.

    Margie and I had a nice evening out last night. We ate at Ruby Tuesday. I had the Hickory Bourbon Salmon. Very good. It's really slow at work right now, so I figure we should take advantage of it when we can.

    Beeps, what can I say? I'm lazy. {and rushed}

    Welcome SS & BT, and all the other new guys.

    This is Thursday, so here are the numbers for the week:

    21.6% Body Fat
    57.1% Body Water
    24.3 BMI
    174.1 Pounds

    Hope everyone is having a good day,


    Lifting day breakfast:


  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Good afternoon Kid's !
    I found a great pair of skinny red cords at Goodwill the other day. Thought the sizing was a little strange; they are 32/32 while my pink jeans are 27/30. Looked at the brand name today "This is skateboarding Emerica" LMAO I'm rocking some skater's pants!

    KellySue- I know when I was doing some private duty sitting a few years ago ; whenever my 95 yr. old client would get a bladder infection she hallucinated. I've heard that's pretty common. I hope with your husband's kidney improvement his hallucinations will subside too. Keep positive. I'll keep the prayers coming.

    Mzklutch- I've been losing and regaining the same 3 lbs. lately. Kind of disappointing. Though I'm still in the higher range of healthy so trying not to stress it.

    Beeps- I envy your job offer. I'd love to find a day shift soon.

    Curious- I used clippers in the back so it's an angular bob. I'll see if I can get a decent picture. LOL. Jeff said I need a flapper dress now.

    Josie's ill. So I'm sleep deprived. Hello Newbies ! and sorry if I forgot anyone. I'll check in later.

  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    None of us can give up! Today I woke up feeling a little discouraged. As I processed what I was feeling I accepted I cannot change all my bad habits in one day or one week. I am just going to keep on trying one day at a time.

    Curious - I am so jealous of your kayaking story about the whales. Right now I am looking out my office window at a frozen lake & there is no sign of boats of course (only ice fishing). As I read your post it brought me to a really awesome place of being on the water and seeing whales:) You are very fortunate to be able to experience that. I cannot wait until I too can get my kayak back out on the unfrozen water.

    Try your hardest at whatever you do today my cool friends :):)
  • tesmec
    tesmec Posts: 1
    Richard here 46, physically not to bad, still lots to work on though. Mentally in a very dark place and just looking for friends/motivation. Come say hi sometime if you get chance. See you around.
  • Sylvarose
    Sylvarose Posts: 70 Member
    Don't give up, Richard!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,983 Member
    I did get my two workouts in. BOOM!

    And....I celebrated my new job (since I am also getting paid from my old job for eight more months....) with a new SUV!! :)

    I want to be safe on the winter roads for the longer commute I now have. :)
  • riekjeb
    Hi! I'm 40, so I'm in. :) Living in the Netherlands. Just started MFP 3 days ago. Want to loose about 7 kg.
  • Sylvarose
    Sylvarose Posts: 70 Member
    Morning beautiful people,

    Welcome riekjeb!

    Beeps - Congrats!! Sounds like you are doing really well!

    Got 35 minutes in at the pool last night. I think I actually worked up a sweat. Was really pushing it. It was great. I really do want a water proof MP3 player. Need to save up for it.

    Was a good day yesterday. Have a meeting I'm not looking forward to at work today and then weigh in tomorrow. I'm really hoping to have down off that plateau! I've worked really hard this week.. though I must confess. It's been a lot easier for me to stay under my calorie goals than my sodium! LOL

    Still, I've weighed, measured and proportioned my food this week as well as increased my activity level, so I'm hopeful.

    Hope all are well and have a great day!

  • Algerina9601
    Algerina9601 Posts: 55 Member
    Can I join? I need the support! I was doing so well for about 6 months, which is a lot longer than I have eve done before. But then I was hit with nothing but bad luck! I was hit by a car, so exercise has been out, huge family stress and now my lovely Nana died this week!!!! Today I am sticking my ol pal Jillian Michaels on and see what I can do. Have a great day everyone!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member

    Yahoo! I am so thankful for Friday this week. It has been a long one. Hubs has had some not so good days and some great days this week. I am hoping that the great days continue to be the norm. Still some confusion, but seemed better yesterday and so far today. He did tell me that he was going to go write his memoirs yesterday- which isn't so far fetched for him, but funny still the same 'cause he has quite a story to write about just the last few weeks!
    I am going to go check out the rec center tomorrow and see their space and equipment. It is only 3 miles from my house so it would be easy to get there. I have a hair appointment tomorrow as well and then off to Rochester to see hubs. Then to spend the evening with my parents before heading home on Sunday.

    Hope everyone has a great day and weekend!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Sylvarose wrote: »
    Morning beautiful people,

    Got 35 minutes in at the pool last night. I think I actually worked up a sweat. Was really pushing it. It was great. I really do want a water proof MP3 player. Need to save up for it.


    First off, how can you tell if you are sweating in the pool?

    Second, here is a link you might want to check out. I use Newegg.com quite a bit and have never had a problem with them.


  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Morning.

    I've done my AM cardio and breakfast. One turned out far better than the other. But on the bright side I did find out how much smoothie, plain Greek yogurt and mixed berries is too many for an omelette to stay together. {It still tasted good though}


    I spent a little time in my closet this morning. Boxed up some stuff and carried upstairs to make room for shorts and one size too big pants. I got the jeans moved, but still need to go through my slacks. I don't want to get rid of the pants, but I don't want them with my everyday pants either.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend,

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,983 Member
    I like KellySue's photo better than larrodarro's today....

  • Sylvarose
    Sylvarose Posts: 70 Member
    larrodarro wrote: »
    First off, how can you tell if you are sweating in the pool?

    Second, here is a link you might want to check out. I use Newegg.com quite a bit and have never had a problem with them.


    LOL I do water aerobics. So not all of me is underwater. :smile: Thanks for the link! I'll check it out!

  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Beeps2011 wrote: »
    I like KellySue's photo better than larrodarro's today....


    I do too!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Thanks Beeps and Larro! Although I do have to say that Larro, your omelette sounded different!!