100+ pounds to loose, lets all talk



  • sabrinarv1
    sabrinarv1 Posts: 4 Member
    Add me everone plz.
    I have 100 + to go iv lost 30 so far.
  • JordisTSM
    JordisTSM Posts: 359 Member
    Hi all.
    I am at the start of a 170 pound weight-loss journey. Can use as many friends as I can get to help me get there and not give up as I have so many times before. That is not an option this time around, not if I want to avoid diabetes and other nasty things.
    Best wishes to all.
  • Hi
    I had 92lb to loose and now I'm only down to 78 to loose.
    It's taken me months to just loose that small amount.
    I need motivation and I've got none, I get a lot of anxiety and depression in the evenings so I just eat.
    I would love to know how to get out of this rutt, please add me x
  • cschof18
    cschof18 Posts: 34 Member
    To be fully satisfied I would like to lose 110! I am currently 293 and have a goal weight of 180. I gained weight SO fast!! I didnt even think that was possible! I am pretty motivated and looking for friends to help me check in and support! Feel free to add me :) Good luck everyone!!!
  • lokizmo
    lokizmo Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Everyone! My current goal is about 180 lbs to lose. I have rhe am problem where everyone seems to need to lose a small amount and not a large amount. It's nice to see people feeling the same as me.
  • Im looking to lose 100lbs. It will be a long journey for us all, you just have to keep in mind how WORTH IT your hard work will be! You've gotta take it day by day, and set smaller goals to reach, because lets face it, "i need to lose 100 pounds" is a very intimidating mindset. My first goal was to change what i ate. When I stopped eating such well, absolutely *kitten* foods, i found i didnt crave them as much. Its been a month, and i wont deny that i cheat every now and then, but i forgive myself and move forward and try not to make the same mistake. You just have to push yourself and remind yourself of the benefits of this lifestyle change. I wish you all the best of luck, and look forward to getting to know you all and working through our goals together!
  • dylhansmom
    dylhansmom Posts: 2 Member
    Happy Friday everyone,

    I have been on again off again with weight loss for 7 years (since I gave birth) with my son I gained a 100 pounds and havent ever gotten it off, whenever i do lose a decent amount of weight I quit and then gain it back. :s

    This coming summer I do not want to wear jeans, I want to look good in shorts again. I need support, am surrounded by skinny people who eat what they want and have no problems
  • rsmith654
    rsmith654 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm with you. I'm over 300 lbs and trying to get back to 205-210.
  • fizzleh
    fizzleh Posts: 71 Member
    Don't focus on the 100 lb total, take it step by step, day by day and then its easier to digest.

    Make targets of 10 or 20 lb as they don't seem as daunting as 100.

    Soon enough you'll be well on your wheeey to loosing 100 lb
  • leahle0004
    leahle0004 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm Leah, and I am just starting on a path to lose 160#. I struggle with exercise, but I know I have to exercise to reach my long term goal. Feel free to add me. :)
  • jlaursen2882
    jlaursen2882 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm Jess. I've got at least 100 to lose. Please add me!!! I've been on here a few times and seem to always fall off the wagon. I need the support!! Thanks!!!
  • MandaPandaRae
    MandaPandaRae Posts: 4
    edited January 2015
  • kerib21
    kerib21 Posts: 6 Member
    hi I need to lose 56lbs and I am needing some motivation as I am finding it hard! on week 3 and 5lbs down so far :smile:
  • ems212
    ems212 Posts: 135 Member
    Right now my tracker says I have 70 to lose, but I know that I need to lose more than that to get to a healthy BMI. My thoughts were, I'll set a goal, I'll reach it, and then I'll set another goal. I didn't want to set the entire goal at once because I've done that in the past and it just discouraged me to see I had so much left to go.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    I need to lose 110. I'm currently at 85 pounds lost.
  • I'd love more friends with a lot to lose!
  • akern1987
    akern1987 Posts: 288 Member
    My goal is to lose about 150 as of now. I have been on and off this site for the better part of two years, never really been able to get it together, but I'm ready for this now, and I'm here. Long Haul, Let's do this!
  • socialone74
    socialone74 Posts: 85 Member
    I have over 100 to lose as well. My first goal is 199lbs :-)
  • I hav 100 pounds to lose so anyone who wants to add me please do. I have a lot of work to do so let's keep each other motivated! :)
  • abbyjane81
    abbyjane81 Posts: 51 Member
    Hi everyone! I have 150 pounds to lose. I've used fitnesspal before but never the community. I def need the support! Anyone can add me! Love seeing what other people are eating for ideas, and love have and giving support!
    I've lost 100 before and gained it back after two kids!
    Nursing my youngest- working on the fine balance of milk supply and weight loss. It's finally time to take care of myself.