

  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    I feel soooo happy:smile: I reached my first 20 lb mark !!!!! It took 2 months ! Can't wait for the next 20


    Happy Birthday to smwert and Debbie!!

    Day 5 of cycle 2 is done... 17 day diet... haven't weighed.. won't know for a few more days..

    Made a salad... for dinner..

    GUESS WHAT... Blood sugar last night 2 hours after dinner was 75... YUP, lowest its been in 10 years.... due to weight loss I am sure, and DOC took me OFF one of my diabetes pills (januvia)..


  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,394 Member
    Natalie - that's wonderful about you blood sugar number (at first I was going to abbreviate that but decided against it...lol)

    You know, we went to the chinese restaurant today. The lady who is making that Italian dinner (the baked ziti, garlic bread, etc) asked what I had. When I told her that I had steamed chicken and broccoli, she just looked at me as if to say "I know you". I'll probably have a bit of her ziti and just a taste of her garlic bread. I'd feel so bad if I hurt her feelings. That's just me. I guess when I get home, I'll hit the apple cider vinegar until the carb cravings go away (boy, do I sound like an alcoholic or what?). I didn't eat much for lunch today, then I went food shopping (forgot to get more shirataki noodles, well...I'll get them next time), then stopped at a clothing store, back to the food store (since it was in the same shopping center and I could get more rice for the soup kitchen), then on the way home stopped to get candy for the food kitchen (I got what I don't like so I'm not tempted) - using my coupon - and my rain check for plastic bags (with a coupon). By the time I got home I was hungry. Had some tomatoes, unfortunately had a ghiradelli chocolate, but then I had a chocolate bran muffin. I should have had some buffalo jerky. Next time.... Since I'll be at that shower early, I'll maybe ask her not to put the salad dressing on, let people put on how much they want. This way I can have some salad without dressing. Thank you, everyone, who responded. Karlene - that is a great suggestion to sit away from the hostess. I wonder if that'll work with her? The Newcomers had a social at her house and I had to come late. I brought my appetizer early. Do you know that when everyone started eating (I wasn't there yet), she made an announcement "now just take a little bit and come back for seconds". When I'd gotten there, she asked me if I'd had enough to eat. She did buy some KFC so I had that chicken without the skin. Someone brought veggies, but were they ever soaked in oil! I just threw them out. Had some of my appetizer (stuffed celery), and I don't remember what else, but I know that I didn't have a lot.

    Debbie - welcome! I've often wondered about online trainer sites. I really used a trainer mainly to be sure that I was using correct form. What exactly do they do online? Just make up a routine? Do they give you modifications? Do they tell you "heavier (or lighter) weights"? We're glad you joined us. Happy birthday!

    About that 17 day diet -- a friend of mine was doing it and I spoke to her the other night asking if she was still on it. She said she wasn't because it was too hard to do while working. Is it?????

    Alice - you WERE working on an audit while you were posting. You were auditing US!!! lol

    Our neighbor went to a farmer's market (I don't know where) and bought some strawberries, only she had to buy this big container. So they gave us some since they can't eat them all. Some of them (well, most of them) are over-ripe. Guess that just means that I'll have to eat them in a hurry. Life sure can be tough sometimes, huh?

    Glad you joined us Linda. Where in NC do you live? I live in Newton (near Hickory)

    Welcome back Jackie! We're so glad to have you back. That's great that you're starting back exercising. Yes, start small and in no time at all you'll have worked your way up.

    Mary, my heart breaks for you. Prayers for you and your mom.

    Cynthia - big congrats!

    Everyone, have a great evening!

  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Good Evening Everyone! :smile:

    Drama at the Bluebird House! :noway: I think I told you all that two nights ago I discovered that all five eggs had been removed from the house by sparrows, but one was undamaged. I put that one back and yesterday the bluebirds were in and out of the house all day. This morning as I was waking up I heard all this bird racket going on (the house is right outside my bedroom window) so I went to investigate. A pair of tree swallows were taking over the house! I went out to shoo them away and they divebombed me enough that I took cover and watched from the door. Had to leave for the day, but when I came home this evening the bluebirds were here and the swallows were not. I was able to check the house and the egg was still there. I'll keep you posted!

    Had a wonderful hour with my granddaughter after school today. She has become interested in photography, so we went out making pictures. The sky was a gorgeous deep blue so pictures of flowers against the sky were stunning. She had a lot of success and got pretty excited. I just loved watching her. :love:

    Tomorrow is the day I take Bandit (my Ragdoll cat) to the specialist about the lump behind his ear. I'm expecting that they'll order surgery for him. He's such a sweetie....I'm praying it's not cancer. I will be :brokenheart: if it is.

    Didn't go out walking yesterday or today because my knee was still bothering me. However, I noticed today that it seems better :smile: , so I'm hoping to get back on track tomorrow. I have a lot of miles to walk to reach my goal this month.

    Until tomorrow :flowerforyou:

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Happy Birthday Gracie and Chiclet!

    There are so many new names and so many new posts I am afraid I will get the names wrong. But, I did see where a few have lost weight with their last check in. Kudos to all of you.

    Mac- Good luck finding a new job. Hang in there. Somewhere there is a good job waiting for you.

    In getting back to basics I've been doing 5 minutes working outside every day. Just taking small steps to accomplish the larger task of getting 3 acres cleaned up.

    Have a great evening,

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good evening, All,

    Debbie: Welcome and happy birthday! Look forward to learning more about you.

    Welcome our other newbies...this is a great place!

    Michelle; You are kind to help with the set up...when we discussed a few weeks ago how to handle eating at someone else's house, it was mentioned that most of the time, no one pays any attention to what you eat or don't eat. I have found this to be very true now that I am paying attention. You could eat something light and healthy before you go and then eat just as little as you feel like you can without triggering that "craving" we all know about. Good luck! I think this is part of our journey...to learn how to handle situations like this in a healthy way. I do not think it is healthy to deprive yourself of the company of friends and family...we just have to learn how to focus on the people and not the food. (Easier said than done!)

    Mary: Thinking of you!

    Off to bed...I think that a spider bit me while I was working in the yard yesterday =on my neck. I didn't sleep well last night and have been achy and chilled. If I don't feel better by tomorrow I will go to the doctors. I hated being inside all day on such a beautiful spring day! Took an antihistamine and drank tons of water all day, so hope to feel better in the morning.

    Take care, All:heart: Kackie
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Kackie, I hope you're feeling more chipper tomorrow.
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning all,

    Dee I read somewhere that the height of your bluebird box has something to do with other birds trying to nest in it. Don't know if this will help or not.
    Where to place nest boxes

    open field or lawn; orchards; open, rural country with scattered trees and low or sparse ground cover; Mountain and Western bluebirds will also use deciduous and coniferous forest edges; entrance hole should face open field, preferring east, north, south, and then west facing directions.
    box height: 3-6 feet

    The dogs want to go out so I will come back and read the rest of the posts later.

    Have a nice day ladies.

  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    Thanks for the birthday wishes and happy birthday to the other May girls, Debbie, Chiclet, Grace and others.

    I joined Curves for my birthdaypresent to myself. I found out that my blood pressure is high. That explains why I have been feeling dizzy, etc. lately. It was high before when I was over 150 pounds so I now really have incentive to lose weight.

    susasn (smwert)
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    Happy Birthday Debbie and smwert!
    Happy Belated Birthday Chiclet and Debbie!
    Welcome back Heather and Jackie!
    Welcome to all newcomers!

    That being said, I have just read all of the posts for the last 2 days. I have not had a great week. My mother is back in the hospital with pneumonia, sepsis, a UTI, and had another heart attack. I am doing everything I need to do as far as eating and exercise, just don't always feel so much like posting. Spending lots of time checking on Mom via phone. But I know all will work out, and I am staying with it. I'll be glad when school is out (May 27th) and I don't have to work for a while.

    See you all soon!
    Mary - just read your post, so sorry to hear about your mum! You're in my thoughts!
    Dee, sad to hear about your knee, Make sure you take care, Gal! Thinking about you too!
    Happy birthday to all you May girls! Hope you have a good one!
    I need more time to do more posting, catch you all later!
  • wehavethestars
    Cynthia, twenty pounds gone in two months. Congratulations. Great job.:flowerforyou:

    Smwert, What a great present to give yourself. Joining curves will be a big help.:smile:

    Michele, Let us know how you did at the party. I am curious about suggestions to have just a little. You had mentioned that it set off cravings. I know for me that just won't work. I am an all or nothing type if I want to stay on target. Certain foods start me eating
    way too much. I always admire people who can take just one bite or have just a bit. :ohwell:

    It's Friday already. Mother's Day will bring another challenge. I hope I get balloons and flowers, no candy or cake. I don't eat out on any holiday, too crowded, so that will be fine.

    Have a great day everyone.

  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    :flowerforyou: Cindy, we live in a condo and I put the BB house up on a whim several years ago when we moved here because I had the proper place at our old home and loved the BB families each year. I really didn't expect any action at the condo because the house is right off our patio, but within hours two moved in and I've had two to three broods every year since. We had trouble with the house sparrows one time before this incident and I know it's all part of nature. This is the first time the tree swallows have caused problems. I have another house for the wrens, sparrows etc. I put food out for the BBs near their house, and I have the other feeders for sparrows, finches etc out our front door and they happily deplete those rapidly. The BBs were around last night, the swallows this morning. It's a bird soap opera!!!! :laugh:

    Gotta go. Have an eye dr appt this morning. Thanks for your input. :smile:

  • sveltewisher
    sveltewisher Posts: 93 Member
    We saw an excellent movie yesterday called " Win, Win". Unfortunately, afterward, made a poor choice in the restaurant which was a sports bar specializing in Hot Wings and Happy Hour....Enjoyed Happy Hour w/ 2 beers...Shared ribs, popcorn shrimp, and salad with my spouse. I stayed w/in calories but only due to an extra 822 calories earned through exercise. I literally felt ill after the meal. :angry:
    Reading the "17 Day Diet". I would appreciate any recipe, tricks, or shopping ideas for Phase 1. Thanks
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Has anyone had this happen? Every time I step on the scale, which is in the same place, it says a different number. I moved it to the other bathroom, and it said a different number.. it's a WW scale.. wonder if I should get a new scale? I have had it for some years...
    There is a 4 lb differnce depending when I step on it.. the first time I stepped on it this morning it weighed the lowest.. and as I continued to see what it said, trying about 10 different times, it kept going up...
    ANYWAY... guess I just won't weigh myself and see how my clothes fit me eh?
    Playing Bridge today at my house.. will have popcorn and fruit..
  • smelliott
    smelliott Posts: 120

    Happy Birthday smwert and Debbie :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    We were away in the motorhome (RV) at the weekend. We went to a kit car show and had a great time but I wasn't so good on the eating and drinking front. -too much wine and nibbles! I had been finding it really difficult to get back into the swing of it anyway following our stay in France so I have decided to up my calories from 1200 per day to 1500 for a while. I will have a better chance of meeting that target and will reduce it once I get the munchies under control. I have been quite good since getting home on Tuesday and will be getting weighed tomorrow.

    Congratulations to all of you who have lost weight.

    Bye for now
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    I fixed a fruit salad this morning and used 1/4 of a fresh pineapple (yep, I love to eat!) Instead of just tossing the parings from that 1/4 pineapple in the garbage, I decided to nibble on them. I hate to let those "little" bits of pineapple go to waste.

    I decided to weigh the parings first and then again after I'd nibbled. Those nibbles weighed 70 grams! That's more than 20% of the total weight of the 1/4 pineapple. Mary (msw) is right. Every nibble counts!

    Natalie, I had a WW scale that did the same thing. I got a new scale and it's consistent within .2 lbs no matter where I step on it. I looked at Amazon to see which scales got the best review. But...YES...how your clothes fit is the best guide!

    Denise, sounds like you've got a plan. I upped my calories and that's working for me. Losing slowly is not a bad thing at all.

    I'm back to having lots and lots of fresh fruit and veggies and I'm loving it. I'm also back to losing weight. Funny how those two things go together. I'm thankful that they do as I love to eat!

    Cutting down on a "regular" diet just doesn't work for me. Too many cravings and just not enough food. I feel deprived and I end up giving up then gaining back all the weight I'd lost and then some. Now, I feel almost decadent eating what I do but IT WORKS. Yippee!
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Can someone recommend a GOOD digital scale to buy, either on Amazon, or ebay, or BBB?
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    Hi folks ........and a Happy Birthday to the "Birthday Gals." hope your days have been good ....and you've been good too!!:flowerforyou:
    We have a birthday celebration here tomorrow .....my grandaughter is 9...going on 19......and while we were away last we got that phone call.
    :laugh: You know the one...begins..."Muuuuum...can you do us a favour?"!!! It seems they.....#1 son & co. didn't have a venue for J's party and could they have a "Hot Tub" party at ours. So here we are getting ready to decorate the garden room, plastic glasses ready, fizzy pop ready, hot dogs and rolls ready. Apparently Jess wanted grandad to serve them cocktails in the pool. Wonder where she got that idea from!! I didn't have that at my party...did I? Perhaps I did!!LOL
    :bigsmile: I hope I will on my next birthday bash anyway!! ....seeing as it's a milestone affair!!

    :noway: I'm back to going to Zumba now. I went with my DIL's mother as before. I stopped going towards the end of last year when my mum took a turn for the worse and when the lady who took the classes had a baby. The class went well ...hard though!! The instructor doesn't look as if she'd had a baby at all but the evidence was there for all to see ...:heart: a gorgeous little girl!!

    And.....I saved £150 yesterday by buying a new gas oven & grill on line. The old one was in the bungalow when we moved in and is over 30yrs old. We can't get any parts etc and the oven will not light. Thermostat methinks.!...expensive call out only to be told "We can't fix it". So we went to the discount appliance store and saw the one we want and then returned home to find it £150 cheaper on line !! Delivered on Monday. Sooooooooo in my mind I have £150 to spend!!! What do you think....add to a holiday? :happy: Spend in September when we're off to Alaska?
    So.... it's great to be back with all of you and here's hoping we'll all be losers!!
    Keep on keeping on folks!!
    :flowerforyou: BFN
    Jackie W
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Jackie, what kind of cat is that? I have a blue point Ragdoll. Yours looks a little more delicate than a Ragdoll. My Bandit is very large, but has the sweetest personality.
  • goldwingrider
    goldwingrider Posts: 25 Member

    I live in Wilson...about 45 miles east of Raleigh
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    Hi GD47......
    Bandit looks lovely!! Our "Chaz" is we think a Ragdoll Burman (not sure if that's the spelling!). His features seem more pointy than Bandit's for sure. He only has 3.75 white paws...should have 4 complete white socks!! He's we think about 11 or 12 and more like a long haired seal point siamese but does certainly "Do" the rag doll bit!! Does Bandit cry like a baby? Chaz is soooo talkative. We also have what we think is a Himalayan. She's got a similar face to Bandit, a bit more towards persian i think, but has a more one tone coat .....brown and chocolate with the most lovely blue eyes. She has completely different fur...doesn't moult,never needs brushing! She is so tiny ...with very short legs. A bit of a pudding really! bit like me then LOL And ....she hardly ever makes a sound! Both cats are rescue cats for all their breeding!! I'll try and get a picture of her on my signature. Yep! ...thats sapphire ...bit shy!
    We love them both but not when they bring in little presents or yowl at the moon all night!!