

  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! So much activity on here today! it is raining here again, I work until 7PM ...I was hoping to take Peanut for a walk tonight, but not in the rain...he won't go out in the rain. So it will be my air stepper in addition to the 20 minute walk I took on my break a little while ago.

    Carol, I hope that your therapy helps your shoulder....frozen shoulders are nothing to sneeze at.
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good afternoon ladies,
    Been a busy day so far. kenneth had to go for his blood work so I took him then took Rhea to school, then picked him up, then brought him to work, since he did not have his truck while on vacation. after dropping him off byron and I went to local mall where I walked for an hour then met heather for lunch then came home in time to pick up rhea at school and get others off bus. whew I am tired LOL>
    looks like we have all been busy this month, we may need a part 3 this month.
    Natalie I did not realize you were in Chicago. We are going in June for a week. My oldest son is a HUGE cubs fan. has been since he was about 10. We are going to a game and just going to enjoy the city.
    Star I will check out that book. sounds interesting. I am always interested in new ideas especially about health and weight loss.
    I hope you enjoy the rest of your day.
    vicki M
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member

    After visiting the rescue place, we stopped by the dog park. There's a nice group of people there who are regulars. Izzy mostly hung out under my chair. I tried to get her to fetch but she was having none of it. The only time she socialized at all was when I walked around the area. She had to keep an eye out for the other dogs!

    Mimi, now you know why I walk at the dog park......everybody else stands around, some throwing balls for their dogs to fetch but most entreating their dogs to run and get some exercise. :laugh: it didn't take me long to figure out that if I wanted my dogs to move, then I'd have to move as well.......as long as I walk, they keep moving and we both get great exercise.:bigsmile: it also helps us avoid any potential confrontations with other dogs.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: we all win :bigsmile:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    Star, thanks for the book suggestion.......I just ordered it from my account on Paperback Book Swap so I'll get it soon in the mail

    You have such good ideas that I figured I couldn't go wrong with a book you recommend :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    Wow - away for 3 days and what a lot of posts. I had decided May would be my month to really focus and lose weight for good. I already blew it. Maybe I like being fat!!! I dont think I like being fat. I am being good today. Going to have a veggie stir fry for supper.

    I will just keeping plugging away and hope for good results at week end.
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello ladies,

    Just a quickie, rain here again today. The weekend was wonderful, moved my eldest sister to a new home, and the next day cleaned out the garage. I was hoping to do some reading on planting roses, I am very good with dandylions. I have one from the girls at the Civic, and it must be put in the ground, somewhere around my house the neighbours dogs don't pee on it, and it gets good light and water. Still need to do some landscaping around the house, so I am wondering if I had an outside planter, the rose could live in it until I had the yard done, anyone with help on this please do.

    Mary, I GOT THE NEW JOB, thanks for crossing your fingers. I was so stressed about waiting to hear about it, now I have three jobs to juggle for two to three weeks, I will take a leave from my main job (Tim Horton's) until this new jobs term is over, see what happens meanwhile. I will still work casual at the Civic.

    Nice thing about this new job is that I don't have to drive there, it is fifteen minutes from home, I'll be putting on my pedometer and clocking some steps! Two, I will have more time to do gym, bonus!!!

    Okay ladies got to get some work done, hope all is well,

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    WOW...we ARE a chatty group! It took me a very long time to read all of the posts, but so happy to hear from some folks I've missed for a while and WELCOME:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: to the NEW members! Look forward to getting to know you!

    Mary: Wow...you are breaking all records for keeping up with everyone and responding. How nice of you!

    Marilyn: Congratulations on the new job! VERY exciting!

    Chiclet: I am thinking about you with your move! Take care of yourself!

    Natalie: 7 pounds is amazing in 17 days! Way to go!!!

    Robin: Happy Anniversary! and I agree...you DH sounds like a real keeper!

    I am not going to get to reply to everyone I wanted to tonight. Just put dinner on after being gone all day to a wholesale nursery about an hour away with a neighbor. I will be digging, digging all day tomorrow to plant all the shrubs that I bought. this time of the year I get WAY too ambitious!

    I am thankful for each of you and wish you all a good evening. Kackie:heart:
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Good afternoon ladies,
    Been a busy day so far. kenneth had to go for his blood work so I took him then took Rhea to school, then picked him up, then brought him to work, since he did not have his truck while on vacation. after dropping him off byron and I went to local mall where I walked for an hour then met heather for lunch then came home in time to pick up rhea at school and get others off bus. whew I am tired LOL>
    looks like we have all been busy this month, we may need a part 3 this month.
    Natalie I did not realize you were in Chicago. We are going in June for a week. My oldest son is a HUGE cubs fan. has been since he was about 10. We are going to a game and just going to enjoy the city.
    Star I will check out that book. sounds interesting. I am always interested in new ideas especially about health and weight loss.
    I hope you enjoy the rest of your day.
    vicki M

    Lived in Chicago all my life, now we winter in Arizona, but come back the end of April and spend until Mid October here, just in time to leave when it starts getting nasty.... the cubbies are a good team, I personally am a White Sox fan, since I am from the south side of chicago...I am sure that you will enjoy the city.. he can lead you to many interesting sites... Millenium Park is a must..
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    Hi all. Newbie here. Love to be part of the group if I may.

  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Hello Everyone!
    It was another beautiful day here in Rhode Island. I really do love spring. I was really nervous about going to my weight loss group tonight. My scale showed a wild gain. I’ve been so frustrated ; feeling that I am working hard...eating less and exercising more but not seeing the weight drop. Well….the class always makes me feel better and I usually hear something to focus on. I was up .8 of a pound but I am not going to make that my focus. In all of this, I need to stay positive. I know I need to hang in there and give my body a chance to work.

    Mary…I hope your pool gets fixed quickly. I don’t like getting out of my exercise routine because it is so challenging to get back into it! Good for you that you did a walk last night. Thanks for looking over my diary…it’s great to get feedback.

    Bkrbabe75…. What a great loss in inches. I really started to keep track of my gym time in April and although the scale doesn’t show it, I feel better in my clothes. I get measured at the end of May so hopefully I’ll see a difference.

    Natalie….how wonderful that you got off one of your diabetes meds…what a great sign of success!

    Star…. Isn’t it funny that we have no problem finding the time to cook for our pets (I used to also for my dogs) but we cut corners with taking care of ourselves. I will definitely get my hands on that book.
    Marilyn…..Congratulations on the new job!

    Welcome Kelly…enjoy this board!
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Hi Everyone! :flowerforyou:

    I've been out and about so much that I haven't had much time for posting. I skimmed through the posts really fast. Thanks for offering your Boo (did I remember the name right?) to take to the dog park, Chicklet. I'd do it if I could. :happy: Anyway, tomorrow I have a light day, but then the next 5 days after that will be crazy busy. So, I will pop in and out.

    I have really bad news. :cry: I came home this evening to find the bluebird eggs on the ground below the box. Unfortunately, it is not unusual for house sparrows, very nasty bullies, to go into bluebird houses and destroy the eggs. Four were destroyed, but one wasn't, so I picked it up and put it back in the house. Mama and Papa were hanging around the house this evening, so here's hoping the rescued egg is still viable. :brokenheart:

    Got involved with a walkking challenge and am off to a good start for May. :smile: Makes me feel :happy:

    Everyone take care!

  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    Hi Everyone! :flowerforyou:

    I've been out and about so much that I haven't had much time for posting. I skimmed through the posts really fast. Thanks for offering your Boo (did I remember the name right?) to take to the dog park, Chicklet. I'd do it if I could. :happy: Anyway, tomorrow I have a light day, but then the next 5 days after that will be crazy busy. So, I will pop in and out.

    I have really bad news. :cry: I came home this evening to find the bluebird eggs on the ground below the box. Unfortunately, it is not unusual for house sparrows, very nasty bullies, to go into bluebird houses and destroy the eggs. Four were destroyed, but one wasn't, so I picked it up and put it back in the house. Mama and Papa were hanging around the house this evening, so here's hoping the rescued egg is still viable. :brokenheart:

    Got involved with a walkking challenge and am off to a good start for May. :smile: Makes me feel :happy:

    Everyone take care!


    Oh Dee! What tragic news about your wee bluebirds! You really must be heart broken, I know I am! I was soo looking forward to hearing about them when they hatch. I really do hope the surviving egg makes it! :sad:
    Great to hear you're out on the walking challenge again! You're looking good! :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • Gettinfit2
    Gettinfit2 Posts: 254 Member
    :glasses: Natalie, I think you have been in Arizona way to long. 50 is not really cold for Chicago especially after our Blizzard and freezing temps. I, too, grew up in Chicago. I spent one summer in Arizona and I felt like I was inside an oven.

    :smile: Marilyn, having a job within walking distance is great! Imagine how much you will save in gas.

    :noway: Star, I have a rule in my house: The dog cannot eat better than the people in the house.

    :frown: Dee, sorry about the birds. Some birds started a nest on one of our patio lights. DH took it down, but tossed the branches not far away. The next day the birds had retrieved :laugh: the branches and began to rebuild the nest. Then DH threw the branches in the yard. Later, the birds started a nest on the outside corner of the garage. That experience was really funny to me. I enjoyed the bird determination.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    What happened to April??? And March??? I am waaaayyyy behind!!
  • mrsanderson404
    So many posts to read and catch up on....welcome to all the newcomers....I am happy that good habits I began in the first quarter of this year have pretty much stuck so while I havn't been loyal about logging in my food, I haven't creeped up much in weight...woohoo!! That is good news as my goal has been to lose weight but also to develop better eating habits...my stomach has certainly shruck as I can't eat the amounts I used too and I'm making far better choices.

    On the downside...I turn 50 the end of the month and I think menopause may finally be sneaking up on me...my mom went through the change much younger and my greatest fear is that my family may want to put a pillow over my head while I am sleeping. I don't want to be a shrew!! I think I'm successfully avoiding that but while you could have set a calendar by my periods before, they are shortening the past couple of months...only by a few days but pretty regularly lately. sooooo.....add to that an occasional night sweat and I think it's right around the corner. Any suggestions ladies??
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,392 Member
    Welcome Dunkirk!

    Mon I did an hour of yoga and an hour of deep water. Tomorrow (Tues) I'm going to do a Total Body Makeover DVD (weights). I really wish the Y would have more classes that are strictly weights. They have one, but it is so crowded, that, to me, it borders on unsafe. Plus, the only times for the class are 5:30 in the morning (there is no way on this green earth you'll see me there at that hour) or 10:00 (for me, that's a bit late)

    Just got my latest issue of "Nutrition Action Healthletter". They gave special K plus protein a thumbs up. 3/4 cup has 100 calories and 10g of protein. I don't remember seeing it in the store so have to check it out.

    I like prelogging, too. this way, if I'm over calories, I can cut something out if needed since I didn't eat it yet.

    Mary - I remember when we moved to our home before this one, the kids were still little. The first year I went with them trick-or-treating. Our cat followed me everywhere, even went into some people's homes! I don't think the cats we have right now would follow me, tho.

    bikerbabe - SNOW?? You poor thing. Yup, I'm the same way, when I go out I can really taste the salt. Isn't it funny how our taste buds change? I almost don't like it when someone brings chips or crackers to a function, they are usually so salty to me. We're supposed to go to Mexican Train dominoes tonight. I'm going to bring some shrimp and sauce with me. Good job on the inches lost!

    No one can answer my questions about the droid app? That's surprising.

    I, too, am trying hard to resist simple carbs and sugar. But sugar is so hard, it's in almost everything.

    Natalie - that's just wonderful that you got off one of your meds! I'm so very proud of you.

    Mary - your new place sounds great. When will you be moving?

    Robin - I'm with you, can't wait for those fresh summer veggies either.

    sveltwisher - Big congrats on the great losses

    Marilyn - congrats on the new job! Sounds ideal - walking there and having more time for the gym. Wonderful!

    Welcome Kelly. You'll enjoy it here.

    Went to Mexican Train dominoes with the Newcomers tonight. I brought shrimp with me. Interestingly....almost all of it went. Some people brought mini sandwiches, one lady brought a dessert (she usually brings a dessert), a few other things. I had some of the shrimp, some cheese cubes (I think it was Monterey Jack and cheddar) and some celery.

    Will go to the Y early tomorrow and do an hour of HIIT.

    Hope everyone has a great evening!

  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    I’ve given up on trying to respond to each person who’s posted in the last few days. We ARE a gabby bunch! :laugh: The energy is great. Welcome to everyone new. (Kelly, you already are part of the group, just by posting!) This is an awesome thread. Actually, it’s the women on it who are awesome. :love:

    I pulled some weeds today. :happy: Doesn’t sound very exciting, but when you’ve never been a gardener, it’s a major accomplishment! I won’t take Izzy (on a leash) with me again as she came back with a lot of those long, spirally weed seeds twisted tightly into her hair. Getting them out was no fun for either one of us.

    I feel good about my eating today. Lots of veggies (a bunch of roasted asparagus and a great big spinach/tomato/avocado/feta salad, plus lots of fruit. I'm thankful for spring and fresh food. Sister veggie queen is back!

    Chiclet, I’m happy to hear how happy you sound. You deserve it. :flowerforyou:

    Zuback, Hmm. A whole body vibrator? 10 minutes = 7 miles? Oh yeah. I like that idea. :wink: Sounds kind of like the vibrating belt exercise machines that used to be around in the old days. Anybody remember those? Hopefully these work a whole lot better. The others were good for a massage and that’s about it. Keep us posted.

    Robin, my good friend, Kathy, lives in Washougal, just north of Portland. They’re expecting a nice day tomorrow but she figures the forecasters say that just to keep people from killing themselves. What a winter.

    Sveltewisher and Natalie, congrats on a good job. :flowerforyou:

    Jeannie, I’m looking forward to seeing your new pic. I hear you about the hawks. I don’t usually take Izzy outside unless she’s on a leash but I figured it would be safe up by my daughter’s house. Izzy was no more than 30 ft from me when that nosy hawk swooped down. Red-tailed hawks weigh only 2-3 lbs so you’d think they’d leave an 11 lb dog alone. Apparently not! You sound like you’re on a good track. Way to go.

    Smwert, you’re on the right track with the veggies. You’ve lost 4 lbs. That’s great. :flowerforyou: When I stay focused on how well I’ve done (vs. finding the things I haven’t done well), I do MUCH better.

    Marilynn, congrats on the new job. You’re a busy lady.

    Sally, you’ve got a great attitude. Keep plugging away and you’ll get where you want to go. Natalie’s a good example of how a change in routine led to success. For me, it’s fruits and veggies. Lots of fruits and veggies! (and no (or almost no) refined stuff)

    Dee. I’m sad about your BBs. :sad: I hope the remaining egg makes it.

    MrsAnderson, good for you for good habits. :flowerforyou: That will take you a long way! I’m glad my days of menopause are long over (and so is my family!) :noway:

    Michele, I’m not much for playing games but Mexican dominoes is so fun. You lead an active life. I don’t know how you do it, but it’s awesome to be so active. :happy:

    Early to bed tonight. :yawn: Sweet dreams all (and sweet waking up for those who are already glimpsing morning).

  • healthyandlean
    HI I am new to MFP!! Not doing so hot!! 6 weeks = one pound GAIN!! I am 54/retired retail clerk!! need to find a part time job! need to lose 100 pounds!! THAT is hard just to type out!! WOW!! I need to join a group!! Do something!! Any ideas suggestions WECOME!!! thanks
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Good Morning

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart: HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHICLET :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: Barbie thanks, I'm almost blah free, but it seems to be lingering this time, even though I've had a few days off work (which usually does it :laugh: ) I've woke up feeling sort of anxious and "blah" it's the only way I can describe it. BUT I am going to think of things to be thankful for, so far although very cold this morning the sun is shining and this is my last day off work before the weekend, so better make the most of it.

    :flowerforyou: Mimi I hope you find a friend for Izzy soon, don't like the sound of the hawk flying above though, a bit worrying with Izzy being a small dog.

    :ohwell: I wish I could fill in my food diary before I eat, I think that is something I should concentrate on this month. I find it difficult to remember every little thing I've eaten during the day, and sometimes I try to put 2 or 3 days food in at a time. Trouble is I need to plan ahead, think of meals for the week and then stick to them! This is why my food diary is hit and miss, I leave days out because I can't remember what I've eaten or there are too many days I've missed, so don't bother to log food.:ohwell:

    :noway: Look at the time, time I wasn't here! Reminds me of whoever said I'm late I'm late etc. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Need to get the dogs walked, unfortunately although I am off work today, DD is not.

    Catch up again soon

    Viv xx
  • smelliott
    smelliott Posts: 120

    Just popped in to say

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHICLET :flowerforyou:

    and hope the move goes smoothly.

    Bye for now

    :heart: :heart: :heart: