

  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Evening Ladies,
    I should have been taking notes as I was reading. I just wanted to check in and log my food, and before you know it, here I am reading all of the thread! I went to zumba tonight, came home and showered and then hopped on the computer. That was a mistake- it is now 9:30 and I have to get up for work at 3:30am. I swear getting on this computer is addicting. Be back tomorrow....
  • edmontonukeplayer
    edmontonukeplayer Posts: 45 Member

    So glad to report a wonderful May 2. The weather is pleasant so I went for a long walk in my old neighbourhood. Saw an old friend or two and enjoyed seeing how things have changed in the decade since I left a home where I brought up my daughter and lived for just about 2 decades. In my 30s I ran for an hour each day so I got very familiar with all the great streets and paths. Today, I walked for an hour on my favourite old routes, pushing my grandson in his stroller. Exercise was wonderful today!

    I appreciate the sharing regarding the 17 day diet. I am going to consider including that plan as part of my goals for June, especially if the feedback from those of this forum is positive. For May I will stick with my current goals and MFP.

    Sending out good wishes for healthy eating to all of you today,
  • AEisele
    AEisele Posts: 98 Member
    Hi all. It's hard to believe it's May already. Here's to a great month!

    Mary, I chuckled just pictureing you walking being followed by the cats. We have cats so I know how funny it must look.

    Well hope everyone has a great month
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Mimi – Love the new pic! It's odd, here you are going from grey to brown and I am seriously considering doing the opposite. I think I just need a change as well. :laugh:

    I laughed when I read about your 20 year old grandson and the possibility of his making you a great grandma. That is exactly what my 20 year old granddaughter did to me in March!

    Jeannie – So sad to hear about your friend. Life is so capricious; one accident and it can be over. I like our fearless leaders idea of a gratitude list. Taking a few moments every day to be grateful can help put things in proper perspective.

    Kackie – Wow! You have painted buntings? That is so cool! :bigsmile:

    Just an hour or so ago DH came inside, got the binoculars, and finally announced that there was a male bluebird sitting on the BB house. He went in and out a couple times, hung about in the trees, and came and got a drink at the bird bath. I'm sure hoping there is a family in that box! If so, I will get out the meal worm feeder DH made and stock up on meal worms. I have the telephoto lens on the camera and am anxiously awaiting further developments! :happy:

    Dee – Hooray on the BB family! Hopefully I can report on one soon too.

    Amanda – So glad you are feeling better and the surgery went well for the grandson!

    Robin – Happy anniversary! It sounds like you two have a great thing going. :heart:

    Lorri – I liked your list. I have noticed all those great changes too. :drinker:

    Barbiecat1 – Welcome back! What you said about white carbs and sugar sure resonates with me. Give me a little and I just want more. If I leave it alone entirely, I don't miss it.

    Pmjsmom – I hear you. I need to kick it in gear as well. I'm back to logging and just getting it right for today. Tomorrow and yesterday don't matter.

    Chiclet – Happy moving day! I'm happy for you. :smile:

    Mary - Well no, I have never walked my dog with trailing cats but have done it with a ferret on my shoulder. Does that count? :wink:

    Sorry about the book but I just had to say hello to a few of you. We are such a big group now - wow!

    One of my May goals will be to check in briefly (unlike today:huh: ) every day.

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Mary, I had a cat who went on walks with me. It was very scary, but hard to keep her from coming. I picked my path very carefully where there weren't any loose dogs and lots of trees. The cat's name was Una Kitty and she lived until ripe 18 years old.

    I had a good day and stayed in my calories.

    Have a great evening all,

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Mary, I had a cat who went on walks with me. It was very scary, but hard to keep her from coming. I picked my path very carefully where there weren't any loose dogs and lots of trees. The cat's name was Una Kitty and she lived until ripe 18 years old.

    I had a good day and stayed in my calories.

    Have a great evening all,

  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Thanks for all the encouragement... I finished day 1 of c2, and feel good, not hungry.. spread my fruit and yogurt out (had the last yogurt at 9 pm), and it keeps me from being hungry thru the night.. I skipped it last night, we were out late, and I woke up hungry, so it does help to have a little something later in the evening.

    Went to the doc today, she took me OFF one of my diabetes meds.. YEAAAAAH... good news... gotta keep up the weight loss, however slow it will become, I have to keep at it.

    Again, thanks for all the support...

    I never heard of WALKING a CAT? Is this done on a leash???

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    :flowerforyou:Mary, you did an amazing job of responding to everyone.:bigsmile:

    :brokenheart: Kathy and Viv, I agree that feeling "blah" can be worse than being really down.........one of life's biggest enemies is the feeling of "is that all there is" or "what's the use" glad you are bouncing back :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Karlene, you are farther north than I am and we are having a slow start to spring.....the weather report said that this was the coldest April ever here

    :flowerforyou: Linda, the perfectionist in me always wants to respond to everyone and occasionally I do, but mostly I just give up and respond to one or two, or just talk about myself :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: four miles is impressive :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, you did an amazing thing losing weight on your trip......I know how hard you worked on both food and exercise :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Joan, keep coming back :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Zuback, it always helps me to log my food before I eat it so I can change the food, or add exercise after supper.

    :bigsmile: natalie, congratulations on your success with your 17 day plan........your commitment is impressive

    :bigsmile: Chiclet, moving is super stressful.....you are doing a fabulous job.....just take it one minute at a time

    :bigsmile: Star, how great that you could get away from using a walker.

    :bigsmile: Peggy, your success is amazing.....you inspire us all :bigsmile:

    :drinker: nursecheryl, many people who don't like to exercise start by taking a walk and in time gain the inclination to do longer walks or something more strenuous......I walk with music on an mp3 player so I am entertained and the time passes faster

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: my cat, Haifa, will walk short distances with us but he doesn't like to get too far from the house. :bigsmile: today the dogs went crazy chasing birds at the dog park and I wondered if I would ever get them to come to me to get leashed up to go home.......we were there so long that I burned enough calories to have a peanut butter snack :bigsmile:
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Ohmigoodness. I thought I'd hop on here and respond to a few posts. A few? An avalanche! :noway: :happy: :happy: I'll try tomorrow. In the meantime, I wanted to check in. I do better when I keep up with posts and at least post something on here.

    I took Izzy with me today to Elk Grove (about an hour away) to look at some potential siblings. We went to a rescue place called Kritter Koral. There must have been 70 dogs there, all barking at once. I couldn't take it and neither could Izzy. I don't know how the people who work there handle it. Bless them for their hard work.

    At any rate, we left empty handed. I didn't find a match for Izzy who is, or course, wonder dog! :laugh: I'll keep looking though. I think she'd like a playmate. Even when we've played a lot during the day, she's pawing my shoulder and nipping at my clothing to try to get me to play some more.

    After visiting the rescue place, we stopped by the dog park. There's a nice group of people there who are regulars. Izzy mostly hung out under my chair. I tried to get her to fetch but she was having none of it. The only time she socialized at all was when I walked around the area. She had to keep an eye out for the other dogs!

    Speaking of keeping an eye out, I was out on our property with her this morning without her leash. One of the neighboring hawks swooped down maybe 20 feet over our heads. I keep hoping hawks are not really a threat but this one was sure interested.

    Once I move into my new place (part of the "big" house, 300' away or so from where I am now), I plan to build a small yard with wire fencing and put shade cloth up. That will make a nice cool place for me and a safe place for Izzy.

    I'm happy to see so many people posting but wondering how on earth to catch up with you all. :tongue: As I read your posts, I think of what I'd like to say, but I can't type that fast.

    In the meantime, welcome to everyone new. You've found a great bunch of women and source of encouragement. Congrats to everyone who's lost and congrats to all of us who are hopping back on track after wandering for awhile.

    What a great thing (and a novel thing for me) to learn how to get back on track quickly. A couple of days of eating healthful foods does it. I'm constantly amazed at how quickly eating good foods, logging what I eat, and sticking to my calories changes my attitude and "feeling" about myself.

    Good night my friends.

  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    Hi all! Just a quick visit to let all of you UK people know that Leslie Sansone is on QVC shopping channel today, if anyone's interested? The offer is 7 dvds and boost bands and 21 day planner for £38.00. Not sure if this is a good deal or not but sounds like it...
    Barbie, great idea for the body workouts! I'm with you on that and will try to keep you 'posted'!
    Mary, your wee Izzy is soooo lucky to have you! Hope you find a pal for her!
    Have a great day everyone! Good luck all!
    PS forgot to mention I lost another 1lb this week!
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
  • capricorn144
    capricorn144 Posts: 335 Member
    Good morning everyone...I am wishing all a great day!:flowerforyou:

    I start my exercise regime today with direction from the Physical Therapist. I go back in a week and a half for a recheck and then back to the Ortho MD for his assessment for the "frozen shoulder"

    I am following their plans and realize its the long haul. The good news...I will be toning my arms as I am losing weight. LOL!

    one way to get me to exercise. :tongue:

    have a good one!
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Just a quick note while I eat my oats. Today will be a busy. I got our grandson a new captains bed from Wood You and need to do some sanding on it while the morning is cool. His old bed finally bit the dust. Then I am taking his dog to the vet for his annual. By the time he and his Dad get home for the day the vet is closed, so I volunteered. Somewhere in here I need to fit in the gym and some gardening.

    No news on the bluebirds. I spend a few minutes with the binoculars watching the bird house but didn't see anything. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Hopefully I will be able to post a pic of our new tenants!

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I just wanted to say that I am getting really anxious for all the summer fresh vegies. I am eagerly awaiting the farmers stands on the sides of the roads, I want fresh healthy food to fill me up. Working where I do I am in the building before the sun is up (and my building has no windows its a factory) I don't see the sun all day until I leave (and not much sun up here in the PNW lately) I think it is really taking a toll on my mental well being. I miss seeing daylight, so I am hoping that fresh summer veggies will make me happy again. The good thing about having the job is that I have some money and so I splurge on good stuff. I just bought a Kindle and some new clothes for the ST Thomas trip. I buy expensive yogurt because it tastes so good and I am worth it. But I might trade it all for some down time so I could start working out 5 hours a day again. I felt so good when I could do that. Anyway, sorry for the rant. Just needed to vent a little.

    I hope you all have a great day. Thank you so much for being part of my life.
  • AEisele
    AEisele Posts: 98 Member
    Good morning everyone, Sounds like we are all off to a good start of a busy day. Carol hope the PT goes well for you. Every little bit helps. Robin, I was thinking have you tride one of those mood lamps (or what ever they call it) that is for people who are effected by bad weather. I know a girl who had one on her desk at work and she said it helped her be in a better mood. I don't recall what they call them but I'm sure you can find it on the web.

    Hope everyone has a great day. Looks like I'm going to be stuck at home so I should get busy housecleaning.
  • sveltewisher
    sveltewisher Posts: 93 Member
    I weighed in and measured myself today which hasn't occurred since February! I lost 2 pounds, 1 inch from my waist, and 1 inch from my hips. I could only imagine what could have occurred if I was paying attention:ohwell:
    Congratulations bkrbabe57...Great weight and inch loss!...Off to read about the 17 day diet!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I do love all the new profile pictures. There are so many and it is great to see the progress everyone is making and to have faces to go with the names. My DD took one of me yesterday so as soon as she puts them on my computer, I will add to the list of new profile pictures.

    Mimi- Hawks are an issue for small dogs. Do be careful. Where I live you can't leave a dog that is less than 40 pounds alone in a fenced in yard. I don't know what kind of hawks you have near you. Check with game and fish or what ever agency covers your area. They usually know. Children under 70 pounds are not allowed at bus stops alone where I live either, but that is due to mountain lions and bears, not the hawks and owls.

    I did well yesterday. Since I am updating my ticker every week, I turned off the updates on it. It is counter productive for me to get gratz on the same two pounds over and over again. I did turn on the updates for when I finish logging my food. Maybe putting that out there will help.

    Have a great day all,

  • smelliott
    smelliott Posts: 120
    BUMP - be back later
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445

    :bigsmile: natalie, congratulations on your success with your 17 day plan........your commitment is impressive

    Thank you for the encouragement, I do so enjoy this group of ladies (and gents if any)... enjoy reading all the things going on.
    It's COLD here in Chicago, high of 50 today, so I think I am going to ride my bike that is in the basement, a stationary one today, I do not like to do that, but I have no choice, it is too cold out for me.
    I went to the dentist, LOOK MOM, no cavities.. which is a good thing.
    On Day 2 of Cycle 2 of the 17 day diet... so far so good, I am eating my strawberries as I type.
  • wehavethestars
    I ate too many processed foods for so long. Last few years I have cut down a lot. This means more time in the kitchen, which I really don't like. I cook for the dog, so I guess I have to treat myself at least that well.:laugh: You will be doing a good thing for yourself.

    Thanks for all the help.:flowerforyou:

    Most people who hate exercise, do better when they do something they really enjoy. You could dance with someone or a dvd, swim, bike, or just go for nice walks. I never liked workouts. I did do strength training until my doctor said stop for now, but I love to get out and walk. Main thing is for us to move.


    Wow, 9lbs gone, wonderful.:flowerforyou:

    Carol, I was so close to having frozen shoulder. My therapist was angry that after the xrays showed no broken bones or dislocations, the doctor just gave me some pills and no therapy. Looking back, I should have done more for myself and spoke up. My son put up a pulley for me with ropes and handles. I find that helped a lot. I do the exercises every day. Hope to get my arm up over my head again. You are right, it is a long haul.:heart:

    Sveltewisher, you will do better. At least you lost two pounds. Keep going and as you said " imagine ".:smile:

    My favorite weight loss book of all time is THE THIN COMMANDMENTS BY DR. STEPHEN GULLO. While the diet part is not for everyone, his advice and strategy is right on target. If anyone wants to read it, get it from the library and just read the first half where it explains why we eat too much and how to stop doing it. I would be surprised if after reading the book, you can honestly say nothing hit home and helped you. tHIS DOCTOR ACTUALLY GETS $1,000 PER HOUR. His success rate is
    known to be higher than most doctors. If you have emotional eating problems, as i did and still do sometimes, it is a great read.

