

  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    4 – chicletgirl21
    6 - smwert

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Okay, one of my goals in May is to give responding to individuals more of a try, so here is my first attempt. Wish me luck!

    Barbie – As always, thanks for getting us off on the right foot for a new month!

    Gramma5 – Good for you, losing weight and taking walks! I love to camp by the way. Our next camping trip is June 6th.

    Mimi – Love the generations picture, and welcome back again!

    Tiarapants – I am so glad that you are starting to feel better, and that your grandbaby’s surgery went well. Looking forward to hearing more from you.

    Kerry – Good luck with your logging goal!

    Viv – I didn’t get a chance to watch the wedding, but did see the dress, and it was lovely. I like it a lot better than I liked Di’s. Have a good holiday tomorrow – what are you celebrating?

    Carol – Glad you found us! Looking forward to hearing more from you soon!

    Kackie – You always put a smile on my face with your upbeat attitude. Thanks!

    WindiLouWho – Love your screen name. You found lots of friends and support here; come back often!

    Christina – Welcome! Come back often; it will help you achieve those goals!

    Robin – Happy Anniversary! I say keep celebrating it all month, don’t stop at 3 days!

    Doobiedoo – Six pounds is awesome! You rock!

    Nursecheryl – Welcome! We are all struggling with the metabolism thing here somewhat. Come back often and join us!

    Jeannie – Getting back to basics is a good thing. I have been doing that since January. Haven’t seen a loss yet, but I’m not gaining, so I’m not complaining! I still have 20 lbs. to re-lose, but it will come.

    Bkrbabe57 – I love May flowers!

    Jberberian – Good luck with your May goals. Come back and see us often – you are most welcome here!

    Star – Thanks for all of your good advice. To add your birthday to your signature, scroll to the top of this page, click signature and type it in there.

    Natalie – Can’t wait to hear your 17 day total. Great job with sticking with it, and with exercising!

    I’ve got to go get busy cleaning my kitchen. Catch you all later!
  • wehavethestars
    Thanks Mary, I will wait to see if the majority agrees and does it too. I know I need all the reminding I can get. I keep forgetting the Birthdays of family members all the time. My son is now reminding me.:embarassed:

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: If you want to put your birthday (or name, or goals, or quotes, or anything else) at the bottom of your post, you do it by adding it to your signature..........look near the top of this page and you'll see the word "Signature"----click on it and you can add things (there's a limit to how much but it's very generous):bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: my new goal for April was to exercise in the morning and I did well at riding the exercise bike and/or walking the dogs around our neighborhood right after breakfast......three days a week I have line dance classes but I wanted to do something even earlier than that.

    :flowerforyou: my new goal for May is upper body workouts:bigsmile: I do well with walking, dancing, and anything that adds steps to my step counter:bigsmile: I do well with riding my exercise bike because I can do that while watching TV:bigsmile: but that is all lower body so it's time to pay more attention to my arms and shoulders

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: welcome to all the new members. I hope you will stick with us......this is a great group:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: today is my Isagenix cleanse day so I'll be taking it easier than usual. I walked dogs this morning challenged by birds teasing the dogs, then went for a walk with a friend, and later I'll take the dogs to the dog park followed by a nap:yawn:
  • landrum46
    landrum46 Posts: 21 Member
    How can I get on the list to be a member of Women Ages 50 +. I am age 65 and think this is just what I need.
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    landrum 46 you just did get on this by posting. Just go to my topics and it will show up and you can read and post. Welcome.
    Wow, May 1st and already on page 2. We are home. Got home about 10 pm last night. great to be home but I do love travelling.
    I will weigh tomorrow. Not ready to do it today even though I did really well. It was so wonderful to get up each morning and go walking either in the mountains, or in the city. plan to try to keep it up here. Tomorrow is second granddaughter's 10th birthday. we are going to Chili's tonight. I already planned what I am eating and will stick to it.
    I am not sure if I met all of my April goals. Think I came pretty close. I did not run for 3 min but got to 2 min. I did eat well and exercise almost daily. I will change my signature for May's goals. I really just want to keep on doing what I am doing.
    Barbie to answer your comment, yes we could go on trips together. Kenneth and I love walking especially on trips. My one wish in life is to live in a place where I could walk to stores and other stuff on a daily basis. Probably wont happen but good dream.
    I am unpacked, clothes washed and even picked up. Now back to normal. Will try to catch up on reading and post later. Star our birthdays are a day apart. I am just a tad younger than you though. LOL. Have a good evening ladies.
    vicki M
  • Gettinfit2
    Gettinfit2 Posts: 254 Member
    :happy: Hello Ladies

    I hope that everyone is enjoying a great weekend.

    I don't know why it works, but I've been using MFP for about three months and here are the changes I've notice:

    I started losing weight
    I keep a workout routine
    I drink more water
    I sleep harder
    I don't desire as much junk
    I have more energy
    I eat breakfast everyday
    My clothes fit better

    All that and I've met some wonderful people along the way.

    :flowerforyou: Thanks everyone for sharing your tips and encouragement.
  • BarbieCat1
    BarbieCat1 Posts: 82
    Hi. It's been a while, but I'm back.

    I started the 17 Day diet a few weeks ago. I works! I like it. I like the food. I don't feel hungry. :happy:

    I had been sloppy and thoughtless with my eating since I last chatted with you all and put on about 10 pounds since the fall. It's not a lot, but it wasn't the direction I wanted to go. I slowly realized I had a problem with sweets and white carbs, which this 17 Day diet eliminates. It allows healthy carbs, like fruit even from the beginning, then one adds in other "good" carbs, gradually, and even allows a glass of wine with dinner in the 3rd phase. What can I say... so far, so good.

    What I've discovered is that sugar makes me hungry... white bread, pasta and crackers make me hungry... they don't satisfy and they seem to trigger a desire to eat more, more, more. Once those sugar based processed carbs were out of my system, cravings stopped. Temptations are no longer a physical hunger, just mental... you know what I mean, you see a display of bakery goods and you "think" you'd like to have some, but your stomach isn't growling for them.

    I guess some people are just extra sensitive to certain kinds of food and now that I know what triggers me to eat excessively, I'm dealing with breaking old habits. It's a process.
  • cj1234cj23
    cj1234cj23 Posts: 113 Member
    Oops, I forgot. My birthday is march 14. Loooking forward to reading everyone's posts. Thanks!
  • BarbieCat1
    BarbieCat1 Posts: 82
    I should mention that I had an accident and hurt my back. It wasn't terribly serious, thank goodness, but occasional flare ups make exercise a bit painful for a few weeks at a time. I am just now recovering from the latest. The doctor has given me the go ahead to resume biking and walking for exercise, in moderation, so I'm back on the pathways I love to travel.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,392 Member
    Hey muffin. Glad you joined us! You, too, windielouwho (kind of reminds me of the whos in Whoville). You've come to the right place for support. Christina - what part of SC are you in? Glad to have you jberbarian. Landrum - I knew that I didn't even have to tell you how you can become a member, the post following yours by Vicki did. So glad you joined us

    barbie - thank you very much for all you do here.

    Welcome back barbiecat1! I'm sorry you were injured, but glad that the doc gave you the green light to exercise.

    Well, tomorrow I think I'll do some yoga and then deep water.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Happy May! This is one of my favorite months. I love to see the flowers and trees starting to bloom. Yesterday was a beautiful day here in WNY, but today it is raining again. I am not complaining- just stating a fact. At least we haven't had to deal with the tornadoes and floods as in other areas.

    As far as April goals- I lost 3 pounds. Not great, but I'll settle for it. For May, I would like to lose 3 more pounds.

    Happy Birthday to all of the May babies!
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello ladies, been cleaning out the garage, wow, did not know how much stuff it could hold, almost eight hours at it! Feeling better, these days, hoping I will hear from my newest job sometime this week, then I can say goodbye to one of the others. Looking forward to having more time for me.

    Hope all is well here, zoomed over the posts and glad to see our senior members still here and welcome to our newest.

    Catch you all again soon,

  • Dunkirk
    Dunkirk Posts: 465 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I've read all your posts, what a great group! I'm new to MyFitnessPal, and still exploring it. I live in Queensland, Australia. I have 4 adult daughters, an almost 17 year old son, and an elderly bearded collie. My husband is working in Canberra and flys home (most) weekends. He started MFP just over a week, got an update yesterday he hadn't logged in for 3 days :-o. It took me 8 years to get out of shape, my goal is 143 pounds by October.
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Happy May! :flowerforyou:

    Barbie, thanks for getting us going in May. We have so much to look forward to! Warm weather, beautiful flowers and lots of outdoor exercise! :drinker: I would say that in April I did meet goals. I lost a few pounds, 5 I think, and definitely increased my outdoor walking. My goals for May are to keep up with this forum, lose these last three pesky pounds, and to increase my walking to 3 miles/day. We have a dog park nearby, but I don't have a dog to bring there! :ohwell:

    Thanks for the song, Mary! :smile:

    Happy Anniversary, Robin!!!! :flowerforyou:

    Star, I :heart: what you wrote and I totally agree!

    Natalie, I can't believe you're on Day 17! :noway: You are doing so well!

    Welcome to the Newbies! You'll love it here! It's a celebration of life. :drinker:

    I have a busy, busy day tomorrow. I have to do much housework and grocery shopping. I will not, cannot, MUST NOT pick up my camera until my chores are done. If I pick up my camera, nothing else will get done!!!!!! :laugh:

    Until tomorrow!

  • mrsanderson404
    Hi all!! It's a new month and I need to get back on track...Dad is still in the nursing home and will probably be there for another few weeks so crisis time is over. It's time to get back on track and into a new routine. I went shopping for healthy quick meals that we can all take care of independently. My visitation schedule has been set and now it's time to renew my weight loss commitment...thankfully I haven't done much damage with the loss of sleep and regular meals.

    Happy May Day...it's gorgeous here in So Cal and I'm enjoying the beautiful day in my garden....looking at blossoms on the tomatoes, strawberries and peppers and planning for the future!
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Another good day, eating wise. It feels good to be back on track. There's that itty bitty feeling of temptation that I get when I've been off track, but I'm filling up on good stuff. That's the best way I know to resist temptation.

    Amanda, it was nice to hear from you. I’m glad you’re feeling better.

    Mary, you crack me up. I’d enjoy to hearing you sing in person.

    Welcome to everyone who’s new to the thread. You’ve found a wonderful group of women. Landrum46, you've already learned that all you need to do to join is to post. Welcome aboard.

    Robin, happy anniversary! Your DH sounds like a prize. Your wedding pictures are romantic.

    Doobiedoo, congrats on 6 lbs lost! :flowerforyou:

    Cheryl, I was in the same place (for weight) last year. It’s hard to believe how well this works (weighing/measuring and logging – and, especially, staying active on this thread (other threads are probably good too but I’m prejudiced). Now, if I could get that last 35 lbs off…

    Viv, the wedding was beautiful. Hard to imagine leading that kind of life and still being a “regular” person. They seemed real though.

    Jeannie, basics sound good! I look at all the little ups and downs as good practice (as long as they don’t turn into BIG ups and downs!) You have such a great attitude, I expect you’ll get right back on track.

    Star, I like your attitude!

    Barbie, you’re right on track again. You’re an inspiration. :heart:

    Lorri, a big congratulations to you. You are setting a good pace. Wow!

    BarbieCat1, you’ve hit on the key to keeping the weight off. I have exactly the same reaction. It’s much easier to stay on track when I keep my carbs complex.

    Frogmama, 3 lbs is great, especially when you are so close to your goal. :flowerforyou:

    Dee, love your pictures! Sounds like the camera is as seductive for you as the computer is for me. Good job leaving the camera alone until you’re done with chores. I’m still working on it with the computer. :ohwell:

    MrsAnderson, I’m glad your dad is doing well.

    :heart: :heart:
  • jeqrosen
    jeqrosen Posts: 26 Member
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Happy May!

    I have NOT been doing very well--no logging of food and not much in the way of extra exercise (just what I get at work). I need to get back on track, I know--I just feel so blah lately that it's hard to get and stay on track.

    It's a new month and I am making a fresh start.
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Today was a busy day …and a tough day to stay on my plan. I did get to the gym, later than I planned but I got there. I did get my water in—just finished it so it will be interesting sleeping tonight. I struggled with feeling hungry. We went to a Mass and then a family celebration. There were not many good options for food ---heavy carb load so I had one half a corn muffin. By the time we got home, I had some chicken in a salad and then left to work out. At the end of my workout, I felt so depleted and very, very hungry. I came home and had empty carbs (saltines), and other stuff (I think my diary is open). When I look at my diary I see my protein number is low. The program I am on sets between 75-99 grams of protein.
    I am definitely keeping the two goals I set for April in my May goals (getting to the gym for 45 minutes- 5 times a week and drinking water each day). I am trying to get clear with a food goal ( sodium, unprocessed food)….I want to be very clear (so I can succeed) and I want it to feel like its not about deprivation. When I reviewed my monthly losses, I see that I really have been basically stalled since the end of August. I think looking at my goals and continuing to measure what I am doing is helpful.
    It's interesting to me that when I have this funky time (feeling really tired, feeling hungry, feel like I am retaining everything that goes in my body, etc). I now notice that when I work out my heart rate starts lower and its hard to get into my target zones. I burn less calories for the workout. It really is interesting to see how this works...I just wish it wasn't happening in my body!!!!

    Barbie…thanks for getting us started for May and for your input. Your posts have helped me a lot.
    Lorrie….excellent list you made about MFP. I can relate to all your positives about this page.
    Frogmama…. 3 pounds is a great loss for the month. I am really happy to see May roll in also!