Golden Years



  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    Marie - Your food finds sound delicious. Can't wait for that fresh fruit in the summer.

    A frosty morning but it is melting now. Another cloudy day and they are predicting some snow.

    I got up early and went to my Yoga Class and stayed for meditation. I had a hard time concentrating because my left hip was sore and it was screaming at me.

    I finished getting groceries all put away and now laundry. :p

    I better get my lunch ready.

    Enjoy the day whatever your weather is.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :D You all look great in your pictures.....Bob, it's great to finally see your face.

    LOL -- at least you have part of my face. I got playing around with a selfie wearing a Jimmy Buffett Margaritaville hat I had purchase in Niagara Falls. He is opening a restaurant in my area soon.

    I will post a full photo (before/after) before the end of March – I will be at goal or within a couple pounds by then.

    Hope all is well…with everyone!

  • BlueHarebell
    Wouldn't it be interesting if we as a group added up all the pounds we have lost, say, starting last 1st May 2014 to the end of April 2015. I bet we would be most surprised.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I tough you guys left me. nice seeing you all again. I hit a mile stone today. I walk up the hill and that is equal to walking around the block. or at least my block The fit bit is motivation me to walk. let see my meals today
    Breakfast.... cottage cheese Cantaloupe. and pecans

    lunch. a ham and cheese sandwich tea

    no snacks

    Dinner... grilled hamburger Pattie and Russell sprouts. carrots tea

    no great grandbaby yet
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,192 Member
    Oh Marie - what great work!! Good for you. WTG on your walking.

    We're all waiting for that baby too!

  • BlueHarebell
    MARIE, we've all been waiting for the little ones arrival. I look every morning to see if you've posted, but no, that's one sleepy little baby! Nice and warm where he is, I can't say I blame him!
  • BlueHarebell
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    This thread is not only about weight lost. But how we are coping with our golden years. I tell you it is another world to us.
    So how are you coping.? I am working on losing 20 lbs. by Easter So far Have lost 8 llb. nearly blind, can't hear good, And my greatest fear is Falling and breaking a leg, arm , , hips
    other than that this is a wonderful world we live in. God bless the universe.
    I have a husband that I have been married to for 58 years 3 kids all almost in there 60's and some lovely grandkids and great grandkids. don't believe I have any great great grandkids yet I live in Mesquite Texas and I love the Dallas Cowboys. My husband is a Yankee from Ill.. I was born here. Life is Good. <3<3
    My name is Marie

    Hi from an 80 yr oldie in Az. Been using My Fitness Pal since July, and lost 16 lbs. so slow, and feel I'm eating so little. At this age we are all slower and harder to exercise, sometimes even to get around, but can't quit. Any other old gals Here going through the same? I'm only 5' tall, maybe even shrunk a bit. But would be nice to have a friend with similar situation. Married 62 yrs, hubby has dementia which keeps me on the go, but don't get out much and home =" food.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2015
    Welcome Barbja Did not find a post from you. You are so Welcome to join us in our journey to the Golden years.Write and tell us all about you Be lookin for you I see a post just came in to us. From you

    Thanks for the post yes I am beginning to see lots of changes in my husband And I imagine he sees a lot in me too. i am 84 he is 80 he still drives, I don't for my eyesight is really bad. This computer keeps me Happy. and occupy Welcome to our tread glad to have you
  • BlueHarebell
    Hello, I'm in my 80th year so you aren't alone BARBJAZZ3. Welcome to this nice little group. Marie is a lovely lady and she has just welcomed a new little boy into her family.
    i don't get out much at the moment either, but that's because I live in Canada and don't want to break a hip or something when it's icy. I keep very busy at home though, gardening in the summer, baking and painting in the winter, and all the usual housework etc. for you are right, we can't quit, and I for one don't want to. Looking forward to your posts and all the challenges being an octogenarian brings.
    Anne. (Real name)
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Welcome Barbja... great group of people here...

    Just got an indirect compliment from my wife...

    As I went to the kitchen for something to eat, she looked at me and said “I don’t get it. You eat all the time and still lose 180 pounds!” I just smiled.

    She knew I had halibut for breakfast and side fruit; she saw me eat 100-calorie popcorn at the movies then eat a Zucchini Souffle for lunch with a side of veggie. Dinner included Broccoli & Cheddar Roasted Potatoes (and 2 oz. of leftover chicken breast); I was using the computer a bit eating a Fiber One bar and later I mixed some unsweetened blueberries with an individual cup of Light & Fit Carb & Sugar Control Vanilla Cream Yogurt as we watched news; 30 minutes later…some Special K cracker chips…that brings me to 1016 calories…so I’ll still be eating a bit more…wonder why she thinks I eat all the time? LOL

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Bob Would you come and post on the 20 lbs bu Easter Challenge tread I know you only want to lose about 10 lbs more But with your ability telling your stories you could really Motivate us here the link if you want to pop in.

    Marie---- I love your post today. you could just copy and post some of your post on the other tread and group.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :D Bob, I'm like you....I eat many times a day and eat what seems like quite a bit of food, but by leaving off high calorie items, I have a big pile of food for not too many calories....and because I walk and dance and ride my exercise bike so much, I can afford to eat more.

    smiley-greet013.gif Barbja, welcome, this is a friendly group

    <3 Barbie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Barbia hope your day was a pleasant one. Mine wasn;t too good I have misplace my fitbit
    now I don't want to walk for I do not get credit for it. Did go to the store and walk out with all healthy food. no junk food at all. Will make a pot of soup tomorrow with all the yummy vegies. going to get cold again. nice talking to you.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :D Bob, I'm like you....I eat many times a day and eat what seems like quite a bit of food, but by leaving off high calorie items, I have a big pile of food for not too many calories....and because I walk and dance and ride my exercise bike so much, I can afford to eat more.

    smiley-greet013.gif Barbja, welcome, this is a friendly group

    <3 Barbie

    EXACTLY -- I'm looking forward to getting on my bike once the weather clears...I haven't been on it in years! :)
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi Goldeners, if there is such a word!

    A frosty day this morning. Started up the car to let things melt but no such luck. I still had to scrape my windows. I had Yoga Practice today and stayed for meditation, its becoming a ritual lately. Since I have high BP it is very good to do to lower my BP.

    Welcome Barbja, I am one of the oldies but just 65 and will be 66 in April. Another birthday so soon. :s I shouldn't complain I feel good and that is what counts.
    I also live in Canada where it is really cold right now.

    Bob - I have my bike right now on my turbo trainer and use that in the winter.
    I bike all the time when the weather is good outside.

    My MIL is 88 and she uses a cycle that she places on the floor in her apartment and its
    just for her legs. She sits on the sofa and cycles her legs. She says she feels better already and the weakness in her legs is getting better. She put the darn thing together herself. So you see you can do exercise at any age. :D

    I picked up a binder and dividers for my music for choir practice. It is so much easier to find the songs quickly. Still working on my recipe book too.

    Ontario, Canada

  • BlueHarebell
    Afternoon, Goldies, it's a bit overcast now, but I actually got out for 1/2 hour walk around noon when the sun was out and the snow just about gone. I don't use any machines, just plain old fashioned walking. I'm sure I'm probably wrong, but I think man was designed just to amble along with the odd burst of speed when encountering the odd man eating beastie. I have this theory that these gym machines allow us to walk or pedal faster than our knees are designed for. One thing for sure, losing the weight plus at least 1/2 hour walk per day has dramatically brought about a change and I no longer have knee or any joint pains. I think cycling is different. One goes at ones own pace. I learnt to ride a 2 wheeler at the age of 4, but then my dad had a bicycle shop.
  • BlueHarebell
    Hi MARIE, do you remember back in December we had a nasty little troll on this site and you had her flagged and eliminated? Well I was listening to the radio this morning and they had a fellow from Sweden on. His job in Sweden is to track these unsavoury types down and he very often finds the troll is a 12 or 13 year old who's parents are horrified at what their little precious is up to. I suspect ours was just that. Of course he also finds the more dangerous, older, politically minded ones as well. Anyway, he said there is talk in the USA and the west to provide the same service. Might help the economies of our various countries if they are all fined! Anne.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    yes Anne I remember That . It could have very well been. I did look her profile up and it said 18 years of age.

    hope your day went well. Its been cold and rainy here.

    Losing things and looking two days for them is a hobby of mine. Sometime things never show up. I have a pair of scissors Been missing for a long time. The life of a golden year.

    good night and sweet dreams I will be going to bed shortly.
    hugs Marie