40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • CanadianCountryGirl1973
    Some off y'all have been here since 2012....!! Is it too late to join?! ;>) I'm 41, joined MFP last spring and lost about 15 pounds easily by exercising more, counting calories and substituting and making better choices (like not eating after 7:00, reducing those relaxing calorie-laden evening glasses of wine, etc.) Oddly enough, October to December were horrid for me too! (Back to the school work grind, weather turned cold and icky, elliptical in basement broke..... I know... excuses, excuses!) But back on track now. Looking forward to getting you know you.... looks like a very interesting, world-wide and eclectic bunch!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    Old faces return! New faces show up!

    Larrodarro you have beautiful eyes!

    First day at new job, for me....no bistro onsite, so protein shakes for lunch, i guess! Should help me with calorie control.

    No gym today.

    Tomorrow is my groupstrength class. I will try the gym at my new worksite on wednesday.

  • jerseyorleanian
    Good morning!

    I didn't do too Terrible yesterday, are well but I can't find an exercise that I can tolerate. My foot was crushed by a car in Sept and I have nerve damage, I t makes even walking painful. So I will keep experimenting. Have a great day!

  • Cblsplcr
    Cblsplcr Posts: 715 Member
    well hello to the cool kids. Im 45 nice to meet you all
  • nickpnh
    nickpnh Posts: 111 Member
    Happy belated birthday Larro!
    Positive vibes to all!
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Larro - Happy Belated Birthday.
    Beeps - good luck at your new job. So happy for you :)

    It is never to late to join. Welcome to all of you :)

    Got in my 10,000 + steps yesterday and had a great lifting workout last night after work. It felt great to feel the pain!!!
  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Good morning cool kids!
    Whew! What a scare. I tried to post on Friday, and the office computer denied my access to the forum. Some new filter. I was afraid it would really make it impossible to keep connected, but it seems to be gone this morning. Thank goodness. I would have really missed you guys!

    Beeps, cool deal about the new car! Happy 1st week of work.
    AJ, good job making a meal plan. That works so well! I should do it more often.
    Kate, cracking up about your skater pants. You might as well get a board! So sorry about Josie's challenges. My son was diagnosed ADHD, but wasn't ever a hitter. That must be so hard. What are the dr.s saying? Food allergies? I'm sure you've already thought of it all, but I'm feeling your pain. :'(
    SR, glad your having fun in the pool! How is the stair challenge going?
    Wendy, I hope you get on a bike soon. I ride mine to work for exercise, and it's the only thing keeping me from being completely sedentary.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY Larro! Love the pic, and Beeps is right! Great eyes. Have fun with your new bike.
    Algerina, good job with the daily check ins! Keep it up. I hope you find the exercise that works for you.
    KS, hurray for the rec center! Interval training sounds fun. and sweaty. :). Good news to hear your hubby continues to make improvements.
    Kim, you should be so proud of yourself! Back to the gym and committed. Keep going.
    Ruby, my fitbit keeps me going too. Go get those steps! Keep trying our hardest.
    Alf, so glad you're back. Oct - Dec did me in too. I went up 8 lbs. :s Just laziness on my part. But here we all are taking charge.
    Sdereski, Caramel, Hi! what's up?
    MzKlutch, I sure hope Blu Ivy gets to you soon. I dropped Buttercup off at the shop yesterday for new fork seals, then took the KLR 250 out for a ride. So fun.
    Welcome to all the newbies.
    Hello to everyone else!

    I jogged (real slow) on our forest trail Saturday, including a steep 825 climb, and my quads were sooo sore the next day! Loved it. Did it again Monday. Another magical Sunday at sea. Super bumpy. It's a lot like those rodeo bull riding things on days like that. I've been closet purging lately. Eventually B will move in (after my housemate moves out this summer), and it will take me every one of those months to clear out space for him. I've definitely occupied every square inch of the closet space (and I have 4 closets!) It's good to let go.
    Have a great day everyone. :flowerforyou:
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Hello eveyone.... Hope all of you are well and in good spirits.

    I have not been myself for a couple of weeks and did not want to pass my bad energy on.
    I have not missed a beat at the gym, despite my heart not being in it. My girlfriend and I are now training for the 2015 Mud Run challenge. We watched the obstacle course and realize we really have to train harder to make sure we are in pristine condition. I was asked to do a promo clip for the gym as a result of my 100+ pound loss and after watching it

    Kate--Perhaps you should take your daughter to a doctor for an evaluation. Perhaps meds is what she needs. My heart hurts for you because I know how hard this must be for you as well. Sending a big hug to you. You are kicking some serious can with losing weight. Everytime I look up, I see a post of a loss for you.

    Beeps--Congrats on the new SUV and job. You deserve it. Do not forsake the HEAVY LIFTING....

    Kelly--Thanks for checking on me. I appreciate it. I look forward to the day when you post your hubby is GREAT.

    Larro--Are you keeping the beard or are you going to give us your baby look again?

    Alf--Welcome back

    MZkutch--How's the gym going and your trainer? What's the deal with Blue Ivy?

    Welcome all newbies. The group is growing and I hope everyone remains.

    CG & Sdereski--Thinking of you both.

    Have a great day everyone.

    If I forgot anyone, please forgive me.

  • Sylvarose
    Sylvarose Posts: 70 Member
    Afternoon all!

    Real quick post - climbed down off the plateau! Lost 3lbs! Also am cleared to participate in the stair climb challenge starting on the 29th as long as I follow the 3 conditions - which I can do.

    I think some of my success last week was in part due to taking the extra time to weigh my portions, honoring my commitment to going to the Y, AND making sure that every time I had to get up from my desk at the office that it meant I also had to do one lap of walking down to the other end of the hall and back. That added so many extra steps and active minutes to each day! Oh..and drinking water!

    Ok..gotta run. Crazy busy at work today.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    HI all - wow! where did the time go? I was in a work forum all day Friday, so missed checking in, then Saturday and Sunday were busy as my husband finally had a weekend off.

    Have to tell you a funny with Esme....I take her to dance on Saturday mornings (it's our time together). As we were leaving for "lunch" she noticed my new coffee cup (it's very pretty / colourful with flowers and dragonflies on it). So I asked her " Do you like my cup?"
    Esme"Yes, I do. I wish I had a cup like that. It would be perfect for mimosas."
    Me: "Mimosas?! I don't think I even know what goes in a mimosa."
    Esme: (without missing a beat) " Orange juice and ginger ale in a flower cup." :D
    Okay then! Googled it later - orange juice and champagne. Not too dumb, that little girl.

    Aaaannnyway.....got side tracked. Yesterday was a crappy day from the get go - busy, busy, busy. Even Zumba was frustrating. Body blast class afterward was much better - can tell I am getting stronger already.

    So, I quickly scanned the posts. Will have to read through later on.
    WELCOME BACK ALF!!!! So great to hear from you again.

    Beeps - congrats on the new job and the new SUV. Sweet! I love a new vehicle.

    Larro - nice bike! As I said I love a new vehicle. ;) Was telling my husband I would like to get a fat tire bike to ride here during winter months. Love bike riding, but our season is short, but with a fat tire bike, I can cycle all winter long. :smiley:

    welcome to all the wonderful new cool kids! Hope you all stick around.

    Carmel - hopefully you are feeling better and are your old positive self again soon. Just know, we'll take you anyway you are and feeling - that's what this place is for. :heart:

    Sylva - congrats on breaking through that plateau! You go girl!!! As for me - no change. I did have a couple of bad eating days, and poor water intake, but for the most part, clean eating and workouts still going strong.

    Kelly - that is some good news about your hubby. Hopefully those good days will soon outnumber the bad ones. :smile:

    Curious - good job getting out for a run. Yes, those sore quads do feel great don't they? Hats off to you and Larro for cleaning out the closets, however, I don't think Larro is letting go. :wink: It is good to let go - we just have too much stuff! Now, to do the same. lol.

    Better go - this was supposed to be a quick "hello". Still have lots of work to get done before the end of the day.
    Curling tonight. :smile:
  • chelios7
    chelios7 Posts: 194 Member
    Just hit the minimum age requirement today, so looks like you've gained a new member! As for myself, I've done a few rounds of P90X and Insanity in the past and am looking to get back into it. I'm currently doing P90X3, so far off to a good start. Looking forward to being a part of the crew!
  • teacher457
    teacher457 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in too! I'm a teacher in elementary school who would like to lose 15 pounds by spring...
  • CanadianCountryGirl1973
    Hi teacher457..... I'm an elementary Principal.... I certainly hope your school isn't so big they refer to you by numbers! 15 pounds is VERY do-able! The hardest thing about Mondays is not being able to run to the bathroom after all the water I'm used to drinking in a day now! And most days I'm eating lunch standing up (if I'm lucky) while dealing with discipline and meetings.... tricky to do, but you can do it!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member

    Hi All~ Hope you are all having a good day so far. Mine has been busy. It's my early day so I had to contend with traffic and was almost late for work and then had to rush to a morning meeting. Now I am at my desk trying to figure out what I need to accomplish for today. Whew!

    Hubby continues to make progress. He sat on the edge of his bed yesterday for about 20 seconds. It doesn't seem like a lot to most, but I am learning to celebrate every small victory and to not take anything for granted! His mental state is also much better and he is having normal conversations and is able to retain information that has been talked about or things that have happened. Such a relief :relieved:

    I will be heading to the gym Friday and Saturday this week. The days that I am able to go are Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays so I want to make sure that I get there on those days. That's my plan!

    Bye for now!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Morning Cool Kids.

    I got off to a slow start his morning, so I just finished my AM cardio a few minutes ago, and am about to start breakfast. Last night Sister and BIL took us out to the local Mexican place for my birthday. But even with the The Three Amigos Fajitas and a third of a fried ice cream, I sneaked in under my calorie goal for the day.

    Just got a call from Mamma. She can't get new batteries to work in her BP monitor, so I'll ride my bike over and see if I can get it going. I'll ride down to the crossroads first to make a mile out of it. Earlier this morning I was thinking about me and Beeps both getting new rides. I would bet we paid about $15K on average ;)

    Welcome to all the new folks. Happy birthday chelios and bigsisv.

    Beeps, good luck with the job. What kind of ride did you get?

    Algerina, swimming or any water borne workout would take pressure off your foot.

    Kate, I'm thinking of you. Hope you can get a handle on the little one's problems. Keep your own health in mind while you are going through this.

    Kelly Sue, thanks for the great sunset/sunrise. Glad to hear is hubby is showing improvement.

    Sdereski, you have a suave and debonair grand daughter. That is a drink of the rich and famous.

    Sylvarose, I knew you would come down off that plateau. Well done.

    Ruby, good work getting in all those steps.

    Curious, I bet that was a web-scare. My internet went down halfway through this post, and I was freaking. But I did the power cycle thing and it's back working again. How did we ever live BI {before internet}?

    Caramel, I'm sending big ol' hugs your way. Hope you are feeling better soon. And the plan is to let the beard stay until Spring. But when I start my gardening, and the sweat starts to drip out of it, it never last those last couple of weeks.

    Nick, Alf, E's Mom and everyone else, How you doing? Hope everyone is having a healthy and happy day,

  • cammythom
    I'm 48 looking to get my groove back. Spent most of the last 2 years on crutches due to a knee injury. Two surgeries later and months of PT paid off, but up 20 lbs ( wasn't thin before). Looking to lose 35 lbs. Currently crosstraining with stationary cycle, elliptical and treadmill walking 3-4 x /week for 60 mins. Strength training 3 x/week targeting glutes and quads for rehab. Need support for making healthy food choices and tracking which is what I find most challenging.


    1. Regain strength in affected leg.
    2. Reach and maintain goal weight of 140 lbs
    3. Be able to walk continiously for 60 minutes.
    4. Be able to run a smooth stride for a short distance.
    5. Adopt healthier eating habits ie more fiber, less sugar and fat.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    Gack!! Totally overwhelmingly busy at work. Just popping in for a drive-by "Hello".
  • nickpnh
    nickpnh Posts: 111 Member
    Hey Larro - I'm working it. Trying the 16x8 intermittent fast thing. First day has been pretty easy. Trying to find something I can stick to. I figure if I limit eating to just 8 hours of the day, it will make staying in goals easier at any rate because it by nature limits my snacking hours. Seems easier than the 5x2 because I don't have any days that have to be super low. Aack, not looking for a quick fix just some easy boundaries to maintain.

    Work is super busy. Got to see my 4 y.o. do his winter concert last night and there's not much cuter than that. Old enough to know the words and young enough to dance just because the music grooves you. Awww he's the 'dorable.

    Happy Wednesday all!
  • csoderstrom
    csoderstrom Posts: 25 Member
    Hi, I'm 41. Last year I found myself at the heaviest I've ever been--I was at my top pregnancy weight! I'm 5'6" and was 190. I've always been thinner so this was a shock to my system.

    I could barely squeeze in my size 14 clothes (I obviously needed a 16) and was having to wear my hubbies size XL t-shirts to cover everything up. My back hurt ALOT, I struggled to get off the floor, and couldn't walk up the stairs in my house without feeling winded.

    I knew I couldn't keep feeling like that and refused to buy larger clothes, so I decided to finally make ME a priority. I found a small gym near my work with HIIT workouts and an amazing trainer. I've lost 20 lbs so far and I've definitely built muscle.

    I'm having to stop going to that gym for awhile, though, due to cost. So I'm definitely looking at ways to stay motivated.

    I'm planning on still getting up at 5 a.m. to workout at home. I have P90x, an elliptical, weights, and bands all in my basement waiting for me.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    It's sunny and 72F here this afternoon. I rode my bike down to the crossroads and back, {1 mile round trip} Then rode all the way down to the river and back, {2 mile round trip}, plus a couple of times around the sandy, dirt trails at the park. 22 minutes and 170 calories burned. The hill on the way back from the river was tough. I gave a short swim some serious consideration, but didn't like the thought of wet, sandy socks on the ride home.

    I've ate lunch and now I need to put the sheets on the bed because I foresee a nap in my future. I've got over 2 hours before Margie will come home and wake me. {last night was a late night reading night}
