
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    Husbands eh!!!
    Just been sent this...........:happy:

    A wife asked her husband to describe her.He said “You are A B C D E F G H I J K”.She said “What’s that mean?”He said “Adorable Beautiful Cute Delightful Elegant Foxy Gorgeous Hot”She said “ Ooooh that’s so lovely – but what about I J K?”He said “I’m Just Kidding !!!!!!!
  • denimangel
    denimangel Posts: 85 Member
    Hello everyone, I've been on MFP off and on for a couple of years. Still struggling to lose the last 10lbs. I've been at a plateau for 2 years now and can't seem to break free of it. I've tried everything.... But here I am again.... My goal is to lose my last 10lbs by June 10( a little over a month). I could really use one or two (or more) people to keep me honest here and keep me posting and watching how many calories I am burning and eating. Is there someone in this group that is willing to do this? I've tried others and never seem to get the support I am looking for. I am hoping I can find it here. Please! If I fail to show up let me know!! I have a busy job... one that keeps me moving all the time. I never really know from day to day when I will be working or what shift.. it can change that fast. As my profile says my husband is a baker.. he love to bake and is always baking something. I try to stay away from it...but sometimes I crack and just have to have some.
    I started this morning...again!! burned 424 calories in 45 minutes... and plan on working out again tonight when I get home from work. I hope that someone will stand behind me and keep pushing... I could really use a support system! Thanks for taking time to read my ramblings.. but off to work again... hope to find some mail when i get home tonight. DenimAngel
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Denimangel: Welcome...you have found the BEST place for support and encouragement! Look forward to getting to know more about you!

    Smwert: Happy Birthday...I think that I missed your? Hope it was good!

    Jackie: So glad to have you back...I am laughing now...we have missed your great sense of humor here!

    Mimi: Have a great trip to visit your Mother. And congratulations on getting your veggie/fruit groove back! I have half a pineapple in my refrigerator and it is calling to me...

    Denise: I have the same problem when I go away and come back. I know that I should eat and drink the same no matter where I am, but I tend to indulge when I go away and then it takes a while to get back on track. I think you are doing the smart thing by picking a calorie count that keeps you feeling good for now. I think we all have to do what works for us. Good luck!

    Cindy: Good to hear from you again...I missed you for a while.

    Those of you who have gotten to reduce or quit taking medications as a result of your success here are to be commended! That's awesome! It just shows that we do have control over lots of things in regards to our health!

    I treated myself to a massage today after still feeling achy this morning.:happy: I absolutely LOVE a massage. They always go by too quickly, but I feel so much better. I do think I am allergic to spider bites. I seem to be more allergic than usual to any kind of insect bite...kind of a pain when I am outside in the garden with them most of the time. :huh:

    Raining here...kind of a lazy day...makes me not feel so guilty for being inside. Take care, dear ladies!:heart: Kackie
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good afternoon ladies,
    I have a Tanita scale from Bed bath and beyond. got it a few years ago and still works great. has place for 2-3 people to input their vitals and even for a guest. Keeps track of weight and water and fat. I too have to put it out in mid floor before weighing. I have had it change from time to time but I tend to weight once and leave it alone. I find most important thing is to weigh on same scale always and use that scale weight only. good luck on finding one. Need to get back on exercise wagon did so well last week and this week has been slim. see yu later ladies.
    vicki M
  • capricorn144
    capricorn144 Posts: 335 Member
    Another day of following the plan I have set for myself.
    I hope you are having a great day too.

    Chicken on the grill for supper...nice to see the sun shining. Still reading the 17 day diet book.

    Trying to reconcile my calories in my diary and how you can have liberal amounts of vegetables (not starchy ones) and protein.
    I seem to run out of calories quickly and I am eating well. But if I eat the way they suggest I would be well over the allotment.

    I weigh in tomorrow (unofficial half week on Saturday ) hope to see some loss...official weekly weigh in is Wednesdays. Saturday is just a check! LOL the games we play with ourselves.

    have a good one:flowerforyou:
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    Hi all, l
    Happy birthday and welcome Debbie!
    Star, my '... Commandments' is on it's way, I got an email this morning - looking forward to reading it!
    I was at the podiatrist this morning, just maintaining my very precious walking equipment! I feel like dancing, she did such a great job on them! Oh! There goes another cue for a song! :laugh:
    Dee how is your knee today, hope it is better!
    Mary, thinking about your mum!
    I'm almost at 30 miles on my 6th day of the walking challenge, looks like I could make my target! Hope so...

    Hope all you Gals are having a great day!
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    I fixed a fruit salad this morning and used 1/4 of a fresh pineapple (yep, I love to eat!) Instead of just tossing the parings from that 1/4 pineapple in the garbage, I decided to nibble on them. I hate to let those "little" bits of pineapple go to waste.

    I decided to weigh the parings first and then again after I'd nibbled. Those nibbles weighed 70 grams! That's more than 20% of the total weight of the 1/4 pineapple. Mary (msw) is right. Every nibble counts!

    Natalie, I had a WW scale that did the same thing. I got a new scale and it's consistent within .2 lbs no matter where I step on it. I looked at Amazon to see which scales got the best review. But...YES...how your clothes fit is the best guide!

    Denise, sounds like you've got a plan. I upped my calories and that's working for me. Losing slowly is not a bad thing at all.

    I'm back to having lots and lots of fresh fruit and veggies and I'm loving it. I'm also back to losing weight. Funny how those two things go together. I'm thankful that they do as I love to eat!

    Cutting down on a "regular" diet just doesn't work for me. Too many cravings and just not enough food. I feel deprived and I end up giving up then gaining back all the weight I'd lost and then some. Now, I feel almost decadent eating what I do but IT WORKS. Yippee!
    Lovely pineapple! My mouth's watering! I agree with you Mary, with this programme I feel quite free to eat what I want, so long as I write it and watch the cals!
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    I fixed a fruit salad this morning and used 1/4 of a fresh pineapple (yep, I love to eat!) Instead of just tossing the parings from that 1/4 pineapple in the garbage, I decided to nibble on them. I hate to let those "little" bits of pineapple go to waste.

    I decided to weigh the parings first and then again after I'd nibbled. Those nibbles weighed 70 grams! That's more than 20% of the total weight of the 1/4 pineapple. Mary (msw) is right. Every nibble counts!

    Natalie, I had a WW scale that did the same thing. I got a new scale and it's consistent within .2 lbs no matter where I step on it. I looked at Amazon to see which scales got the best review. But...YES...how your clothes fit is the best guide!

    Denise, sounds like you've got a plan. I upped my calories and that's working for me. Losing slowly is not a bad thing at all.

    I'm back to having lots and lots of fresh fruit and veggies and I'm loving it. I'm also back to losing weight. Funny how those two things go together. I'm thankful that they do as I love to eat!

    Cutting down on a "regular" diet just doesn't work for me. Too many cravings and just not enough food. I feel deprived and I end up giving up then gaining back all the weight I'd lost and then some. Now, I feel almost decadent eating what I do but IT WORKS. Yippee!
    Lovely pineapple! My mouth's watering! I agree with you Mary, with this programme I feel quite free to eat what I want, so long as I write it and watch the cals!
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    sorry! I sent this twice by mistake! Too late for me - goodnight all!
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    I fixed a fruit salad this morning and used 1/4 of a fresh pineapple (yep, I love to eat!) Instead of just tossing the parings from that 1/4 pineapple in the garbage, I decided to nibble on them. I hate to let those "little" bits of pineapple go to waste.

    I decided to weigh the parings first and then again after I'd nibbled. Those nibbles weighed 70 grams! That's more than 20% of the total weight of the 1/4 pineapple. Mary (msw) is right. Every nibble counts!

    Natalie, I had a WW scale that did the same thing. I got a new scale and it's consistent within .2 lbs no matter where I step on it. I looked at Amazon to see which scales got the best review. But...YES...how your clothes fit is the best guide!

    Denise, sounds like you've got a plan. I upped my calories and that's working for me. Losing slowly is not a bad thing at all.

    I'm back to having lots and lots of fresh fruit and veggies and I'm loving it. I'm also back to losing weight. Funny how those two things go together. I'm thankful that they do as I love to eat!

    Cutting down on a "regular" diet just doesn't work for me. Too many cravings and just not enough food. I feel deprived and I end up giving up then gaining back all the weight I'd lost and then some. Now, I feel almost decadent eating what I do but IT WORKS. Yippee!
    Lovely pineapple! My mouth's watering! I agree with you Mary, with this programme I feel quite free to eat what I want, so long as I write it and watch the cals!
  • edmontonukeplayer
    edmontonukeplayer Posts: 45 Member
    Hello to all,

    Another wonderful spring day here: the weather in first week of May is almost making up for April. I went for a great walk in the ravine near our house with my just one year old grandson, a close friend and her new dog. Just a wonderful afternoon.

    capricorn144: not taking cholesterol medication. Please advise did you have pain with the elevated liver enzymes you experienced?

    Michele: I am hoping you are well into your party and things are going well. From all the info you have provided on your hostess tonight it sounds like she has food control issues which she freely shares. One on those people one is pleased not to sit down to a meal with too frequently???

    Off to a date out for dinner with my husband to cap of a nice day.

    Take care to all,
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    I feel like I have been missing in action today. It’s been a busy day. I visited the school where I used to work. It was great to see everyone---they are so stressed though. I had lunch with a teacher I used to work with who flew in for a week. I am noticing that I’m doing fine with my gym and water goals but I am really noticing how much processed food I have. I need to focus on that …time to do a grocery list and plan.

    Mary…I am thinking of you and your mom. It is so hard to deal with all those physical things happening to your parent. My dad was in the hospital for a prolonged period and he got UTI’s and sepsis …things are very scary. Hang in there and know people here will be thinking of you…Take good care of yourself!

    Birdie….Back pain can be so frustrating. I teach hatha yoga but there is another type of yoga called svaroopa yoga that is very gentle and it works to release in the lower back/sacrum. I know of people who have had great success with this type of yoga (and there are teachers in RI) If you want any resources, just let me know.

    Michele…I hope things went well at the party. My husband and I went to a co-worker ‘s house and she said if you don’t take 3 plates we consider it an insult….it was a terrible place to be (I am a people pleaser). I told my husband that I won’t go back there (there are other reasons but that was a major one!).

    Natalie…I have a WW scale and it does the same thing. I bought another scale (digital with body fat measure,etc) and it seems to do the same thing. I need to do a weigh in daily and I know that it can fluate. I just don’t want to weigh in once a week and happen to hit a high day. It's taken me a long time to not get rattled by the scale and I do think how you feel in your clothes can really be a good indication for some people. I can trick myself until things get really tight!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :bigsmile: No one’s feelings are hurt if an alcoholic declines a “small glass of wine” or a person with an allergy to shellfish declines “just a bite of shrimp cocktail” or a person with an allergy to peanuts declinesor “just one little peanut butter cookie” so why should it be any different if a person who has bad reactions to pasta or sugar or salt, declines “just a taste of this yummy casserole I made”.

    My health is far more important that someone else’s feeling about their homemade food. It’s hard to decline food the first few times but after awhile it gets easier. My friends all know that my eating is weird and they love me anyway. I learned this from two friends who bring their own food everywhere they go because their eating is different. They also tell people that they rarely serve food to others because most people don’t like the same foods they do.

    :flowerforyou: Jackie, congratulations on your new gas oven and grill…….that will make fixing healthy meals even more fun

    :brokenheart: Birdie, I’m sorry to hear that your back is bothering you……I know how much you like to be active.

    :bigsmile: Denimangel, welcome to the group. If you make your food and exercise diary public, your friends on this thread can help keep you honest with your eating and exercising. Also, your friends can get a daily report on whether you stayed within your calories for the day. When I started I made it one of my goals to post on this thread every day and that’s how I got so well connected to the other women.

    :flowerforyou: Mimi, I agree with you that cutting down on “regular” eating doesn’t work for me. I have found a collection of foods that are satisfying, nourishing, and stay within my calorie range and don’t make me feel like I want to eat the whole package and then some.

    My new quote for the day:
    Success is inspirational………disaster is educational.
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Hi! :happy:

    Just got back from my granddaughter's school art show. It was terrific! What wonderful, fun projects they did. I enjoyed it tremendously. :bigsmile:

    Linda, my knee is feeling much better. I didn't walk again today to give it one more day. I'm looking forward to getting back to it and racking up the miles. Thanks for asking. :flowerforyou:

    I feel really :happy: because Bandit's appt went well today. He does have a tumor, but they feel strongly that it is benign. It will be removed along with several teeth in two weeks. Poor baby!

    Looks like the tree swallows won the battle. They have moved in. I have decided that I'm moving them out because I want the bluebirds back. The battle goes on! :grumble:

    Mary, I'm praying for your mom.

    Good night everyone!

    Dee :flowerforyou:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Mary - Sorry to hear your mom is in the hospital. Sending prayers and warm thoughts your way.
    Natalie - I just bought a mid-range digital at Target. I got the one with the BIGGEST numbers so I can see without glasses on. I don't think it matters as long as you weigh on the same scale at the same time of day with the same amount of clothes on or off.

    Barbie -I liked your analogy about an alcoholic not taking a drink and some one not eating anything they are allergic to. Thank you for your words of wisdom.

    Hubby quit his job this week. He is a high school math teacher with a bad principal and it was just too hateful. Plus since he got assaulted by a student he didn't feel safe working there. On top of all that both our kids tested at Algebra I instead of Algebra II where they should be and they both have to go to summer school and take math to get to where they need to be to graduate on time now that they are in charter schools. So much for the "new math" program his school is using. He lost faith in the program and thought all things together he needs to find another job with an old math program. So, it will be interesting to see what happens next around here with him trying to find a job when everywhere is so down on teachers and education.

    I had been telling him to quit since January when we pulled the kids out. My little voice told me some one would get hurt there this spring. Only I thought it would be my son, not my husband.

    Kudos to all doing well with their new lifestyle and weight loss programs. Hugs to all that need them. Warm thoughts to all of you.

  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Dee - here is some info I found for your blue bird tree swallow problem. Unlike the sparrow, which is not native, tree swallows are apparently native songbirds and should not be tampered with. Sparrows are fair game however and there are many ways to deal with them. Maybe the following will help you. I didn't know until you wrote of your problem that tree swallows and blue birds were competitors for nests.

    Quote from treeswallowprojects.com - The Solution: Reduce bluebird-swallow competition by Pairing Boxes.
    There is no way to design a swallow-proof bluebird box because swallows are so
    much smaller and slimmer than bluebirds. However, there is one proven technique
    that allows both songbirds to nest together successfully. This is "pairing"; setting
    up pairs of boxes, with each box of a pair no more than 5-10 feet apart. Since Tree
    Swallows seldom allow another pair of swallows to nest within 20', the second box is
    free for bluebird use and the two species can co-exist, after some initial squabbling
    to sort out who gets which box.

    Off to finish my sanding project. The fun part is next - staining and top coat. This is going to be a cool bed!

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Dee -Glad to hear that it's most likely a benign tumor on Bandit. It really could have been worse..

    kackie - that is probably what I'll do, have something filling before I go there and then just have a small portion. I know it would really hurt her feelings if I didn't at least have some of her ziti, she's been talking about how the sauce would be homemade and all. I just have a real hard time hurting (intentionally) someone's feelings. Thanks. You're so right, we need to learn how to eat even in an uncontrolled envieonment. So I'll just compensate that night, that's all. That apple cider vinegar really helps, I don't remember who on here gave me the tip but it was great! Another thing I've found is if I have water (or tea) and put lemon in it. I think she mentioned at the lunch about making a chocolate cake for dessert (yikes!), so I'll have a small piece just to make her feel good and sip on tea. Anyway, I'd rather gab than anything else....lol

    What I did before we moved to NC was tell Vince that for Mother's Day or most any other holiday, instead of candy I'd like to have one of those "edible arrangements". Unfortunately, there isn't any place here in NC that makes them, or I'd want him to get me that.

    Star - we're the same way, don't eat out on most holidays. Now that Jessica wants to have Thanksgiving at her place, I don't have a problem going up there to help her. Before, if I had to do Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve, we'd usually go out on Thanksgiving. See, Christmas Eve is a REAL biggie for me, I prepare even months in advance and freeze things. I usually start making the pierogi the day after Thanksgiving, but I may change that for a time when the kids are around to help

    Natalie - I've even stepped on the scale, it says one thing. Get off. Then step back on and it'll say something a bit different. Not significantly different. I mostly go by how my clothes feel, just use the scale as a measure to watch that I'm not really gaining

    Denise - I thought the food in France was really good. To me, coming back to the US was a bit of a letdown, so I can completely understand how you're having a hard time "getting back into the swing". I know that I did.

    Did a bit of food shoppping before mahjongg today, got some more rice on sale with my coupon for the soup kitchen, got my shiratacki noodles, some tuna with my coupon, and they had organic strawberries. I have so many from my neighbor but I still had to buy those. Oh well....it COULD be worse. I was hoping that they were still out of the organic strawberries so that I could get a rain check. But such was not to be.

    A friend asked me to go to a store with her tonight. She and her hubby have a "different" realtionship - not bad -- just different. They text each other, my guess is at least 20 times/day. If she goes somewhere, he wants someone to go with her. I think he's just very afraid of losing her. Anyway, she's really into the royal wedding so we went to Barnes & Nobel in Winston-Salem for a magazine for her. She hadn't eaten dinner, so we stopped at this cafeteria. I had a baked potato and some steamed broccoli with 2 glasses of water. Yet, I'm a bit over for my calories for the day (something like 70). Oh well......

    Did an hour on the Stairmaster today doing incline intervals, tomorrow I'll do some yoga but first go to a farmer's market just to see what they have.

    Hope everyone has a great night.

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good evening ladies,
    Hope your day was a good one. I just have to comment on the food issue at someone's house. I understand not wanting to hurt someone's feelings, however I have to agree with Barbie on this. I would rather not turn down any inviatations and be able to visit and party with people I know than to stay home because I feel I cannot say no or that it will hurt someone's feelings. I love people and will not turn down an invite unless I have another committment, so I could be eating a lot of stuff that I do not really want and I would never lose weight. We each have to do what is comfortable but people need to get over this hurt feelings over their food. sorry just had to vent on that one. Have a great evening ladies.
    vicki m
  • AEisele
    AEisele Posts: 98 Member
    I agree vicki, I would hate to miss out on the company of friends over food. I usually offer to bring something that I know I can have. Friends understand that i have to be careful about what I eat and they don't have a problem with it.
This discussion has been closed.