

  • Sweepypie
    Sweepypie Posts: 161 Member
    I am sedentary but still losing weight by watching what I eat and drink! I have lost 21lbs in 12 weeks. So cheer up Twhitehead7! If I can do it so can you :D . I am disabled so can't exercise much.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good morning, all. Quick run by. All caught up on reading. Saw a gorgeous sunrise after DD went to work...........beautiful red streaks marching across the sky as it got lighter and lighter......beyond words!!!

    Off to have breakfast then to gym. Hope you all have great days!

    Hunger is not an emergency.
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    For those worried about loose skin, if it isn't a massive amount then you should be able to lift weights/resistance bands to help sculpt the muscles underneath. You may actually gain some weight due to the muscle gain, but you will be smaller in size.

    I've been working on my triceps (oh boy do I feel it!) and my abs with the resistance band over the door. Also walking at least 30 minutes 2x per day. Also MWF I am working on couch to 5k running program. I try to march in place during the TV commercials at night.

    Hubs is not doing any of this and he has lost 10 pounds just by working every night on house projects. I think it is mostly that he isn't mindlessly snacking while watching TV.

    Happy Friday to you all!
    Diana in Northeast Indiana

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,827 Member
    morning again ladies,
    just having a quick cup of tea, DFIL was irate this morning, so didnt get anything into him, hopefully he eats his lunch..
    made a nice lunch of minute medly rice and steamed kale and put a little grated lemon peel on it, and a apple..
    was still a little hungry so had some pretzel sticks and a string cheese stick
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    nannykely wrote: »
    Looking for new friends over 50 to help me stay on track and for encouragement.

    hello nanny - there are a lot of chatters in here that do encourage you, so you came to the right room. welcome. just start chiming in whenever you feel the need.

    iz aka pipcd34 aka pip
    in Tacoma WA (close to seattle)

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Marking my place for later. Yoga and horseback riding today! Yay!!!!!
  • k2boxlady
    Hey all! I am looking for help and motivation from others like me and this looked like a great place! I am 54 and about 60 lbs overweight. I joined MFP last year and gave up, like I always do. My son graduates from H.S. on 5/22 and I want him to be as proud of me as I am of him. I have been eating healthy and under my calorie goal for almost 3 weeks and have lost 7 lbs....but all that was in my first week. No loss since then and I am getting frustrated. Any words of wisdom out there? :'(
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning! It's sleeting and raining here so not a wonderful day weatherwise. Luckily, it is already above freezing so nothing should stick around.

    Nothing much going on here today but work and errands. Since the weather is so icky, I think I'm going to get home as soon as I can and get to work on some church stuff I've been avoiding and unpack a few more boxes. Hopefully, after that, I can have a nice relaxing evening.

    Hope everyone has a great day!

    Carol in NC
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning!!!!! It's a nice sunny day here, even though it's still cold, but I'm hopeful it will get into the 50's today.

    After I dropped the kids off at school I went to WalMart and my son bumped into me (literally) in the aisle. He actually helped me lift a big package of water bottles into the basket, then into my car, and then followed me back to the studio to carry them into the studio. Then he and I visited for a couple of hours and he went with me on a trip to a thrift store looking for an old sheet to use in the studio. It was so nice to spend a little time with him, just the two of us. He also helped me carry a couple of heavy things in the studio that hubby was afraid I would lift by myself. My son doesn't breathe well, but he's still strong as an ox. Now he's gone home to take a nap and recover from all that work!

    I'm supposed to be having a pot throwing party tonight at 6:30, but my friends are emailing asking if they could come earlier, so it looks like I will have people dribbling in all day. That should work out better, actually, because I only have two wheels and we were going to have to take turns anyway.

    So now I have to finish setting up the stdio and clearing off some shelves to use for bowls.

    Here is today's Joke of the Day, which may be a repeat. It sounds familiar:


    A little boy came home with his parents from church one Sunday. He seemed a little depressed, so his mother asked him if something happened in Sunday school class that he would like to talk about. He told his mother "Well, we were singing songs and the teacher made us sing about a poor bear named Gladly that needed glasses and I can't stop thinking about him. She said he was cross-eyed and I feel bad for him.

    The mother couldn't understand why the teacher would teach such a song in Sunday school, so she decided to call her. To the woman’s amazement, the teacher said she only taught hymns that morning. Then the teacher began laughing out loud and said to the mother, “I know what Jeffrey’s' talking about! We learned the hymn 'Gladly The Cross I'd Bear'".


    Have a great day!


  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,373 Member
    Welcome k2boxlady - just join in and you will get plenty of help. I know it's frustrating when that initial loss slows down, but 7 lbs is still excellent for 3 weeks. I aimed at 1 lb a week when I started, but it was generally 5 lb a month. Then it slowed to 2 lbs a month. It took me just over 18 months to lose 57 lbs. But it has stayed off now for over a year, which has never happened before.
    - The first weeks loss was nearly all glycogen, which is stored in water, so it always looks like a big loss. You are now consolidating and losing real fat. :flowerforyou: If you keep strictly to the MFP maths it will eventually come off, but you have to really stick to it by logging everything and weighing every morsel. I still weigh and log every day. The mistake most people make is to go at it too gung ho at the beginning and then burn out. Deprivation of your favourite foodstuffs is not necessary, portion control is. If you can change your diet towards nutritious and high volume foods you won't feel as hungry. (Lean protein and veggies) There are lots of tips and tricks on mfp for dealing with hunger or a binge attack. Last night I had no cal jello, but that is a rare thing for me as I normally eat very well. Good luck with your new eating habits. Remember this is not for a few months this is for the rest of your life so we need to learn new healthy habits. Move more, eat less and better. Simple isn't it? :noway: :noway:

    I so enjoyed my hairdresser trip today. I gave up going yo thst salon over two years ago when my hairdresser left to have a baby. I tried to find another salon I liked, but had no real luck. My problem was I had a phobia about piped music and although everyone was kind enough to switch it off for me I was confined to certain times of the week and always felt a nuisance. I eventually had someone visit my house to do my hair. I didn't get on with her at all. So I started doing my own colour with DH'S help and that is fine and I save a lot of money, but he can't cut my hair. :noway: So, today I went back to my old salon and my old hairdresser and we had a great catch up.! ! ! Amazingly, one of the results of losing weight is that I am no longer phobic about the music as long as it isn't loud. :bigsmile: This is a huge relief to me as it severely restricted my life and that of my friends and family. I think it is because I feel more confident in myself and more in control of my life. So, I had a great trip and she cut it just the way I like it! Swopped baby stories.

    Katla - yes the sea trout is like salmon, but I think it is even nicer!

    Tonight I am making Moroccan Chicken with preserved lemons and olives. DH will have basmati rice, I will just have broccoli as DH has decided he is going to open a bottle of the wine he has just had delivered. That means leaving something else off the menu to allow for the calories. Hope it doesn't mean I'll be sneaking off to the fridge for cheese. :sad: Watch this space as I do battle with the cheese demons!

    Love Heather in freezing Hampshire UK
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    k2boxlady wrote: »
    Hey all! I am looking for help and motivation from others like me and this looked like a great place! I am 54 and about 60 lbs overweight. I joined MFP last year and gave up, like I always do. My son graduates from H.S. on 5/22 and I want him to be as proud of me as I am of him. I have been eating healthy and under my calorie goal for almost 3 weeks and have lost 7 lbs....but all that was in my first week. No loss since then and I am getting frustrated. Any words of wisdom out there? :'(

    hello - don't be a slave to the scale - it will drive you crazy... you will loose inches in the beginning... just keep eating right. no fast food, no junk food, sodas and you will see things starting to happen. try to incorporate exercise at LEAST 3 times a day.... walking is an awesome thing to start at if you don't exercise at all right now... good luck
  • k2boxlady
    Thanks y'all. I exercise every day either by working in the yard or walking on the elliptical for at least 30 minutes. I feel better and I'm sleeping better (less night sweats). I was getting up every hour but now I only wake up maybe 3 times/night. I already have cardiac disease and really want to take better care of myself. Thanks for the pep talks! It's just what I needed to hear.
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Well today is a short day at work 6-2. So planning to go ride the nustep before I go homw. I friend came into the hospital last evening with chest pain. I went up to see her on break this morning and they are running tests. So will stop up before I go home. Going to be a busy weekend. Meeting my mom and sister tomorrow at a cousin's 50th ann party. My DS is driving us and that will be nice. Then we have a 50th birthday party tomorrow evening for a guy in our motorcycle group. DGD is spending Saturday night with us. Then Sunday church and going to the Vets home in the afternoon as our CMA motorcycle group is playing Bingo with the Vets. That is always fun and interesting talking with them.

    Barbie--Glad Jake is doing better.

    Allison--sending (((hugs)))

    They say it is to get up to 50's this afternoon, may have to take the furbabies for a long walk when I get home. It should still be light out. One Day at a Time ladies.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Feeling so much better after just 1 week back! Down 5lbs which I expected. Now let the hard work being. Hope you all have a successful weekend!

    Keep it skinny
  • DeterimineToBe
    DeterimineToBe Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, support always helps. So far I am down 7 pounds, lost what I gained over Christmas. I am doing well, no sugar cravings. Monday I begin dance classes agin twice a week, should help even more. So cold here in central, Il.
    Have a great week with your goals.
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Sylvia: lolololol!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Hello ladies,

    I totally blew yesterday's calorie allotment. All that chocolate that my husband bought needs to go and not in my mouth!

    I feel that adding the wrist weights during Kenpo X has really helped up the intensity of the work out. I am totally a sweat ball! Next week I will add ankle weights.

    Sylvia- thanks for the laugh!

    Diana and several others - thanks for the response to the loose skin issue. I hope it does go away if not at least I am healthier! I am trying to lose slowly hoping that will help.

    Welcome to all the new ladies! I am also new here and find the ladies here very helpful and supportive.

    Have a great day!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    k2boxlady wrote: »
    Thanks y'all. I exercise every day either by working in the yard or walking on the elliptical for at least 30 minutes. I feel better and I'm sleeping better (less night sweats). I was getting up every hour but now I only wake up maybe 3 times/night. I already have cardiac disease and really want to take better care of myself. Thanks for the pep talks! It's just what I needed to hear.

    Here to serve mam. just doin my job :0)
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,373 Member
    edited January 2015
    The cheese demons got the better of me. :ohwell:
    Note to self - do not accept DH'S offer of breaking open a bottle of wine. :ohwell:

    On a good note, my Skechers slip ons arrived today. I think they are an American company, though they are made in China. :noway: I ordered the Go Walk Originals from Amazon and I love them. I will try them out as bought to start with, but they have enough room in them for store bought orthotics, though not my prescription ones. I have such trouble with shoes so I am ecstatic that these might be a goer. If they are I will order them in different colours. I slso have some nice new padded sports socks so should be OK for sightseeing and my big walk. I have to do a 6 mile walk on my holiday, through beautiful scenery to see a magnificent escarpment and a waterfall. I have not walked that far in 25 years. I have pronation, weak ankles, a rubbish knee and arthritic hips. :noway: I know I can do it, but I may be dosed up with pain killers. My knee is the main worry. If it is behaving itself then no problem, but if it is playing uo then I'm not going anywhere! ! ! I will strap it before we leave for the early morning walk. It will be amazing and I may see leopards.

    Katla - I think the good stuff in tea and coffee are anti oxidants. Apparently there are hundreds of them. That's great news as I loooooove my tea and also my one cup of mega strength coffee a day.

    Heather in Hampshire UK


    PS Just got up off the sofa and did 10 mins of aerobics on the spot. Burnt off a few cheese cals! :laugh:
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Friday ! ! !

    Mary - I just want to throw in my 2 cents about ankle weights. My Aunt is a Physical Therapist, and I have a herniated disc, and she swears I should NEVER exercise with, or wear ankle weights throughout my day, unless I am laying on the floor doing leg lifts, or using them to anchor myself for abdominal crunches. My Son's Personal Trainer has a similar opinion about wrist weights. He only uses them for specific sport's related exercises, not to increase his upper body weight while doing other work-outs. Both of these people state that it increases the chance of injury, especially your back. That being said, these are the opinions of 2 people in my life, and I'm done on my soapbox.

    I got up and moved around alittle more again today, but still unable to breathe deeply enough without coughing to get back to exercise. But I am pleased to say my coughing is MUCH less than even yesterday, even though my voice is still gone.

    DS struggled at H.S. bowling yesterday, and his fill % is now down to 77.3%, which makes him very upset. But he still wants to go back to his "old house" on Sunday for a Junior Gold Qualifier. He's pretty certain that the familiarity will help him get back to where he belongs. After H.S. bowling on Saturday, we will go to either Burlington Coat Factory or Johnson Creek Outlet for his next pair of basketball shoes (just park/rec this year, so I'm not spending too much money). His new Math teacher is the H.S. track coach, so they work-out together 6:15am Wednesdays and Fridays now. That kid makes me tired just thinking about the things he does every day.

    My youngest niece had her daughter this noon (almost exactly 1 year from my sister's passing). Claire is 7 pounds and 20 inches long. They used all my cell data on texts and pictures. :D

    "The Powers That Be" at work changed a bunch of things I should do and know in my billing screens, so I better get to fixing all the mistakes I ended up making since they didn't tell me until a few minutes ago.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee