20 pounds by Easter challenge



  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    Good morning Connie.
    Wouldn't you koww I found the right click to retore my favorite line and Alice is coming out today to fix it for me.now I can get one one one on it.

    You Rock, Marie! Technology can be difficult at times, but we must never give up!
  • jenniferbet11
    jenniferbet11 Posts: 9 Member
    Good morning everyone and Happy Sunday! I started last Sunday (Jan. 18) and I'm pretty pleased with my progress this week! I lost a total of 3 lbs. and I already lost an inch in my waist and 1/2 an inch in my hips! Love reading about all of your progress and looking forward to another fantastic week!

    SW: 181.6
    CW: 178.6
    GW by Easter: 160
    GW by June vacation: 140
    Overall GW: 120-130

  • Aschenda
    Good morning everyone. I just saw this and would love to join the challenge. I will post my weight info tomorrow and looking forward to us encouraging each other to reach our goals. Have a great Sunday.
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Just checking in and hope everyone is having a great Sunday. Back from church and trying to decide what I will have for lunch.
    I am so happy that I was able to stay on track this week. Will weigh on Tuesday and truly hope I will see a loss since I have been able
    to get in more exercise this past week.
    Nancy in MS
  • Abakan
    Abakan Posts: 361 Member
    Good morning everyone and Happy Sunday! I started last Sunday (Jan. 18) and I'm pretty pleased with my progress this week! I lost a total of 3 lbs. and I already lost an inch in my waist and 1/2 an inch in my hips! Love reading about all of your progress and looking forward to another fantastic week!

    SW: 181.6
    CW: 178.6
    GW by Easter: 160
    GW by June vacation: 140
    Overall GW: 120-130


    3lbs is a great weight loss jen and the inch loss is fantastic, well done.

    Well it's 7pm here in the UK and I've eaten all my calorie allowance and feel pleasantly full but still I'm having to fight against the munchies, why oh why do I want to continue to eat even though I'm not hungry, if I didn't have to fight these urges every evening losing weight would be relatively easy.

    Linda UK

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Abakan wrote: »
    Good morning everyone and Happy Sunday! I started last Sunday (Jan. 18) and I'm pretty pleased with my progress this week! I lost a total of 3 lbs. and I already lost an inch in my waist and 1/2 an inch in my hips! Love reading about all of your progress and looking forward to another fantastic week!

    SW: 181.6
    CW: 178.6
    GW by Easter: 160
    GW by June vacation: 140
    Overall GW: 120-130


    3lbs is a great weight loss jen and the inch loss is fantastic, well done.

    Well it's 7pm here in the UK and I've eaten all my calorie allowance and feel pleasantly full but still I'm having to fight against the munchies, why oh why do I want to continue to eat even though I'm not hungry, if I didn't have to fight these urges every evening losing weight would be relatively easy.

    Linda UK

    Linda... Keep your mug, glass, whatever full of liquid. Do something to occupy yourself. Go for a walk, browse the Internet(shopping can be very therapeutic), read the success stories on here, plan your meals for tomorrow, or sometimes, if all else fails, I just go to bed!!
  • Abakan
    Abakan Posts: 361 Member
    Thanks Connie, I'll take your advice about the full glass and I'm keeping myself busy reading the forums. I find it easier in the summer when I can go out walking in the evenings but it will be another 6 weeks yet before the evenings are light enough to go out. My favourite program of the week is on the TV soon so that will keep me occupied for on hour and then it will be time for bed.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Marie, Good to hear Alice can fix your computer. It must be frustrating, but you will be back up and running soon. Your have a great daughter to help you.

    Abakan - I agree with Connie, keep your thermos full of water with a lemon in it. You have a pleasant tasting drink and it will keep your insides clean. Sometimes we are hungry because we have not drank enough throughout the day. Sometimes we are bored then we start looking for food or snacks. Maybe this will help.

    Today I finally got downhill skiing. Last year I never got out due to the awful winter we had.
    We had tons of snow and sometimes were not able to get to the resort. Anyway, no excuses this year and it felt great to get out. After my DH retires this year we can start going during the week. :( next winter. Its a nice calorie burn.

    Ontario, Canada
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    My Christmas Gift from Alice...

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    My Christmas Gift from Alice...


    LOVE IT!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    the right plan is anyting but tasteless if you just make the right choice.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jen A great weight lost WTG
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Shirley thrill to hear you got to go skiing it must be lots of fun. But admit Skiing is not for me.

  • MsLadyPirate
    MsLadyPirate Posts: 51 Member
    Staying on track today! Went to a dance class today, danced my behind off. Well the weigh in will tell that. LOL.
    Hope everyone is staying on track also.

    DH apologized for bringing home Cinnamon Rolls the other day. Said he just didn't think about it. He knows that I have NO will power when it comes to sweets. He said he would not do it again, and wants me to succeed.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Valerie glad to hear there may not ever be anymore cinnamon rolls in you house. You have you a good support there.

    Its still warm outside but crazy windy .But think I will grab a walk in.

  • gmcoleman56
    I'm new and need to loose 20lbs.
  • MsLadyPirate
    MsLadyPirate Posts: 51 Member
    Thanks Marie you are right, he is a good guy. I've had him around for 35 years, I think I'll keep him. No guarantees that he will not bring home cinnamon rolls, he just won't offer me one. LOL.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :D My food diary is open if anyone wants to see what I'm eating.

    :D It took awhile but now my hubby knows not to offer me any food, not even a bite of something.

    <3 Barbie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2015
    I'm new and need to loose 20lbs.

    welcome mcoleman you are in just start posting so we can get to know you Have a good journey with us could you give us a shorter name to call you

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    edited January 2015
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :D My food diary is open if anyone wants to see what I'm eating.

    :D It took awhile but now my hubby knows not to offer me any food, not even a bite of something.

    <3 Barbie
    Barbie how can I look at your food diary?
    Thanks Nancy
    Barbie I found your food diary.