40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • joemac59
    joemac59 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi all, thought I would check in with the cool kids, 46 yrs. young here. Have shed 69 lbs since last March making healthier choices along the way! I have been on MFP since Nov. 11. Now I am running into some issues. I need some support from anyone with digestion problems. I have had a history of inflammatory colitis in the past, as well as IBS. No problems with the colitis right now. Currently I am suffering with some difficulties in digesting my food. I feel full all the time and am having difficulty eating larger or heavier amounts of food. Some may consider it a blessing but I am becoming concerned because haven't had this much difficulty eating before. I can eat fruit pretty easily most of the time. I did start using a nutribullet juicing my breakfast and lunch for the past two weeks of fruit and some spinach, then would eat a heavier dinner. The past couple of days I did not juice but ate whole fruit. Today I had fruit and had a piece of toast this morning. I have such a heavy feeling when I eat whole foods I haven't been able to eat much this week and am trying to make sure I meet my calorie requirements but am having difficulty getting to 1000 calories. This week I have not been able to eat meat without being physically ill. I gradually was cutting back on my meat eating to only a couple of servings a week usually chicken. In the past week I can no longer keep it down. I made some egg salad also this week and was not able to keep it down. My mother gave me some homemade mac and cheese which is delicious and that made me ill could not keep it down. I went to very plain food after that have been able to eat potatoes, and vegetables as well as the fruit but belch afterwards for a long length of time over an hour off and on and feel uncomfortable. Not sure what to do. I really do not want to see a Dr. over this.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member





    Hope you stick around, post about your fitness/nutrition exploits...

  • JackieUnlimited
    JackieUnlimited Posts: 93 Member
    Hello everyone. Would love to join in the conversation. Just started a couple of days ago and already down 1.6lbs, I know most likely water. I turned 48 a couple of months ago so am dealing with normal things at this age like perimenopause and a recent unexpected allergic reaction to something I ate. So I want to work on eating clean 90% of the time and work that up. A couple if years ago I was 15lbs away from my goal weight, running every day, doing 5km runs with my dog as well as lots of walks with her....then I fell off the wagon so to speak, had an actual fall and the concussion kept me from running so the weight came back and then some.

    So new year. Start new and get back to feeling great and getting focused again.
  • Missyjules1974
    Missyjules1974 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi all, nearly 41 (somehow hadn't factored that I'd be 41 after 40!) and I'm a mum, teacher and heart attack x 2 survivor (when I was 33, cause unknown to this day) I do pump and combat, love my bike but not in the winter. I have probably 20 lbs to lose but I'm more concerned with the way it all fits together rather than the number on the scale. I want to be fit, strong and healthy more than thin and for the first time ever I actually mean that! So, can I join?! Jules xx
  • andympanda
    andympanda Posts: 763 Member
    Hi My name is Andy. I turned 40 on the Jan 18th this year. Never been a big poster. Just to brag a but, have lost just over 100 pounds in the last year from 335 to 229 but weight were taken in different times of day.) Still have about 40 pounds to go. Wouldn't mind joining the group or making a few friends here. especially from Sacramento where i live
  • PeaceLoveNDaisies
    Hi everyone! This sounds like a good place for me, so I hope you'll let me join. I am 48 and have been dieting since September. I am down 38 pounds after doing low carb, but the last 10 are proving to be next to impossible to shed. I am a little burned out on low carb, so hoping to just eat normal healthy (mostly clean) and figure out how to lose the last 10lbs and firm up what's left. Always looking for new friends :-)
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Hey Kid's !
    So my morning started out with one of those " S. O. B. moments" I knocked over an oil lamp that was stashed in a cabinet. Pouring oil everywhere. Fun ! fun. One of those buys you regret later on. Never used and shoved in a cabinet.

    Hello Newbies !

  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    Good morning, y'all - hope all is well (and the oil is all cleaned up, Kate!)! I'm glad to be part of the group. Today's plan and total distraction at work will be mentally preparing for my run at lunch. I'm trying to whittle down my 5K time this year - getting back to basics because the longer runs (the half) were hard on my back. So - core work and 5K races this year. Anyway, each Monday, I run a fast 3 mi to see how the training from the week before has improved my time. I'm going for 28:00 today with an eventual goal of 24:00 ... I'd love to break my 5K time from high school but that's out of reach right this minute. We'll see how I do ... wish me luck! It's nice to say it out loud. Now to say it to myself all morning "28, 28, 28, 28 ..." :) Have a happy week, everyone! Thanks for including me.
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Happy Monday kids....Hope all of you are well and in good spirits.

    Needless to say we are enduring yet ANOTHER storm with an expectation of 6 inches. I am so glad schools were already closed today, otherwise, the delayed openings are difficult for the working parent.

    I see the group is growing by leaps and bounds. I hope all of you newcomers stick around for a bit.

    Despite my blah feeling, I have to force myself to get things going again. I have learned during my journey that I am not a robot and the highs and lows pertain to me also. 2014 was a great year for me with many firsts and I have to keep looking forward. I have to really focus and train really hard from now until April 5th. April 6th is my PS date and I will not be able to train for 4-6 weeks post op.

    Weather permitting I will take extreme fit, if not, I will most likely faint (lol)....Just kidding.

    I will catch up on the posts and respond accordingly.

    Have a great day kids.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Morning Cool Kids.

    Welcome to all the new guys. Hope you stick around.

    Kate, at least you didn't strike a match to get a better view of the spilled oil :(

    I've done my lifting and cardio. Right now I have plenty of time, but planning ahead for the garden, I went from 5 sets down to 4. That cuts the time down to 40 minutes {31 minutes of actual lifting when you factor in the 3 minute rests between sets} I was thinking about a bike ride, but when I went out to feed the dog and back yard cat, it is pretty cold {52F}. Maybe that will have to wait for a warmer day.

    I have to go into work a little early this afternoon. There is another banker conference tonight, and I'm not through with the room setup.

    You guys in the path of this storm be careful. I hear it is going to be historically bad.

  • PaulieG1
    Hi all! This is my first post here. I'm a 43 yo married guy in TN. I am an avid weight lifter, and one time personal trainer and wellness coordinator. However, I've been significantly overweight 3x in my life. This has been primarily due to stress eating, and temporary burn out from my exercise programs. I've been at one of those points for the last 3 months, and have watched my weight rise from 167 to 185. I'm starting my journey back to that sub 12% bf body this week.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    WOW :astonished: Look at all the new folks!!! Welcome! I had a crazy weekend. Friday afternoon I got quite ill. It was not pretty. Wasn't sure I was going to make it to see Hubby on Saturday, but after terrible tummy troubles and about 14 hours of sleep, I managed to rally enough to make the trip. Hubby is doing quite well. Time to start the rehab search again. I originally planned to head to the gym Saturday, but decided against it after being so sick on Friday. I did go today and just walked as my stomach is still a bit unsettled. Trying to go a little easy on the diet.
    I am looking into buying something a bit more fuel efficient to drive. I love the jeep, but the gas mileage stinks!! I am looking into a van on Saturday. My brother is a car salesman so hopefully he can get me a good deal!

    Have a good day all!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    I cannot believe a week has gone by without me posting. No way! Alas, there is no update from me since last Tuesday.

    Welcome to ALL the new cool kids! Wowzer!

    i very quickly skimmed the posts, so will have to catch up later.
    had a great weekend - snowshoeing on Saturday and cross country skiing on Sunday. Love when I get outdoor activities in on the weekend.

    Got together with some girlfriends Sat night and played "Cards against Humanity". Fun game. I won. o:) LOL.

    Busy, busy week at work, so may forget to check in.
    OH - the weight loss has stalled. UGH! I have to pretty much starve and workout to get any weight to fall off. Frustrating!
  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Happy Monday Cool Kids!
    Alf, the workouts sound great! Keep up the hard work. It will pay off.
    Nick & Sdereski the snowshoeing sounds so much fun! When I lived briefly in a snowy area, it wasn't done ... still the old tennis-racket snow shoe styles. It just sounds like a blast.
    Larro, I love the line, "...but spice cake". I'm going to figure out how to use it! It's 52 here today, and that's a pretty warm winter day for us ;) ! My bike is in the shop getting a tune up, chain and sprocket. I think it's pretty cool that I actually wore it out! Over 7K miles on the peddle-mobile.
    Kate, bummer about the oil mess. I fear I have many similar booby-traps lurking in my cupboards.
    lguches, welcome. You can totally get to 28! I was never a fast runner, but the one thing that improved my speed over any other training was interval running ... the full out run for 100 yds., then walk recover back, then do it again and again and again.
    Caramel, Power up right to the big day! You'll recover so much better. So excited for you. Nervous, of course, but excited.
    KS, :\ bummer about your tummy! But super great news about your hubby. So happy to hear. I hope you find the perfect car.
    Sdereski, I played cards against humanity once, and it's was hysterical! That sounds like a fun time.
    Beeps, that was good IF advice.

    So B & I took the plunge and joined our local gym over the weekend. He's hoping the swimming will help him rehab his ankle as well as improve his overall cardio fitness. I'm looking forward to yoga and strength training. I figure I get plenty of cardio from bicycling to work. Re-adjusting the schedule will be awkward, but it's all about prioritizing health. So I'm pretty stoked to get started with a yoga class tonight and a strength & conditioning class in the early a.m. tomorrow.

    It was a gorgeous weekend here. Yesterday nearly 75 degrees! Kinda freaky, but loved it. To all the Cool Kids in the path of the bad blizzard, hunker down and be safe & warm. Try jogging in place! ;)

    Welcome to all the new folks. Stick around and post!

    Hello to all the other Cool Kids as you check in.
  • alishaspringle
    alishaspringle Posts: 47 Member
    Larro, I count my calories because chocolate. Unobserved, it (or spice cake) can magically stack weight on you! Sneaky.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Larro, I count my calories because chocolate. Unobserved, it (or spice cake) can magically stack weight on you! Sneaky.

    My problem is my customers all feed me. Tonight I had lasagna courtesy of them, but I was able to walk away from the cake. {It was a chocolate marshmallow kind of thing} I have to walk away from chocolate. I do fine as long as I don't eat any of it. Once I have that first bite, well, I kind of lose the ability to say no.
  • ginxx27
    ginxx27 Posts: 310 Member
    hi all im new here...im not to good that this yet just getting started but i want to loose some weight about 15 pounds...if you want to be my friend plz add me...
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hi everyone! This sounds like a good place for me, so I hope you'll let me join. I am 48 and have been dieting since September. I am down 38 pounds after doing low carb, but the last 10 are proving to be next to impossible to shed. I am a little burned out on low carb, so hoping to just eat normal healthy (mostly clean) and figure out how to lose the last 10lbs and firm up what's left. Always looking for new friends :-)

    Welcome, those last 5-10 are hard to lose but not impossible. The problem for me is to maintain once I lose them. You might want to change some things around either exercise or nutrition to make it happen. We are here to help each other out, go for it!!! :)
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    andympanda wrote: »
    Hi My name is Andy. I turned 40 on the Jan 18th this year. Never been a big poster. Just to brag a but, have lost just over 100 pounds in the last year from 335 to 229 but weight were taken in different times of day.) Still have about 40 pounds to go. Wouldn't mind joining the group or making a few friends here. especially from Sacramento where i live

    WOW!!! Way to go!!! Congrats! My sister lives in Sacramento but she is not an MFP user. LOL
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    I was sooooooo wrong about my workplace gym! So wrong! It is TOTALLY awesome....DBs to 100 lbd, squat rack, pull-up handles, kettlebells, medicine balls, TRX, OB's and various curl bars!

    I lifted today!

    I will lift everyday I am there!
