Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • ereilly311
    ereilly311 Posts: 244 Member
    Well we have another snow day today! Its nice I got to sleep in especially after staying up late celebrating the Patriots win, but it sucks too because I don't get paid for it. Last week my paycheck was only $97 after everything was taken out.. not cool!

    Not sure if I will get to the gym today, was supposed to go to kickboxing but it is canceled with the snow. It's still coming down pretty hard so we haven't even attempted snow clean up yet. I am trying to keep on point with my nutrition though and not eat all day which is what I would usually want to do sitting home all day.

    Hope you all are having a great Monday. Stay warm!
  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    @susan2396 - I picked up some Dove dark chocolates a few days ago, and you and @skinnyjeanzbound‌ are right, they hit the spot! Sweets are still a challenge, but it only takes a couple of Dove hearts to quell a craving.

    @grandmakaye44 - You might be surprised how much easier your day goes taking care of those little ones when you have this routine under your belt. It's based on routines of some of the most successful (and busy) people in the world!

    @mnwalkingqueen‌ - Oh boy, your "friend" sounds like one of my friends. I thought we were BFF's for years. She said I was her best friend. We had countless heart-to-heart talks. When she suddenly (to my mind) decided to leave her husband, I set aside the hurt that she'd been lying to me about her marriage for 14 years and did whatever I could to support her. For the next 2 years, I listened and provided counsel and dropped everything to go visit her when she was really struggling (she lives about 90 minutes away) with ending the marriage and rebuilding her life. I thought that's what friends did - support each other during the tough times. Sure, it was one-sided, but she had a bigger need at that point, so it didn't bother me...much. Then I was diagnosed with depression, was laid off, and was seriously injured within the course of a year. That's when it became clear that this was a one-way street. I stopped trying to talk about my stuff. I stopped expecting her to care about, or even remember, what I was dealing with in my life. She's since remarried and is trying to make a go of a blended family and, of course, expects support for that. I've pulled back a lot, but am still willing to listen even though I now take everything with a big ol' grain of salt (I know she's still lying to me about a few things). I haven't been down to see her in more than a year, though, and I don't call her just to chat anymore. And you know what? While I'm still grieving the loss of that friendship a little, my life has so much LESS DRAMA without it.
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    Good Monday everyone. The groundhog that lives in my backyard did not come out today, so I guess it did not see it’s shadow. The custom, I’ve read stems from an old German custom to go hunt Groundhogs on the middle day of winter to butcher for fresh meat. I like the old English folk song about it … “ If Candlemas be fair and bright, come winter, have another flight; If Candlemas brings clouds and rain, Go winter, and come not again.”

    Monday check-in.
    I lost another .8 pounds this week ... just about where I am aiming to go with just a calorie cut as I have still been doing very little activity. That makes 3.8 pounds during the month. I realized today that I am so close to 2 goals ... one is of breaking into the next lower 10's on the scale and the other is that I am only 6 pounds away from reaching the half-way mark to my goal weight. At the rate I lose, it'll take me into next year to get there, but get there I will.

    January challenge results ... Watch your calories 24/31 (goal had been 28/31)
    ALL-IN ... busted! goal had been 12 times to the gym an I only got there 1 time.

    Welcome to all the people who posted since my last Check-in ... @azultu77, @brandymcdonald940, @colleen40 (welcome back, so glad you jumped right in), @DeterminedMomNeb, @teenagwood, @Texasmom2013, @maryke22, @silver12176, @brandonandmonicathac, @Goinstd12, @jbchirsk, @spartridge89, @Emisor12, @Lynette4321, @runninghouse ... if you've been able to keep up with the posts, then you know we all welcome you and hope you will join us on our on-going campaign to lose weight and get healthy. Hope to get to know you and that you can join in.

    AFM ... I find that I am spending way too much time on the computer as I start my day on it to update my glucose reading and breakfast ... and usually find I am still on it as lunch approaches. So I have to take some action in regards to this wonderful habit of reading every post since the last time. I tried to cut time off by not doing as many personals. Now I see that I need to do more. As part of my personal goal to establish better structure to my days I have decided to only visit the community page 2 or 3 times a week instead of every day.

    Stay well, be safe, follow your plan, and enjoy the ever lengthening of our days as Spring approaches.
    Follow-Through, Niki

  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Monday Check-In… Friday, I spent the day at a Jazz Festival at the local university. Jacob’s Jazz Group was the first performer and did really well. Found out later that they were awarded the Outstanding Middle School Group – they normally don’t award one to the middle schools, but felt they deserved it. I sure hope this group continues with it as they move into the high school.

    Saturday started at the gym, moved to basketball game for my nephew plus prepping for the Superbowl.

    Then on Sunday, I sang at both services, had brunch with family members and then back home to get my bathrooms clean for the Super Bowl party. We had LOTS of food surrounding us. I do feel like I kept it in check but didn’t log anything. So with being absent so long, I have about 80 entries to catch up on. I am also busy at work (darn project is taking longer than expected/wanted), so I probably won’t get caught up until sometime tomorrow.

    Friday Fitness:
    This Week:
    Saturday – Lift (nope, rest day)
    Sunday – Cardio (nope – but we did lift) - DONE
    Monday – Water Aerobics - DONE
    Tuesday – Lift (nope, we did Cardio instead) – DONE
    Wednesday – Cardio - DONE
    Thursday – Lift - REST
    Friday – Water Aerobics (NOPE – BUT WE DID LIFT) – DONE

    This Week (Again, at least one more day will turn into a rest day, but…):
    Saturday – Water Aerobics – DONE
    Sunday – rest – DONE
    Monday – Cardio
    Tuesday – Lift
    Wednesday – Cardio
    Thursday – Lift
    Friday – Cardio

    Well, I’ve had this typed up for 3 hours now and haven’t gotten anything added.. I’ll just count that as a “too busy with work to do this now” and catch up with all of you tomorrow. Have a great day!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Happy Groundhog day!! :D

    According to our great Georgia tradition, the state’s most famous weather-prognosticating rodent, Gen. Beauregard Lee, emerged from his “Weathering Heights” lair to find no shadow. Yes!! Spring will come early. B)<3

    As for the predictions of that Pennsylvania rodent….I plan to disregard as total hogwash!! Just saying. :p

    Today is super windy and cold. However after watching some news this morning I am very grateful to NOT be in the northern states. Brrrrrrrr!! :(

    I will back later to do personals. Have a great day everyone!! <3

    You've hit me on both ends. I'm originally from Pennsylvania and thought Punxsutawney Phil WAS the only rodent. Perhaps Morgori/Tom will educate us on this Groundhog Day tradition and find out who was really first. Phil or Lee? Inquiring minds want to know. LOL!!!
  • texasmom2013
    texasmom2013 Posts: 64 Member
    Thank you for the kind comments!
  • texasmom2013
    texasmom2013 Posts: 64 Member
    edited February 2015
    Thank you for the kind comments!
    Dat gummit! It cut me off again! Thank you @teresa3266 and @skinnyjeanzbound. @RobinsEgg good luck with your surgery. @ereilly311 and @maram29 congrats on your weight loss!
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    @Susan- good to see you!! Glad you are settled once again. You are amazing at all the things you juggle

    Spending the afternoon drinking tea cause all i want to do is eat!!! And i will not let that happen!! Been on track for over a week and cannot sabotage myself.
    Workin the first of three nights tonight and have my meals and snacks logged.
    And i have lots of tea at work as well!! Hopefully wont be too crazy tonight.
  • texasmom2013
    texasmom2013 Posts: 64 Member
    Despite being sick and not really exercising I still managed to lose 2 pounds this week so it wasn't a total bust!

    Goals for February:

    1.) Mutu System Core #1 exercises 2X everyday.
    2.) Mutu System Intensive workout #1 4X a week.
    3.) Daily Burn True Beginner 3X a week.
    4.) Walk for 30 minutes everyday.
    5.) Stay 100 calories under calorie goal of 1610 4/7 days a week.
  • sheshappynow
    sheshappynow Posts: 88 Member
    First time posting here so hello everyone..... I'm doing pretty good for a Monday... lost two pounds so I'm feeling great! Lots of water and salads and plenty of fruit! Doctor has me back on my thyroid medication which has now got me losing again woohoo...anyways how is everyone else doing???
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Question. MFP doesn't have resistance bands in the data base. Any suggestions for how I can log them?
  • MaryPoppinsIAint
    MaryPoppinsIAint Posts: 157 Member
    Hi, there, @sheshappynow‌ :) So awesome when the meds do their job. Don't neglect your protein amongst all the lovely healthy produce though! (sue me, I'm a carnivore...)

    Hey, everybody... so... Snowmaggedon happened. It started snowing Saturday night around 10, and did not stop until 2ish this morning. There is easily 2 feet of snow in my yard, and that's not even the drifts. Yesterday the neighbor ran his snowblower down the driveway at noon, and 3.5 hours later when I came home from church, my husband was just getting started doing it again... you couldn't tell it had been previously done. This morning, he went out, and yup, you guessed it, it needed done again.

    It's not going anywhere, so Wednesday when DH is off work we're going to bundle the kids up and go take pictures of them playing in the snow.

    I have admittedly been a MASSIVE logging slacker lately, I'm managing 2-3 days a week. In my defense, staying aware of my food the rest of the time is proving sufficient. My lowest weight tends to happen mid- to late-afternoon, rather than first thing in the morning (I eat dinner late), so you can understand my excitement when I got on the scale this morning to a weight under 220 for the first time in quite a while! :) Yesterday's weigh-in was 218.2, which is .2 over pre-preg weight for my daughter. It's coming off, slowly but surely it is coming off. ONE-derland is within striking distance... and after that... WEDDING DRESS, baby, oh yeah!
  • ereilly311
    ereilly311 Posts: 244 Member
    @MaryPoppinsIAint‌ I hear ya on snowmaggedon... I live in NH and we got 2 feet of snow last week, and then about 12" more today. I had another snow day from work today. We still haven't even gone out to shovel yet as it hasn't stopped. It's slowing down finally though. My guess is we will have a 2 hour delay tomorrow, so I will get to sleep in a little bit again lol.
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    edited February 2015
    Question. MFP doesn't have resistance bands in the data base. Any suggestions for how I can log them?

    From the research I've done on MFP help and message boards ... these are your options.
    1 - if you use a monitor that measures your heart rate and provides good information on calories burned ... you can create your own exercise in the database.
    2 - Log it as strength training ... MFP only gives calories back into your daily food log if it is logged in Aerobic exercise, however you can make notes on the exercise page, ...
    3 - log it as something like calisthenics, again under Aerobic exercise to have calories added back to your allowance.

    You can also, once you select the exercise, is change the amount of calories burned by clicking into that area (or so I've read).

    *** the reason MFP adds calories back is because it doesn't want you to get too low on input. No woman should fall below 1200 calories NET, according to the recommendations MFP uses.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    edited February 2015
    @kaye--yes, as niki said you can just choose "strength training" in the exercise database and log it there. That choice is pretty low as far as calorie burn--I choose that if I'm doing strength or balance exercises that don't really work up a sweat. If I'm working out harder--like doing circuits between machines and free weights--I log it as "circuit training, general" which gives a higher calorie burn. You could also try healthstatus. They have a lot more activities, but don't have resistance bands. They do have "pilates--beginner" which I believe uses resistance bands.

    @erin--I'm so sorry for all of your snow--20 inches here yesterday and crossing my fingers we don't get hit big again anytime soon.

    @mary--your posts about the times of your storm sounded just like my storm. Then I looked at your profile and saw that you are my "neighbor." I'm up in Mundelein. I didn't realize you were also in Chicagoland.

    @texasmom--awesome weight loss! :smile: As much as it's nice to see it come off faster, 2 lbs/week is really ideal. It's enough to keep you motivated, but not so much that you are starving yourself and more likely to cave and binge.

    @karenleona--great job drinking your tea instead of nibbling. While snowed in yesterday I really had to avoid the kitchen, but managed to stay on track--even with the superbowl snacks.

    @tracy--sometimes when I get that far behind on the thread, I just skim through. I hate to miss anything, but there sometimes aren't enough hours in the day. ;)

    @melissa- glad the dove chocolates are working for you.

    @holly--sounds like she's just not a good friend which sucks, but like melissa said--you'll probably wonder why you stuck with her for so long once she's out of your life.

    AFM--I walked gunner which he really needed. He was going stir crazy yesterday, and there's so much snow in his yard he has no room to run around and burn off some energy. After the walk, I went to the gym and ran 2 miles and realized it's been a really long time since I've done any cardio other than running, so I did 15 minutes on the elliptical.

    Now I'm out at starbucks to grade those journals and then off to target to buy a few groceries.

    I should be under calories today which is good b/c tomorrow is another long meeting and probably junky food ordered in for dinner.

    February Challenge:
    Under weekly calorie goal: x/4 weeks
    All-in strength challenge=balance exercises 3 x/week; PT 1-2 x/week; run 2 x/week:
    Week 1: 1/3 balance; PT completed; x/2 runs
    Week 2: x/3 balance; PT completed; x/2 runs
    Week 3: x/3 balance; PT completed; x/2 runs
    Week 4: x/3 balance; PT completed; x/2 runs
    8k at end of month (not sure what day) in 55 minutes (Thanksgiving 8k = 56:49, NYE 8k = 57:47,1/25 = 55:41)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 46/60 JRP journals
    2. x/60 course recommendation

    Exercise Goals: (week 1)
    Sun--shovel snow DONE
    Mon--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Tues--rest day (meeting)
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs-- walk gunner + gym
    Sat--walk gunner + gym

    2015 mantra "Just 15 minutes"
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    Oh my goodness! Can this thread go a little faster??? I can't keep up. I read all of your posts and certainly should respond, but frankly just now I am overwhelmed!

    AFM: After doing well from Thanksgiving to New Year's and losing 6.5# during that time, I weighed in today and find I GAINED 1.5# in January. This is not what I am supposed to be doing. I certainly am frustrated with myself and have intentions of doing better.

    ...however, today I baked cookies because the dear neighbor shoveled us out. There isn't much I can give him (bachelor, lives alone, needs nothing) so I give him food. DH thought it was a good thing to do...of course he has enjoyed some cookies too. The bad part is so did I. I had 4 while they were still warm. I will be able to stay out of them now (usually that is true after they cool) but now my calories are off today by those 4 silly cookies. I should have done the driveway, gotten the calories burned. Of course that isn't going to happen as I would be moaning with my knees if I had.

    One improvement since last week is that I have been trying to track everything I eat, even if I go over on calories. In the past I would just sort of ignore it and start again in the morning.

    Tenacity Barbara, tenacity. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get serious and start again.

  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    January All-in: 9/31
    Mantra: You Know Better!
    Look at that. Sad. I know better, but just keep giving in to stress and emotions and boredom and whatever give-a-damn was busted in January.

    I skimmed a lot of the last week's worth of posts.

    @susan- Thanks. I'm glad someone else is in the same boat, work/family-wise. I just had the greatest day today at work, though. Even though it is so much more work and little down time, I'm so happy that I'm being included in some of the decision-making. Someone wants to hear and respects my opinion?? Awesome. :):):)
    Now, to figure out how to get all that work awesome, while also making time for exercise and meal planning.

    My Goals for February:
    1. Stay within 100 calories of my goal, at least 20/28 days this month.
    2. Exercise three days/week.
    3. Start lifting weights again. Figure out my starting point and add 10% to each lifting exercise by the end of the month.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Happy Monday. The egg drop experiment went well and the kids did a great job today. The only problem was that it was not high enough to make me happy, most of the eggs survived the drop. Some of my kids want to do it again in the spring and drop the eggs from the roof of the buildings. I would be curious to see how their designs changed.

    Snow In and plowed under folks- enjoy the snow days and it is good to hear that you are getting outside. Enjoy the snow days. That much snow would have given me a couple of snow days since it would take that long to remove it from the roads. Hope you have flexibility and can travel easily. Stay safe and warm.

    Update- this coming Saturday, I have another swim meet and have been trying to decide what to swim. I will most likely make the decision Wednesday night when I figure out if my Butterfly is legal. Otherwise will just swim freestyle. I also need to figure out if I can swim 12 different in this series, if not then I will just repeat one of the others that I have already done and try to get faster. I realized today, that I have a competitive streak and want to do well. Needless to say, I don't want to swim in an event where I have lots of competition in my age group and that would be the case with the free style. The backstroke and breaststroke have few people that swim those events in my age group. I also need to decide if I want the competition or do I go for the easy win and just challenge myself.

    Good workout with my trainer tonight, we did work on explosive movements to help train those fast-twitch muscles fibers in addition to the slow twitch muscle fibers. I enjoyed it all except for the jumping. Still don't like jumping up on things but it did get easier today.

    Sunday- bike and run- DONE
    Monday- Trainer-DONE
    Tuesday-??? (rest)
    Wednesday- Swim
    Thursday- Gym
    Friday- Climb
    Saturday- swim meet

  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Thank you for the suggestions for recording my resistance bands. I didn't time myself today, but I will next time.
    We are promised rain until Thursday so I guess I will be pedaling most of this week. I did walk 6 miles on Friday. It was in 2 different walks, but I think I will be able to do the 10k.
    It sounds like everyone has stayed safe in all the snow. I'm glad of that.
    @Barb I fell victim to warm chocolate chip cookies today, too. I'm going to pedal for awhile. That will bring me within my goal.
    @melifornia I'm sure you are right about the morning routine helping, but I would first have to get to bed on time so I could get up an hour earlier than I do.
    Have a good evening. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • wmander1
    wmander1 Posts: 53 Member
    Day 30 Today! 12 lbs. down so far! Excited for February! Working to lose 14 lbs. this month! Congrats everyone on all of your successes! :smile: