20 pounds by Easter challenge



  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning, losers and new people! Happy Monday!
    This begins a brand new week, month, and year! Well, technically yesterday was the beginning of the week, but who really cares? No matter what day, week, or month this is, we are on a roll! We are eating better and moving more.

    No gym for me today. The aquazumba instructor has a substitute today, so I am going to exercise at home. I have a new walking DVD to try, and since it is raining, it's a perfect day to stay in.

    I hope all of you have a great day!
    Stay strong!

  • JLoRuthie
    JLoRuthie Posts: 375 Member
    I'm back! The ski vacation was wonderful. The kids picked up skiing so quickly and were on all the steep hills by mid week. Made this mama proud and nervous. We ate well and did a lot of walking in the snow. Hoping for a good number on the scale this week.
  • gemfrire
    gemfrire Posts: 110 Member
    edited February 2015
    <3<3 Happy February! <3<3
    New month and getting closer to our Easter deadlines. I have stalled - not gaining but not losing either. So going back to basics. Water, fruits, veggies, and move move move!

    Have a great Monday...remember you are stronger than you think! Don't give up!!

  • TeresaGoal145lbs
    TeresaGoal145lbs Posts: 57 Member
    Sunnyfarm wrote: »
    I found my go to snack. Jicama! It's crunchy and a little sweet and it's only 49 calories for a whole cup.

    So what's your healthy pleasure?

    I love homemade sweet potato fries. cover em' with avacado or olive oil with rosemary. So yummy and filling!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Happy Monday,

    My DH is digging out our driveway right now. We had a big storm last night so I missed my Yoga class this morning. ;(

    Great job everyone this week on your losses. For those who are stalled you will need to make some changes to get that scale to come down. Check what you are doing and then it change it up. I am still on South Beach Phase 1 until I go on vacation this month. It is getting a little tiring but i will stick to it and then i can enjoy my week away. My goal is getting down to where I was last summer. I know once the weather changes I can get out more and my calorie burn will increase.

    Today is cleaning, laundry and groceries for my eating plan. That will be my exercise for today.
    I have also started the February squat challenge yesterday. So far so good.

    Good luck next week!

    Ontario, Canada
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good morning everyone! Hope you had a great weekend.
    I am staying on track with my One One One plan that Connie and Marie introduced me to. I really like the plan and
    tomorrow I will complete my second week on it. Tomorrow is also my weigh in day and hoping for at least a half pound loss.
    I know that seems like such a small amount to some of you but for me at my age seems to be what I can expect to see. I usually have around
    1200 calories daily. Getting in my fats each day on my plan ups my calories a bit but I am following the plan as close as I can.
    Hope everyone will be pleased with your weigh in.
    Have a great day.
    Nancy in MS
  • angiegoo
    angiegoo Posts: 18 Member
    gemfrire wrote: »
    <3<3 Happy February! <3<3
    New month and getting closer to our Easter deadlines. I have stalled - not gaining but not losing either. So going back to basics. Water, fruits, veggies, and move move move!

    Have a great Monday...remember you are stronger than you think! Don't give up!!


  • angiegoo
    angiegoo Posts: 18 Member
    Can you add me please. I can't add friends!!! Thanks :smiley:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    angiegoo wrote: »
    Can you add me please. I can't add friends!!! Thanks :smiley:

    You are in enjoy your visit here You are so Welcome to this thread.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited February 2015
    I think my Sinus infections is breaking up. I was really whizzing yesterday, But not this morning. So maybe I am on the mend. I hope so. missed you guys. But every things seems to be running smoothie. What a great thread I can hardly wait till Easter till we tally up all of our loses and just see how much we all lost together. I know it is a whopping amount. We have a full month to go LETS NOT WASTE IT let EVERYBITE COUNT

  • turtlez23
    turtlez23 Posts: 156 Member
    Glad you are feeling slightly better Calie!
  • turtlez23
    turtlez23 Posts: 156 Member
    Weighing In:
    Starting Weight for Event: 218
    Current Weight:205
    Loss: 13lbs
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    turtlez23 wrote: »
    Weighing In:
    Starting Weight for Event: 218
    Current Weight:205
    Loss: 13lbs

    Great job!!!
  • turtlez23
    turtlez23 Posts: 156 Member
    Thank you! :D
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Congrats Turtlez on the 13 lbs. What a great loss Fantastic. Dear.
    <3 Marie
  • cmristine
    cmristine Posts: 15 Member
    Only lost 0.2 lbs last week, so upping my activity by adding some extra steps to my day. Starting a very mild strength training for my lower back. This may not aid my losses, but it will keep me in the game this time.
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    cmristine wrote: »
    Only lost 0.2 lbs last week, so upping my activity by adding some extra steps to my day. Starting a very mild strength training for my lower back. This may not aid my losses, but it will keep me in the game this time.

    Just be happy with your loss, at least it is a loss. I totally appreciate any loss as I lose very slowly and am compliant with my plan.
    A new week ahead!!!
  • beszmytke
    beszmytke Posts: 73 Member
    Hi everyone! Welcome, gmcoleman56! Could you tell us your name in your posts, and where you are from?

    Linda, I know the feeling, and I always save a few calories just in case I can't stop myself from having a snack. Usually I don't even need them - I find reading helps, or watching a favorite show. My rule is if I can't stop thinking about that "snack" for more than 15 minutes, I will go get something, either a protein bar or celery with hummus!

    We got 16 inches of snow between yesterday and 7am today, so it has been quite the shovel-out! Luckily the snow blower and the tractor plow can do most of the work!

    Hope all of you had a wonderful Monday, and are off to a great start for a healthy, happy week!
  • Mistydl2012
    Mistydl2012 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm a little late but I lost 0.4 pounds this week but I have noticed that weight is coming off slow but inches are falling fast right now. I'm OK with inches falling but would like to get past this weight plateo I'm in. Does anyone have advice for my stuck weight? I know I can loose more because I'm only 5' 1" and I weigh 174.0 thanks for creating a supportive group loving reading all the posts and congrats to everyone on all their accomplishments even if u didn't loose weight this week.
  • sparklecomet
    sparklecomet Posts: 103 Member
    Wow congrats on the 13lb loss! That's amazing!

    It was -8'C when I woke up this morning so I quite simply could not bring myself to go for a run. So either a run on the treadmill tonight or spin class. Probably the latter though since I tend to push myself harder in a class. I think I've finally started getting into the hang of eating better but I guess the scales will tell. I hope everyone has a lovely Tuesday and for anyone who's dealing with the cold, be sure to wrap up warm!

    - Sophie