Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    @jtconst - Good job! Getting into the habit of logging takes some effort, but it will help you detect patterns and see weak spots.

    Speaking of...erg, you guys. I was 2 days with no fast food, then today LilBro called from a lake about 45 minutes away to say he managed to get TWO flat tires while out listing a house (he's a realtor) and needed a ride. I had a Skype meeting at 1:30, and it was 11:30 when he called, so doing the math...we got back to town with about 25 minutes to spare and I was really hungry, so I got a cheeseburger. It was lukewarm and they gave me sweet tea (YUCK) instead of regular which I had to dump out. This is the fast food place I go to most, because they don't use rGBH in their beef or dairy, but for the last few months, every 3rd time I've ordered something, it's been wrong. Anyway. I did get to the gym this afternoon, so at least that offset my calories, but I'm annoyed that I broke my (tiny) streak and the food wasn't even that great.
  • wmander1 wrote: »
    Day 30 Today! 12 lbs. down so far! Excited for February! Working to lose 14 lbs. this month! Congrats everyone on all of your successes! :smile:

    Great Job keep up the hard work!!!!!
  • maram29
    maram29 Posts: 100 Member
    Happy Tuesday! inspiring all of your successes are. There are so many of you with fantastic ideas, great action plans and follow through. I am humbled.
    @melifornia - A 200 mile gravel road race? Sounds fantastic. Where in the world do you live where there are 200 miles of gravel road? Maybe someday I'll be able to handle that kind of distance. I'm couldn't now.. but I could work toward it for another year. :)
    - @MKKnits - It is good to see you. I think concentrating on your habits is the way to go anyway! Habits you can control. Weight loss gets dicey...body dynamics, hormones, just sometimes the body doesn't want to let go what you want it to...Weight loss is really not a great way to measure is just an easy way to measure success. Health habits will get you there every time. The weight loss will take care of itself if you change your habits. :) YOU HAVE GOT THIS!! Don't let a few tough weeks change your attitude toward this. You are an amazing lady. Keep on rocking.
    - @Kah68 - Thanks for your kind words. Congratulations yourself!
    - @jtconst - Your goals sound fantastic.

    AFM: Had a good loss today...and a great food day and a great exercise day. Whoa! Let's record that.
    Take care, kids.
    Perfect effort and balance,
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Hansea- I prefer Free over butterfly. My favorites are Breast and back.

    Thanks for the good wishes for the swim meet, I will keep you posted.

    Yesterday's workout has left me sore around the chest and now I am sure it is DOMS and not something worse. I just hope the soreness goes away soon.

    I was almost home tonight, when I got a flat tire. I did get home and called roadside assistance. They sent someone is 45 minutes. They put the boot on my car so now in the morning I just need to go get the tire fixed. I will be late for work but I don't want to drive with the boot on the highway if I can avoid it. The question will be how long will it take to get fixed.

    Welcome to all the new people, I will catch up with you later this week.

    Happy Hump Day.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    okay going try to remember to update my goals daily.
    days under calories: 1/3
    days over 10000 steps: 2/3
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys!

    I had a late (and somewhat irritating) meeting, so I just caught up with reading posts. I'm just going to reply to a few people, but a big "hello" to all of you! :smile:

    @holly--gunner no longer loves playing in the snow like he did as a puppy. He will still go for walks if there's snow in the ground, but he doesn't like to go out if it's currently snowing or raining,

    @tracy--whether the buses can run in a big factor in determining a snow day for us. Typically, if the buses don't run, we don't have school. However, one year someone (probably students) slashed a bunch of bus tires and we still had school. The district didn't want to send the message that vandalism would be rewarded with a day off of school.

    @goins--As much as I don't love the cold and snow, I think I'm one of those weirdos who would miss 4 seasons if I lived someplace that was warm year round. I actually LOVE warm humid weather--I don't even mind running in it, especially if it's somewhat overcast--the sun bothers me more than the heat when I'm running.

    AFM--I had a really bad food day b/c of poor planning. I didn't eat much early in the day b/c I thought we would get dinner at our meeting. It's usually something high calorie like pizza. However, our union president didn't order dinner--she said we would try to get out early and brought a bunch of snacks instead. I was so hungry I ate 2 bags of doritos, 2 bags of cheez-itz, a cutie, and a packet of apple slices with caramel dip. Of course, with about zero protein in those snacks, I was still hungry when i got home. DH had made crab bisque and a fresh loaf of bread. It was delicious, but not good for the calorie count. I'm about 400 over for the week right now, so I will have to be careful over the next few days to make my goal.

    I also realized I can't go to the gym tomorrow b/c I have to teach the last of my ACT prep classes. If the weather cooperates, I may get in a walk with gunner.

    February Challenge:
    Under weekly calorie goal: x/4 weeks
    All-in strength challenge=balance exercises 3 x/week; PT 1-2 x/week; run 2 x/week:
    Week 1: 1/3 balance; PT completed; 1/2 runs
    Week 2: x/3 balance; PT completed; x/2 runs
    Week 3: x/3 balance; PT completed; x/2 runs
    Week 4: x/3 balance; PT completed; x/2 runs
    8k at end of month (not sure what day) in 55 minutes (Thanksgiving 8k = 56:49, NYE 8k = 57:47,1/25 = 55:41)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 60/60 JRP journals DONE
    2. 40/60 course recommendation

    Exercise Goals: (week 1)
    Sun--shovel snow DONE
    Mon--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Tues--rest day (meeting)
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs-- walk gunner + gym
    Sat--walk gunner + gym

    2015 mantra "Just 15 minutes"
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    Hi, just wanted to follow up on my post earlier today about my plans for avoiding the pitfalls of the luncheon. I WAS able to stay within my calories (just barely) by concentrating on salad & soup. I did have one piece of cake, bout it was a (relatively) low calorie piece, and I avoided some of the other high-calorie & high-fat options like Queso & chips & guacamole. I'm pretty happy with my success!
  • maram29
    maram29 Posts: 100 Member
    Nice work, @Goingstd!
    I'm overwhelmed by everyone's very detailed plans for the day/week. WOWZA! Keep on rocking!!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy World Cancer Day

    World Cancer Day

    Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine. ~Anthony J. D'Angelo, The College Blue Book

  • MKknits
    MKknits Posts: 184 Member
    @maram29 Thank you! I'm proud I just got back on the wagon usually I would start this whole "it isn't wroth it, you don't have time, you can do this later" dialogue in my head and I stopped it this time and just decided to focus on the goal of tracking for 66 days.

    Today is rather boring for me, my students have to take a state health survey and I have to stay sitting at my desk and not walk around while they do it so they have privacy and answer honestly. So bored. Tomorrow thankfully we have a lab to do so I'll but up and walking around!
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    maram29 wrote: »
    Nice work, @Goingstd!
    I'm overwhelmed by everyone's very detailed plans for the day/week. WOWZA! Keep on rocking!!

    Me too! I am just working on getting through one day at a time as well as my night shifts!!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Just a quick drive-by.

    @goins--great job sticking to your plan for the pot luck!

    AFM--course recs are done. I have some copying I could do. Oh but wait--our school is OUT OF PAPER! Really?!?! What kind of school runs out of paper? It's so embarrassing b/c it's not like we don't have the money. Someone just didn't do his/her job. Sheesh.

    I will enjoy a few hours of no grading. Then I will collect 60 journals this afternoon. :neutral_face:

    February Challenge:
    Under weekly calorie goal: x/4 weeks
    All-in strength challenge=balance exercises 3 x/week; PT 1-2 x/week; run 2 x/week:
    Week 1: 1/3 balance; PT completed; 1/2 runs
    Week 2: x/3 balance; PT completed; x/2 runs
    Week 3: x/3 balance; PT completed; x/2 runs
    Week 4: x/3 balance; PT completed; x/2 runs
    8k at end of month (not sure what day) in 55 minutes (Thanksgiving 8k = 56:49, NYE 8k = 57:47,1/25 = 55:41)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 60/60 JRP journals DONE
    2. 60/60 course recommendation DONE

    Exercise Goals: (week 1)
    Sun--shovel snow DONE
    Mon--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Tues--rest day (meeting)
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs-- walk gunner + gym
    Sat--walk gunner + gym

    2015 mantra "Just 15 minutes"
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Quick post before personals. Has anyone had theses scale issues before. Monday checked in scale read the same as Friday even though I was over calories all weekend. So, weighed Tuesday out curiosity scaled read the same 254.6. I typically would do a quick check today it said 252.4 I was shocked so waiting a few minutes stepped on it again it read 256.2. None of the floors in my house are flat they all slant in some way. Not sure if that matters. I just don't know if I should buy a new scale. I normally don't weigh that often was just checking accuracy of the scale.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Quick post before personals. Has anyone had theses scale issues before. Monday checked in scale read the same as Friday even though I was over calories all weekend. So, weighed Tuesday out curiosity scaled read the same 254.6. I typically would do a quick check today it said 252.4 I was shocked so waiting a few minutes stepped on it again it read 256.2. None of the floors in my house are flat they all slant in some way. Not sure if that matters. I just don't know if I should buy a new scale. I normally don't weigh that often was just checking accuracy of the scale.

    Remember our weight fluctuates daily (i.e. sodium, sore muscles, etc.)--a gain from over indulgence can also take a couple of days to appear. The fluctuations in a few minutes could just be a fluke or the way your weight was distributed on the scale. The battery could need replacing also, mine will sometimes go wacky when the battery needs replacement.

  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    Quick post before personals. Has anyone had theses scale issues before.
    Frustrating ... Right!
    That's exactly why I stopped weighing myself every day, now If I do get different readings at one 'weigh-in', I average them @kah68 is correct that scales can fluctuate like that. . Uneven floors could do it, as well as stepping in a different spot on the scale. I found the best thing is to never move the scale ... so I have it in one place and only pick it up to clean around and under it. My sister put hers on a sturdy board and slides it under her bed without disturbing the scale (her floors are even).

    I have been keeping up with the posts when I record me meals. Everyone is communicating so well and supporting one another that I feel supported just by reading the posts.

    Wednesday Wish: that my front storm door would open. I'll have to force my way out and take it off today. It's just not safe the way it is right now .... the concrete pad (new last summer) has for some reason lifted up about 1 inch evenly across it's 6 1/2' by 27 ' area and is jamming the storm door. Hate to think what might be causing that to happen.

    February Challenge .... calories at goal 3/3. ALL-IN, PT exercise done 4/6. Gym 0/3.
    Follow-through .... Niki
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @holly--my floors are also uneven and that used to happen all the time on my old scale. Since I've switched to a digital scale, that never happens.

    Also, it's very possible to eat over calories and then weigh less a few days later. Sometimes the extra fuel actually boosts your metabolism and you get a loss. It has happened to me countless times--especially if I was very consistently good for a couple of weeks and then had one really high calorie day.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Wednesday Wish: I know I shouldn’t wish this, but some days I wish there were more hours in my day especially around sleep. I know I’m not getting enough that’s for sure. I need to start planning better and really try to sleep more. I know how important rest is for our bodies.

    Toxic relationships seem to definitely hit all of us at some point whether it’s family, friends or both. Over the past few years, I’ve really tried to focus on only keeping positive things in my life. I know every day will not be a bed of roses and there will always be a few thorns, but for the most part I’ve got more roses than thorns and I’m a much happier person too.

    @grandmakaye – Look at you and all those personals??!! You go girl!! Hugs to you!

    @tanya – Good for you!! I loved your line “I’ve learned to stop beating myself up about going over calories. Forget it, carry on. It’s working. I’m still losing.” I think this is one of those tough lessons we have to learn and overcome. 4 lbs? You’ve got this!!!!

    @cblue (Laurie) – Definitely use your counseling sessions. I know you’ve guys have been married a long time. It’s always so important to try and do everything you can. We went through counseling, separation, got back together, more counseling, but we were just too far off each other’s path in life to make it work. I know it’s not easy, but you do have to try everything to find that peace you deserve. Hugs my friend.

    @NK1112 (Niki) – Thanks for the bit of groundhog trivia. I’ve never heard the English folk song, but I like it. I did the same thing with posts. Between Facebook, MFP, personal e-mails, plus being on the computer ALL day at work I’m spent. I’m only checking in a few times a week too. Balance is key.

    @tlh0407 – Congrats to Jacob and the MS Jazz Ensemble! How cool is that??!! How are the grades coming along? This sounds like something he enjoys. You might need to use this as leverage for grades just like you would sports. I know it’s tough getting them focused at this age.

    @texasmom – Dat gummit? Made me smile. Plus, congrats on the 2 lbs! We'll take every loss we can take.

    @karenleona – Thanks! It’s good to be back. I haven’t jumped in 100% yet, but slowly heading back. Glad to see your back too!! Also, just saw your post from last night and defeating the eating monster. Way to go!!!!!

    @sheshappynow, @instantgratification – Welcome!!!

    @MaryPoppins – Me too. I have been a MASSIVE logging slacker too. I’ll get in part of my day and not finish. I guess it’s better than I was before and not logging at all. Baby steps right??!!

    @Mountmary (Barb) – I do the same with my neighbor. Bachelor, lives alone, needs nothing. He’s become my go to handyman so I shower him with food too and did the same thing. A few too many cookies went into my mouth too. I have a few left and I need to just throw them away.

    @hansea – There’s nothing like being included and they respect your opinion too. It’s taken me awhile and through quite a few jobs, but over the past 5 years or so I’m finally in that place too. It makes you feel really good. Proud of you!!

    @kah68 (Kelley) – I grew up under the same mindset. We always ate basically at 7, 12, and 5 like clockwork. My dad is still pretty much on the same schedule. I’ll be curious to see how you feel after the no dairy and cutting your carbs from the AM. Keep us posted.

    @laurie – You’re such a science geek!! :smiley: You’re excitement rubs off on your students curiosity and that’s one of the reasons you’re a GREAT teacher. You’re becoming quite the swimming machine. I’m a freestyle and back stroke swimmer and that’s about it. I can never get my frog kick down even after all these years. Even when I was a certified lifeguard YEARS ago I could never do the breast stroke.

    @wmander1 – Congrats on your loss so far! You’re doing GREAT!!

    @maram29 – Laurie rides as well. I’m sure she can talk bikes and cycling with you. Years ago I was a nanny for this awesome little 6-month old boy, Alex. Well, he’s now a 24 year old man, but he did a personal trip from Seattle to Baltimore. He tracked it on Facebook so his friends and family could follow his journey. It was awesome to see the places he traveled, but also the ups and downs of the open road, by yourself and just your bike. What a life experience for him.

    @melifornia – So proud of you and your Miracle Mornings!!!! Here’s to your next 30 days and self-fulfillment!!!

    @Lives2Travel – Volvo’s are such great, reliable cars. I forget the number, but when buying a new car as soon as you drive it off the lot it diminishes significantly in value. New used cars are the best!! When you mentioned debt free, did you guys do anything specifically or follow a specific plan? I’m really working on that too. I don’t have a mortgage anymore since I sold my house before moving to Vegas and just renting. No car payment either. Unfortunately, I did gain some credit card debt I’m not proud about whatsoever. Plus, I like to spend. This should be my Thursday Truth. I do make good money and there’s no reason I can’t pay this down and have a significant savings. Just curious. Also, great thing you did for your DD and fiancé!!

    Ironically, I already wrote this post and just saw your post about how you did it. So proud of you guys!!! Unfortunately, it’s just me and my salary as a single mom, BUT I cannot use that as an excuse. While I don’t get a dime from his Dad and he’s over $50,000 behind in support (don’t get me started!!!), I really do make a decent salary and there’s no excuse. It’s all on me. I need to do the same thing - rarely eat out, movies, traveling, clothes, etc. . . I am on track for full bonus the end of the year. If I start now and pay off what I know I can each month plus the bonus, I could be out of debt at the end of the year. I do have some money in a Roth IRA, 401K plus Cyrus has a 529 account for college. I haven’t completely thrown my money away so I do have investments, but just no savings. Any additional advice would be appreciated. :blush:

    @mnwalkingqueen – I grew up in western PA about 30 miles from Lake Erie. I went to college in GA back in 1986 and love the south! We still have cold temps and the four seasons, but hardly a trace of snow. I love it! My parents are in Sarasota, FL and they have pretty nice weather year round. Once you get somewhere like that, it’s really hard to ever go back to the cold that’s for sure.

    @skinny – I was about to say your cutie and apple slices evened out the Doritos and Cheez-Its, but than you threw in the crab bisque and bread. Yikes!!! One day is crap, but I know you and I know you’ll be back on track today. I have no doubt.

    @goinstd12 – Nice!! It’s those right choices you made that will lead to success. You rock!!
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    edited February 2015 I walked out of the office (upstairs here in the house) and into the bedroom with the treadmill in it with the intent on doing a few minutes walking, never suspecting anyone but me had been on the thing. I got on, pushed the button and almost flew off the back like a cartoon character. Apparently, one of the grandkids had been playing with the thing since I last took a little "stroll" on it. Yikes! Kinda scary. Next time I will check the set up FIRST.

    Good news! I got my end of year book keeping done and ready for the CPA today! Yay. My desk is almost cleared off for a change!

    Now to find something for supper.

  • maram29
    maram29 Posts: 100 Member
    Happy Wednesday!
    What's on the forecast for tonight? More snow, naturally! Yikes.
    @Susan, thanks for the idea of a long trip. I would need to plan it out a I'd feel safer having towns to hit, places to be overnight...but it sounds like such an adventure. Thanks for planting a seed. :)
    @MKKnits - I hope tomorrow will be more interesting for you. :) Regarding the crazy journey...Keep on keeping on, lady. I think you are on the cusp of a major personal breakthrough. YOU ARE AWESOME!!

    No news, really. Need to keep on the steady course. Doing well with exercise. A bit snacky I am going to turn in early to distract myself with 'going to bed' details. :)

    Take care. Rock on.
    Perfect effort and balance.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Progress to February challenge:
    Calories: 3/4
    Exercise: 3/4
    Strength training: 2/12
    I'm reporting my strength training a bit differently as my goal is 3 days a week, which will be 12 days for the month.
    I'm not doing personals tonight. I want to share some thoughts that I have had about food. Let me start by saying that I realize that everyone is different, so there are always exceptions, but basic science is pretty sound.
    I am old (70) enough to have seen a lot of food fads come and go, some harmless, and some quite dangerous. Some of them now are concerning to me and I fear that we are using them to try to lose weight instead of just a good old fashioned balanced diet. I rarely buy fast food, and I cook from scratch. Beyond that I think there is some question as to the wisdom of a lot of the fads. For example, why is coconut flour healthier than wheat flour? The gluten in wheat is a very good source of protein, so if you don't have celiac disease, why not eat it. If you are throwing away your egg yolks, you are throwing out a lot of good nutrition, including healthy fats. The egg is designed to nourish an embryo during development. There's a lot of good food there.
    At my last doctor appointment he explained that recent studies have shown that the statin drugs reduce the risk of heart attack independent of your cholesterol count. Other drugs may reduce cholesterol but do nothing about risk of heart attack. They still have a long way to go to figure out how cholesterol actually relates to our health.
    Just use good sense and be sure you are getting sound information. One of the quickest ways to make a lot of money is to write a diet book.
    Ok. End of rant. Love you all. Keep up the good work. Onward and downward. Kaye