How do you get rid of toxins?



  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    edited February 2015
    I've been doing a lot of research for my own personal well-being. I've learned that raw undistilled apple cider vinegar has amazing health benefits, including detoxing the liver and kidneys which are the organs that filter all of the bad stuff out of your body. I add about a teaspoon/cap full to my 24oz water bottle every morning, along with a couple of drops of doTerra lemon essential oil (this brand is therapeutic food grade; safe for ingestion and very beneficial). The combo tastes like strong lemon water once you get used to it.

    I've also recently learned that the goopy quality of the aloe plant (and also from crushed chia seeds that are soaked in water) is amazing for detoxifying. The gel from these natural sources clings to toxins within your G.I. tract and pulls them along and out, instead of allowing them to be reabsorbed by the intestines. They're virtually tasteless and are a perfect addition to smoothies.

    If you have a Netflix account, I recommend watching a documentary called "Hungry for Change" ... It is a wealth of information on natural weight loss and detoxification. It made me feel like there is hope for me again! There is also a website of the same name if you can't access the video (or in addition to) with loads of wonderful health-related articles. I wish you the very best of luck!

    sigh: What are the specific toxins you are removing from your body?
  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    ...with a couple of drops of doTerra lemon essential oil (this brand is therapeutic food grade; safe for ingestion and very beneficial).
    Anyone else lulz at this one? 1) Make something up 2)... 3) Profit
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Hahaha, Leah's the winner.
  • JayRuby84
    JayRuby84 Posts: 557 Member
    Let your kidneys do their job
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    edited February 2015
    How do you remove toxins (which I'm going to assume is code for 'anything in my body that probably shouldn't be there')?

    Same way you oxygenate blood, pump blood around your body, move food along your intestines, and other vital bodily functions. Sit back and let your body take care of it.

    You know how your spleen works? Neither do I. But it seems to have done a pretty good job without me thus far.
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    Yes, I know I'm responding to a post written 4 years ago, but I've been doing a lot of research for my own personal well-being lately and have discovered so much great info I'd like to share. :smiley:

    I've learned that raw undistilled apple cider vinegar has amazing health benefits, including detoxing the liver and kidneys which are the organs that filter all of the bad stuff out of your body. I add about a teaspoon/cap full to my 24oz water bottle every morning, along with a couple of drops of doTerra lemon essential oil (this brand is therapeutic food grade; safe for ingestion and very beneficial). The combo tastes like strong lemon water once you get used to it.

    I've also recently learned that the goopy quality of the aloe plant (and also from crushed chia seeds that are soaked in water) is amazing for detoxifying. The gel from these natural sources clings to toxins within your G.I. tract and pulls them along and out, instead of allowing them to be reabsorbed by the intestines. They're virtually tasteless and are a perfect addition to smoothies.

    If you have a Netflix account, I recommend watching a documentary called "Hungry for Change" ... It is a wealth of information on natural weight loss and detoxification. It made me feel like there is hope for me again! There is also a website of the same name if you can't access the video (or in addition to) with loads of wonderful health-related articles. I wish the very best of luck to anyone who reads this!

    Things just got so much better.

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Yes, I know I'm responding to a post written 4 years ago, but I've been doing a lot of research for my own personal well-being lately and have discovered so much great info I'd like to share. :smiley:

    I've learned that raw undistilled apple cider vinegar has amazing health benefits, including detoxing the liver and kidneys which are the organs that filter all of the bad stuff out of your body. I add about a teaspoon/cap full to my 24oz water bottle every morning, along with a couple of drops of doTerra lemon essential oil (this brand is therapeutic food grade; safe for ingestion and very beneficial). The combo tastes like strong lemon water once you get used to it.

    I've also recently learned that the goopy quality of the aloe plant (and also from crushed chia seeds that are soaked in water) is amazing for detoxifying. The gel from these natural sources clings to toxins within your G.I. tract and pulls them along and out, instead of allowing them to be reabsorbed by the intestines. They're virtually tasteless and are a perfect addition to smoothies.

    If you have a Netflix account, I recommend watching a documentary called "Hungry for Change" ... It is a wealth of information on natural weight loss and detoxification. It made me feel like there is hope for me again! There is also a website of the same name if you can't access the video (or in addition to) with loads of wonderful health-related articles. I wish the very best of luck to anyone who reads this!

    to quote game of thrones "you know nothing John Snow"
  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    giantrobot_powerlifting Posts: 2,598 Member
    edited February 2015
    Going meta here, but the "toxin" plaint relies on a couple things: 1) A person's credulity; 2) A made-up problem to sell an equally made-up a "cure."
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    The reason I started looking into alt-med a few years ago was that I had been diagnosed with lupus and a Facebook friend of mine wanted me to try homeopathy and was also a reiki practitioner.
    What was your experience? What did you think of the claims?
    My thing is this: if you want to trust religion for your healing, fine. But call it religion, not science, because that's what it is.
    I agree. However, when parents resort to faith healing, their children die because of the parent's convictions.

    There is science-based medicine - everything else is not.

    I thought it sounded ridiculous. Thankfully was one of my first stops when looking into it.
    Such a great website. It had died down for awhile and then it was revived and Orac (David Gorski) posts on there with some frequency and if you bore of that site, check out Steve Novella's Neurologica blog too (he posts on sbm) - good stuff there.

    I've been to Neurologica a time or two as the result of google searches but I forget it exists. Thanks for the reminder! Orac was the first SBM blogger I ever read over at Respectful Insolence.
  • MarziPanda95
    MarziPanda95 Posts: 1,326 Member
    How do you remove toxins?

    Same way you oxygenate blood, pump blood around your body, move food along your intestines, and other vital bodily functions. Sit back and let your body take care of it.

    You know how your spleen works? Neither do I. But it seems to have done a pretty good job without me thus far.

    I know how my spleen works... it doesn't, and I'm having a splenectomy soon :confounded: but there's nothing I could eat or drink that would make it suddenly work properly. Same with liver and kidneys. We don't have to aid them, they remove the bad stuff without our help.
  • Laurend224
    Laurend224 Posts: 1,748 Member
    I think the Reiki "healers" are some of the most derpiest of the holistic, alternate "medicine crowd."

    Let me put my hands on you and heal you.


    My MIL is a Reiki Master..... she sends her healing energy to me long distance, from NJ to Alabama.
    As long as she stays up north, I'm good. B)
  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    The reason I started looking into alt-med a few years ago was that I had been diagnosed with lupus and a Facebook friend of mine wanted me to try homeopathy and was also a reiki practitioner.
    What was your experience? What did you think of the claims?
    My thing is this: if you want to trust religion for your healing, fine. But call it religion, not science, because that's what it is.
    I agree. However, when parents resort to faith healing, their children die because of the parent's convictions.

    There is science-based medicine - everything else is not.

    I thought it sounded ridiculous. Thankfully was one of my first stops when looking into it.
    Such a great website. It had died down for awhile and then it was revived and Orac (David Gorski) posts on there with some frequency and if you bore of that site, check out Steve Novella's Neurologica blog too (he posts on sbm) - good stuff there.

    I've been to Neurologica a time or two as the result of google searches but I forget it exists. Thanks for the reminder! Orac was the first SBM blogger I ever read over at Respectful Insolence.
    That's so awesome! You've heard the SGU podcasts? Its been awhile since I've listened ... not much time to spend on that ... but those were always so great - learned so much. I know Rebecca left. I loved Skeptiod too, but Brian Dunning turned out to be quite a jerk with the scams he was pulling - still Skeptiod was a really great podcast.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I'm just going to go ahead and post this for the lurkers, about the essential oils thing and doTERRA specifically.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    The reason I started looking into alt-med a few years ago was that I had been diagnosed with lupus and a Facebook friend of mine wanted me to try homeopathy and was also a reiki practitioner.
    What was your experience? What did you think of the claims?
    My thing is this: if you want to trust religion for your healing, fine. But call it religion, not science, because that's what it is.
    I agree. However, when parents resort to faith healing, their children die because of the parent's convictions.

    There is science-based medicine - everything else is not.

    I thought it sounded ridiculous. Thankfully was one of my first stops when looking into it.
    Such a great website. It had died down for awhile and then it was revived and Orac (David Gorski) posts on there with some frequency and if you bore of that site, check out Steve Novella's Neurologica blog too (he posts on sbm) - good stuff there.

    I've been to Neurologica a time or two as the result of google searches but I forget it exists. Thanks for the reminder! Orac was the first SBM blogger I ever read over at Respectful Insolence.
    That's so awesome! You've heard the SGU podcasts? Its been awhile since I've listened ... not much time to spend on that ... but those were always so great - learned so much. I know Rebecca left. I loved Skeptiod too, but Brian Dunning turned out to be quite a jerk with the scams he was pulling - still Skeptiod was a really great podcast.

    I haven't actually-- I haven't really made it into the 21st century as far as podcasts go. I'll keep that in mind though.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    How do you remove toxins?

    Same way you oxygenate blood, pump blood around your body, move food along your intestines, and other vital bodily functions. Sit back and let your body take care of it.

    You know how your spleen works? Neither do I. But it seems to have done a pretty good job without me thus far.

    I know how my spleen works... it doesn't, and I'm having a splenectomy soon :confounded: but there's nothing I could eat or drink that would make it suddenly work properly. Same with liver and kidneys. We don't have to aid them, they remove the bad stuff without our help.

    Ah, sucks. With the exception of a couple of kidney stones I've been blessed with very functional organs. I hope your spenectomy goes without a hitch!
  • SconnieCat
    SconnieCat Posts: 770 Member
    edited February 2015
    Yes, I know I'm responding to a post written 4 years ago, but I've been doing a lot of research for my own personal well-being lately and have discovered so much great info I'd like to share. :smiley:

    I've learned that raw undistilled apple cider vinegar has amazing health benefits, including detoxing the liver and kidneys which are the organs that filter all of the bad stuff out of your body. I add about a teaspoon/cap full to my 24oz water bottle every morning, along with a couple of drops of doTerra lemon essential oil (this brand is therapeutic food grade; safe for ingestion and very beneficial). The combo tastes like strong lemon water once you get used to it.

    I've also recently learned that the goopy quality of the aloe plant (and also from crushed chia seeds that are soaked in water) is amazing for detoxifying. The gel from these natural sources clings to toxins within your G.I. tract and pulls them along and out, instead of allowing them to be reabsorbed by the intestines. They're virtually tasteless and are a perfect addition to smoothies.

    If you have a Netflix account, I recommend watching a documentary called "Hungry for Change" ... It is a wealth of information on natural weight loss and detoxification. It made me feel like there is hope for me again! There is also a website of the same name if you can't access the video (or in addition to) with loads of wonderful health-related articles. I wish the very best of luck to anyone who reads this!

    So this "bad stuff" that I need to remove from my it poop? I bet it's poop.

  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    May I ask how someone would know what's inside your body when all they did was rub your skin? Or does your massage therapist do blood panel testing?
  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    giantrobot_powerlifting Posts: 2,598 Member
    edited February 2015
    I'm just going to go ahead and post this for the lurkers, about the essential oils thing and doTERRA specifically.

    How horrible!

    "However, I recently attended a dōTERRA “talk” (aka pressure to buy) about how essential oils can cure everything and anything, including one woman’s mother’s skin cancer. "

    Thank the 1994 DHSEA that allow for these types of claims to be asserted or implied.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    VeryKatie wrote: »
    May I ask how someone would know what's inside your body when all they did was rub your skin? Or does your massage therapist do blood panel testing?
    Their an ex-thermic Caananus. Meaning they are a type of vampire from the derp side of the moon. They don't bite a neck to access blood, they use their fingers. So they are often in jobs that involve touching people, like massage therapy.

    She didn't like the taste of the OP's blood. Too mercurial.
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