40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Afternoon Kid's,
    Took Josie back to Kohl's today. << The incident of her last meltdown. They gave me the difference on that waffle maker I returned the other week, and the blender that broke after 2 uses. I was able to buy 3 blanket/throws all on sale with my store credits and a discount for signing up for their card for drum roll please ....$0.61. Insert cheesy smile here.

    I remember getting mad before myself. I even complained to the group how I was dreading my next doctor's visit. Since they kept fussing about my cholesterol previously and wanted me to take meds for it. Maybe getting mad is the butt kicking/push we all need. ;)
    FYI My Doctor's were very happy with my loss and my numbers did come down last visit. You can do this !

    I'll check back later.
  • navyjen
    navyjen Posts: 1,043 Member
    How does one join this group?
  • weejen73
    weejen73 Posts: 68 Member
    Hi i would also like to join the group , :)
  • FEves
    FEves Posts: 20 Member
    I think to join, you just start posting, so post away!

    I am currently in a staredown with the last piece of carrot cake. It's anyone's guess who is going to win.
  • FEves
    FEves Posts: 20 Member
    Ok, the cake won...

    but I cut it in half, and scraped off half the icing.

    Take that, you dessert-masquerading-as-a-vegetable!
  • jaxb65
    jaxb65 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all. I would like to join this group. I'm a 49 year old looking to lose a couple of stone. Motivation is poor. Diet is not too unhealthy but could be better. Work long hours in the local hospital so not much time to exercise daily. Most exercise i do is walking the dog.
  • malbala
    malbala Posts: 5 Member
    Hi There!! I am 44yo so I guess I qualify for this group. Looking to lose 80lb total. Started Jan 5th and am down 9lb. I would love to join a group to check in with and get motivation from.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Welcome to all the new cool kids!!!! No need to formally join the group. Just bookmark it is easy to find and post away.

    Syligirl, gaining sucks but best to brush it off and learn from mistakes. I know it is easier said than done. But believe me we've all been there!! Me as recent as Jan. I let myself go since Oct and ended up gaining 18lbs!!! I'm still upset about it but I'd put my game face on and move on.

    3fur, the snatch scares me. :#

    Sdereski, that is an awesome picture!!!!

    Have a great evening!!!
  • betuel75
    betuel75 Posts: 776 Member
    Hello, i just turned 40 last month! Still feel/act like im 25 :wink:
  • parkdad73
    parkdad73 Posts: 88 Member
    I am 41 and have lost 100 pounds with 35 more to go. I've stalled due to a knee soreness that started 5 months ago when I first started working out my legs. I've been to my family doctor and an arthopedic doctor who say there is no structural damage but I still can't get this thing to fully heal. It gets more sore the more I work it, but I've rested it for weeks at times and it is always a little sore.
    Usually it is stiff when not in motion and takes a couple steps to loosen up. I've tried several different types of braces but compression types feel like they are aggravating the tendons in the back of my leg.
    Hard to be a cool kid when you hobble.
  • smandysen2014
    smandysen2014 Posts: 4 Member
    Not new to MFP, but I'm new to the Message-board. I'm 43 and have struggled losing and gaining the same 15-25 pounds for 20 years. Thankfully, I haven't let it get more out of hand than that. This latest round I started at 168.6 pounds and my goal is to get to 145 then reevaluate. I have been dutiful in logging my foods because I haven't paid attention to caloric values in years. So far I am pleased with my results. I'm hoping to get to goal by May. I do exercise lightly...yoga 3-4 times per week and my goal is to get to the gym a couple times a week.

    Looking forward to getting to know y'all. :)
  • tvmom42
    tvmom42 Posts: 21 Member
    Hey everyone. I'm 43 and trying to drop about 20lbs. trying to get in the exercise and logging the calories. Hopefully I will see some results.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,969 Member
    sdereski, you look AWESOME!

    larros food looks yummy.

    I got a great workout in today, despite three hours of sleep.

  • MtbKriz
    Hi! I joined up a year or more ago and have never posted in forums. Joined our local gym again and started keeping calorie records. Have learned how to keep my HR in the mid fat burning to mid aerobic range on the elliptical trainer and stationary bikes (45-60 min. duration). Will get a training session on weights this month and will keep working on a diet within a good range. I'm 50 and 128 at 5'1, my measurements say my body fat ratio is heading in a bad direction since I have a small frame. My genetics point toward being overweight. I feel if I don't get a handle on it now I may not be able to maintain a healthy weight for my later years. I feel so much better after going to the gym 4-5 times a week. I try to do some stuff at home like some hiit, core work, and simply putting on some music and dancing for 30-40 minutes. In nearly a month there isn't much progress on the scales but the difference in endurance is encouraging. Peri-menopause is giving me fits but this helps mentally and physically. Monthly weight swings can be a bit discouraging. I try to keep it in perspective.
  • GregA1968
    GregA1968 Posts: 5 Member
    Would like to join this group. Feel free to friend me.
  • Vikkim2015
    Vikkim2015 Posts: 10 Member
    Way to go Vikkim2015!!! You are doing fanfreaking tastic! Do you keep track of how long you are out for your walks as well? The reason I ask is so that when you are ready to challenge yourself even more you can try to do that 4km walk in a little bit less time than it took the week before.
    Great job with getting your blood sugar down as well. Keep up the fantastic work!

    Thank You!
    I have only done a couple over 4km yet and don't want to push it too soon as the last one on Friday had me not too well over the weekend. I had been a bit off Thursday and thought I could sweat it out but no. Today the walk was 3.6km in 40mins (5.3km per hr) which is better than we ( my daughter walks with me) have done before for that far. I have sore hips and knees so I have to temper my want to do so much with the logic that I can't go to far too fast. It has been so hot here so walking in a sauna is helping a lot.
  • syligirl
    syligirl Posts: 8 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    Thanks for the encouragement. I got a great nights sleep (another problem, I stay up way to late) When I woke up I packed all my healthy snacks )celery, cashews etc. Basically everything carb and sugar free...those are my two issues. I already feel better and motivated.

    @kate... Good for you about your doctors!, I hope I can report the same back to you!

    Have a great day everyone and feel free to friend me and yell at me if I screw up!

  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Morning Kid's !
    5 pounds under goal weight this morning. At 150 lbs I'm 12 pounds less than the right side of my profile ( 112 pounds lighter than the left ). Don't tell my husband; he's back to harping on me about losing too much. Says he's going to send me to the Doctor if I lose anymore. I know I need to update pictures but I suck at selfies. LOL

    Hello Newbies ! Just click on the little star at the top to bookmark and post away. :)

    Larro- How do you post videos ? I can do it on fb.

    Anyway time to get motivated. I'll check in later.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    edited February 2015
    Good Morning Cool Kids. I've got my AM cardio in. Will be heading out to town here shortly.
    It's a little cooler here today. Though nothing like you guys up north are dealing with.

    I am amazed at how many new folks we are getting. Welcome to all you guys. Stay awhile.

    Everyone seems to be doing well with their workouts and food. Keep up the good work.
    Kate7294 wrote: »
    Larro- How do you post videos ? I can do it on fb.

    If you have it on FB or YT, just copy the IP address and paste it here. If you want to do some test post out of the public eye, I started a thread for that purpose. Testing 123 http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10013081/testing-1-2-3#latest

    Hope everyone is having a good day,


  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    My lunch at work.