Just for Today - month of February. Would you like to join me, as we take this one day at a time.



  • Tiso2
    Tiso2 Posts: 55 Member
    Atrain78 wrote: »
    I would love to join. I really need Support and motivation. I have no help/ support at home so I'm trying to do this on my own. Hoping to find people that can help with that on here. I would like to lose 30 lbs. I have been doing this for a month now. I am attempting to take in 1200 calories a day. In 1 month I'm down 5 lbs. I keep trying to tell myself that this is good, but can't help feeling like I should be down more. I am getting married next year and trying on wedding dresses is enough to make anyone discouraged.

    My goals today are to stick to my eating plan, and to try and get positive about the 5lb weight loss.

    If anyone would Like to friend me I would appreciate it!!

    Hello - new member here too. Hang in and so will I!! I"ll send a friend request as soon as I figure it out!
  • Tiso2
    Tiso2 Posts: 55 Member
    2/11 End of day & I'm over calories which is currently 1200. I'm been doing cardio & I think I needed the extra by end of day. No regrets.
    2/12 Strive for balance & to stay on track.
    Hang in everyone!!
  • jenmovies
    jenmovies Posts: 346 Member
    Just for today I need to not overeat at dinner. Going to my friend's parents' house (Italians!) and they always prepare so much food! :o
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    1. 12,000 steps
    2. Go to super-intense Zumba class
    3. Keep carbs under 100 grams
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    losingrae wrote: »
    I have been MIA for over a week, but I am back. I guess that is the good thing right, I keep coming back. This board is both helpful and discouraging at the same time. When I don't meet my goals, I am embarrassed to return and admit my failure. Then I try to set super simple goals so that I won't have to admit defeat. The truth is, I'm struggling. I don't know why this is so difficult for me. I did it before, I keep telling myself that. I lost 60 lbs 9 years ago. Kept it off for most of those 9 years too. Why have I allowed 30 to come back, and why is it sooo difficult to get motivated to get rid of this extra 30? At any rate, here are today's goals:

    Just for Today 02/11
    1. Do not disparage over the past. Today is always a fresh start.
    2. Log every morsel I eat
    3. Do 30 minutes of walking or elliptical; whichever works.

    I'll spend some time going through the 100's of posts that I have missed in my absence.

    So nice to see you again, and know that you are not alone, Here I started this thread, and the past week or so have been so hard for me, and like you, I am embarrassed to come on and admit that I can't even manage to do things for just one day, Then I tend to get even more upset with myself, I guess. This is why so many people struggle with losing weight, and so many put it back on ( like I also did). I guess if this was easy, no one would be overweight. It is a day to day struggle, and we all share this. I eat when I am upset, sad, when my daughter, who has mental illness has a bad day, I eat. So why do I think that this is easy-- I am 64 yrs old, and these habits have been with me my entire life..

    So we all understand we all know what it is like. But look--you came back. You did not give up! And you also helped me to also come back. To not give up!! Together, we can all fight this, and reach our goals.

    So I am encouraged so much by all of you, that keep coming back, that keep trying. We are going to reach our goals, together, one day at a time!

    Sorry for the long post, but my goals tomorrow will be simple

    Just for tomorrow,
    1. Look in the mirror, and be proud of myself for not giving up. A person is never a failure when they keep trying
    2. Concentrate on water, and healthy foods.

    And thank you everyone who is posting, not only your successful days, but the days that are hard, we all understand, and are here for each other,

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    ruby70 wrote: »
    Just for today
    1.) yeah... I am posting my just for today goals :) I have been slacking on this lately
    2.) work out on treadmill after work for 50 minutes of cardio
    3.) make sometime for my husband tonight, he is having a really hard week :'(

    Ruby, you are doing great,
    I love your 3rd line-making time for others is so important.
  • Tiso2
    Tiso2 Posts: 55 Member
    Good morning Over-comers!
    I just logged in to a "5 Day Streak" message of encouragement. Who said I can't stick with something!? Haha!
    Do it just for today as we create our future awesome selves.
    Make it great!
  • shellby2
    shellby2 Posts: 10 Member
    Would like to join.
    Goal for Today 2/12
    1. Drink all 8 glasses of water - on cup 3 so far, but February goal is only water. So far so good, just need to increase intake.
    2. 30 minutes on treadmill
    3. Do better calorie/meal wise today. Yesterday blew it.
  • rdvorak
    rdvorak Posts: 17 Member
    I hit all goals yesterday! Yay!!

    Just for today:
    1. 10k steps
    2. Maintain calorie level and track everything
    3. Mindful eating.
  • sherbear702
    sherbear702 Posts: 649 Member
    2/9 - Walk on my lunch break, even it it's raining. - Check!
    2/10 - Stay slightly under my daily calorie goal. - Check! 22 calories under
    2/11 - Walk to the top of the hill behind my office without pausing for a break. Check!

    Just for today

    2/12 - I'm going to a local brewery tonight for my husband's comapny dinner and beer is my vice...Just for today, I am going to track every single thing I put in my mouth and I WILL stay at or under my calorie goal. I have feeling this is going to be very difficult for me.
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,424 Member
    Just for today:
    1. Remember I have a weight problem that's why I'm here! I can do this!!!
    2. Make health choices
    3. Focus on things I know that works for me concerning being healthy!
    4. Water water water
  • dawn_adelman
    Hi! I need to work on exercising! I sit at a desk all day, so I need to take breaks and walk. Walk and get more water!
  • lizek316
    lizek316 Posts: 76 Member
    Dance DVD for 45 mins...dancing is the one cardio thing I can do that doesn't make my body hate me.
    Started my day with 2 mins of jumping jacks
    Be careful about what I eat after dinner

    Stayed under my calorie goal
    Did cardio and strength
    Ate more veggies
    Didn't have soda

    Next 30 day goals:
    lose 6 lbs
    stay positive and motivated
    Cut down on soda
    keep a weekly workout plan
  • losingrae
    losingrae Posts: 260 Member
    losingrae wrote: »

    Just for Today 02/11
    1. Do not disparage over the past. Today is always a fresh start. :)
    2. Log every morsel I eat :(
    3. Do 30 minutes of walking or elliptical; whichever works. :)

    I am extremely grateful for the support I have found on this board. It has introduced me to the most wonderful people! For that, I keep coming back.

    Just for Today 2/12
    1. Log every bite
    2. Do 30 minutes of exercise
    3. Remember that my weight does not make me less worthy.

  • kegofstout
    kegofstout Posts: 74 Member
    Happy Thursday Everyone!! I just love this thread. We are all human and are fighting the same battle and it is so encouraging to hear everyone's successes and failures. All we can do is get up each day and try our hardest. Yesterday I only made on simple goal for myself and that was to not have empty calorie beers after work and I failed miserably! Good news is that I stayed within my calorie goal but I am still disappointed in myself. Just for today 2/12 I will get in my 30 min cardio, stay within my calorie goal and make healthy food choices.
  • shannonlynne67
    shannonlynne67 Posts: 62 Member
    So happy I found this thread. Much of what has been posted on the last couple of pages could have been written by me.
    I made my goal weight 5 years ago and then let it slowly return. I have been struggling for the past year to really finally get it off! I feel like I am spinning my wheels. I know what it takes but allow too many things to derail me.
    I hope to come on here daily and jump into the "just for today" theme! :)
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    1. 12,000 steps :D got 13,000+
    2. Go to super-intense Zumba class :)
    3. Keep carbs under 100 grams :)

    1. 12,000 steps
    2. Lift weights and stretch before Zumba
    3. Keep carbs under 100 G
  • feistyjojo
    feistyjojo Posts: 303 Member
    feistyjojo wrote: »
    So... a busy couple of days with travel aboard and client set lunches.
    What I'm pleased about:
    - getting really early nights so I got enough sleep has made it SO much easier to manage my energy and therefore food intake. No cravings!
    - - I've made some great choices - eg not to munch on M& Ms at the airport
    - - I took pre - measured snacks with me (whole almond & raisin) which I could munch on to keep energy up
    - - over the kat 3 days including today I will just about be on track with my net calorie goal
    - - I'm already finding I want to exercise again after only 4 boot camps
    - - combined with target calorie count and 3 bootcamp I lost 5 lbs in my first week on this challenge
    - - amazingly after only a few days I'm finding my stomach is getting used to eating less so I'm not even always hungry when it comes to next meal time

    What's not been so good
    - I didn't have to eat the dessert on the client set menu, and I did
    - - AND I chose to have a small wine and a biscuit on the flight home.
    - - those 2 choices took me over my net calorie goal and I'm having to reduce today to compensate.

    So... choices have consequences.
    So for Thurs 12th, I will:
    - Do a home workout for at least 25 mins
    - hit my calorie target

    Keep going everyone. .. One day at a time.

    Progress today:
    - hit both goals ☺

    So for tomorrow (Fri 13th) I will
    - do bootcamp rain or shine. Gulp. Rain is forecast
    - stay within net calorie goal
  • jenmovies
    jenmovies Posts: 346 Member
    So I failed at my first 'just for today'! Stupid Italian cooking! haha

    Today I will simply eat under my calorie goal, resist temptations, and get in a good workout.
  • taxmom9093
    taxmom9093 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Finally found a chance to catch up with you all. I love being here, it is clear none of us are perfect, and if we slip, well that's OK, we have all been there. I need to hear your successes of course, but knowing that sometimes you fall short reminds me that I can goof and still get back up and try tomorrow.

    I did pretty well on my last set of goals. I am not 100% well, but I am much better and I finally felt well enough to take a real walk today. I am hoping to have enough time now to post every day going forward. So....to get ahead for tomorrow (Friday) here are my goals.

    1. Log or keep track of all food. I'm well enough to do this again.
    2. Take a walk, Short or long, this makes me feel better.
    3. Drink water. Keep some on my desk if I start to forget.

    Keep trying everyone! I'll try to see you tomorrow!