40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Good morning kids.
    Hope all of you are well and in good spirits. I miss all of you.

    ALF--Love the message it is so true.
    NIkonpal---awesome job and a great inspiration
    Beeps--What are you up to? Heavier lifting I hope
    CG-I love the photo....I am ready to vacation just viewing it
    KellySue--You do not need luck when you have motivation and iron will on your side along with support. You got this.
    Kate--I am gaining the pounds you are losing. You are doing fantastic
    Sdereski-Love the photo of you. You look great
    Larro--You have started a footprint with the photos and look at the beauty you have created.

    I am focusing on heavier lifting and as a result I am super hungry these days and have to up my calories/protein to make sure I am nourishing my body enough.

    If I forgot anyone forgive me.

    Have a great day everyone.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    Aw, caramel, I just crapped out today. I should have hit the gym. I just had NO oomph....and did not.

    I will go tomorrow. I even have my gym stuff right here by my side - but still don't wanna go.

  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    Hit up Kickboxing tonight and feel better about the so good but so bad for me gooey chocolate chip cookie bars I made!
  • chmura13
    chmura13 Posts: 4 Member
    edited February 2015
    Not quite 40 yet but gettin there. I'm in. Just stared this My Fitness Pal, day 3 so far and I will hungry all the time. I exercise regularly and really watch my diet. For the past 5 weeks i got stuck. After entering all the food I eat and seeing actual calorie count it's pretty obvious I was snacking too much.
    I'm very frustrated with the limited amount of calories daily. I run out of them by lunch time. But on the other hand I make wiser choices as to what I'm going to put in my mouth.
    I work out just before dinner to earn extra calories. Seems to be balancing out.
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Hey Kid's !
    Put a bunch more stuff on craig'slist today. Been doing some serious decluttering. Josie's still giving attitude but meltdown free for a couple weeks. Right now she says " I don't want to here it Momma! ". <<< Very annoying.
    ^^ She loves doing dishes. Right now she keeps wearing 2 summer dresses every other day. I get tired of fighting her.

    Jonas (our junior in high school) did so well on his PSAT's that his guidance counselor has had him sign up for some SAT's this year.
    I had to take a picture for his SAT's. I actually got him to smile.

    Curious- Not sure how well this shows my hair cut but managed this one the other day. I'm still horrible at selfies.

    Sdereski- In answer to your question about how much more I wanted to lose. I looked horrible in high school at 130 lbs. (after being ill repeatedly and having my tonsils out at 17). My bones were sticking out. My lower rib cage already sticks out at 150 lbs. so not to much more. Not sure what my body fat percentages are; my current BMI is 23.5 waist ratio 42. I've evidently shrunk 1/2 " so at 5'6.5" but BMI chart didn't do halves.

    Caramel- I'm sorry I was just giving my pounds to my husband; didn't know you were catching any. LOL. He came out this morning saying " Don't get on your scales they aren't right it said he was 190 lbs". I said they were fine for me; Did you wait for the 00 ? He's up to 243 lbs. with boots and 2 sweat shirts. LOL. Of course he's 5'11" Now he said quit making him double decker sandwiches for lunch. A while back he complained he was starving.

    Hello Newbies ! Stick around. :)
  • FEves
    FEves Posts: 20 Member
    Good evening, all! I went out for an early Valentine's day meal with my true love to a wonderful gourmet restaurant. I did 2 workouts to try and get some extra calories - I had over 1000 to spare going into the meal, but looks like I still went over! How do you guys manage to do it?
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Happy Friday kids, hope all of you are well and in good spirits.

    I love how all of you are posting pictures. It really does capture the group and the activities that surround your life. If someone can tell me how to do that, I will be more than happy to provide some scenery of my own.

    Monday the 16th I am doing the bod pod aka Body Composition Testing. This test will give you insight into your BMI, how much you really should eat, etc. My trainer has been trying to get me to do this test for about a year now and I kept blowing it off. This last 15 or so pounds is making me crazy, so I am signed up now. You have to wear compression clothes inside of the tube. This should be interesting to say the least. The goals for the next couple of months are simple, lift even heavier each week, take the results from the test and base my food choices on that.

    Have a great weekend everyone.

  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member

    I did not take this picture, but this is how things look in my neck of the woods. More snow shoveling this morning. I hate it! It eats away my gym time, but I have to do it or it will pile up so much that I won't be able to clear it away. It is also freezing here today which does not help any- It was 2 degrees this morning with wind chills in the minus 15-20 range :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:! Oh well. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

    Have a good day and a great weekend. I will be off to see Hubby tomorrow and to visit with my parents before they leave for Florida for the remainder of the winter.

    Here's one more pic- didn't take this one eiter, but it's kind of what my drive to work looked like this am- Pretty!
  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    If I was brave I would upload the video my daughter took of me at kickboxing. That would be my 5 year old daughter who figured out how to take video on the tablet on her own and took the videos without letting me know!!

    Caramel - I've wanted to find out my body composition and I know there is a bod pod in our town but I'm not sure how much it costs. I may look into it but it's really just about curiosity for me.
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    I fit in this group. I am 44 with a birthday on the horizon. I have fought with my weight most of my life. I have two kids, 12 years apart. One will be graduating high school and the other finishing kindergarten. I have spent more time trying to take care of the others in my life than focusing on myself. It is still a daily fight to make sure I am taking care of me, but it is getting better. I want to lose at least 70lbs. Not sure how I ignored the fact that I have gotten as heavy as I am. Just finally tired of being sick and tired and feeling older than I am. The aches and pains of being overweight make me feel much older. I want to be able to enjoy my time with my youngest child as well as being around for my son and husband. Increasing my exercise and activity has been a big goal of mine and I eventually want to start lifting. I have a long way to go, but I am not trying to hurry myself to get there. It will not happen quickly.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    edited February 2015
    Good Morning Cool Kids.

    My back kept me from doing most of my cardio this morning. And tonight's event at the Civic Center is the Black History Banquet. So guess who will be over his calorie goal? Oh well, I've been trying to gain that two pounds back for a few weeks. Tonight should get me going in that direction.

    Caramel, to post pictures just click on the icon that looks like a sheet of paper. {it's to the right of the link icon and two over from the smiley face} Then select the photo you want from you PC, laptop of phone.

    This week's numbers:

    21.5% Body Fat
    24.2 BMI
    173.3 Pounds

    Welcome to the new guys. Hello to everyone else. I've got to get to work early today, so got to run. Hope everyone has a good day,

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    I lifted today! Did 6 sets of 5 reps of all the biggies: WHTS, pull-ups, DLS, bench press.

    Plus my band work, accessory work, stretching and rolling.

  • lt3ag4s
    lt3ag4s Posts: 835 Member
    I am already coming up with excuses not to go running. Only three hours to go. I am feeling pathetic.
  • cnadiger
    cnadiger Posts: 168 Member

    Happy Friday MFP's!! Does anyone else feel like an old person on most of the other ChitChat threads? I think the 20 somethings have this online forum thing figured out much better than me!! :D
  • alishaspringle
    alishaspringle Posts: 47 Member
    Been fighting off a cold - not counting calories, drinking lots of fluids, and no cardio or strength. :stuck_out_tongue: Hope you are all well.

  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Morning Kid's !
    I sold my curio cabinet yesterday . Yeah me ! Clothes money. LOL.
    Realized I have this issue ( OCD and what not ). Been working on my kitchen and realized this is like the 3rd or 4th time I've tried fixing/redecorating it. LOL. Of course it took 10 yrs. to get new counter tops/back splashes, new hardware twice, of course we took out the drop ceiling at one point too, and just got the 2nd new floor last yr ( in 19 yrs. ) Now I'll be painting again and trying to fix up my cabinets again. :) " The Cobbler's wife never gets new shoes thing ".

    Anyway.... Hello Newbies !

    crosbylee- LOL. Our kid's are roughly the same age difference. Our son's 16 (1/2) and our daughter's 3 ( and 1/2 ).

    cnadiger- Your doing better than me knowing how to do gifs. LOL

    FEves- I don't get to go out that often for meals but after doing this for a while I find just trying to make healthier choices, and if I do want dessert or so forth I'll only eat half or a 1/3. I read somewhere try to split your main course and eat a salad with dressing on the side or veggies on the side. I know in the beginning I ate a piece of german chocolate pie from "kanes and walkers" then went to log to see it was 695 calories ( a ton of cholesterol too) . That was eye opening for me. I tend to try cutting things smaller like the oreo ice cream cake my son had back on his birthday I think the serving is like 1/9th I think I managed to get it to serve 1/14 instead. I do that with pizza too.

    Anyway....off to pinterest land till everyone else gets up. Muhawhaw !
  • Nataliegetfit
    Nataliegetfit Posts: 395 Member
    Hello to all, and Happy Valentines Day!! I am pretty new here, posted once. I have been back on MFP since Jan 4th and have lost 13 lbs. I am really happy that it seems to be working better this time, maybe it's my frame of mind?? It was -18 degrees this morning(not the wind chill either) and 20" more snow coming tonight and tomorrow. It's just crazy. Thanks goodness I have an elliptical inside to use.
    Larro- what kind of sewing machine did your wife get?? What kind of sewing does she do? I'm a quilter and love it. You all seem to be doing really great with your weight loss. I think it's really a keep at it type of attitude. Have a great weekend everyone and stay warm. When I get home I'm going to snuggle under a warm quilt.
  • FEves
    FEves Posts: 20 Member
    Good morning all,

    I need a pep talk today. I have been doing so well for the past 43 days! Exercising every day, logging my calories, and I'm usually under 1200 and ok with that. Yesterday, I'm not sure what happened, but I woke up really hungry. (Was that related to going out for a nice supper with hubby on Thursday night?) Later in the morning, I got into some Valentine's chocolate - Lindor. It started with a reasonable 3 pieces, then before I knew it, BAM 12 pieces were gone! Ok, I knew I could still recover if I had just chicken and salad for supper. Everything was back on track and then we went to a youth party (we're youth leaders for our church). My job was to help with the food prep. So...4 cookies and one hot chocolate later, I ended up at 2,700 calories in my food log. :( I'm planning to workout today as usual, but there's no way that I will burn off 1000 calories!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    Yesterday happened. FEVES, just move on and stumble forward today.

    Being "fit" isn't a state of perfection. It is a lifestyle choice - a practicem
  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    FEves, we all stumble, just keep going and get back on track, you'll be ok.

    OK. So I'm trying TDEE to set my calorie goal. I just don't seem to be getting any changes using 1300 cals or 1460 (based on my weight) so I'm changing it up. Hopefully I can get rid of this pesky 10 lbs!