

  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    Recee85 wrote: »
    I weigh at least 2-3 pounds lighter when I weigh myself backwards on the scale, so I started going with that number instead of weighing normally.

    Everyone raise your hand if you just went to stand on your scale backwards, just to see
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    Talkradio wrote: »
    As tomorrow is Fat Tuesday, here's a thematic confession. I live in the Chicago area, and it's very traditional to celebrate with paczki, a Polish treat similar to a donut. Something like 500 calories of delicious fried dough, maybe filled with sweet cheese, or custard, or jam, or chocolate... then covered in sugar. Mmmm. In the past, I've been known to eat 4-5 of these bad boys on Fat Tuesday.

    I'm considering only eating paczki tomorrow, so I can stay under my calories. For, you know, tradition.

    I'm planning to experiment and try to make my own tomorrow. I don't live there anymore, so my only option is the crappy mass produced ones they sell at the grocery store here, anyway. Definitely not worth the splurge. If I still lived near a real Polish bakery, I might take the hit, even if it means 3 days sick.
  • Talkradio
    Talkradio Posts: 388 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Talkradio wrote: »
    As tomorrow is Fat Tuesday, here's a thematic confession. I live in the Chicago area, and it's very traditional to celebrate with paczki, a Polish treat similar to a donut. Something like 500 calories of delicious fried dough, maybe filled with sweet cheese, or custard, or jam, or chocolate... then covered in sugar. Mmmm. In the past, I've been known to eat 4-5 of these bad boys on Fat Tuesday.

    I'm considering only eating paczki tomorrow, so I can stay under my calories. For, you know, tradition.

    I'm planning to experiment and try to make my own tomorrow. I don't live there anymore, so my only option is the crappy mass produced ones they sell at the grocery store here, anyway. Definitely not worth the splurge. If I still lived near a real Polish bakery, I might take the hit, even if it means 3 days sick.

    Mmm. What filling are you using? Cheese is my favorite, followed by apricot. Still not into prune.

    I always pick up a dozen or two from the local bakery and distribute them to friends throughout the day. If I'm going down, everyone is going with me!

  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    Drank a lot of beer this weekend and lost count, so I only logged 6.
  • YalithKBK
    YalithKBK Posts: 317 Member
    Yesterday, I avoided eating a few servings of fruit so I could eat ice cream instead.
  • TnZMom
    TnZMom Posts: 222 Member
    I hate my frenemy for putting up pictures of me on her wall of when I was thin (18 years ago) and after I gained weight. They aren't special occasion pictures or anything. Just me, alone, looking thin and then looking fat. She is losing weight, so those pictures are a stupidly obvious form of reverse-inspiration. B****.

    OMG that felt good!! >:)
  • k2mexox
    k2mexox Posts: 72 Member
    I hate when people judge you for one loop hole you allow yourself. I allow myself either one diet coke or one coke zero a day, sometimes I don't drink it at all, sometimes I drink a little more. I don't judge or hate myself for It. It's what keeps me going and keeps away the nasty headaches. Eventually I want to ditch it all together.

    My friend. The one I'm doing this with is constantly picking on me for it. When she ate an entire pint of Ben and jerrys in front of me and I didn't say anything! Accountability is great but for us it only seems one sided. I know when she's having a bad day and to let it go and when to say something. She just says it all the time and it crawls under my skin because I feel like she thinks she's better than me. She even makes the comments that she doesn't know how I survive in my house when my mom always buys delicious foods and I totally resist them! Give me a break woman!! Rant over.

  • jessiruthica
    jessiruthica Posts: 412 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I blame Dean Winchester for making me have Chinese yesterday. I always get mad cravings when I watch Supernatural...

    Dean Winchester gives me cravings, but, uh, not for Chinese food...

    Yes please.
  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I blame Dean Winchester for making me have Chinese yesterday. I always get mad cravings when I watch Supernatural...

    Dean Winchester gives me cravings, but, uh, not for Chinese food...

    Yes please.

    I'm a straight dude, but Dean Winchester makes me think about it sometimes.

  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    Talkradio wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Talkradio wrote: »
    As tomorrow is Fat Tuesday, here's a thematic confession. I live in the Chicago area, and it's very traditional to celebrate with paczki, a Polish treat similar to a donut. Something like 500 calories of delicious fried dough, maybe filled with sweet cheese, or custard, or jam, or chocolate... then covered in sugar. Mmmm. In the past, I've been known to eat 4-5 of these bad boys on Fat Tuesday.

    I'm considering only eating paczki tomorrow, so I can stay under my calories. For, you know, tradition.

    I'm planning to experiment and try to make my own tomorrow. I don't live there anymore, so my only option is the crappy mass produced ones they sell at the grocery store here, anyway. Definitely not worth the splurge. If I still lived near a real Polish bakery, I might take the hit, even if it means 3 days sick.

    Mmm. What filling are you using? Cheese is my favorite, followed by apricot. Still not into prune.

    I always pick up a dozen or two from the local bakery and distribute them to friends throughout the day. If I'm going down, everyone is going with me!

    Going to try something with cream cheese frosting. I have to keep it all lc, because I see no point in getting sick if I'm going to the trouble of making it myself.
  • Talkradio
    Talkradio Posts: 388 Member
    k2mexox wrote: »
    I hate when people judge you for one loop hole you allow yourself. I allow myself either one diet coke or one coke zero a day, sometimes I don't drink it at all, sometimes I drink a little more. I don't judge or hate myself for It. It's what keeps me going and keeps away the nasty headaches. Eventually I want to ditch it all together.

    My friend. The one I'm doing this with is constantly picking on me for it. When she ate an entire pint of Ben and jerrys in front of me and I didn't say anything! Accountability is great but for us it only seems one sided. I know when she's having a bad day and to let it go and when to say something. She just says it all the time and it crawls under my skin because I feel like she thinks she's better than me. She even makes the comments that she doesn't know how I survive in my house when my mom always buys delicious foods and I totally resist them! Give me a break woman!! Rant over.

    I had a friend like that. She would always wait until we were around other people to (loudly) point out my shortcomings. We aren't friends anymore. Life is much more pleasant.
  • jessiruthica
    jessiruthica Posts: 412 Member
    When my daughter (she's 6) is being bratty, I flip her off behind her back.

    I have a 3 year old and do the same thing!

  • Papatoad194
    Papatoad194 Posts: 251 Member
    I hate Local IT people who screw their clients and then expect me to pick up their slack because they lack the knowledge (Or discipline) and experience how to set up and main a Network. Yes I wish their eyeballs would implode and their brains ooze as I stand before them like a scanner god form the 80s.
  • LouLouStBijou
    LouLouStBijou Posts: 987 Member
    Been overeating at lunch, pizza and burger king, and it has to stop before the depression kicks in.

    This post makes me want to hug you

  • serenity1097
    serenity1097 Posts: 135 Member
    The days I don't finish logging or don't log at all are the days I drink 4+ alcoholic drinks. I need to log those days to acknowledge the caloric reality of it. And I just need to quit drinking so damn much.

    I was doing this too, finally started making myself own up to the extra calories. Has actually made me drink less...except for those days when I EAT less so that I can have a couple extra drinks :neutral_face:
  • BrianHageman
    BrianHageman Posts: 15 Member
    I find the "rate the person above you" or "date, marry, etc..." type of threads incredibly stupid and their participants to be attention-starved idiots.

    Whew, good to get that off my chest.
  • LouLouStBijou
    LouLouStBijou Posts: 987 Member
    I live in Canada and it's winter. If I drive home with the windows open wearing only my workout clothes, it counts as a shower right? Right?

    If the sweat freezes and then melts off you - hells ya!

  • LouLouStBijou
    LouLouStBijou Posts: 987 Member
    Holla4mom wrote: »
    confession- when all my MFP friends have posted a workout, It makes me want to work out. even if my original plans were to be a slug lady all day.

    When my MFP friends post strenuous workouts like 30DS or Insanity, I get all jealous, because I'm medically unable to do those kinds of workouts. :(

    yeah I dont do those 500 calorie burn SUPER WORKOUTS. I mean like, I will do some yoga, take a long walk, do some aerobics, etc. Im no fitness icon. ;)

    500 calories is a super workout? I burned 1380 yesterday, and something like 1800 the day before...
    What were you doing and for how long? I feel like I'd have to be running for my life with a small vehicle on my back to burn that much!

    OMG - OMG that made me laugh so hard.....
  • ebtaylor137
    ebtaylor137 Posts: 32 Member
    I am partially face blind so I was oblivious about looks as a child. Didn't know who was considered good looking! and I was clueless about how important looks can be. I miss those days but I think there is no going back once you are socialized to the world. But I am a work in progress...interestingly improving my looks has helped me shift the emphasis away from it. Maybe one day when I am old and am not judged for my looks any longer I can be that child again. And I will embrace it because that is the circle of life!

    I'm face blind too! I'm always like is this person supposed to be attractive? The faces I find most attractive are the distinctive faces, the ones with crooked noses or big ears, distinctive hair or something, because those are the ones who don't look just like everyone else!
  • LouLouStBijou
    LouLouStBijou Posts: 987 Member
    I find the "rate the person above you" or "date, marry, etc..." type of threads incredibly stupid and their participants to be attention-starved idiots.

    Whew, good to get that off my chest.

    Solid 10 - LMAO