Just for Today - month of February. Would you like to join me, as we take this one day at a time.



  • sballan1
    sballan1 Posts: 3 Member
    I would love to join in with the support. I'm trying to keep focused and on track. I've been losing but it's pretty slow. One week I'll see a pound or two and the next week nothing, even though I've been ok food-wise and I've been increasing my exercise.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    feistyjojo wrote: »

    1. REST :)
    2. Around 10,000 steps and not much more :D
    3. Eat good stuff :)

    I went WAY over on (healthy) carbs yesterday and am very surprised that I did not gain. It will probably show up on the scale tomorrow. :(

    1. 15,000 steps
    2. Do super-intense Zumba class
    3. Stay below 100 G/carbs

    Hey I'm loving your exercise success. Well done.

    And... weighing yourself daily can be really dangerous for motivation. .. your weight is quite volatile within a pound or so. A weekly weigh in at same time might work better and you can enjoy seeing progress that way and not beat yourself up over a single day.
    Smiles and keep going!

    Thanks Fiesty! I love to move!

    I do weight myself most days, and I have been doing that for several years. I CAN handle the truth! I'm lucky in that I don't really have many unpredictable fluctuations--if my weight goes up, it's probably because I have messed up in some small way. Because of my health issues, I have to be super strict all of the time, and getting on the scale gives me a reality check.

    It's not a fun reality, but I do the best that I can with it.
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,639 Member
    Just for today: 2/23
    1. Remember my protein drink before my bike ride :)
    2. Water water water :smile:
    3. Get strengh training done :)
    4. No late night snack :)
    5. Remember to come back tonight :)

    Just for today
    1. Remember protein after run
    2. Strength training
    3. Remember to come back

    @Ruby the scale sometimes don't reflect how we're doing. Sometimes my sodium gets too high so I gain because of that! Your doing awesome, honey!
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,639 Member
    losingrae wrote: »
    losingrae wrote: »

    Just for Today 2/22
    1. log, log, log :)
    2. drink 8 glasses of water :(
    3. get in 30 minutes of exercise :( I made the choice not to exercise yesterday since both of my compression socks were in the laundry. I felt one day not exercising was better than furthering my injury and not being able to exercise for months again

    Just for Today 2/23
    1. log
    2. get in 30 minutes of exercise

    Rae, I think that's an outstanding choice.

  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member

    Why focus on one or the other? Do both!

    What kind of exercise are you doing?

    Azulviolet: I am still trying to watch the calories but I thought maybe I was just trying too hard and over thinking it. I was measuring every bite that went in my mouth, condiments really add up.... All I know is it is the middle of winter (cold as heck and a lot of gray skies), I work full time in an office, try to balance life of being a mom and wife (you get it right)? Sometimes it just becomes so overwhelming that I started to feel like life was not fun anymore as I was tracking everything.

    As for the exercise, I am pretty much just doing cardio right now. I range from 35-50 minutes on the treadmill walking/running between 4.2 - 5.3 and really push myself the whole time. I have some weights in my home gym but having a hard time finding the routine to fit in the strength training. I am not trying to make excuses just being honest.

  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Thank you kegofstout, grandmajackie, fiestyjojo and everyone else for posting your thoughts. I hope I did not miss anyone, my apologizes if I did. You all mean more than you know, it really helps to know we all struggle and to have this support :)
  • Tiso2
    Tiso2 Posts: 55 Member

    I know there are a lot of states that are alot colder than here in Memphis, TN, but I am frigging freezing and want to come see that rodent in PA who predicted 6 more weeks of winter and flog him!

    Haha! You're a crack up!!
  • Tiso2
    Tiso2 Posts: 55 Member
    edited February 2015
    Tiso2 wrote: »
    Good morning lovely community! Thank you for your contributions.
    2/20: Goals met - the rest & early bed on 2/19 helped immensely. I woke up feeling strong and ready to continue. I cannot measure how my Friends and this community have helped me.
    1. Balance my carbs & protein while staying under calorie goal
    2. Hit the pavement and start the real training for that 1/2 in May
    3. Drink at least 8 glasses of water
    4. Early bed (maybe a nap)
    5. Stay positive & grateful
    Make it a great day! (*)

    Hello everyone!
    Hit all my goals for 2/21 & 2/22 & 2/23
    A little practice, a little patience & a ton of support has been the key.

    Just for Tuesday:
    1) Stay under calories while balancing macros
    2) Maintain the water consumption
    3) Remember that snacking is not mandatory
    4) Stay positive & help others

    Happy Wednesday everyone!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    ruby70 wrote: »

    Why focus on one or the other? Do both!

    What kind of exercise are you doing?

    Azulviolet: I am still trying to watch the calories but I thought maybe I was just trying too hard and over thinking it. I was measuring every bite that went in my mouth, condiments really add up.... All I know is it is the middle of winter (cold as heck and a lot of gray skies), I work full time in an office, try to balance life of being a mom and wife (you get it right)? Sometimes it just becomes so overwhelming that I started to feel like life was not fun anymore as I was tracking everything.

    As for the exercise, I am pretty much just doing cardio right now. I range from 35-50 minutes on the treadmill walking/running between 4.2 - 5.3 and really push myself the whole time. I have some weights in my home gym but having a hard time finding the routine to fit in the strength training. I am not trying to make excuses just being honest.

    I am not a mom, so of course I could not possibly know ANYTHING. However, I also work in an office--a home office, so I don't even have to walk to my car in the morning. I still managed to get 20,000 steps and log all of my food today.

    If what you are doing now isn't working for you, you are going to need to do more, right? I'm hearing a lot of excuses from you...but when you are ready to get down to business, you will.

  • earthakin
    earthakin Posts: 15 Member
    Just for today-
    No snacking in between meals.
    3 meals that I will log
    No eating after dinner is over!!!!
    drink 96 ounces of water

    That should be achievable.
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    edited February 2015
    Just for today 2/23/15
    1.) do not give up on me (*)
    2.) get on the treadmill and do my exercise (nope, did not achieve) quote]

    Just for today Tuesday 2/24/15
    1.) work out on treadmill at lunch
    2.) do weights when I get home tonight

  • taxmom9093
    taxmom9093 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Ruby70, thank you for your post. I may look like I have it together, but I have a long way to go before I get where I need to be. It IS Hard to fit this all in with your work, mom stuff, wife stuff etc. You need to figure out for you what you must do. For me, if I stop logging, I lose track and can start into bad habits way too easily. No, one day of excess is not a disaster, but two or three or more can undo my hard work. Logging keeps me honest, and if I see I may be over one day, I can substitute a lower calorie meal (that I love of course) for something else to keep it in balance. Do I always succeed? Well, I would not have regained those 5 pounds I'm unhappy about if I was always successful. Your goal for Do Not Give Up on Yourself is one we all need to remember. Hang in there, this does get easier as you keep going.

  • taxmom9093
    taxmom9093 Posts: 1,296 Member
    taxmom9093 wrote: »
    1. take a walk. short or long, I need a walk today :) Eh, a short walk around the house before work, but a walk anyway
    2. log everything I eat, consistency is key here :( Did really well until I was late getting out of work. Yes, I did grab a brownie for dinner, and I have no idea how to log it. :(
    3. Stay focused at work. There is too much to do for me to waste time. :| Some focus yes, but I allowed myself to get distracted too much.

    I woke up with a massive headache that does not want to let go. I've tried medicine, heat, a walk (sometimes it goes away after exercise) and fluids. It is at least a little better right now, but I do not look forward to work if this keeps up. Anyway, I will not let this be an excuse today.

    Just for today I will

    1. Take a walk
    2. Log everything I eat. Honestly
    3. No excuses. Everyone has challenges, I do too.

    Keep Trying Everyone! Even small steps get you closer to your goals.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    So sorry I didn't get a chance to post last nite. We have been swamped with year-end tax stuff - which leads to stress - which leads to unplanned eating :\

    But Ruby, I wanted to thank you for your post. I think you have put in words what many of us are going through right now. I know it is hard work, and it does take a lot of time with logging food, planning meals, etc. But I do know that it is so worth it. But having said that, I am in the same boat as you are, and I think several others are also. I also only want to lose 25-30 lbs, just to get me out of the "overweight" category, and it is hard.

    But the most important thing we are doing is trying, each day, one day at a time. Like Rae said, eventually it will sink in, and it will become second nature. I know I have terrible eating habits - I eat when I am stressed, I eat when my mental ill daughter has a bad day, I eat when we had to put our kitty down because it reminded me of loves ones I had lost. I eat when I am happy too. And those habits have been around for 50 yrs - it takes time to change those habits.
    But I know when I was 15 lbs lighter how much better I felt, and how much more energy I had. I could handle stress in ways other than food.

    So hang in there. We are all in this together. And keep "venting" on this board. You never know when what you put down is exactly what someone else is thinking, and that helps all of us!

    One day at a time!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    Yesterday I did so good again all day, until evening came. Popcorn led to a protein bar, a apple, a bowl of cheerios! While all OK things, that lead to almost 400 more calories. :\

    So just for today
    1. Get out for a walk. It is going to be 35 - warm enough for a long walk!
    2. drink more water
    3. Eat only ONE small bowl of popcorn - then brush teeth, drink water. But no more food
  • Hello! I'd love to join your "just for today" challenge! I just joined MFP & want to be held accountable as well. So thank you!!! So, for today:
    1. I am starting to count my calories and log my daily diet
    2. I will do my favorite pilates/yoga workout
    3. I will drink 3 glasses of water today
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    edited February 2015

    1. 15,000 steps :D 20,073
    2. Do super-intense Zumba class :D
    3. Stay below 100 G/carbs :| eh...almost!

    1. Going on a trip--continue tracking.
    2. 10,000 steps
    3. Go kayaking!
  • losingrae
    losingrae Posts: 260 Member
    losingrae wrote: »

    Just for Today 2/23
    1. log :)
    2. get in 30 minutes of exercise :) it was a beautiful night! crisp, cold and clear. The stars were amazing!

    Just for Today 2/24
    1. log
    2. get in 30 minutes of exercise

    I know I keep doing the same small goals, but this seems to be working, so why hack it?
  • jabrams1955
    jabrams1955 Posts: 55 Member
    Yeah! I actually stayed in my calorie count yesterday, and whole day! I had lost 8 lbs and then have gained it all back so I am starting over -- I'm the same weight as in December 2014. I know this is Just for Today, but I have a deadline coming up, a challenge to lose 5 lbs in the next five weeks --- the big 60 is approaching and I'm anxious about that and would like to feel a little lighter. so for today again I will stay within my calories. Treat this challenge as a mindset and changing habits, as so many of you have previously stated.
    Enjoy your day!
  • jabrams! You can do this! I commit to stay in my calorie count with you for today! I feel better already!