Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Semi-annual checkup today. No more high blood pressure meds. Yea me! The dr was very impressed when I told him about the 10k, too.
    Wish I could share our beautiful weather with you.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • silver12176
    silver12176 Posts: 70 Member
    @kah68‌ My husband was in the navy and they got like 2 inches in NC I think and they weren't going to let them on the interstate until they saw that they had northern plates, then they did lol.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning everyone. As usual the hubby has been keeping me crazy busy while he is home but I have been reading all the posts and cheering you all on. I just got some stuffed shells all prepared and ready for dinner. All I have to do now is throw them in the oven when its time :) I am sneeking healthier and healthier stuff into the familys food and they haven't caught on yet. I made a mac and cheese casserole where the cream base was pureed cauliflower. My pickiest eater had two helpings :) I have also been making my mashed potatoes half and half with potatoes and cauliflower. I love them they come out really silky and creamy. Ty to everyone who replied to the post about my son. He is finally settling in and got over the seasickness. He isnt sure he wants to make a career out of it but no more talk about quitting. I have been doing great with walking the dogs and only missed a couple days of logging. We took a road trip to Idaho for a big family function and with eating out and potlucks I just decided to eat as smart as I could and chalk the weekend up to life. There was only a slight gain this morning and that's most likely sodium and so much sitting in the truck. If my husband doesn't get called back to work early we are going to sequim on Sunday. They are right on the Puget sound coast up by where the sound and the pacific meets. When the tide goes down there is just over a mile of sandbar that becomes exposed and should make for a lovely walk. I will try to get some pictures and see f I can figure out how to post them.

    @Kah I am happy to hear you got your car back. Its a good idea to be careful with those kind of roads.
    @mnwalkingqueen I am sure you will get back to that confident person you once were. You might have let things get a little out of control but then you took control of the situation. That was the first most important step.
    @tlh047 I have that happen sometimes after working out. My blood sugar levels are all normal but that burns up a lot of our electrolytes at once. Smart move to listen to your body and get something to eat.
    @grandmakaye I loved the pic you panted of papa and the grandbaby. These are the moments we all live for :)
    @ereilly I cant believe you shoveled all that snow and then played a full game of basketball. I wouldn't be sore I would be in traction, lol
    @mountmary84 I agree with you that checking in and recording are the most important steps. I like the little extra challenges through the month but as long as I am getting the first two I know things will keep working towards my goal
    @melifornia I love the pic of your kitty. I have four furbabbies but haven't been able to get the pics to post. Thank goodness you found him safe and sound
    @susan2396 aIts good to hear you are settling back into your old stomping grounds. Once you find your groove we will all be here ready to hear all about it :)
    @hansea 47 don't beat yourself up to much about your mom of the year moment. we have all had them. Hopefully your daughters ankle heals quickly and she can go back to "whining" about the inconsequential things. My daughters were both the same way
    @skinnyjeansbound that girls weekend sounds so fun. I am trying to organize just a girls day here next month to go to our local tulip festival. It can get challenging with all the different schedules
    @lauriek70 that was a great job with the swimming. I love to play in the water but my actual swimming skills are very basic. One of my bigger rewards on my weight loss scale is white water rafting. I am hoping I finally earn that one this summer :)

    Alrighty I got to get moving. Have errands to run and healthy food to buy. Have a great day everyone and I will cya later. :):):)
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member

    My fur babies. Black doggie is petey, Blonde doggie is Zeus, Gray kitty is loki and black kitty is isis
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Happy Tuesday!! So Atlanta got a dusting of the white stuff. While it’s pretty, I don’t care to see even one snowflake. It’s so funny my office made an announcement with the pending snow tomorrow we can wear jeans. Seriously? I’m not complaining one bit I’ll take jeans over business casual any day, but it’s just funny to me. I guess after growing up in the snow belt near Lake Erie this winter scare just makes me laugh. On a good front, I did log today. First time in forever!!! Baby steps right??!!! 

    @NK1112/Niki – Thanks for the picture information. I’m going to give it a shot in a separate post. It was much harder before. You had to use an outside source like Photobucket, type in this crazy nomenclature using different brackets and hope it posted – it was nuts!!

    @Mountmary/Barb – We all just do what we can do. We all know our bodies and we’re each different. I know we’ve got a few of you up in the 60’s-70’s and everyone is at their own pace. Perhaps even an indoor exercise video could work too, but again at your own pace. I can relate to the calories thing too. I’ve known a few folks who just focused on the calories and lost their first 30 lbs or so without any exercise. Granted, it was a “little” slower, but they still took it off and eventually added some movement. Do what you can do!!

    @Cblue315/Lori – Totally agree on the accuracy. I remember Kelley saying it ALL the time and using the acronym, BLT – every bite, lick and taste. So important.

    @Ereilly311 – Yes, his height has been a blessing and a curse. Everyone treats him like he should act older like a 16 year old, but he’s not. Thank goodness he was a boy though because it’s much tougher on the girls that’s for sure. When you mentioned shoveling snow, while I lived in the snow belt, I think I shoveled maybe a handful of times. We were so spoiled. My dad worked for the city and would bring home the snow grater. Our driveway, sidewalk, etc. . . was always clean. Plus, he did our neighbors too. During the holidays, they would bombard us with treats thanking my dad. As for the roof, are you crazy??!!! You’re braver than I am.

    @Silver12176 – Popcorn is my downfall at the movies for sure. I sometimes will bring him my own light version or a bag of almonds in my purse. I know I’m not supposed too, but I always want to snack on something.

    @MNwalkingqueen/Holly – Do you have arthritis in your family? Has the doctor mentioned losing weight to help? I know for some people it doesn’t matter how healthy they are, but it’s just part of the genetic disposition. I know I battled with plantar fasciitis for a while, but once I get below a certain weight it went away. Thank goodness!!

    @Laurachickman – Welcome!!

    @Kah68 – I think our weather is almost identical between Dallas and Atlanta. While most of our kids were in school, they’re calling for the same thing with 2-3 inches the next day or so. Plus, we have very limited snow plows so nothing gets cleaned. Sorry about the trainer. I know how much time, effort, money and everything else you’ve spent. Trainers are not cheap that’s for sure, but it’s so important to find the right one. I know I always took your and Laurie’s advice when I was working with one before. I know you can do it on your own, but hopefully things can get somewhat back to the way they were.

    @grandmakaye – No more high pleasure medicine??!! That’s huge!!! Good for you!! I’m so proud of you on this journey to a better you!!!

    @jtconst – I’m so glad your son settled down. Like you said he may not make it a career, but a great learning experience and to earn some $$ too. I loved your idea of blending the potatoes and cauliflower. I’ve heard it’s good, but haven’t tried it. I know skinny/Karen makes a cauliflower crust for her pizza, which I’ve wanted to try as well. Thanks for sharing the fur babies – so sweet!!

  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    My first time posting a picture without having to use Photobucket - thank goddness. Hope it works!!!

    So as many of you know I work in the foodservice industry and my job is to source products. Well, HoneyBaked Ham doesn't have a chocolate dessert. Shame on us!! So I'm sourcing a new product we can offer this holiday season. I had 6 vendors and 24 products of all chocolate - cakes, pies and cheesecakes. Here was the display. It was a rough day of sampling. I tried bites of maybe 5 and that's it. What a day!!

  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Oh lord susan that is some major self control when faced with all that. Kuddos to you :)
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    edited February 2015
    @ Susan ... Oh My ... my mouth waters just looking at those lovely chocalte desserts. !

    Tuesday - Goals (do you have a personal goal you want to share with us?)
    - I'm struggling today because I do what I want to do instead of doing what I have to do. So I really need to focus myself on building a meaningful goal, because obviously the ones I've been setting have not been meaningful enough ... otherwise I would be busily working on them instead of spinning my wheels at stuff that is in the realm of 'amusing' or 'time consuming but not productive'. This is all in my personal habits of daily living. I wonder if I was always like this but just never recognized it before?

    February Challenge:
    Calories at goal are 22/23
    ALL-IN --- all out!

    Thinking more about the MARCH CHALLENGE ... got me researching a little about the history of the month of March ... which happens to be my birth month. I thought that reading up on it was a better use of my time today than cleaning the bathroom or scrubbing the kitchen floor B) ...

    ... Did you know that March 1, in the Nothern Hemisphere, is the meterological beginning of spring? The name 'March' comes from the Latin work 'Martius' ... the first month of the earliest Roman calendar and was named for the Roman god Mars; who was not only the god of war but also a guardian of acgriculture? In the land of my heritage, March 1 began the numbered year in Russia until the end of the 15th century. Many other cultures and religions still celebrate the beginning of the New Year in March, and Great Britian did until 1752 when they finally adopted the Gregorian calendar. The Daffodil is the floral emblem of March. This trumpet-like flower heralds the arrival of spring and the spiritual symbolism of the Daffodil is so clear, so bright, that it blasts away illusion. The animal symbol for March is the Hare (Rabbit), and the phrase "Madder than a March hare" related to rabbits going bonkers around this time of year because they feel the call of spring just as stronly as everyone and everything else. Creatures of all kinds feel the tremors of sprintime's return and respond to it in wild courtship. It's a celebration of life. Of new beginnings.

    ... Some interesting "March On' quates for March are ...

    "March on. Do not tarry. To go forward is to move toward perfection. March on, and fear not the thorns, or the sharp stones on life's path." -- Khalil Gibran

    "If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away." -- Henry David Thoreau

    Put your thinking caps on and get ready to reveal what YOUR March Challenge will be. :)
  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    Wow, Susan, talk about temptation!

    I have what's probably a silly question - I've been hit by the stomach bug that's been going around here, likely just a 24-hour thing. Lost most of last night's dinner and so far today I've only been able to keep some applesauce and Cream of Wheat down, to the tune of under 500 calories. Mom is bringing me some bananas and ginger ale, which should get me to the 750 range. I know ingesting less than 1200 calories/day is a giant no-no, but if it's just a day or two when you're sick, that's OK, right? I can count on one hand the number of times I've been sick like this in the past 20 years. :stuck_out_tongue:
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    edited February 2015
    Melissa, just let your stomach rest. It will let you know when it is time to eat again. Be sure to stay hydrated as best you can.

  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Hello All,
    NSV - I achieved one of my longtime goals tonight. I have my first triathlon coming up in July. While I can swim I have never been able to "crawl" I can dog paddle, breast stroke and back stroke. Tonight I learned the whole, head turn, breathing, stroke thing. I feel confident that I can do this.

    @susan2396‌ - WOW, that would have been far too difficult for me to handle, kudos to you.

    @melifornia‌ - Yes, your body is telling you to lay off the food. Part of loosing weight and moving to a healthier life is to learn to listen to what your body is really saying.

    Love to all,
    Lori <3
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @melissa--I agree with barb, don't force yourself to eat if you're sick. A day or two below goal isn't going to hurt you. I 'loved the picture of marlowe and was so happy to hear you got him back safe and sound.

    @niki--loved the march quotes. :smile:

    @susan--OMG that chocolate looks delicious! Do remember when we were at Mastros and we were going to split the chocolate cake and the cheesecake? I think you got one bite of the chocolate before I devoured the rest. At least I left you most of the cheesecake... :blush: Yeah, no job yet for my DH. He's not happy being out of work, but I think he's taking it well. In part, this is probably due to the fact that I've always been the primary wage-earner, and he's always been the one who does more of the cooking and cleaning. He is also very handy, so has gotten through a lot of little household repairs that he'd put off in the past.

    @tammy--love the pic of your fur-kids!

    @silver, kelley, and holly--loved the stories about driving in the snow. LOL

    @kaye--hooray for no more BP meds!

    @kelley-despite planning for "snow days," we also have to make them up at the end of the year. :(

    @erin--haha--yeah, teaching is a lot of work, both in and out of the classroom. As a sped teacher you will have less papers to grade, but more paperwork as a case manager for your students. It's all a trade-off, and what I've found over the years is that none of it is easy. However, it's very much worth it. :smile:

    @tracy--yes, the cold days make the less cold days feel warmer. Today we made it up to about 30 F which felt balmy. Sorry about your sister's situation.

    @lindsey--welcome! Getting started is always hard, but if you force yourself to go to the gym a few times, I bet you will start to like it. :)

    @laurie--love your goals! That tri is only a couple of months away--you must be getting excited.

    AFM--well, today was interesting. I got home from PT and DH informed me that he spoke to his mother. This is the first time he's talked to her since Nov. of 2013. She's called and left a few messages--some nasty and some sweet--but he hadn't returned her calls. Today she left a message saying she had money she wanted to repay us and wanted to know if she could come drop it off. This is money we GAVE to her several years ago. The bulk of it was to fix her car, and we made it very clear when we paid for the return that it was NOT a loan and we didn't want her to pay it back. Her message said if he didn't call her, she would just leave the money in the mailbox. Of course that was her way of manipulating him into calling b/c he didn't want her to put almost $1000 cash in our mailbox!

    He called her to tell her to keep her money, and she was nasty and said she was done with us--hates me, hates him, hates his sister--and would just leave the money in the mailbox. He told her no and that if she felt so strongly about giving it to us, she could just mail a check. She refused--said we would just tear it up (which we would). After getting off the phone with her, DH left the house to take gunner for a walk b/c he didn't want to be here if she showed up. When he got home, the money was in the mailbox with a nice note thanking us for it. I swear the woman is bipolar.

    Silver lining is we have some extra money to put toward bills.

    Tuesday Goals:
    Well, my dept meeting for tomorrow has been canceled, so I will either use the time to go to the gym or to grade. Leaning towards grading, but we'll see how I feel tomorrow and how much grading I get done throughout the school day.

    February Challenge:
    Under weekly calorie goal: 1/4 weeks
    All-in strength challenge=balance exercises 3 x/week; PT 1-2 x/week; run 2 x/week:
    Week 1: 2/3 balance; PT DONE; 2/2 runs
    Week 2: 2/3 balance; PT DONE; 2/2 runs
    Week 3: 3/3 balance; PT DONE; 2/2 runs
    Week 4: 1/3 balance; PT; 1/2 runs
    8k at end of month (not sure what day) in 55 minutes (Thanksgiving 8k = 56:49, NYE 8k = 57:47,1/25 = 55:41)

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/64 BNW journal reflections
    2. x/64 AP essays
    3. x/ 64 AP quizzes

    Exercise Goals: (week 4)
    Sun--rest day
    Mon--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym DONE
    Tues--PT DONE
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner + gym

    2015 mantra "Just 15 minutes"
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Susan- I am happy to see you again. I the dessert's at Junior's in NYC. All that chocolate, great job in only taking a few bites. The Bosu ball is a challenge as well.

    Karen- I am not sure if I am excited about the triathlon or just scared about getting nervous and wanting to back out. My goal is to stay calm for this event and not get overwhelmed with training for the event. The last time I was going to a triathlon, work and life turned busy and I backout and that was only an indoor triathlon. I won't start training in earnest until next week, since this week I am busy all week with meetings after work.

    Melissa- So happy that you found your cat, he is adorable.

    Welcome to new people.

    Goal-To make health choices as I will eating out many nights this week.

    Have a great week and do your best to stay warm and safe.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Woke up to snow yesterday and there's another storm on the way. It's not supposed to start until late this afternoon so I hope to get a chilly walk in at lunch. I cannot wait for Spring. So tired of walking in the cold!

    Work is still very busy, but I'm finally getting more comfortable with the second of my projects and that's helped my stress level a lot. And that's helped me get back on track. Go figure.

    On an exciting note, this Saturday is when DD is getting engaged. She doesn't know and it's been over a month of keeping the secret. Can't wait to hear her excitement!!

    Have a wonderful day!

  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Had a hard time staying asleep last night which led to sleeping later this morning...another quick check in today! My Wed wish is that I sleep solid tonight!

    To everyone who had kind words about my daughter's ankle. Thank you! And, it is almost completely healed today...she still has a tender bruise, but the swelling and limp are gone. :)

    Calorie Goal- 13/24
    Exercise Goal- 9/12
    Lift Goal:
    Leg Press-185/200
    Abs- 152.5/165
    Back- 152.5/165
    Triceps- 82.5/90
    Biceps- 82.5/90

    2015 Mantra: You Know Better! ~and~ Finish This Baby!

  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    @Susan- I have a doctor appointment tomorrow to see what next steps should be. My doctor knows I am trying to lose weight we discuss my logging and fitbit use a lot. This is the first time in my life it has gotten this bad, so I am just letting him know that just taking Advil isn’t working anymore because I need it almost daily. In the past he said the fact that it only hurts going up is a plus and being I walk so much is also a plus. That picture of the sampling made me feel for you.
    @cblue- That is awesome that you are doing the triathlon and learning the swimming movements
    @Karen- Your mother in law acts just like my real mom acts at times. I am sorry your DH had to deal with that and yes the silver lining is nice. (((Hugs)))
    @Lives to Travel- Congrats on the new son in law.

    AFM- Wed wish is that I keep on with the good changes that I am making. That my mind stays positive. My son got fired from his job and at first I wanted to freak out on him. But you know what it’s a life lesson he is learning and rather it be under my roof than him calling me for rent I can’t afford. I suggested he look into going back to school now that he has the free time. He was told though the ripping and running with the car will be limited with no gas money.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    edited February 2015
    @Kaye…what a great check up!!! You’ve worked so hard and that’s a great reward!
    @Tammy…have a great little getaway with your hubby!
    @Susan…you can’t get anywhere without taking that first step. Good job on logging. While I don’t like chocolate desserts as a rule and those wouldn’t tempt me, if it was salty stuff or fruity stuff I would have gone under. Great self control!
    @Erin…I, like Susan, have been spoiled when it comes to shoveling. Grew up on a farm where Dad would do the short little stoop on his way out of the house and then the tractor would do the whole yard. After I got married and bought a house, my husband wanted to buy a snow-blower. I said okay (it was a LOT of money for us at the time) as long as that means I don’t have to shovel. In my almost 20 years of marriage, I bet I have shoveled less than 2 dozen times. And now I have a teenager so…
    @Melissa…when you are sick, it’s fine to go lower than recommended as long as it doesn’t take too many days. Just make sure you stay hydrated. Feel better!
    @Lori…whoop whoop!
    @Karen…MIL strikes again! But like you said its $1000 and I hope you use at least part of it for something nice for you and your hubby.
    @L2T…ooooh…Saturday will be fun.

    AFM…Well, yesterday’s goals were so close. I went over calories by 87 and only got 6 glasses of water drank. Emma had a good conference. Her math is slipping (dang multiplications and division timed tests!!! ) so we’re going to send her to summer school just so she doesn’t fall behind. I was already planning on it just to give her something to do since I work from home and she would be bugging me. Jacob had his last regular game of the season. They lost (no big surprise) but he had a good game. The team had 20 points, and he had 9 of them and a ton of steals. He was frustrated from losing all year and I had to remind him that as long as he got better he was having a good year. Just one more game at the tournament and then we will be done.

    We picked up another round of Girl Scout cookies yesterday, which included our family’s order. I’m going to have to be very strategic about these things and get them hidden fast. LOVE the caramel delights and peanut butter patties!

    No gym for me tonight as I will get to church at 5:00 and not leave until about 8:45. I love Lent, but wow it can make it busy! Our Cantata is probably my favorite one so far…I hum it for a week after singing it. HA!

    Wednesday Wish: That my son is allowed lunch today. He was told yesterday to bring lunch money and failed to tell me. I did get a negative balance email but not until after he had left for school. If not, I guess a cheese sandwich will maybe make him remember these important things. :wink:
  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    @skinnyjeanzbound - Maybe you and DH should spend some of MIL's blood money on a couples massage. :smiley:

    @lives2travel - Congrats on the new son-in-law! And good job keeping that secret for a month.

    Thank you for your advice last night. I thought it would be OK to be under for a couple of days, but I read such adamant posts, even rants, about dropping below 1200 calories in other threads, that it made me question myself for a minute. I couldn't imagine getting - or keeping - any more food down, though. And I definitely got dehydrated. Working on that today with sloooow water ingestion.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    So Atlanta is about to go on lock down with the potential white stuff coming. After last years ordeal, everyone is taking extra precautions. Schools already cancelled. My office is closing at Noon today so everyone can get home before it starts. I still have to chuckle just because of my years growing up in the snow belt near Lake Erie. I know they don't have the equipment, cars are not equipped, but it still makes me smile at all the theatrics.

    I know this is a day early, but my Thursday Truth is my weight is higher than I thought. I knew I had gained a few pounds, but it was definitely more than I thought. What should I expect? I'm not eating well and not moving. It's not rocket science. Of course, I would gain. I'm going to clean the kitchen, plan my meals and start back exercising this weekend. I know I can do it. I'm settled in the new city, house, job, etc. . . No more excuses!!!!

    @NK112 - Thanks for the March 101. I almost thought I was having a Tom moment with his daily tidbits of information. Love that stuff!

    @Melfornia - Girl, don't worry about calories just get better!! It's only one or two days. Take the weight loss and get some rest.

    @Lori - You could do breast stroke before crawl? I can't do the frog kick to save my life, but I can crawl for miles. A tri is no easy feat. So proud of you and accomplishing your goals you've set for yourself. You rock!

    @Karen - Girl, I knew you would respond. I truly thought we would share, but you were enjoying that chocolate cake so much. I really didn't think you would eat it all. LOL!! I'm still in awe of your MIL. I knew it had been awhile, but not since 11/2013 that your DH hadn't spoken to her. Of course, double WOW she left the $$ in the mailbox. It's really sad she has brought all of this on herself and doesn't ever realize it.

    @Holly - Sorry to hear about your son, but your right about life's lessons. Do you think he'll consider school? Perhaps a technical school? What does he like to do? I'm sure Tammy can relate too as her son started the job on the fishing boat and questioning his decision. I know my time is right around the corner with Cyrus. Time goes by so fast. I know you'll keep us posted. I hope it's not arthritis, but something you can control. I'm supposed to see a new primary now that I'm back in a new city. I know it's not going to be pretty and hate discussing the weight stuff, but it can't be avoided. Sigh. Luckily, my numbers have always been good except the weight. With my age creeping up, I need to get it under control before those others numbers like BP, cholesetrol, etc. . . go higher.

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Tammy~Looks like everyone is snuggled in. :wink:

    @Susan~I think the storm system that came thru here is headed your way, we did dodge a bullet though—it was above freezing all night and the upper atmosphere was around 45 degrees so we got rain until about 8am when it started sleeting/snowing. Roads were just wet for my drive in, but visibility was low. I love to watch it snow, but sure don’t miss the piles and piles of it growing up in NY. Everything is worked out with my trainer, he knows where I stand—I would like to get ahead with some finances and have a cruise (final pmt due in May) to save for, my primary reason for taking a break with him for a while. I think I gained 5# just looking at that picture! :lol:

    @melifornia~I wouldn’t worry about calories when you are battling a stomach bug, let your system rest and recover. Just drink fluids, have chicken broth, dry toast or saltines, maybe some Jell-O—stuff that’s easy on the tummy. Today, if your stomach feels up to it—you could try drinking some Gatorade or Powerade, it will help restore some electrolytes.

    @Skinnyjeanzbound (Karen)~It never ends with your MIL does it?! :frowning: I’m sorry for the continued drama, but yay for extra cash to help out with bills! :smile: