May Move Your *kitten* Challenge



  • gehlerc
    gehlerc Posts: 651 Member
    7 mile jog this morning.
  • bri1720
    bri1720 Posts: 254 Member
    10.08 miles biked
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    1.15 elliptical
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    4.5 miles run today. :flowerforyou:

    Gotta try to get out earlier tomorrow, before it gets too warm.
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,445 Member

    Nothing happened! I still plan on continuing my walking and eating routine.

    I felt the group wasn't socialable enough. No feed back of any kind. Plus I didn't care for counting your miles for every exercise. There's no challenge if a walker is going up against a bike.

    Good Luck !!

    Sorry to see you go. This has been one of the best threads I've found. We have been moving since Nov at incrediable records. Hope you'll stick around a little longer.
  • gehlerc
    gehlerc Posts: 651 Member
    4 mile walk today after work.

    Good *kitten*-moving, people. Keep it up!! :drinker:
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    5.5 miles walked today
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    9.8 miles for today. 2 miles walking at work & 7.8 mile bike ride home.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    After sucking up and pumping out MORE water from the basement today (we even had to do it at 3 till 4 a.m.:noway: ) I got on my bike and rode 13.25 miles!

    To the previous poster who is disappointed in the thread: sorry to see you go and I hope you do stay with working out and keeping your nutrition on the level. I love this thread because I am only competing with me! Nobody else! It is great to see sooo many people pushing themselves to do better every day whether it is walking, biking, ellipticalling, running or swimming! I am NO way a long distance runner although once in a while I PUSH myself to go further than the day before so I will not accumulate the miles those distant runners can rack up! This is not a competion just a challenge for ourselves that we set at the beginning of each month! Some people NEED feedback each time they post and I am sorry this was something you expected, I on the other hand do not, just like I do not need someone or a gym to workout everyday!! We'd be happy that you stay and keep logging miles in the challenge you set for YOURSELF but if you're not happy we wish you success!!
  • shannonaufman
    shannonaufman Posts: 383
    2.75 miles with C25K this morning, and another mile at work today. Signature updated.

    Bluiz -- amazing, amazing run this morning!! I'm glad you're keeping up with the running after finishing C25K. Be careful not warming up/cooling down. I'm so paranoid about injuries!
  • miswen
    miswen Posts: 113 Member
    I love this link. I know I am only challenging myself but seeing how much other people move helps motivate that competitive side of me to keep on moving.
    I am exhausted today. I had an unexpected long walk home from work- got lucky and was only sprinkled on. I did add a treadmill walk. 12 miles todayl
  • mrshill1618
    mrshill1618 Posts: 14
    Feelin pretty good about this!!! lol

  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member

    I Understand that I'm challenging myself. I just came off another walk challenge that I've been on since December. We were going strong, people would come and go, But I still did my own thing and chatted away to myself :blushing: But it get's to a point where you feel like your alone on the darn thread. I picked up a good friend, but I think the leader has reached her goal weight and is no longer interested in keeping the thread going. Thats why I had jumped ship :blushing:
    Some people are like robots, just coming on to say I did so many miles & jump off. Not a hello or Have a good day to the group.
    It's nice to get some feed back of some kind. Even if its not directly to someone.
    Sorry to go on & On, But I'm really looking for a challenge SO I can challenge myself. There needs to be some kind of group challenge, That's why we have them. I can do the same thing everyday at home, logging my miles walked on my home calendar, the group is to keep you motivated to push yourself. NOT ONLY against yourself, But YES! the group too.

    I just felt the need to respond back. GOOD LUCK TO YOU ALL & I'll meet you at the finish line :bigsmile:
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member

    I Understand that I'm challenging myself. I just came off another walk challenge that I've been on since December. We were going strong, people would come and go, But I still did my own thing and chatted away to myself :blushing: But it get's to a point where you feel like your alone on the darn thread. I picked up a good friend, but I think the leader has reached her goal weight and is no longer interested in keeping the thread going. Thats why I had jumped ship :blushing:
    Some people are like robots, just coming on to say I did so many miles & jump off. Not a hello or Have a good day to the group.
    It's nice to get some feed back of some kind. Even if its not directly to someone.
    Sorry to go on & On, But I'm really looking for a challenge SO I can challenge myself. There needs to be some kind of group challenge, That's why we have them. I can do the same thing everyday at home, logging my miles walked on my home calendar, the group is to keep you motivated to push yourself. NOT ONLY against yourself, But YES! the group too.

    I just felt the need to respond back. GOOD LUCK TO YOU ALL & I'll meet you at the finish line :bigsmile:

    I actually agree with you. I have joined many challenges only to quit when I notice there is no interaction among the group members, or (even worse) when the group is already well established and I never seem to feel as though I fit in. I thought this would be good for a month long challenge, and if I wasn't happy with it after the month I don't have to join again.

    So far I like this because I feel as though I'm only striving for my own personal goal and I like to see the stats and charts that Dinos is posting (Thank You!!!)! But it would be nice if there were more interaction among challenge participants. I'm not sure how I feel about challenges among the group members, only because, as has been previously mentioned, everyone is doing different activities. A walker has no chance against a cyclist. And keeping statistics by activity, as has also already been mentioned, would be pretty difficult and time consuming!
  • Carolegn
    Carolegn Posts: 7
    I have configured and updated my ticker's. I did 5.2km (3.2miles) on treadmill this morning.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Good job EVERYBODY for moving their butt's today!! Some days are easier than other's huh? My mantra is "Just keep putting one foot in front of the other!"
    I just finished walking 2.5 miles because I knew if I stayed in the house I would either fall asleep in the recliner (to early for that) or eat something I should not! The crisp evening air refreshed me to suck up water for my last time tonite! G' nite all!
  • jklm
    jklm Posts: 281
    I'd like to join this...30 miles. I'm rejoining MFP and have to start back at the beginning. Groan!
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,275 Member
    The weather has been yucky here, but I got my hubby to go with me and the baby bug on a fun walk this evening. 2.4 miles, ticker is updated! I'm all signed up for two 5Ks, one this weekend, and the next weekend!
  • tbever
    tbever Posts: 173 Member
    Wow, I have been a slacker this week! First time to work out so far this week! Walked 3.5 miles on lunch break tonight. Ticker is updated!
  • Haven't been checking in here recently... Sorry about that! But I have been moving my *kitten* some so that's good. I'm really hating on the days where I completely slack off though, it puts such a damper on my life. I've been on such a routine with this that it's getting boring. I do awesome for 4 days in a row with exercising and logging and then about 3 days of no logging and minimal exercise... Then repeat. I'm tired of it! Anyway, I'll let some of the water I just chugged soak in and then it's off to see Jillian for a shredding party level 2. Happy moving everyone!
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