

  • gkauf744
    gkauf744 Posts: 128 Member
    I had to stay up late to work on a research project last night & I kept myself awake by eating all of my son's Girl Scout cookies! (He bought a box of Samoas at the mall yesterday) And I ate them. All. (And I only went over by 78 calories!!)
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Confession: I have a bad cold and the only thing that sounds good to eat is a muffin. I really should not be contemplating consuming so many carbs, especially since I'm not at all up to exercising today.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    Confession: I have a bad cold and the only thing that sounds good to eat is a muffin. I really should not be contemplating consuming so many carbs, especially since I'm not at all up to exercising today.

    What's that saying... "feed a cold..."? ;)

  • berlynnwall
    berlynnwall Posts: 669 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Please believe me when I tell you that several of the mom's at my older kid's school are super stuck up and judgmental. This makes me sound like the jerk, but I'm really so laid back and these people just drive me nuts! The other day, they had a bake sale at the band and strings concert and one of those women made chocolate chip cookies. She listed all the ingredients on a paper and in caps put ORGANIC before each thing, i.e. "ORGANIC flour, ORGANIC sugar.." It was so obviously competitive nonsense ( listing the ingredients at all was not required or expected). She was the winner of best mom in the world for sure. I find this type of behavior so obnoxious.

    And that had nothing to do with anything, except that it was annoying.

    Confession: I want the tank top in your profile picture!!! Is that for real, because if so, I need to know where you got it so I can have it in my life STAT!

    I think it was from Victoria's Secret, but Im not sure if they still have them. If you wear a medium, I found one on ebay:
  • lndylou
    lndylou Posts: 8 Member
    I really love my Bud Light Limes. Sometimes I skip on food so I can have an extra beer. I am pretty good with food but I am a stress drinker and find I am stressed a LOT, lol.
  • lndylou
    lndylou Posts: 8 Member
    I was craving something sweet the other night but had absolutely nothing in the house that would satisfy me except some hot chocolate. So I ate two spoonfuls of the powder. Two spoonfuls. Of the powder.

    I have done the same with Nestlé quick. Then feel ashamed after lol. I just decided not to have the stuff in my house for a while so I don't feel tempted. Don't be hard on yourself, most of us do stuff like that whether we are brave enough to admit it or not lol.
  • MsJennyffer
    MsJennyffer Posts: 85 Member
    My scale is tared to 5 pounds above zero.

    It makes me feel better that I get to subtract 5 off the reading.

    Thats interesting, and a nice way to still feel good. Nice trick :)
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Confession: I have a bad cold and the only thing that sounds good to eat is a muffin. I really should not be contemplating consuming so many carbs, especially since I'm not at all up to exercising today.

    What's that saying... "feed a cold..."? ;)

    Too risky!

    I can easily gain 5 pounds in a day if I get off track/eat like a normal person/don't exercise.
  • lndylou
    lndylou Posts: 8 Member
    I wear spanx all the time. I never leave the house without something to keep my tummy held in. :(

    I just realized I was doing the same thing and decided that it was way past time for me to loose some weight. I have had a flat stomach most of my life and now I'm using clothes to hold it in? No more this has to change. Don't feel bad many of us know how it feels.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Please believe me when I tell you that several of the mom's at my older kid's school are super stuck up and judgmental. This makes me sound like the jerk, but I'm really so laid back and these people just drive me nuts! The other day, they had a bake sale at the band and strings concert and one of those women made chocolate chip cookies. She listed all the ingredients on a paper and in caps put ORGANIC before each thing, i.e. "ORGANIC flour, ORGANIC sugar.." It was so obviously competitive nonsense ( listing the ingredients at all was not required or expected). She was the winner of best mom in the world for sure. I find this type of behavior so obnoxious.

    And that had nothing to do with anything, except that it was annoying.

    Confession: I want the tank top in your profile picture!!! Is that for real, because if so, I need to know where you got it so I can have it in my life STAT!

    I think it was from Victoria's Secret, but Im not sure if they still have them. If you wear a medium, I found one on ebay:


  • Joanna2012B
    Joanna2012B Posts: 1,448 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    caddir wrote: »
    I'm 57 and I play MMOs. Not sure that this should be a confession. That I play them too much might be the confession. I would rather play than exercise, but I am finding exercise is much more enjoyable on a wii-fit than without.

    I wish I could find a MMO that hasn't burned me out. Haven't found any since Rift, which I quit almost 2 years ago. I was playing probably 12 hours a day...

    I confess that I have no idea what an MMO is

    Me too!!
  • MsJennyffer
    MsJennyffer Posts: 85 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    sigh...When I found that I couldn't eat peanut butter in moderation, and had to get it out of my apartment ASAP, I not only threw it away-I drowned the jar in water first so I wouldn't be tempted...

    I can't believe I shared that.

    That is me with Nutella.. I thought I could have it at the house and have a "treat" once in a while. Didn't happen. I applaud you for being able to get rid of yours, I definitely finished mine :( Never bought it again.
  • Allterrain_Lady
    Allterrain_Lady Posts: 421 Member
    I weigh out veggies like sweet potatoes at the grocery store on my food scale, yes I bring it with me. It's a flat black smooth one and looks like an iPad from a distance. It any of the sweet potatoes weigh more than 200 grams I won't buy it. So some weeks, I don't get them, because none are in the magic gram weight. I also buy loose onions and bell peppers on a similar weight method. Again some weeks, there aren't any in that weight.

    I only buy my International Delight coffee creamer in the single serving mini containers like you get at restaurants. That way I know exactly how much creamer is in my coffee every morning.

    I have counted the pieces of popcorn I have eaten.

    All meat for myself is weighed out of the big package, vacuum sealed with date, weight, and either put in the fridge or freezer.

    Packages of cheese are brought home and cut immediately into 1 ounce slices and vacuum sealed and returned to the fridge.

    Lunches for the week are done on Sunday. Monday, Wednesday and Friday I usually do mixed veggies 300 grams frozen weight to be microwaved. Tuesday and Thursday are Broccoli days and that is 400 grams of frozen weight to be microwaved.

    Boxes of Cereal if they are mine, get pre portioned out to 42 gram Ziploc baggies. I'm the only one who will drink 2% milk. So the half gallon gets weighed out into 8 ounce containers and returned to the fridge in their little reusable thermos containers.

    When I make biscuits, I weigh the flour out and do not use a measuring cup. Any flour used for kneading that is left gets scraped up and weighed to subtract from the recipe.

    I have made hamburgers for a party and weighed each patty, and thrown away what would not divide evenly into the calculated weight of the others.

    I can actually nail the number of servings a peanut butter container has in it by the label to perfect accuracy. I weigh it out too.

    I actually own 4 food scales, 1 that travels, 1 at the office and 2 in the kitchen. Their batteries are changed the 1st day of every month whether they need it or not. They are also all the same brand and identical. I'm a lab tech and have used the calibrated weights to check their accuracy, they are in acceptable range. I do this often.

    Shall I continue. I have developed a lot of quirks over my 900+ logging days here.

    You're my hero. Seriously.
  • bkhamill
    bkhamill Posts: 1,289 Member
    Firora wrote: »
    I binged on 2500 calories worth of chocolate in less than two hours.

    I want to do this right now. The past week has been about the worst of my life!
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,369 Member
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Lefty1290 wrote: »
    I feel guilty that I'm working out instead of cuddling with my cat. She wants to snuggle and I'm putting on my work out clothes. :(

    I started insanity max 30 today. My cats have never seen me exercise before. One watched me for about half of the DVD then joined me by laying down in the middle of the mat. I had to do all the exercises all around her. I have had them lay on my computer keyboard and on a book but I give her major props for courage to lay down in the middle of a mat where I am doing burpees.

    My cat is the worst if I'm trying to do yoga, or ab work.

    "Oh! The squishy rug! That's for me to lay on!"

    My cat runs up & lies underneath me when I do planks. Its like she's saying "C'mon! One more minute! YOU CAN DO THIS!"

    I now regret teaching my dogs that it's playtime when I get down on the floor with them. This idea was supposed to be compensation for not being allowed to jump up on me, but it has certainly made hip thrusts and push ups impossible when they're in the same room. Bench press isn't much better, that puts me at eye/tongue/wet nose level.
  • YalithKBK
    YalithKBK Posts: 317 Member
    edited March 2015
    Condiments do not have calories (in my book).
  • rhoffman33
    rhoffman33 Posts: 19 Member
    I have always been the huge California burger on a hard roll with fries and a hamburger appetizer. I could easily go bad in a heartbeat and eat anything and everything. It comes down to deciding I had to lose weight and made a mental commitment just like when I quit smoking cigarettes years ago, I decided it it was time and quit cold turkey. At least with losing weight I can have a comfort food day on occasion.
  • tiona83
    tiona83 Posts: 99 Member
    I once did research to see how many calories sex burned so I could log it (FYI foreplay burns more).
  • stephaniels0416
    stephaniels0416 Posts: 38 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Lefty1290 wrote: »
    I feel guilty that I'm working out instead of cuddling with my cat. She wants to snuggle and I'm putting on my work out clothes. :(

    I started insanity max 30 today. My cats have never seen me exercise before. One watched me for about half of the DVD then joined me by laying down in the middle of the mat. I had to do all the exercises all around her. I have had them lay on my computer keyboard and on a book but I give her major props for courage to lay down in the middle of a mat where I am doing burpees.

    My cat is the worst if I'm trying to do yoga, or ab work.

    "Oh! The squishy rug! That's for me to lay on!"

    My cat runs up & lies underneath me when I do planks. Its like she's saying "C'mon! One more minute! YOU CAN DO THIS!"

    I now regret teaching my dogs that it's playtime when I get down on the floor with them. This idea was supposed to be compensation for not being allowed to jump up on me, but it has certainly made hip thrusts and push ups impossible when they're in the same room. Bench press isn't much better, that puts me at eye/tongue/wet nose level.

    My dog decided every time I did an exercise video, he needed to join in with jumping and licking, so I'd have to stop and put him in his crate. He figured out the connection, so now he lays on his bed and watches. Every once in a while, he'll butt in and I'll have to take him back to his bed, but he's good for the most part. I also discovered a baby gate in the doorway to the room with the treadmill is a great idea. My dog hates closed doors, but he's okay with the gate since he can still see and I don't have to worry about him hurting himself getting in the way.
  • fitfatty88
    fitfatty88 Posts: 273 Member
    So there's this corporate guy that works upstairs that runs during his lunch hour. He came by to ask my boss if it was cool if he used one of the lockers for floor employees to store his running gear to make life easier. Boss said no prob and when the guy walked away he was like "yeah Kevin is a REAL athlete, doing runs and everything! He's done races in like Chicago!" and for some reason that made me furious. Like am I not a "real athlete" because I'm a fat runner? Or because I don't run on my lunch hour and run after work instead?
    I HATE people like this. His kids do cross country so he thinks he knows everything about being an athlete, when he is just one of the team parents. He has mentioned countless times that his kids want him to do a 5K but he's too nervous. And any time before one of my races I'll get that "tee hee good luck!" from him like he thinks I'm lying about running. Why the **** do people do this? /rant

    Other confession...when I had a kitten he would crawl by my face when I'd do push ups. Many minutes of p90x were missed moving him away from where I was so I didn't smush him by accident.