Fit For Future Families - May 2011



  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    Luki - I loved their flip flops as well! They were in these adorable Steve Madden patent pumps that matched exactly their dress (luck!) for the ceremony, but since we had the reception at a YMCA outdoor center with activitieslike volleyball, etc, I wanted them to be able to be a little more comfy!

    Kim, I looove your dress! I don't think I'd seen a full shot of you yet - I love your figure! Gorgeous!

    Jalara, Woot for finding the motivation!!!! I'm impressed!

    Carina, I'm glad things are stepping up for daycare.

    Karen, you are correct, those were in fact whoopie pies! My husband and I don't like cake, and his aunt makes the most DELICIOUS whoopie pies! She makes them for these special trips, so they are actually pretty dear to my husband's family. As our wedding gift, she made us whoopie pies for our 200 guests and the little cake, too! My mom detested the idea of no cake period, so we had the little one for the "cake cutting." ironically, I didn't have a whoopie pie, I had the bite of cake my husband shoved in my face, even though I don't like cake, haha. And we had chocolate, raspberry and vanilla flavors. Pumpkin sounds delish!!! Oh, and we had a Ben & Jerry's ice cream bar towards the end of the night, which was a huge hit! *Fun memories* PS - I'm upset that your Olive Garden breadsticks weren't fresh!!!! Serious tragedy (no, not sarcasm!)

    Alisa, I loved your flowers - I can't believe they were silk - impressive!!! Oh, and as for suggestions, I love eating raw sugar snap peas, they have a nice "crunch" that satisfies my chip craving. And almonds, especially the Emerald Cocoa or Cinnamon Roasts are delicious. They are dusted with those flavors, not coated, so not any added sugar or a lot more cals. String cheese would probably work for you, as well as greek yogurt, which is really really filling. And I second the hummus as well - so yummy!

    Lynn, welcome! What a journey you've had so far! MFP is a great tool to help you keep yourself accountable for food choices and exercise. We have a few PCOS girls and a few hypothyroid girls ( I am one of those), so you have a great support system on this thread. Diabetes is very prevelant in my family as well, as my dad is Type II and my brother is Type I.

    Pam, FC for all of these new steps!

    AFM, AF showed her face last night, and I'm pretty bummed about it, to be honest. Starting cycle 8, which I know is so much shorter than most of your brave ladies have been trying, so I'm sorry for my bad attitude about it. Ugh. *shake it off* DH gets his test results back on Monday, and I hope it's all clear there. If that is the case, we try two more times then I go back to my OBGYN. I'm off to a conference in Boston for this afternoon into tomorrow, so I may be a little quiet over here. Have a great day, ladies!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    May your babydancing be productive and your stay here short.
    I love this Karen! This should be our new motto!!!!

    Pam - hope the tests go well!

    Lynn - welcome! We're glad to have you! Weigh in is on Mondays and we each set our own goals for the week - can't wait to get to know you! Feel free to post wedding pics if you like - it seems to be our big excitement of the week :flowerforyou:

    Andrea - sorry about AF, and please don't EVER feel bad about being sad, we are all on our own journey and we understand how hard it is (just look at all my whoa-is-me posts lately). We're here to support you on the good days and the bad - no matter where we are in our journey! Hugs to you.

    AFM - feeling pretty good today - study day for me and then hopefully the gym with DH tonight.
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member

    Andrea - sorry about AF, and please don't EVER feel bad about being sad, we are all on our own journey and we understand how hard it is (just look at all my whoa-is-me posts lately). We're here to support you on the good days and the bad - no matter where we are in our journey! Hugs to you.

    Thanks, Jalara! :heart: That means a lot. I have to renew my Fertility Friend subscription this month - one more whine. I think you had to as well. Grr! Good luck with your studying! Kick butt at the gym, missy!
  • MrsHinds7
    MrsHinds7 Posts: 64
    Hey Everyone! I am back! I've been MIA for about a week. I went to Kentucky with the hubby to dress up, wear a fancy hat, and participate in lots of derby events. I tried to watch what I ate for the most part, but I didn't get on my fitness pal because I was crazy busy!! So, the craziest thing happened to me while on vacation. So, on the side, I write a lot of freelance articles...mostly for fashion publications. While I was in Kentucky, I wrote one about all the hat trends at the derby and sent it to some places that I've had my work published on Thursday. When I hadnt heard back by lunchtime on Friday, I checked local ads to see if the local newspaper was looking for Derby articles and there was one looking for a freelance writer to cover a Derby party that night. So I applied and sent samples of my work thinking it was a local publication and some kind of socialist party. SOOOO I got an email back from one of the editors at US Weekly in NYC and she ended up hiring me to interview celebrities on the red carpet at the Mint Jubilee (an a-list charity party)!! It was such an amazing experience!! My favorite interview was talking to Betsey Johnson.... I loooooooooooove her!! lol.

    Anyways, I'm back in action and ready to keep losing weight but I wanted to say hi and share my exciting adventure :)
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Hey Everyone! I am back! I've been MIA for about a week. I went to Kentucky with the hubby to dress up, wear a fancy hat, and participate in lots of derby events. I tried to watch what I ate for the most part, but I didn't get on my fitness pal because I was crazy busy!! So, the craziest thing happened to me while on vacation. So, on the side, I write a lot of freelance articles...mostly for fashion publications. While I was in Kentucky, I wrote one about all the hat trends at the derby and sent it to some places that I've had my work published on Thursday. When I hadnt heard back by lunchtime on Friday, I checked local ads to see if the local newspaper was looking for Derby articles and there was one looking for a freelance writer to cover a Derby party that night. So I applied and sent samples of my work thinking it was a local publication and some kind of socialist party. SOOOO I got an email back from one of the editors at US Weekly in NYC and she ended up hiring me to interview celebrities on the red carpet at the Mint Jubilee (an a-list charity party)!! It was such an amazing experience!! My favorite interview was talking to Betsey Johnson.... I loooooooooooove her!! lol.

    Anyways, I'm back in action and ready to keep losing weight but I wanted to say hi and share my exciting adventure :)

    Wow! Congratulations! That's awesome!!
  • libbyadams2010
    libbyadams2010 Posts: 29 Member
    Can I join please? I'm not TTC at this time but I hope to be soon. My husband didn't want anymore kids when we got married and now he is saying maybe. I'm on a mission to lose 40 lbs so If I do talk him into it I'll be at a healthier stage than I was. I so want to have a baby but if it's not meant to be it's just not I'm leaving it in God's hands.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Can I join please? I'm not TTC at this time but I hope to be soon. My husband didn't want anymore kids when we got married and now he is saying maybe. I'm on a mission to lose 40 lbs so If I do talk him into it I'll be at a healthier stage than I was. I so want to have a baby but if it's not meant to be it's just not I'm leaving it in God's hands.
    Welcome Libby! Happy to have you here :) You don't have to be TTC yet to be a member - this is all about motivation (and you'll likely learn WAY to much from all our TTC chatter).
    Weigh in is on Monday and we each set our own goals for the week.

    Happy to have you!
  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    Welcome to the new people!

    Lots of posts so am having a little trouble keeping up so apologies for anything I've missed

    What is a whoopie pie? Don't think we have them here but they looked yummy.

    Really love all the wedding pics, would love to see any more that people might have.

    Welcome back mrs h, sounds like a fantastic break and really exciting stuff.

    Sorry to those having a rough time, I'm always so impressed by the way you guys pick yourselves back up and just keep on trying. Never any self pity on here.

    I'm away over the weekend so will probably have to catch up all over again on monday!
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Sorry I’ve been MIA this week, I’ve been sick, and to add salt to the wound AF showed up! This time it came with some good news though. I was afraid AF would be really late, and it would stop be from being able to do an IUI this month (my clinic is closed for June). Luckily it started on CD33 and I had my CD3 u/s this morning. I will likely O before they shut down for the month so I can still do my IUI. The RE was actually surprised that I had a 12mm follie already! So he sent me off with Femera, it’s my first time taking it so if anyone has experiences they like to share I’d love to hear them! My next u/s is on Monday.

    I love all the wedding photos, I’ll try to read through all the posts and find my photos tonight.
  • minni2906
    minni2906 Posts: 182
    I'll post pictures tonight if I can get hubby off the computer. I tried from work, but it's not working!!
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Good afternoon!!! It is a beautiful sunny day here in MI! :flowerforyou:
    Here's an other long "catch up" post!

    Jalara- Great job on the choice to go to the GYM!!! You are much stronger than I have been in the past few weeks!! I will use your motivation to get my butt up tonight and go to zumba. And yes my dress was SUPER comfy and fun to twirl in!

    Carina- Yay for an other toddler in the daycare!! My mom runs an in-home daycare as well, so I really know the excitement that come with getting a new kiddo.

    Kah- Dang it on the not very fresh breadsticks! I hate when I indulge on something that is calorie high and usually "worth it" and it disappoints. :grumble:
    Welcome to the new friends! Thanks for joining us. May your babydancing be productive and your stay here short. Haha. But, if not, we are here for ya.
    Love this too!

    Alisa- Great choice making at panara! I applaud your strength! There is no way I could have walked in there and not overloaded! You are doing great!! You are going to be smoking in HI!

    Luki- Thanks! Oh, I wish I had your "burning more cals then planning" problem. Good going!

    Lynn- Welcome! My dad had the sleeve surgery last takes just as much hard work and discipline with the surgery than without. You Can Do It without! My mom was told she should get it as well, but she didn't want to. So she started MFP around the same time and has dropped 32 lbs so far and going strong!

    Pam- I feel the same way when I look at everyone's pictures! I love seeing everyone in "real life".

    Andrea- Thank you! Too bad I was at my heaviest on my wedding day. So sorry AF showed! No matter how much you expect it, it will always be a bummer! Hugs!

    MrsH- Yay!!! How exciting!

    Libby- Welcome!

    Pixie- Have a great weekend!

    Ashley- Long time, no see! Sounds like you will have great timing. xfingers crossedx

    AFM.... hmmm... nothing really. Eating pretty well, but caving on junk. I seem to be always hungry lately...ugh. I haven't been to zumba in over a week, so tonight is the night to get back going! DH starts a new shift on Monday, so I will be able to get back in the habit of going Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays :) For some reason I hate going when he is home...I like to sit on the couch with him much more than going and sweating my butt off. Dang it! I am in the mindset to get back into the routine, but motivation is lacking... Bleh.
    Oh and to add to everything, I am stressing over our renter... She hasn't paid since March. :mad: Now, she emails me saying that she would like to pay every two weeks till July to catch up. I guess I have to give her the benefit of the doubt; at least she is trying to plan it all out. But I am afraid it looks pretty on paper, but when it comes to actually paying it won't be so easy. :ohwell: This is some unwanted stress.... Sorry for the vent. :laugh:
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Oh and to add to everything, I am stressing over our renter... She hasn't paid since March. :mad: Now, she emails me saying that she would like to pay every two weeks till July to catch up. I guess I have to give her the benefit of the doubt; at least she is trying to plan it all out. But I am afraid it looks pretty on paper, but when it comes to actually paying it won't be so easy. :ohwell: This is some unwanted stress.... Sorry for the vent. :laugh:

    I would have her sign a formal agreement laying out the details and advise her (in the agreement) that if she defaults then she will be facing eviction and court proceedings.
    I believe in CYA at all costs!
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Oh and to add to everything, I am stressing over our renter... She hasn't paid since March. :mad: Now, she emails me saying that she would like to pay every two weeks till July to catch up. I guess I have to give her the benefit of the doubt; at least she is trying to plan it all out. But I am afraid it looks pretty on paper, but when it comes to actually paying it won't be so easy. :ohwell: This is some unwanted stress.... Sorry for the vent. :laugh:

    I would have her sign a formal agreement laying out the details and advise her (in the agreement) that if she defaults then she will be facing eviction and court proceedings.
    I believe in CYA at all costs!

    Thanks! I think that is what I'll have to do.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Hi ladies, it's your friendly stalker again! :laugh: I just wanted to say that I LOVED looking at the wedding photos. You all looked absolutely beautiful!!!! The women on the pregnancy board are fantastic, but I started out this journey with most of you on this thread and miss you guys!
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Is it the weekend yet? My house is a MESS and I have not time or energy to clean it...ugh!

    Welcome to the new faces!

    Wistful - That sounds like quite a journey! We are happy to have you and as it has been said before, I hope you don't stay too long!

    Andrea - Sorry that AF showed up....If there is one thing i have learned about this whole TTC process it is that she's never there when you want her and she shows up when you don't....Enjoy your conference in Boston...I've never been but it's on my list of places to go!

    Ron - Stalk stalk stalk! We miss you!! Give us updates on your progress! Gender? Names? Common! We can only learn so much from your baby-gaga ticker!

    AFM - Had my appointment with my trainer today! My endurance is growing gradually, but growing non-the less. I was able to get about 20min of what I call the "Special Elliptical" (it's like an elliptical on crack...not sure what it's actually called...) before we did strength/core stuff. We also took my measurements and I have lost 4lbs (her scale says I was at 143 but my scale at home still says 148 so i'm going with her scale since mine is digital and is old so it probably needs new batteries) and I've lost almost 3% body fat! I was super stoked! That is just from hitting the gym MAYBE twice a week and only recently really watching what i'm eating...I can only imagine what it will be if i apply myself! I'm starting to notice physical differences too, I went to scratch the inside of my arm and where is used to be soft and pliable it is now NOTICEABLY firmer!

    One other thing she said when I told her about the PCOS thing and explained to her what it was etc (we talk about the fact that i want to be sexy for my hubs when he gets home and to have a better starting point when we try to get preggo) and she said the higher levels of Testosterone will benefit me bc i will gain muscle faster....Silver lining?

    I went grocery shopping today, I got TONS of healthy stuff....funny thing is one of the things i was most looking forward to getting was hummus, then i come on here and that's what everyone suggested! I have always like hummus but not enough to keep it around...well that has changed...I ate some today with cucumber spears...YUMMO!!
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Oh! Also - Since we have so many new people I think we should do a quick introduction so those that don't have their name in their "MFP name" can still be addressed by first name!

    I'll start even though mine is self explanatory - My name is Alisa Toth, I am a 25 (well, 24...but my birthday is 3 weeks from Monday) Navy wife in Central California! I have a 5yr old from a previous relationship. My husband is currently deployed so TTC has been put on hold, until then trying to lose weight and get my newly found PCOS under control so we can try try try when he gets home!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Great idea Alisa! And congrats on the silver lining!

    So hello all, I go by the name Jalara, I'm from Nova Scotia, Canada and I was military for 12 years (6 infantry, 6 as a clerk) and then got a medical discharge for a neurological issue. I'm now a nursing student, and I married Mr. Right in August 2010. We have applied for adoption (I'm adopted) and are hoping to have a little one on our own as well. We've been TTC for 1 year next month (minus a little time taken off for our wedding) and I just finished 3 cycles of Clomid, am taking 1 month off, and then going on 3 cycles of Clomid again.
    Nice to meet everyone!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Good plan Alisia....

    I'm Pam and I go by the name...uh....Pam. Married to my high school sweetheart for the last almost 10 years. Live in Toronto, Canada with my hubs, 2 dogs and 2 cats. We've been TTC for more than 10 years now without a single BFP. I was diagnosed in 2002 with PCOS and my very smart RE wanted to check my hubs before she put me on Clomid. Good thing, because that would have been pointless since he has a very low sperm count - there is a technical name for it, but I can't think of it right now. My PCOS is pretty classic - with cycles lasting from 4 days to 290 days long. I started my weight loss journey at the end of April last year and as of December have been beating my PCOS symptoms :D Hubs had surgery in Sept to correct a physical issue that was causing the low sperm count, but as of our 3 month appt, it had not improved. We tried adoption in 2004-2007, but after 2 failed almost placements and a lot of bureaucratic BS, we've decided to bite the financial bullet of IVF with ICSI and are now just waiting for the results on DH's special genetic test (to see if he also has a chromosomal abnormality that is common in men with low sperm counts that would result in a high probability of MC). I've been a member of this thread since it started back in May or June of last year....which is a little depressing, but I've met a lot of lovely, supportive ladies so I don't know that I would change this time next year, all of us should be mommies!!!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Oh and to add to everything, I am stressing over our renter... She hasn't paid since March. :mad: Now, she emails me saying that she would like to pay every two weeks till July to catch up. I guess I have to give her the benefit of the doubt; at least she is trying to plan it all out. But I am afraid it looks pretty on paper, but when it comes to actually paying it won't be so easy. :ohwell: This is some unwanted stress.... Sorry for the vent. :laugh:

    I would have her sign a formal agreement laying out the details and advise her (in the agreement) that if she defaults then she will be facing eviction and court proceedings.
    I believe in CYA at all costs!

    I'd also figure out what paperwork you need legally to start an eviction if she doesn't pay. I know here you have to wait a certain amount of time from the last payment....if she pays sporadically, she can reset that clock. Figure out if there is a way to not have that clock reset!!!
  • eve7166
    eve7166 Posts: 223 Member
    Can I join as well? We r not ttc yet ...not until out one year but we r excited about babies and my goal is to be as healthy as possible for them :)