

  • MsJennyffer
    MsJennyffer Posts: 85 Member
    edited March 2015
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    dapunks wrote: »
    cskone38 wrote: »
    cskone38 wrote: »
    cskone38 wrote: »
    When I go to the gym, I watch the sexy sexy women. I look at those "assets" jigglin in them Yoga pants/tights, and I use it as motivation. I figure if I keep at it on this treadmill, eventually I'll have a sexy body and I'll get to bang hot lil mama's like them!


    What!!? I thought this was ((ABSOLUTELY NO JUDGEMENT))

    You're right, but still.

    Aww come on pal, really? They know what their doin! A chick comes to the gym showing more cleavage than the Grand Canyon, and I'm suppose to pretend I dont see!??
    Pants so tight I could see a vein sticking out, and I'm just suppose to keep my eyes focused on ESPN Sportscenter??

    Umm, ick. Not judging just expressing my feelings.

    I share the same feelings
    Confession: When I go to the gym even though I too wear a long shirt to cover more the yoga pants or leggings, while I work out, I get creeped out by men, usually older, who aren't working out and are staring. Makes me so uncomfortable and then I move to go do something else. I usually text my bf and tell him "Creepy guy staring at me work out" Just in case I get kidnapped
    Glad I got that off my chest. :)
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    JSurita2 wrote: »
    JSurita2 wrote: »
    My dinner last night was 2 huge glasses of port.

    *hangs head in shame*

    Good port?

    Eh...just a Ruby but it was good to me. I downed a 750ml bottle (well almost) in 2 huge goblets. I feel better saying I had 2 glasses then an entire bottle. :wink:

    I'm a Tawny guy, myself, but I once kept myself alive all weekend at a festival with just a jug of ruby.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I often like eating before everyone else so I can make my own meal because it's easier to track. Much easier to just enter the ingredients in my diary than having to make a recipe for it and figure out how much I actually ate.
  • JSurita2
    JSurita2 Posts: 1,304 Member
    JSurita2 wrote: »
    JSurita2 wrote: »
    My dinner last night was 2 huge glasses of port.

    *hangs head in shame*

    Good port?

    Eh...just a Ruby but it was good to me. I downed a 750ml bottle (well almost) in 2 huge goblets. I feel better saying I had 2 glasses then an entire bottle. :wink:

    I'm a Tawny guy, myself, but I once kept myself alive all weekend at a festival with just a jug of ruby.

    A jug....Nice!!!
  • MsJennyffer
    MsJennyffer Posts: 85 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I'm supposed to be working, but I don't have a lot to do, it's Friday, and this thread exists. I'm getting some stuff done, but mostly I'm shuffling papers around occasionally so it looks like I'm doing something productive.

    I am right there with you, but instead of shuffling papers, I click on another website that is work related. I wonder if they notice I have been on the same website for 4 hours now.

  • JSurita2
    JSurita2 Posts: 1,304 Member
    cskone38 wrote: »
    cskone38 wrote: »
    When I go to the gym, I watch the sexy sexy women. I look at those "assets" jigglin in them Yoga pants/tights, and I use it as motivation. I figure if I keep at it on this treadmill, eventually I'll have a sexy body and I'll get to bang hot lil mama's like them!

    Let me assure you that if you use the term "bang", you could look like Jesse Williams and women would still avoid you. This isn't a's a sad fact.

    Yes!! Keep the attacks on me coming! This is what makes blogs fun!!Not this old.....

    "I farted while my dad was holding my legs down for situps"
    type of crap!!

    lol...Is this a blog?
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    JSurita2 wrote: »
    cskone38 wrote: »
    cskone38 wrote: »
    When I go to the gym, I watch the sexy sexy women. I look at those "assets" jigglin in them Yoga pants/tights, and I use it as motivation. I figure if I keep at it on this treadmill, eventually I'll have a sexy body and I'll get to bang hot lil mama's like them!

    Let me assure you that if you use the term "bang", you could look like Jesse Williams and women would still avoid you. This isn't a's a sad fact.

    Yes!! Keep the attacks on me coming! This is what makes blogs fun!!Not this old.....

    "I farted while my dad was holding my legs down for situps"
    type of crap!!

    lol...Is this a blog?

    I've never understood why people troll on forums (or, um, blogs?). A person makes an account on a site they have no interest in, just to try to stir things up amongst people who have a genuine interest in the subject. A troll has nothing better to do than mess with people on the internet, but other people are the losers?

  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,404 Member
    I weigh out veggies like sweet potatoes at the grocery store on my food scale, yes I bring it with me. It's a flat black smooth one and looks like an iPad from a distance. It any of the sweet potatoes weigh more than 200 grams I won't buy it. So some weeks, I don't get them, because none are in the magic gram weight. I also buy loose onions and bell peppers on a similar weight method. Again some weeks, there aren't any in that weight.

    I only buy my International Delight coffee creamer in the single serving mini containers like you get at restaurants. That way I know exactly how much creamer is in my coffee every morning.

    I have counted the pieces of popcorn I have eaten.

    All meat for myself is weighed out of the big package, vacuum sealed with date, weight, and either put in the fridge or freezer.

    Packages of cheese are brought home and cut immediately into 1 ounce slices and vacuum sealed and returned to the fridge.

    Lunches for the week are done on Sunday. Monday, Wednesday and Friday I usually do mixed veggies 300 grams frozen weight to be microwaved. Tuesday and Thursday are Broccoli days and that is 400 grams of frozen weight to be microwaved.

    Boxes of Cereal if they are mine, get pre portioned out to 42 gram Ziploc baggies. I'm the only one who will drink 2% milk. So the half gallon gets weighed out into 8 ounce containers and returned to the fridge in their little reusable thermos containers.

    When I make biscuits, I weigh the flour out and do not use a measuring cup. Any flour used for kneading that is left gets scraped up and weighed to subtract from the recipe.

    I have made hamburgers for a party and weighed each patty, and thrown away what would not divide evenly into the calculated weight of the others.

    I can actually nail the number of servings a peanut butter container has in it by the label to perfect accuracy. I weigh it out too.

    I actually own 4 food scales, 1 that travels, 1 at the office and 2 in the kitchen. Their batteries are changed the 1st day of every month whether they need it or not. They are also all the same brand and identical. I'm a lab tech and have used the calibrated weights to check their accuracy, they are in acceptable range. I do this often.

    Shall I continue. I have developed a lot of quirks over my 900+ logging days here.

    How is your family dealing with that? I'm concerned about you.
  • cskone38
    cskone38 Posts: 50 Member
    JSurita2 wrote: »
    cskone38 wrote: »
    cskone38 wrote: »
    When I go to the gym, I watch the sexy sexy women. I look at those "assets" jigglin in them Yoga pants/tights, and I use it as motivation. I figure if I keep at it on this treadmill, eventually I'll have a sexy body and I'll get to bang hot lil mama's like them!

    Let me assure you that if you use the term "bang", you could look like Jesse Williams and women would still avoid you. This isn't a's a sad fact.

    Yes!! Keep the attacks on me coming! This is what makes blogs fun!!Not this old.....

    "I farted while my dad was holding my legs down for situps"
    type of crap!!

    lol...Is this a blog?

    Its a forum where discreet users post various messages
    So yes, it is!
  • JSurita2
    JSurita2 Posts: 1,304 Member
    cskone38 wrote: »
    JSurita2 wrote: »
    cskone38 wrote: »
    cskone38 wrote: »
    When I go to the gym, I watch the sexy sexy women. I look at those "assets" jigglin in them Yoga pants/tights, and I use it as motivation. I figure if I keep at it on this treadmill, eventually I'll have a sexy body and I'll get to bang hot lil mama's like them!

    Let me assure you that if you use the term "bang", you could look like Jesse Williams and women would still avoid you. This isn't a's a sad fact.

    Yes!! Keep the attacks on me coming! This is what makes blogs fun!!Not this old.....

    "I farted while my dad was holding my legs down for situps"
    type of crap!!

    lol...Is this a blog?

    Its a forum where discreet users post various messages
    So yes, it is!

    Alrighty then, I stand corrected.
  • tchell99
    tchell99 Posts: 434 Member
    cskone38 wrote: »
    JSurita2 wrote: »
    cskone38 wrote: »
    cskone38 wrote: »
    When I go to the gym, I watch the sexy sexy women. I look at those "assets" jigglin in them Yoga pants/tights, and I use it as motivation. I figure if I keep at it on this treadmill, eventually I'll have a sexy body and I'll get to bang hot lil mama's like them!

    Let me assure you that if you use the term "bang", you could look like Jesse Williams and women would still avoid you. This isn't a's a sad fact.

    Yes!! Keep the attacks on me coming! This is what makes blogs fun!!Not this old.....

    "I farted while my dad was holding my legs down for situps"
    type of crap!!

    lol...Is this a blog?

    Its a forum where discreet users post various messages
    So yes, it is!

    It doesn't much matter in the scheme of things, but they are different - that's why there's a section on MFP for people to "blog" and separate one for forum discussions. But whatever works! It's the internetz, after all.
  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,404 Member
    I only track my weight losses, even though it fluctuates and it might not hit that low for a while.
    I have conflicted feelings about my current thin figure. :|

    Like what?
  • tchell99
    tchell99 Posts: 434 Member
    tchell99 wrote: »
    tchell99 wrote: »
    Just got my first warning for a forum post. It was legit as I broke the rules. I didn't really know it was against the rules, but ignorance is no excuse.

    What rule did you break?

    I brought up old *kitten* from someone's wall conversation.

    Ah, ok. I asked b/c you strike me as pretty reasonable and respectful from what I've seen.

    I didn't know that was against rules either. Glad I know now.

    I am neither of those things, and I resent the implication!

    Here's a confession: bushy beards freak me out a bit.

    In my defense I think this stems from when I was a cocktail waitress in college and there was a regular with a massive beard who would periodically drink to the point of puking and then want to dispense bear hugs and big sloppy kisses with chunk remnants still hanging on his beard. I am sure you NEVER do such a thing, though!

  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    yager8725 wrote: »
    Im going to share and then NEVER read this thread again! So be as mean as you want. In the "OLD DAYS" I had to throw food in the garbage to keep myself from eating it. I then had to cover it up with lots of yucky stuff because I would pull it back out and eat it anyway if I didn't. Im sharing because I know there are other people who have this problem and I want them to know that I have officially went 3 years without garbage picking....You can beat the binge!

    I would hope no one would be mean about your confession. Though this thread has certainly taken a turn since page 120 and before. :s
    Good you shared, not sure how much of the thread you've read but many have confessed to be food 'tossers'. Others have gasped at us, it didn't bother me that they did. We all have to do what we have to do. lol We all handle things differently.

    Trust me I do understand... if you have to throw it away because it might cause a binge if you're not feeling as strong, do it!

    So in case you come back... there ya's a non-judgmental reply. :)
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    tchell99 wrote: »
    tchell99 wrote: »
    tchell99 wrote: »
    Just got my first warning for a forum post. It was legit as I broke the rules. I didn't really know it was against the rules, but ignorance is no excuse.

    What rule did you break?

    I brought up old *kitten* from someone's wall conversation.

    Ah, ok. I asked b/c you strike me as pretty reasonable and respectful from what I've seen.

    I didn't know that was against rules either. Glad I know now.

    I am neither of those things, and I resent the implication!

    Here's a confession: bushy beards freak me out a bit.

    In my defense I think this stems from when I was a cocktail waitress in college and there was a regular with a massive beard who would periodically drink to the point of puking and then want to dispense bear hugs and big sloppy kisses with chunk remnants still hanging on his beard. I am sure you NEVER do such a thing, though!

    I would never bring such shame on my bearded brethren. That guy should have his beard license taken away. Don't worry, either. Beards are like cobras, they look scary and are dangerous. Wait, yes, you should be worried.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Ceci_O_K wrote: »

    Did those comments get modded out? I confess that I don't see them when I go back through the thread. I feel like I'm missing a bunch of them.

    I think you're right. :-1:

    The first rule of locked threads is you don't talk about locked threads?

    yup ;)
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    What section did this thread used to be in?? I guess I only posted in it and never looked at the area it was in. The direction does seem to be changing and different ppl are posting... Now that I too have posted a non confession post...

    Regarding chocolate peeps...are they yummy? Are they chocolate covered marshmallow or are the chocolate covered sugar marshmallow like the peeps?

    Thank you to you expert peepers out there for any responses..... :)

    Oh and I might have spelled checked wrong on marshmallow? But we know what I mean right?
  • tchell99
    tchell99 Posts: 434 Member
    tchell99 wrote: »
    tchell99 wrote: »
    tchell99 wrote: »
    Just got my first warning for a forum post. It was legit as I broke the rules. I didn't really know it was against the rules, but ignorance is no excuse.

    What rule did you break?

    I brought up old *kitten* from someone's wall conversation.

    Ah, ok. I asked b/c you strike me as pretty reasonable and respectful from what I've seen.

    I didn't know that was against rules either. Glad I know now.

    I am neither of those things, and I resent the implication!

    Here's a confession: bushy beards freak me out a bit.

    In my defense I think this stems from when I was a cocktail waitress in college and there was a regular with a massive beard who would periodically drink to the point of puking and then want to dispense bear hugs and big sloppy kisses with chunk remnants still hanging on his beard. I am sure you NEVER do such a thing, though!

    I would never bring such shame on my bearded brethren. That guy should have his beard license taken away. Don't worry, either. Beards are like cobras, they look scary and are dangerous. Wait, yes, you should be worried.

    Indeed. However, that townie was less troublesome than the one who used to take out his glass eye, roll it down the bar counter, and then challenge people to fights when they asked him to stop. Ah, college. The good ole' days...

  • DressedInDreams
    DressedInDreams Posts: 96 Member
    I TRULY, TRULY, TRULY wish people would search the forums before starting a new topic!!! Every time I see another "I gained 5 pounds because TOM, is this normal?" (or insert your least fav thread title here) thread, I want to pull the OP through my computer and strangle them.

    I feel this way when I see the plethora of threads about 30 day shred.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    I TRULY, TRULY, TRULY wish people would search the forums before starting a new topic!!! Every time I see another "I gained 5 pounds because TOM, is this normal?" (or insert your least fav thread title here) thread, I want to pull the OP through my computer and strangle them.

    I hear you ...but the search feature doesn't allow bring up what we want it to. Thus ppl beginning new topics. Plus I sometimes wonder if new ppl that perhaps haven't used a forum before know much about there even being a search feature etc.

    I didn't 5 years ago or whenever I joined. I've been on forums but small ones and various Yahoo Groups...very different than this type. So might be part of it?