20 pounds by Easter challenge



  • benians
    benians Posts: 6 Member
    Also, to those of you that weigh in on a regular basis (everyday and whatnot)... you guys are such troopers! I weigh in very scarcely because it's too disappointing to see it fluctuate. I'm best motivated when I weigh in every blue moon, or by gauging by how I feel/how my pants fit.
    Anyways, here's to a successful day of exercise and good dieting!
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    benians wrote: »
    Also, to those of you that weigh in on a regular basis (everyday and whatnot)... you guys are such troopers! I weigh in very scarcely because it's too disappointing to see it fluctuate. I'm best motivated when I weigh in every blue moon, or by gauging by how I feel/how my pants fit.
    Anyways, here's to a successful day of exercise and good dieting!

    It helps me keep tabs on myself if I weigh every day. I tend not to weigh when I want to eat what I shouldn't eat, and things get out of hand. Last time I did that I ended up with a 15 lb. gain when they weighed me at the dr's office. :s And that is why I came back to MFP!
    Have a great day, benians!
  • Jemma22
    Jemma22 Posts: 3 Member
    edited March 2015
    Thank you Marie. Just trying to get the hang of how to work this app.
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    My stats:

    SW : 149
    CW: 143.8
    TL: .1
    GW: 125
  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    Thank you, Challenge Friends for all the support through this experiment. I would not go back to do the three smoothies and few snacks a day, but I do plan to continue the smoothie for breakfast and lunch and a regular dinner. I have lost many inches and my pants are literally falling off and baggy. Yesterday was scary with BP of 100/50 (crazy low for me!) with my head burning and spinning for hours despite laying on a stretcher (in my nursing skills lab) tipped with my head down to increase blood flow to my brain. Today was better without taking any of my BP meds 118/78. Thank goodness. I will have my fellow nursing instructors monitor my BP all week and then get with my doc to officially make changes to my med regimen.

    Marie, where salt goes, water goes. So increased salt leads to increased fluid retention in the blood vessels and surrounding tissues. With your CHF, never change anything without your doctor's advice. You have lots of other issues other than sodium intake. :-)

    I'll check in tomorrow.

    Have a restful night,

    Becky in Warm but getting colder Maryland
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    benians wrote: »
    Also, to those of you that weigh in on a regular basis (everyday and whatnot)... you guys are such troopers! I weigh in very scarcely because it's too disappointing to see it fluctuate. I'm best motivated when I weigh in every blue moon, or by gauging by how I feel/how my pants fit.
    Anyways, here's to a successful day of exercise and good dieting!

    Benians You get to see all the Beautiful Bluebonnet fields occurring to the reports we are hearing they should be beautiful this year. Welcome again


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :D It is awesome to see so many people being successful with their eating and exercise programs.....slow and steady wins the race.


    We ignored St. Patrick's Day today....I never left the house so wearing green wasn't necessary and since we are being very careful about sodium intake, we didn't even consider eating corned beef and cabbage.

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    <3 Barbie from NW Washington
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    edited March 2015
    I hope everybody had a great Tuesday!

    Belinda, you're amazing.

    All you Texas people aren't helping my longing for Austin, btw! I lived there for a little while several years ago, and I love it there. I've been back for vacation twice since then. I really want to live there, it's just a hard decision because my and my husband's family are here, not in TX.

    Congratulations on losses this week! Any loss is still a loss! :)

    It's getting cold again here at night, I'm disappointed in Mother Nature, she giveth and she taketh away. :P But it's supposed to be sunny in the high 60's on Saturday, so I'm hopeful despite the forecast for rain the same day. I think we'll be visiting the in-laws an hour away on Saturday, so I will be packing my meals and snacks for the day. Even though they may have something healthy at their house to eat, it's better to be safe than sorry. I haven't seen them since 22+ lbs. ago, so I'm kinda secretly hoping they notice a big difference.
    Today I looked in the mirror at school and I didn't look fat, so woohoo!

    I feel bad for not commenting on/remembering everybody's post each day, but I do read them all and am there for the ups and downs and ups again. (*)

  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    Oh I almost forgot. Today at our apt. office they had around 5 boxes full of Gigi's Cupcakes. I looked at how cute some of the decorations were, and walked away cupcake-free. As I was leaving the ladies who work in the office told me to grab a cupcake, and I said "I observed them, but I'm not going to take one". Haha. They all gave me "Good for you!" type comments. (Of course, they don't know of my weight loss/goals)
    I really love free things, so usually I "have" to take it if it's free, you know? But it was easy passing up these cupcakes today. If I ever want one, I know just where to get it, so I don't need it now. :) And the best part? Realizing that I didn't even want one. I still have sweets and treats, but they are accounted for in my calorie cap. Not eating during class(3-4 hours) also ends up giving me a good chunk of calories left over for when I get home. So I passed up those cupcakes earlier, but had spare calories to have some chocolate tonight. :)

    It's true that it's better for you, and generally more filling, to eat most of your calories as "good" foods. Fruits, veggies, etc. But as long as you're strict with your calories, you can still have "bad" foods in moderation sometimes. So if some of you all want that handful of peanuts, or popcorn, or pretzels(my daily snack), don't feel bad about eating it. Just make sure it's within your calories, and enjoy. :)
  • eatless83
    eatless83 Posts: 158 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Glad to read all the success stories!!

    I had a fantastic week last week and was finally starting to feel good about myself and what I was achieving here!!

    But this week I have lost the plot! And not really sure why. I spent Monday picking at food all day and then yesterday i just over ate!

    So my loss is back (and some)

    My bf is off on a work trip for 10 days so it will be a good time to start my smoothie experiment as I plan to get rid of everything else in the fridge! Just hop my book arrives soon!

    Not been to the gym in almost 10 days so not feeling good about that either. I changed office locations and have not been able to locate nearest fitness first.

    Sorry for the doom and gloom but just needed somebody to share it with who understands.

    Nevertheless, today is a new day and my one task for the day is to find the gym in my lunch hour and then start up my routine again!!

    Here's to a new start from Wednesday :-)

    Have a good day everyone

  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    Don't get down, Faye! You're going to make everything better in the morning. :)
  • AlexisMichele93
    AlexisMichele93 Posts: 60 Member
    Hi everyone!! Today was a bit of a mixed day for me. I had stopped drinking sweet tea and eating chocolate, which were daily (in fact several times a day Lol) activities for me in the past. Yesterday in the gym I got a horrible throbbing headache and figured I was dehydrated. However I got it back today while walking around to class. It was awful. :( My mom said I probably had it from caffeine withdrawl, has anyone experienced that before or know what it is? I got a tea and felt better a few hours later but I'm not sure if it's a coincidence! I've always heard drinks other than water are empty calories but I'm debating keeping a tea a day and just adjusting my calories appropriately for it.
    But, I had enough calories (and then some) left over for a brownie! It was heavenly :) Today was my resting day, but I'll be back in the gym tomorrow!
    Hope everyone had a happy, healthy St. Patricks Day! Good luck to you all and may the scale show all your hard work and success :)

    -AlexisMichele93 (Or Lexi)
  • eatless83
    eatless83 Posts: 158 Member
    rayw89 wrote: »
    Don't get down, Faye! You're going to make everything better in the morning. :)

    Thanks Ray - support is everything in this cycle :-)
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    I had a really "lazy" day today. I was hurting pretty badly after walking over 6 1/2 miles yesterday. My bad knees and bad hips were screaming dirty words at me today so I only swam a half hour today and I have only walked a mile and a half. But I did not go over my calories today!! I even treated myself to a small piece of chocolate cake after I had corned beef and cabbage. I am proud of myself though I did not have seconds on dinner. First time in my life for that one. But I am planning on corned beef hash for lunch tomorrow after my girls are done with their activities. And I just realized I never posted my name. I am Esther or as the "losername" says I am also called Otter by children who can't say my name right.
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning, losers! Happy Wednesday!

    Ray..good for you for being cupcake-free! (*)

    Faye...eating healthily and getting fit it HARD but so is staying fat. :s You've come to the right place. We are here for you, kiddo.

    Lexi..tea is fine, but ditch the sugar. Maybe use Truvia or some other sweetener? Water is probably the best, and after a while, that will be all you want. :p

    Esther..maybe you need a rest day. Kudos on not having the second serving! :)

    Gym day for me, and I am not feeling it. Just kind achy today. Maybe I'll just do the training and skip the pool. My rest day is tomorrow so I may just try to power through it.

    Have a great day, losers!
    Stay strong!


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :D Lexi, I gave up drinking anything with caffeine a few years ago. I gradually drank less each day until I was drinking none at all. That seemed to avoid the headache that comes from stopping abruptly. Now I drink only water and am very happy with my decision.

    <3 Barbie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    Sorry for the doom and gloom but just needed somebody to share it with who understands.



    This is a good place to vent. fill free to do so. you will get it work out Faye.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited March 2015
    am going to follow connie lead and give up heavy carbs after lunch. I have already given up Wheat products all together So should be easy for me. Go girl go
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited March 2015
    Becky been looking for your 10th day report Either I overlook it or you have not posted yet.
    but did want to congrats you for sticking with it for 10 days. sounds like it was a success for you. Briches falling off of you. :o Marie